Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 896: These are the toys I played from childhood to big!

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Gossip way?


This... what the hell?

Which country is this guy?

All of a sudden, several foreign friends circled and looked at each other.

"Do you understand the words of this guy?"

"Oh, my way, I know, this guy is from R, he is swearing!"

"Damn, R country could be so did the quality, beat him!"

"Wait, no, I just heard him say Axi, I have seen Korean drama before, he must be the Ouba of the H country!"

"H's country? It's no wonder that it looks pure and clean, and the facial features are so delicate, it must be plastic surgery!"

"Is not right, you see his nose blowing, I saw it on the R movie, hey, look, he put the snot out of his mouth!"

"The trough!"

"Yes, this guy must be the R country, otherwise it will not be so changed - state!"

Several foreigners were frightened by the lack of Xu’s actions, especially the three men who all looked disgusted and disgusted.

The two white women also took a step back and didn't dare to approach, for fear that he would act again.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh..." At this moment, Xu suddenly suddenly became like crazy, screaming and rushing to the sea.

Several foreigners were shocked and thought he was going to attack them and raised their arms.

But the next moment, they are dumbfounded.

Xu lacked them, and shouted all sorts of strange words in his mouth, "Yami Butterfly" for a while, "Seeing Minda" for a while, and "Ki Ink" for a while.

In the end, he suddenly shouted "a library" and then plunged into the sea at one end.


The splash suddenly splashed, and the figure missing from Xu disappeared without a shadow.

Several foreign friends suddenly circled and opened their mouths.

"what's the situation?"

"Is this guy jumping into the sea?"

"I rely, is it a madman?"

"How did it happen? He is clearly not our flight!"

"Don't worry, go to the shore and wait for him. Then ask again, maybe there is a way to leave this desert island."

Several people immediately chased up.

Only after arriving at the beach, they frowned, and they did not find Xu’s figure.

The sea is endless, the sea is clear, but you can't see Xu missing.

"What happened? Others?"

"Can't you go anywhere else?"

"Impossible, he is not a swimming champion, not so fast!"

"Yeah, this place is all sea water, where can he go!"

"The sea! You are all water!"

"Well, he shouldn't swim in the deep sea? It's **** sure!"

For a time, several foreign friends were moved.

Going deep into the sea, it is simply a dead end.

They spent a month on the desert island, tried countless ways to leave, and even made a simple boat. As a result, no land and big ships were found for five days and five nights. Finally, six people on the boat were almost killed in the sea and there was a dehydration. And died, two were swallowed by sharks, two were missing in the sea, and only one was washed back to the shore by the sea.

From then on, they knew that it was impossible to leave here by a single boat, let alone swimming.

"Well, he is dead!"

A few foreigners suddenly shook their heads, their faces were full of regrets, and there were many problems that had not yet been answered. The only foreigners who saw them were gone, how can they not be disappointed!


At the same time, Xu lacked his body shape and secretly returned to the island.

He took off the human skin mask and shook his body. The sea water from the whole body was instantly evaporated, and the hair was dried. He was waved into a refreshing short hair.

Followed by this, the goods were redeemed from the system mall for a neat sportswear, set on the body, transformed into a clean and handsome young man.

"Hey, a group of ants, nothing to play with!" Xu smiled, patted the clothes, and walked out.

Several foreigners were still standing by the sea and whispering.

When Xu was short, he opened his mouth and shouted in pure Chinese: "I don't know who you are, why are you on my island?"


A few foreigners suddenly jumped and suddenly turned around. After seeing Xu’s shortcomings, they were completely shocked.

what's the situation?

How come another Asian?

"Tell you, why is it on my island, this is a private island, please leave!" Xu Wei continued to speak Chinese and speaks with a sullen face.

He just judged from the dialogue of this group of people, this is a survivor who fell on the island after a plane crash, so it is extraordinarily natural to install the island as his own.

A few foreigners simply couldn’t understand Chinese and looked at each other.

Suddenly, Evelyn, the blonde woman who first discovered Xu deficiency, asked a little embarrassedly: "Is you a Chinese? I can understand a little Chinese!"

She used English, and Xu lacked to respond in English simply: "Yes, I am Chinese, this is the island of my family. What are you doing here?"

"What?" A few people couldn't help but hear.

"Your island?" The black man looked suspicious!

"How is this possible, here is the Atlantic!" Lucy, a short-haired white woman, was also amazed.

The strong white man sneered: "Huaxia people really love to brag, I don't care how you came, you better take us out, otherwise don't blame Laozi!"

"Charlie, don't do this, we don't know which island this is, it's probably his island!" Evelyn hurriedly pulled the white man and advised.

Charlie directly opened Evelyn's hand and was annoyed: "I have been in this ghost place for more than a month, and I am tired of it! If you are not a fool, you want to go to Europe to play, I will fall into this kind of thing." Where?"

"Charlie, you..."

"What are you? If there is no signal in this ghost place, I can call the family out of the boat and pick me up. I am now at this point, all of them are harmful!"

Charlie angered, and looked directly at Xu Xiao, Shen Sheng: "Hey, Huangpi monkey, I don't care if this is your island, anyway, this place is very bad, I now ask you to take me out of here immediately, I can Give you a lot of money to pay!"

Oh, it’s so arrogant!

Xu is short of fun, play with me? come!

"Take you away?"

He immediately shook his head and looked at it: "I am afraid this is not possible, my transportation is limited!"

"It doesn't matter, we can squeeze it! Sir, how big is your boat? How many people can you ride?" Lucy asked.

"Or we can leave a few people first, you just have to give us something to eat, and when you go out for help, the rescue team will come!"

"Yes, yes, let the rescue team know that we are here!" Evelyn also nodded.

"Fart!" Charlie suddenly screamed, his face was impatient: "You have to keep it for yourself. Anyway, I have to leave first. I have had enough of this ghost place. Yellow-shelled monkey, how much is your boat, I bought it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, my boat is not big, you see, it is also a small yacht!" Xu said, reaching for a finger, pointing to the seaside not far away.

Several foreigners turned their heads and looked dumbfounded.

Small yacht?

Paralysis, this is a remote desert island on the Atlantic! Can you drive a small yacht here?

Charlie is also a bit sorrowful. A small yacht is a million yachts. He can still afford it at home, but it is unrealistic to open this small yacht back to M.

"Amount, yes, there is a submarine!"

At this time, Xu suddenly suddenly stretched his finger to the other side of the sea.

Several foreigners turned their heads and looked at it completely.

On the other side of the sea, I really stopped a huge submarine and floated on the beach.

Lying in the trough!

This... how is this possible?

Such a big submarine, why didn’t you see it?


Charlie is directly stagnating in place, full of disappointment.

Submarine, mom, this is what he can’t afford to sell with his parents!

How can a Chinese person have such a large submarine?

"Ah! But these are the toys I played from childhood to big, it is my childhood memories, so I can't sell them! I am sorry, I will not tell you, my aircraft carrier is coming, goodbye!" After that, walk towards the other direction.

Several foreigners heard the words and immediately trembled with horror.

Yachts, submarines are small toys to big toys?

Also **** an aircraft carrier?

Wait, sail... aircraft carrier?

Several people immediately reacted and suddenly looked at the direction in which Xu was missing.

Sure enough, a huge aircraft carrier on the sea is slowly coming.



[Fourth! Monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, Yeah! 】

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