Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 905: Fairy

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The ban opened a gap.

Xu lacks foot lightning, crosses the sky, and instantly flows like a stream of light, rushing out of the atmosphere and reaching space directly.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Hongyan also rushed to face.

She has been paying attention to this position. When the ban was opened, she knew that Xu was missing and immediately left the moon.

The two men merged smoothly and looked at each other. Without words, they naturally held their hands and turned to the earth.


However, Jiang Hongyan’s departure from the moon was completely photographed by satellites from various countries.

The moment the photo was passed back to the earth, I immediately frightened a large number of people.

M National Space Agency.

"oh-my-godddddd!CHANG-E left the moon!"

"Where is she going?"

"Fast, mobilize other satellite footage!"

"I found out that satellite No. 3 photographed her. Is this...the direction of the earth?"

"My God, she landed on the earth!"

"Fast, inform the Air Defense Department, enter the seven levels... No, it is to enter the highest level of alert!"

“Find out the location of her landing quickly. Our M country must capture her first time. She can breathe in space, which will greatly help our alien colonial research!”


H National Space Agency.

"Hey, she finally came to Earth on Smecta!"

"She must have come to save us in the Republic of Korea, Smecta!"

"Wait, isn't it China? Smecta!"

"No, our history experts have studied, and six out of ten blood is our country, so she is the fairy Smecta of our H country!"


Huaxia Space Administration.

"This... is this really coming?"

“Is it really embarrassing? The photo taken this time is very close to her!”

“It’s so beautiful, it’s more perfect than art!”

"Fast, immediately find out where she landed, even if it is abroad, it is necessary to **** her back!"



The space departments of the countries of the world have become a mess and even alarmed many amnesties.

After all, the appearance of Jiang Hongyan is too shocking for the people of the earth.

A person, actually can not wear any spacesuit, sitting on the moon, swimming in space, is simply a fairy!


At the same time, Xu Xiaoyan has brought Jiang Hongyan back to the top of Mount Tai.


In the first time, he opened his soul and ignited the forbidden line under the Taishan site, and closed the gap firmly!

Since the predecessors laid such a strong array of methods, there must be a reason. Perhaps it is to resist foreign enemies. Maybe they want to ban some powerful existence. Xu lacks the reason and does not want to destroy this balance. After receiving Jiang Hongyan, The first time the ban will be restored.

But he forgot that when he and Jiang Hongyan stepped into the earth, the balance had already been destroyed!

"Little guy, is this your hometown?" After Jiang Hongyan fell to the ground, she curiously looked around and asked softly.

Xu lacked his pride and stood upright: "Yes! This is a tens of thousands of miles, which is the land of my hometown, the place where I raised me!"

Jiang Hongyan smiled slightly and nodded: "Jiangshan is picturesque, outstanding people!"

Xu shook his head and shook his head: "It's a pity that there is a lack of aura, not suitable for cultivation! When I finish some things, we still have to go back to four continents!"

"Well, listen to you!" Jiang Hongyan smiled, and then his eyes softly fell on Xu's body, whispered: "Little guy, is this your hometown dress?"

"Well?" Xu was short of a sigh, and this was reflected. He had short hair and was wearing sportswear.

He immediately nodded and smiled: "Yes, the people in my hometown are almost the same as the dresses of the four continents hundreds of years ago, but now almost all of them are worn, but you don't need to care, we don't care about other people's opinions!"

"This is not good, this is your hometown, I should follow the customs!" Jiang Hongyan grinned, the jade hand lifted, the real power flashed, and instantly changed the shape of her clothes.

The fabric is still the original fabric, but the line and appearance have completely changed, and it is transformed into a sportswear that is almost exactly the same as Xu.

Xu lacked his eyes and opened his mouth.

He is not amazed by Jiang Hongyan's technique, but is amazed by Jiang Hongyan's body!

A modern sportswear is worn on her body, and her figure is well-defined, with a perfect curve and a variety of curves.

Her temperament, the peerless face, and the intellectual beauty of a mature woman, dignified and elegant, is simply not a thing!

Even if Xu had already seen her figure on the Lingyu Tower that year, it was still amazing.

"Good-looking?" Jiang Hongyan saw Xu's lack of exaggerated expression, could not help but be teased, and asked softly.

"Good-looking!" Xu suddenly nodded.

But the next moment, he suddenly became a condensed, serious, and seriously said: "But I think this dress is not for you, little girl, I will take you to go shopping for clothes later, I think you are suitable for other styles. costumes!"

"Good!" Jiang Hongyan smiled.

"Well, let's talk while walking. I think the professional suit is more suitable for you, and there are black silk and high heels. That is the must for the royal sister! Oh, right, you can also try the sailor suit, nurse suit, flight attendant suit, 咦The student clothes are not bad, they are all popular styles in our hometown!"

"it is good!"

"But what I said, in our hometown, I can only wear it to me at home. When we go out, you still have to wear big cotton jackets and trousers, so it is warmer. Well, this is also the custom of our hometown. !"

"it is good!"

The two walked and said, they quickly went down the mountain, gradually drifting away, and eventually disappeared into the distance!


At this time, the outside world has completely become a mess!

The miraculous hacker once again made a fuss, and blackened the space agencies of countries such as M and H, and the power of the latest pictures taken by the satellites.

On the Internet, the pot was blasted in an instant, and the major forums fell. The words “嫦娥下凡” and “Fairy 嫦娥 landed on the earth” were the first in the search list and the top of the microblogging hot list!

Internet users all over the world are talking about this matter, which is very sensational.

M country.

"My God, is this true?"

"It’s terrible!"

"Why do aliens look so beautiful!"

"What's the use of beauty, she must have come to invade the earth!"


H country.

"Scorpio, our beautiful beggars are coming to the mortal, Smecta!"

"The latest news has just been released by M, and it is coming to Mount Tai in China!"

"Ah? She ran the wrong place, it should be back to our Republic of Korea!" Many great people on the ground!

Suddenly, a discordant message came out: "Rely, don't you want a B face? When did you become your H country? Can you have a bit of B?"

When the message came out, it was drowned by a group of crazy comments. [www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why isn’t it our H country? ”

"Experts have said that you have the very six bloodlines of our Republic of Korea! It is the **** of our H country!"

"That netizen, who are you from? Why did you go to our H-country forum to trouble? Looking for death?"

The next moment, a lot of Chinese comments came quickly.

"Knocking Nim!"

"H country stick stinky face!"

"Fried Tian Li Li said sneer!"

"Hey, upstairs, you are also the fan of "The strongest anti-trunk invincible goddess is a routine"? In the next day, help Li Xiaoyao!"

"Hey, the H-country also dares to YY our goddess, believe it or not, I am going to help Yang to single-handedly single-handedly with you?"

"In the next day, I will help Lu Bu, declare war on the stick!"

"In the next day, help Zhao Yun, declare war on the stick!"

"I rely on, the day of the bombing to help the army!"

"It’s terrible. It’s enough to kill a stick with a sip of water!”

"Explosive days, the grass is not born!"

"There is only one needle left in the sky!"

"Hey, fried days help five to open this tour!"

"Hold the grass, the brother is coming, everyone is shouting slogans!"

"Lu Benwei Niubi! Explosive days help the bulls!"


Just less than a few interest rates, the entire H-country forum was framed, directly bombed by the Tianbang and countless netizens in China.

On the same day, Huaxia also immediately sent a team, and even the major chaebol family, also sent people to rush to Taishan.

However, everyone is emptied.

Because of the lack of Xu at this moment, Jiang Hongyan has crossed the sky and is rushing to Linshen City.

Originally, he really wanted to go shopping with Jiang Hongyan, but Lao Cai suddenly sent a text message to inform him that he had news of his sister Xu Feifei, let him rush back immediately!


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