Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 924: How can I renege on my words?

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German orthopedics?

After Lewan heard the words, he looked at the circle and didn't understand what Xu meant. I wonder if this guy is going to be hurt?

However, the camera of McNair has been followed, and the whole process followed Xu’s lack of time. His words were instantly transmitted to the TV sets and computers all over the world through satellite networks.

Many people have the same thoughts as Lewan, thinking that Xu is missing, and he is full of doubts, because they really can't see it, and who can hurt Xu.

However, the Chinese people have widened their eyes and they are messy on the spot.

"Hold the grass!"

"Catch the grass and hold the grass!"

"German Orthopaedics? What does this guy want to do?"

"I wipe, the beast! There are such beautiful fairy, and even my sister has not let go!"

"But his sister is really beautiful too!"

"Frying the sky to help!"



In the end, Xu Feifei ran all the way, and the small fist was shot directly on Xu's chest. In the beautiful eyes, the tears were spinning and staring at Xu.

When she touched Xu, she finally realized that all this is true, not an illusion!

However, countless doubts are also accompanied.

Why did he die and resurrect?

Why did he appear now?

Why does he have these magical powers?

"Ah! Feifei, you can't do it, I can't do it, I'm hurt, I'm dying!" At this moment, Xu screamed with exaggeration, licking his chest, his face full of pain, a look of dying.

Xu Feifei looked at him like this, suddenly turned his eyes.

Others don't understand Xu deficiency, can she still understand?

This guy has been a play since he was a child, and he is awkward and irritating, not to mention the little fist she had just had no effort at all, how could it hurt this guy.

"Xu miss you bastard, don't pretend, you have seen this old routine, I have already looked up, and looked up, don't allow garlic!" Xu Feifei drums his mouth and screams.

"Hey!" Xu lacked all the play immediately, and looked helpless.

From small to large, he was not afraid of anyone, but he could hurt this sister. When she saw her eyes red, she suddenly realized that she had not been easy in recent years, even if she didn’t need her to speak, Xu Xiao knew her now. There are countless grievances and I want to tell myself.

"Don't cry, Xiaofeifei, brother is back, no one will dare to bully you again in the future!" Xu lacked a smile, reached out and rubbed Xu Feifei's head.

"Brother!" Xu Feifei couldn't help anymore. There were countless grievances and joys in his heart, and tears poured out. One head rushed into Xu's arms, holding his hands tightly, for fear that he would leave again.

Everyone in the room was quiet, feeling in the heart, quietly watching the scene of the reunion of this brother and sister.

But Lewan and the people at the institute didn't even dare to breathe too much at the moment.

They thought that the lack of Xu and Xu Feifei was related to them.

Moreover, some of the grievances in Xu Feifei’s heart come from their house arrest.

So at this moment, the lack of Xu and Fei Feifei's brothers and sisters reunion, the more they are afraid, the more they are afraid of the lack of liquidation.


In the end, Xu Feifei finally calmed down her emotions, grabbed Xu's lack of clothes, and wiped the tears on her face.

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and could only stand in the same place, but looked helpless at Jiang Hongyan.

Jiang Hongyan grinned and looked very happy.

She found out that there are still people in this world who can cure the lack of this little devil.

"Where have you been running for so many years?" At this time, Xu Feifei had already looked up and looked at Xu Xiao.

Xu lacked a smile and gently glared at her head: "Don't worry, this is a complicated matter. When you go back, tell you slowly."

"Yeah!" Xu Feifei also nodded very well.

Outside, she is very embarrassed, very unwilling to admit defeat, is a girl who is stronger and independent than many people.

But in the face of Xu deficiency, she is a child, and she can completely feel at ease and be angry with Xu.

Because she knows that in this world, only one talent will be so good to her, that is her brother!

"Well, let me tell you first, where have you been mad at these years? Brother helped you to report the enemy first!" Xu lacked a soft smile, his eyes softly looked at Xu Feifei, but his heart was already brewing .

No matter who bullies Xu Feifei, he will not let go.

Everyone said that Xiu Xianjie is a place of weak meat and strong food.

Can the society on earth be the same as the weak meat of the cult of the immortal world?

Whoever has the power and financial resources, who can have a higher status and power, he is not in the earth's years, Xu Feifei suffered aggrieved.

But now that he is back, he will retaliate back to Xu Feifei’s grievances.

Even so, he is no different from those who used to bully Xu Feifei. They are all powerful and superior to others.

However, he is happy!

I want him to complain with morality, it doesn't exist!

"No, as long as you come back, but fortunately you come, otherwise I may not see you after a while." Xu Feifei did not see the lack of killing in Xu's heart, just simply telling the truth.

When Xu was suddenly absent, he swept away directly to Lewan and the members of the institute. He asked: "I don't see me? Why do you say that they want to kill you?"

Lewan suddenly trembled and his legs snored.

At this time, he had long remembered who Xu Feifei was. When the drug was developed, he was extremely excited and concerned. He even ordered him to be under house arrest.

And a few members of the institute were scared and white, and quickly explained: "No, no, Mr. Xu, you misunderstood, how can we kill Dr. Xu?"

"Yes! Dr. Xu is a rare genius in a hundred years. Although I have placed her under house arrest, I also want to let her make those medicines!"

"Even if she doesn't make it, we are not willing to kill her!"

Several people rushed to say.

However, Xu Feifei was annoyed at this moment and looked at a few people: "You are really shameless! When you closed me in custody, you are not this attitude! Rosen, you didn't mean to give me only one month." Time to consider? Otherwise, I will interrupt my leg first, let me sit in a wheelchair for a lifetime~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When it comes to this, Xu Feifei’s eyes are swept away to another young man, Shen Sheng: “And You, Kiel, the disgusting words you said, I don't want to mention them again, but you immediately apologize to me! ”


Disgusting words?

Holding the grass, do you dare to beat my sister's idea?

When Xu’s old driver heard Xu Feifei’s words, he suddenly looked cold and swept to several research institute members. Shen Sheng said: “You are looking for death!”

"Ah! No, Mr. Xu, this... these are misunderstandings!" Several people immediately scared and panicked, slightly retreating.

At this time, one of them thought of something, and immediately said: "Mr. Xu, you said that the personality guarantee, absolutely do not kill us! You can not eat!"

"Hey, nonsense, I am bombing the sky and helping Xu to have a bright future. How could it be said?" Xu lacked a cold cry.

Several research institute members had just breathed a sigh of relief, but Xu’s face suddenly appeared a sneer: "But I didn't say that I didn't kill you, and I didn't say that I didn't kill you, let alone say you didn't kill you!"

After that, he waved his hand.


Dozens of pink nail clippers, appearing out of nowhere, fell in front of the group of bodyguards of the Rothschild family.

At this time, Xu’s voice rang in the ears of many bodyguards: “Get up, kill me!”



[Yeah, looking for a day's paragraph, eyes are spent! You should know that many books have been blocked recently? I am also helpless. In fact, I have already made a lot of interesting details in the urban part, but I didn’t dare to use this wave of harmony. Therefore, when writing the city, almost all of them are now in use, and there is a little bug, please also understand. However, this latter piece can slowly return to some of the fines that can be used. After the earth has found the treasure, it will soon return to the cultivation of the fairyland! 】

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