Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 916: Something to ask you

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The first second, Liu Wei is still falling into despair.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that her shoulder was light, and Wu, who was still trying to stick to her, seemed to suddenly disappear.

She suddenly looked around and looked up.

I saw Wu’s obese body. At this moment, he was picked up by the people. He was lifted in the air, and his face was still a little sluggish. It seems that there was still some reaction that did not happen.

"This..." Liu Wei was shocked, and immediately looked at the person in front of him, could not help but stay.

Xu was actually holding a handful of Wu, looking at her with a smile, standing next to Lin Yuxi and a strange woman.

"Xu deficiency, Yuxi, you... how come you?" Liu Wei suddenly surprised, his heart was amazed.

She had already had a phone conversation from Lin Yuxi last night and learned that Xu was not dead yet.

However, I did not expect that Xu was now in front of her, and she also raised a large Wu.

This made her unbelievable and almost doubted whether she was drunk and had an illusion!

At this moment, Wu, who was shackled in the air, had already reacted. He suddenly angered and shouted: "What are you doing? Grass, do you know who Laozi is? Don't let Laozi down!"

"Noisy!" Xu lacked a cold cry, a big hand, Wu Zong that obese body, instantly turned into a parabola, suddenly flew out.


The next moment, with a huge resounding sound.

Wu’s obese body, squatting directly on a table, instantly flipped the table and scared the whole table from the chair.

"Ah..." Wu always fell to the ground with the table and made a pig-like scream.

The clean suit, which was also smashed by countless dishes.

In an instant, all the noisy voices of the audience suddenly stopped!

Many guests and stars have been attracted to the attention in an instant, and all eyes are coming together at this moment.

Xu lacked a look of indifference, looking at Liu Wei as if he was no one, smiling: "Old classmates, long time no see! Come with me, I have something to ask you!"

"Ah?" Liu Wei was a little bit guilty at the moment, and his face was wrong.

From Xu Xiao suddenly appeared, and then to a hand to throw out Wu, the whole process in less than a few seconds, so that she did not have time to respond, some worry.

Xu lacked a smile: "I said, I have something to ask..."

"A big courage, who is making trouble at my celebration party?" Suddenly, a loud drink rang and directly interrupted Xu’s words.


The eyes of some people in the whole place swept away toward the crowd in an instant.

Many stars and even some bosses have a look of awe in their faces, and they have retired on their own initiative.

"General Wang!"

"Wang brother!"

"Boss boss!"

Under the respectful address of everyone, a middle-aged man in a suit and dress stepped out.

His face was gloomy, his face was full of anger when he was angry, and he was a blind man at first glance.

Liu Yu suddenly shuddered, his face was white on the spot, his lips slightly tense to trembling.

"When it's over, Xu lacks you to cause big troubles!" she whispered in her mouth, anxiously hands clasped in front of her, standing uneasy.

Because of the mixed entertainment, no one does not know the boss of the king.

He has several companies, and his numerous stars, including more than a dozen stars, are more popular. The key point is that he also has deep friendship with many superstars in the circle, and he is rumored to be black and white. The road is involved!

Otherwise, today's celebration feast will not come to most of the entertainment circles.

It can be said that as long as the boss of the boss, a word can be called in the entertainment circle.

Now Xu lacks a hit at his celebration banquet, making such a big move, and playing an investor boss, which is equivalent to a direct demolition.

Liu Wei has not dared to imagine what will be faced next.

The most intuitive idea is to finish! Not only is Xu missing to die, but even her will be finished!

However, Xu lacked a plain face and stood still in the same position as Jiang Hongyan.

Lin Yuxi is a little nervous, similar to Liu Wei, and some are uneasy.

She is not worried that Xu Xiao and Liu Wei will have an accident, but is worried about the scene that will happen later.

What Xu said before she was missing, she still remembers clearly now, this guy is ready to kill!

"What are you? Do you know where this is? Who asked you to come?" Wang Boss has come over this time, staring at Xu Xiao, Shantou is a sharp question.

Liu Wei was frightened and quickly stood up and screamed: "Wang... Wang boss, I am sorry, it is my fault, it is my fault, he is my friend, these are misunderstandings, I..."

"Shut up, is there a copy of your speech here? What are you counting, oh-goods!" Wang Boss immediately screamed at Liu Wei.

Xu lacked eyelids and stunned, and his mouth raised a cold smile. He shook his head and said, "Hey, I thought about killing people. After all, it’s just some ants. Now it seems that I can’t do it!"

Kill some people?


When the audience heard these words, they suddenly looked at each other and immediately became eccentric.

What did this guy say?

Is the head broken?

In front of Wang Boss, actually said that he wants to kill fewer people? Also implies that the boss of Wang is an ant?

"Oh, it turned out to be a madman!" Suddenly, someone laughed and laughed.

It was a male star, and he looked handsome~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was tall and straight, and he was still playing with a wine glass. He walked slowly.

When everyone saw it, the face suddenly showed a playful look.

Liu Wei’s face instantly became paler, like a white paper!

She also knows this male star.

Tang Bin, the domestic first-line action martial arts star, and is a real kung fu in the practice of the family, it is said that once a dozen, directly to the four professional bodyguards to fight down, and even once lifted a hand in the studio a car.

This kind of skill, this strength, Xu deficiency can be an opponent?

Thinking of this, Liu Wei’s eyes are already full of despair, and she seems to see her star career, so far!

"General Wang, this little trouble, just let me solve it!"

At this time, Tang Bin had slowly come, and he did not know when he had put on the tiger and looked at Wang Bodao.

Wang boss nodded gloomyly. "Yes, don't kill it, lest it be dirty!"


Everyone in the audience suddenly took a breath.

Don't kill it?

Isn't this a stupid fight?

"Haha, don't worry, boss Wang, you must be satisfied!"

Tang Bin immediately laughed, and the gaze of his eyes slowly swept to Xu Xiao. He said: "The little fool, now a civilized society, can kill people without moving! And..."

call out!

Suddenly, I saw a white light flashing, and Tang Bin suddenly stopped the voice, and the whole person stopped at the place.

All the people in the audience suddenly looked at each other, and some doubts looked at Tang Bin, but they did not react to what happened.

"You have paralysis, there are so many nonsense!"

Suddenly, Xu’s lack of understatement sounded.

At the same time, he picked up a clean white tablecloth on the table and slowly wiped away the blood on the sword in his hand!



[The third! 】

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