Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 927: Conspiracy

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On the same day, after Xu’s absence from M, various rumors and arguments spread throughout the world.

But Rothschild’s chaebol is surprisingly quiet.

Lewan was hesitant after receiving a call from the second person in the chaebol, Maud.

He faced a difficult choice, either standing on the side of Xu, and losing power and becoming one.

Either let go of the fight, not only to suppress the lack of Xu, but also to take control of the entire world.

How to choose now, everything depends on their assessment of the strength of Xu and his enemies, who is strong, who is on the side.

Lewan sank for a long time and called again: "Maud, are you sure that there are three angels? My God, is there really an angel in this world?"

Maud at the end of the phone laughed: "Dear Lewan, now even the mythical characters of China have appeared. Why can't I see the gods in the West? Believe me, when you come over and see these top secret photos, you will Understanding the beliefs of these years will not be wasted!"

Lewan’s face changed slightly, whispering: “Will they be Xu’s opponents? You know, there is another woman besides Xu’s lack, it looks extraordinary.”

"Oh, rest assured, the three angels are sleeping in three bronze cymbals. They are heroic and holy. The Holy Spirit is inviolable. We used satellites to contact them. They conveyed the message with spiritual power. This trip is to chase Xu. Missing with that woman!"

"Why do we still need us to meet?"

"It should be Xu lacking them to open up some kind of mysterious power, hindering them from landing on the earth, but they can feel the intimate atmosphere on the Easter Island, suspect that there is blood in it, you can try to land from there, we need to send a spaceship to go Space is going to meet! Lewan, you can hear clearly, they have three people, there are only two people on the side of Xu, who is strong and who is weak, you should be very clear."

"But... I’m afraid it’s difficult. If we are mobilizing the spacecraft with the technology we have at the moment, I’m afraid it will take a lot of time!”

"Hey, you can rest assured! I have established a cooperative relationship with Xia's Xiajia. They have hatred with Xu Xiao. They have already agreed to use the power of China, sponsoring the technology of our spacecraft engine, and picking up three angels. Kill Xu lack!"

"What? Is there a great ability for the summer home in China?"

"Haha, on financial resources, although they can't compare with our Rothschild family, but the power is not worse than us! Huaxia is really a good place!"

"Okay, if this is the case, then I will gamble! Start the plan immediately, remember not to divulge a little bit of news."

In the end, Levan made a choice.

Compared to the entire Rothschild family was swallowed by Xu, he would rather let go, and lead three angels back to suppress Xu Xiao.

And Maud also told him on the phone that the three angels had reached an agreement with them. As long as they killed Xu, they would help the Lord Rothschild’s chaebol, unite the world, and then leave, because this world is not suitable. They live, they don't see this place.

Therefore, under this kind of lure, Lewan has already forgotten the fear of the lack of Xu before!

A conspiracy against Xu deficiency is underway!


That night, Xu Wei had already returned to China with Xu Feifei and Jiang Hongyan, and stayed directly at a luxury hotel in Beijing.

Huaxia was alarmed and wanted to send someone to negotiate. However, after Xu’s lack of a “Do Not Disturb” sign at the door, everyone retreated.

Because under the brand, Xu also added a sentence to add a sentence, the complete look is - "Do not disturb, knock the door to die the whole family"!

So what is the secret of such a red fruit, who dares to move?

When Jiang Hongyan came back, she sat directly on the carpet in the living room of the suite and entered the state of cultivation.

Xu lacked a big bathrobe with a look of excitement, walked into the room, ready to take a hot bath.

It's not because it's dirty, but because I haven't enjoyed the bathing for so many years. He wants to try again and relive the life of the earth.

"Fifi, waiting for me in bed, I will come out after showering!" Xu missed in the bathroom.

Xu Feifei suddenly smoked his mouth, but he got up and entered the room and lay down on the bed.

She knows what will happen next, and her long-standing thoughts are about to be realized.


In the end, Xu lacked the bathroom and smiled at Xu Feifei. "Fifi, I am here!"

"Come on!" Xu Feifei looked nervous, breathing slightly, and the little hand clung to the quilt and nodded lightly.

Subsequently, Xu lacked a direct flight and jumped to the bed.

The two men looked at each other and Xu Feifei took a deep breath and nodded. "Get started, I am ready!"

"Yeah!" Xu nodded.

So, a conversation waiting for a long time, finally started!

Xu Feifei has been waiting for this moment since he returned from M. He wants to know what happened to Xu in these years.

"In fact, after the car accident, I was already dead, but I passed through..." Xu had no details, and the experience that happened after the car accident, and then the experience of Xiuxian came back, one by one told Xu Feifei.

After more than two hours, Xu Feifei was already shocked and unbelievable.

She did not expect that Xu’s absence from the past six years had experienced so many twists and turns, and even nearly landed on the earth, almost failed.

"Then you still have to go back?" Xu Feifei's head is still blank, and does not completely digest what Xu said, but also knows that Xu's future is not on the earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ask, for fear that he will leave soon.

Xu lacked a smile: "In fact, I came back this time, I just want to bring you to practice together, take care of you, no longer let you suffer!"

"I... I can also cultivate?" Xu Feifei was shocked.

Xu's shortcomings: "Of course!"

Xu Feifei opened her mouth and looked forward to it, but she was uneasy because the danger of repairing the world was even more terrible than she thought!

"Well, don't think too much, I said so much, you don't expect it to be digested yet, let's rest first, what do you want to ask tomorrow, come back to ask me!" Xu missed the time and it was already two in the morning. When I clicked on it, I touched Xu Feifei’s head and smiled slightly.

He and Jiang Hongyan can sleep without sleep, but Xu Feifei can't, after all, is still a mortal, she has experienced so many things today, she is already exhausted.

In the end, Xu lacked up and gave Xu Feifei a quilt. Like taking care of the children, she turned off the lights for her. She said "Good night" and left the room.

At the moment when the door was closed, Xu Feifei was lying on the bed, squinting, and there was some confusion in her mind.

But soon, her tired and heavy eyelids slowly closed, and Anan slept soundly.

This feeling is that she has slept the most stable and fragrant one more than six years ago.

In her sleep, she dreamed of playing with her brother in the cultivation of the fairyland, playing, as if returning to the two years of childhood, the mouth can not help but raise a smile!



[PS: I always thought that my heart was very strong, but I didn't expect it to be very fragile. Sometimes I was influenced by a few comments, but I forgot that there are more bombing gangs supporting me. Yesterday I saw a lot of comments and support from Daxie, I feel full of blood and resurrection! Thank you all, a thousand words can only be merged into one sentence! 】

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