Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 891: Home road

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"Young people, although we are at a disadvantage now, please don't overdo it!"

The oldest person of the age of the old man opened his mouth and said: "The conditions you just said are all done. What are your requirements?"

"The old man don't be angry! You are jealous of you, you are old, you are angry when you are not moving. No wonder life is so short! In fact, it is just a small thing, you can't make such a hurry!" Xu lacked bitterness and comfort.

The face of many old people, Tie Qing, was slightly relieved.

"Well, since it is a small matter, then you can say, as long as it is not too much, the old man can promise, these are all small meanings!" The oldest person of the age of the old man nodded and looked at Xu Wei.

"Oh, that's simple! Actually, it can't be said to be trivial. It should be medium-minded!" Xu swayed his hand and smiled and said: "My last request is that all of you will open up the knowledge to me, I Put something, rest assured, I promise to just lie outside, never go in!"


In an instant, all the heavenly and old people in the audience were stunned and covered with a circle.

Open mind?

Put something?

Isn't this **** to implant the Soul of the Soul and control the life and death?

Hold the grass!

Can this be considered medium?

This is simply super big, okay?

Also Nima is only squatting outside, not going in! What do you mean by us?

Many old people were trembled on the spot, and almost all of their blood was pouring into their throats, almost squirting out!

It’s really unbearable and it’s too much to bully!


In an instant, all the Terran old mans broke out in a majestic killing, staring at Xu.

"This..." Jiang Hongyan was also suddenly seen by this sudden scene, and then she shook her head in a dumbfounding.

She did not expect that Xu Xuan would actually make such a request, not to kill each other, but instead want to plant a soul curse in the other god's knowledge!

This is better than killing the other party. After all, this is equivalent to trying to use the other party as a slave to call!

"Oh, it really is the society, I am a brother, and there are many people!" The two dogs immediately screamed and screamed, and they liked to watch this kind of situation, the more chaotic and excited.


At this time, the entire area was immediately filled with a horrible killing.

For the first few old people, the face was gloomy and screamed: "Young people, you are too much, really want to force us to die with you?"

“Don’t die?” Xu’s mouth suddenly picked up a scornful smile and shook his head. “You’re afraid there is no such qualification!”

"Let's relax!" The oldest survivor finally screamed, and stared at Xu's lack of anger. "Young people, my celestial beings have been here for endless years. Do you really think that we have this point? Do you advise me not to be too old?" Excessive, if you are good, you will receive it, otherwise my family will not hesitate to pay the price, you will also die!"

"Oh, you still have the courage to threaten me?" Xu was happy when he was out of bed.

Of course, he knows the heritage of the Terran, and it is probably more than that.

But what about that?

This is the end of the world, and the most powerful level of the kingdom of the heavens is not afraid, but also afraid of your heavenly people?

Even if you really come up with a fairyland, this sacred sac is still in the dead!

"Hey, young people, you must know that there are people outside, there are days outside, some things, the old man does not want to talk too much, I hope you don't make mistakes!" The oldest man of the ages, the cold-hearted, began to lean on the old.

"Young people, we also advise you that the human race wants the consciousness of the human race and must have self-knowledge!"

"My family is so treated to you, I have been very respectful to you!"

The rest of the old people also looked cold and cold, said Shen Sheng.

Until this moment, although they were afraid of the lack of strength, they still looked down on Xu.

The hierarchical concept of race has been deeply ingrained in their minds, and it can be eliminated so quickly without strength.

They firmly believe that the Terran is the most supreme race, and the Terran and other races are all low!

Therefore, in the face of this kind of racially unreasonable race, Xu lacks only one word - kill!

"I was too lazy to kill you. After all, it would be a waste of time to kill the newly-derived worms, but now... since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!" The voice just fell, hey, he Suddenly loosened his hands.

Thousands of thousands of real yuan connected between the fingers, instantly collapsed, millions of Heavenly Devils mosquitoes on the spot to restore freedom, countless wings roaring, almost deafening, scalp numb.


In the next moment, all the geniuses of the geniuses turned into a huge black wave, which rushed out and swept all the natives of the heavens.

Almost all of the old Terran old people did not have time to react, and they were instantly submerged in the wave of the Heavenly Mosquito.


"Little beast, you..."

"After you are finished, my family will not die with you!"

"When the first three generations of our ancestors wake up, your human race will flow into the river!" A scream of screams and roars came from them.

All the Terran and old people are fighting hard, but in the face of a huge number of Phonic Entomologists, they can’t stop it for a long time. After all, they are gradually being swallowed up. The body has become the nourishment and food of the genus Mosquito, and a bunch of A bunch of small worms!

"Killing one person is a crime, killing a million people is evil, and killing a million people is a hero! I have countless people who have been killed by Xu, and will you miss these old things?"

Xu lacks a cold smile.

This is a very tragic result, he did not want to do this at first.

After all, if you accidentally let go of one or two out of the sky, you will probably become a disaster, chaos and the world!

Therefore, when he was outside, he would rather risk himself to sneak into the Heavenly Pavilion, and he never thought about putting these Heavenly Mosquitoes out to deal with the Terran.

Because he has no rules, he also obeys a rule, people do not commit me, I am not guilty!

Even if he is evil, at least he has his own bottom line.

But now the situation is different. This area has been blocked by the void. He does not worry that the genus Mosquito will run away. It is just like what he said just now. He does not want to release the scorpion mosquitoes easily. It is just trouble!

Just like now, all the monstrous during the Mahayana period are dead, but they leave the big worms in this area, and they have to spend some time and energy to catch them one by one. Linghong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not far from Jiang Hongyan, the face is calm at this moment, can not see the slightest fluctuations.

Can be heartfelt, but also shocked by the lack of Xu.

Killing one person is a crime, killing a million people is evil, and killing a million people is a hero!

A good little guy, this kind of courage, really worthy of his strength!

In this world, only he is shocked and ancient, no second person can be in line with him!


In the end, Xu lacked all the beasts and opened all the geniuses in the area!

After carefully sweeping through the lap, he found that after the omission, he took back the beast bag.

At this time, his realm has risen from the five-layer period of the fit to the eight-layer period of the fit!

The momentum is suddenly rising, and the road is full of enthusiasm!

However, the experience of the dozens of peak riders in the Mahayana period can only satisfy him to upgrade three small levels.

"It seems that the more you go to the back, the more you have to cultivate yourself. Otherwise, if you go on like this, I am afraid that there will not be so many Mahayana strong people can kill!" Xu shook his head and shouted, secretly whispering.

"Little guy!" At this moment, Jiang Hongyan's gentle voice was gently transmitted.

Xu turned around and she was looking at herself. With a warm smile, she said: "I seem to have found a place in this place!"

"What?" Xu lacked a glimpse, and immediately thought of something, horrified: "You mean, the use of the broken space?"

"Not bad!" Jiang Hongyan nodded slightly, her eyes just fell to the position where the old man had just died.

Xu was surprised and suddenly turned to look.

At the same time, the two dogs also exclaimed: "Hold the grass, this ... this is difficult to achieve is the legendary void junction, is the key entrance to the fairy world!"

"Do not!"

Xu shook his head and shook his head. His face was already difficult to suppress, and he trembled: "This is the way I go home!"

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