Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 920: 1 word, on!

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Rothschild family?

When Xu was missing the name of the family, he couldn’t help himself.

In the past life, he had already heard about this famous family. It is simply a chaebol. If you understand it in detail, you will know how powerful this chaebol is!

They originated in Europe, and for hundreds of years of history, they took charge of the economy of a superpower. Their power almost infiltrated the M countries and the whole powers, and even later they were exposed to the position of the president of the M countries. They were all controlled by them.

For this mysterious force, many people have only heard about it for a lifetime, including Xu’s lack of the previous life, and also regarded the chaebol as a legend.

But now, he did not expect his sister, actually will be related to these chaebols.

According to Evelyn, they graduated from the First Biology University of M, and all got their Ph.D., and Xu Feifei was also a classmate and they were recruited into a biological research institute.

At that time, many experts were hired, but the result was that Xu Feifei's working group was very bright, with Xu Feifei as the mainstay. Their teamwork successfully developed a kind of medicine that can prolong life.

Originally thought that this would be an invention for the benefit of all mankind, but did not expect to hide a huge conspiracy.

"At that time, we routinely backed up the computer in the institute, but accidentally found a mysterious document. Mike cracked it. As a result, I didn't expect it to be a document from the Rothschild family! We knew then. The boss behind the entire institute was actually Rothschild!" Evelyn said.

The microphone in her mouth, also among the blacks among several people, is a computer hacker with extremely high computer skills.

When they cracked the documents, they learned that Rothschild’s plan was to use the agents to promote the world, to monopolize, and then to add a stealth infectious virus to the medicine.

The virus does not cause damage to the human body at first, but it is equivalent to embedding a time bomb in the human body. As long as the Rothschild family is willing, it can detonate at any time and control the life and death of most human beings in the world.

Of course, in the usual style of Rothschild, they certainly do not want human beings to die a lot, but they are holding antidote, sending a huge disaster, expanding their influence, and gradually changing from controlling a country. In control of the world!

These ambitions are even more terrible than M!

"After knowing this plan, Xu Feifei gradually arranged for us to leave the institute. In the name of traveling, we let us go, but she stayed and cleaned up all the data. I only copied one copy and wanted to bring it back to China. I didn't expect to be detained!"

Evelyn said that there was a trace of fear and fear in his face. He whispered: "After we sneaked back, we also discovered the fact that the flight of our flight was ruined, and it was also manipulated by the Rothschild family. In order to destroy the mouths of several of us, we will not hesitate to let the entire plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean. They are really devils!"

"Yeah! Too sad and mad, it is a devil!" Xu was not finished listening, but also filled with indignation.

Fortunately, Evelyn did not know the style of this product, or else it would be vomiting blood.

On the heart of the hand, on the degree of the devil, I am afraid that the Rothschild family is less than half of Xu!

At the very least, the Rothschild family is mainly for the sake of wealth, and its destructive power is also controlled. For example, the secretly dominated Civil War or World War II will not cause irreparable damage to the world's ecology.

It can be different if it is lacking. If the whole world is enemies with him, he will have the courage to destroy the whole world and leave no bottom line at all.

"Mr. Xu, we can only trace that Xu Feifei was taken to the secret base, but we don't know where the secret base is. Some people have rumored that it is deep in the ground several kilometers deep, and some people have rumored that it is hidden under the sea, but We believe that there will be clues in the institute where I worked before!" Evelyn said.

Mike also nodded. "Now that research institute has been closed, but the security facilities inside are open. If Mr. Xu can take us in, I will be able to find clues from the computer!"

Xu lacked the words, slightly frowned, shook his head and said: "You are so slow, no efficiency at all!"

"Ah?" Several people suddenly lost.

Mike smiled bitterly: "Mr. Xu, this is the only way to trace the secret base!"

Although they can't guarantee that the institute will be able to find clues to the secret base, in their view, this is already the only direction.

“Who said this is the only way?”

Xu lacked a sharp corner and smiled. "In fact, I have a more convenient way. Mike, give you ten minutes to help me find out where the Rothschild family lives, including their current heirs!" ”

"Ah? Mr. Xu, you are going to..." Evelyn immediately opened her eyes, unbelievable.

Mike also stunned, opened his mouth, and then excitedly said: "Great, I like this kind of stimulating action. Dear Xu, the Rothschild family I have already checked, they are almost distributed The world, but the most powerful and highest-ranking person, is now in the M country!"

Speaking of this, Mike calmed down a little and whispered: "However, where they live, security work is also the most rigorous in the world, and it is safer than the President."

"Oh, in my eyes, there is no place in this world that is safe!"

Xu lacked sneer, his eyes condensed, and the cold flashed, Shen Sheng said: "Today I want to let them, safely send my sister to me. If she hurts a hair, I will kill Rothschild. If the family is alone, if she sheds a drop of blood, I will let the entire Rothschild family disappear from this world!"


In the end, Xu Wei and Jiang Hongyan set off.

Mike and Evelyn and his party also followed, giving Xu the direction.

Rothschild’s current powers live in M, occupying a whole rich villa area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many people don’t know who is living in this villa area, but in fact, the whole The villa area is the Rothschild family.

They live in the most central house in the villa area, with independent manors, and the other villas in the villa area are all top-level bodyguards hired by the Rothschild family from around the world, equipped with top-class artillery guns.

Even in the basement, too many tanks are parked.

This level of security is even more terrible than the ancient Chinese palace.

Of course, in addition to top bodyguards, the most important security in the villa area is relying on a variety of high-tech.

What infrared detection alarms, anti-air radar detection, even a fly can not escape the eyes of the monitor, even a few meters thick metal wall panels underground.

This impenetrable security is simply the best in the world.


When Xu missed a group of people and rushed outside the villa area, Mike and Evelyn were a little nervous.

After all, this is the world's top chaebol, the lifeblood of a big power, stronger than the president.

Nowadays they have to work on them, and a few people are nervous.

"Mr. Xu, kidnapping the big man, should we make a plan first?" Evelyn asked.

"Plan? I have already thought about it!" Xu nodded.

Several people asked at the same time: "What is it?"

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and smiled: "One word: up!"

After that, there was a rush of lightning under his feet. The whole man was intertwined, and the whole person swept up. The five fingers pointed at the villa area below, and the hand was empty.


In an instant, the ground in the entire villa area was shaken and cracked on the spot.

Later, in Evelyn's stunned eyes, the entire huge villa area was so smashed out of the ground by Xu.

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