Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 868: Probate

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At this time, the vast expanse of rocky plains.

Several imperial palace powerhouses and many female disciples of Lingxiu Pavilion have already come in smoothly.

Feel the cold wind is eroding the real yuan, they have no way to block, quite a headache!

And like the idea of ​​the two dogs, several emperor strongmen even sacrificed their own instruments, ready to dig holes in the ground, restore the real yuan and then move forward.

But at this moment, one of them was in a stiff body and suddenly looked at the front and exclaimed: "Look, that... is that the Imperial Palace?"

The rest of the people looked up and looked up at the distance, and then they were dumbfounded on the spot.

For the imperial palace powerhouse, the palace is simply too familiar.

Even the many female disciples of Lingxiu Pavilion recognized that the palace floating in the air is the imperial palace of the Xuanzhen mainland!

"This... what is this?"

"Is it holy that his old man is coming?"

"No, it is impossible to move the imperial palace on the holy, but that is our foundation!"

“Is it an illusion?”

Several emperor strongmen are confused.

They have been in the sky for a few months, and they don’t know that the emperor’s palace was taken away by Xu. At this moment, more people feel that there is an illusion!

Suddenly, on the roof of one of the buildings, a dog's head emerged, holding a piece of meat in his hand.


Everyone was immediately shocked, and they all shouted in unison: "Two dogs!"


The two dogs heard this sound far away, and they were shocked. The meat in the hand was also frightened. It immediately thundered: "You are nervous! What is it called, believe it or not, and slap the slap in the face!"

"Great, this is not an illusion!" Everyone was overjoyed and they speeded up and swept forward.

However, a few emperor's strongmen have a look of a circle, and they always don't understand. How did this palace go here!

But now there is not so much leisure time to guess, can only follow the crowd to go, avoid the erosion of the cold wind!


At this time, the Imperial Palace suddenly shocked, followed by flying directly forward.

"Hey! The meat of the gods!" The two dogs just climbed out of the roof and wanted to pick up the piece of meat. As soon as the emperor flew away, it immediately screamed and watched the piece of meat getting farther and farther.

"Daoyou, wait for us!" Several emperor strongmen were also anxious, shouting loudly, and the speed of advancement could not help but speed up.

Many female disciples of Lingxiu Pavilion have also accelerated.

However, the Imperial Palace did not stop at all, and it was still flying quickly and peacefully.

The only thing that made everyone sigh of relief was that they barely chased the back of the imperial palace. The cold wind was blocked by the size of the whole palace, and no longer eroded their true elements.

So all the way down, they are a lot easier.

At this time, within the main hall of the Imperial Palace.

Xu lacks the refinement of this palace, and he can control it as he pleases, sitting on the dragon chair with Jiang Hongyan, and between the thoughts, you can go to the ground and travel around!

"I really don't want to be a fairy! Good things!" Xu lacked a face to meet.

For him, although this thing has no fighting power, it is still more practical than the ancient life and death wheel. Going out directly to a palace of emperor, it is a hundred times stronger than driving a sports car!

"According to this speed, you should be able to cross this area soon!" Jiang Hongyan said, looking straight ahead.

Light spots have begun to appear in the distance, just like the exit of the cave!

Xu’s shortcoming nodded: “It’s coming, but I still can’t find Zhang Tiandao. I don’t know where he died... eh?”

When the words were not finished, Xu lacked a sudden shock and stood up.

He stood in the hall, his vision was wide enough, and he instantly found that the front was close to the exit, and there was a man who dug out the hole.

Although there are countless holes in this place, there is more than one, but this hole is very different. It is spread with a piece of animal skin in the hole, and the material of the animal skin is exactly the same as that of Weizi.

"It seems that he has been found!" Xu suddenly screamed at the corner of his mouth, speeding up the flight of the Imperial Palace and rushing toward the exit.

In a short time, the surrounding rock walls gradually became narrower, and Xu Xiao also took up the Imperial Palace, and Jiang Hongyan and the two dogs stepped out.

The people who came in from the back were amazed, and they were completely sure that this imperial palace was under the control of Xu!

"Dao friends, how can the Imperial Palace be in your hands?" A strong imperial palace could not help but ask.

"Grabbed!" Xu lacked a simple and clear response, and did not return to the hole in the hole.


When everyone heard it, they suddenly opened their eyes and looked terrified!

Mom! Is this guy crazy?

What is not good to grab, actually grabbed the emperor's palace on the holy?

"This guy took away the holy sage and robbed the imperial palace. Isn't it mad now?"

"Wait, he shouldn't be chased by the Holy Spirit to hide on Dengxian Road?"

"I am going, the cliff is possible!"

Several emperor strongmen had big eyes and small eyes, and they swallowed hard.

To offend the Holy Spirit into this way, you can still live to Dengxian Road, and dare to be so mad, I am afraid that this world can not find a second person!


At this time, Xu deficiency has already rushed to the hole above the hole, and immediately fell to the ground!


When the mind is moving, the soul of the majestic spirit is suddenly open, like a stormy wave, pouring directly into it!


Suddenly, Xu’s brow was slightly wrinkled.

Half of the spirit of the spirit is suddenly blocked by an invisible force. No matter how hard it is, there is no way to advance half a half!

"There is a ban!"

Xu lacked the judgment immediately, the hole was arranged forbidden, and it is not a general prohibition!

With a bang, he plunged into the hole and stared at it.

Sure enough, there is a fascinating glow in the inside, exudes an ancient Tao, and countless runes continue to flow!

This is a very strong ban, very extraordinary.

Just by forbidding the light curtain, Xu Xiao saw a bone in the depths of the hole, and a few lines on the stone wall beside the bones!

"With the one who came from the scorpion, you can go through the ban and get everything for me!"

Hey, this is a very wonderful old surname ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also a woman who sold Zhang Tiandao and fled alone.

Zhang Tiandao also kept a word on the animal skin, saying that he must bring the skull of the monk back to get everything he has, including the broken space!

It’s a pity that now that the time is tens of thousands of years, the woman may have died, or even soared away, otherwise the Weizi will not be empty-handed!

"It seems to be a strong attack! I just don't know how to cast a king punch in this place, will it destroy the cave..." Xu missed the chin and hesitated.


At the same time, on a stone mountain outside the exit.

A pair of strong bodies, white feather wings behind, like angels and men and women, are watching the stone wall!

The picture displayed on the stone wall is actually a lack of people in the cave.

Looking at Xu's lack of standing in the hole in the hole, the faces of the two heavenly men and women suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

"So many years, after all, someone is coming to die!"

"Their low-level people are really stupid!"

"I don't want to think about it. If the things inside are so good, I have already taken it by the Heavenly Terrans. Will you get them in turn?"

"Oh, that prohibition is too strong, but the patriarch also mentioned that after another 10,000 years, the ban will be weakened. Then I can get a break, and leave here to open up a new world!"

"Unfortunately, I knew that the person with so many treasures, I don't have to test him, just take him down!"

"Now it's useless to say that, we haven't been born yet! But what I am interested in now is how to play with these lower races. If it is not a family restriction, I want to go out and find them now!"

"Haha, there is no need to worry, ‘Tianren’s Trial’ has not been opened for many years, and when they come out, they will let us tease in the trial!”



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