Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 952: Dear look up at me

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At this moment, Xu lacked his hands behind his back, and the pedestrians floated in the air, and the clothes were fluttering.

The two dogs still kept their posture ready to escape, and the Teddy dog ​​continued to twitch.

Xu Feifei stood beside Xu’s lack of body and had begun to feel a little uneasy and worried.

She is just a mortal, and she can see that the group of people in front of her eyes are not good, but they can't judge whether they are weaker than the lack of Xu.

Only Jiang Hongyan, still calm as water, dignified and elegant standing next to Xu lack of body, laughing without words, like a fairy like temperament dust.

The young men who stayed behind had just started to kill and win the treasure, and this time they even slightly widened their eyes.

They have never seen such a beautiful woman, so perfect and elegant, can not find any embarrassment.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, Xu lacked a sneer, and suddenly reached out and gently grabbed the waist of Jiang Hongyan. His eyes swept to several people: "Take your dog eyes, otherwise I don't mind getting rid of you first!"


Several young men suddenly became angry.

"On your own, dare to put a big word here?"

"We have been in the first field for so many years, but we have never seen your face like this. Before I send a signal to the law enforcement, I advise you to let it go!"

"You know very well in your own heart. It is a crime of sin in the cross-domain! Once the law enforcers arrive, your end will be very fierce!"

"Hey, hand over the treasures on your body, leave the woman around you, we can wait for you to leave, and then inform the law enforcers!"

Several people have said one after another, there is no fear, and Xu has already been regarded as a mortal person.

At this time, I was forced to give up something by myself, and it was purely a few people who were too lazy to get their hands, even the idea of ​​preserving strength.

When Xu was absent, he was happy. His mouth was slightly raised and he shook his head. "It’s very interesting! Just arrived here, I was robbed! Everyone, actually, we are quite good. Everyone is a fellow traveler. There is no need to be so eager. Let's go!"

One of them immediately sneered: "Oh, who is the same person as you? We are the first-person people. You are a foreigner. How come the qualifications are with us?"

"You understand it wrong! I said the fellow traveler, I want to tell you, in fact, I am also going to rob!" Xu smiled, and suddenly held an ink-colored weight on his shoulder, cold on the shoulder, cold Channel: "Now is the time of the bombing to help robbery, all the mother to give me a head!"


The voice just fell, a majestic pressure, instantly emerged from the lack of Xu, suddenly swept, crushing the young men on the spot.


Several young men changed their faces on the spot and were full of horror.

"How can it be?"

"What is this fighting skill?"

"Is it a strange weapon, but also a fighting treasure?"

A few people were shocked to discuss the shock of this kind of pressure, it seems to be very strange, full of shocked look at Xu Xuan's hand in the hands of Xuan, I thought it was the role of equipment.

However, their physical body is very strong. Although they feel the power of Xu deficiency, they have not been hurt, and they have no intention of holding their heads down.


Xu lacked a shock.

In his view, although this group of people is very strange, the way of cultivation will definitely be different in all aspects of cultivation!

However, judging from the breath, these people are at best comparable to the realm of four or five layers of the fit period. It is reasonable to say that it is not enough to immunize against his spirit.

The only possibility is that the physical strength of this group of people has been tough enough to counter the pressure of his spirit.

"The trough, the kid, these people have a strong gold scent, and it is beyond the existence of the five elements of gold!" At this time, the two dogs seem to smell something, shouted, the eyes are full of ecstasy !

"Beyond the golden elements of the five elements of the gold dollar?" Xu could not help but a trip!

Although the two dogs are very vocal, he still understands the meaning of these words. The mysterious energy of these people, that is, the coexistence of the air and the aura, is the golden power that transcends the five elements of the gold dollar!

But the problem is coming again. Beyond the five elements, isn't that the same as the fairy?

"Two dogs, what do you say is the golden dollar fairy?" Xu immediately asked the two dogs!

The two dogs shook their heads, and their faces were unpredictable: "No, no, this is a kind of existence that is lower than the fairy, higher than the five elements of aura, commonly known as the gods and horses!"

"What's the matter?" Xu missed.

The two dogs nodded: "Yes, it is called a horse, and this **** has just personally named it. How is this name fashionable enough?"

It shows off the old stalks that he learned on earth, and he looks proud!

"Roll!" Xu was short of gas to get rid of the two dogs, but the two dogs were not good at first sight, they had already rushed out!

"I will pick you up later!" Xu lacked a warning, and then his eyes fell on the faces of several young men in front of him, his eyes narrowed and looked up!

"What do you think? The ants in the lower fields are not qualified to look directly at us!" One of the young men immediately shouted.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, quickly solve him, and then go to fight for blood!" The rest of the people are also staring coldly at Xu!

Although Xu’s lack of pressure has surprised them, they can’t make them jealous!

Xu Xiao suddenly shook his head and joked: "You think too much, I am not looking directly at you, my mother is looking down on you!"


The voice just fell, and Xu suddenly took out the majestic lightning at www.wuxiaspot.com~ causing a violent sound.

"Let you look straight ahead, give me a look up, look up at me with respect and respect!" Xu shouted loudly and shouted!

In the hands of the black-and-white heavy-duty ruler, the moment is covered with hot black fire, when the air is falling!


"What is this fighting skill, this..."

"Not good, retreat!"

A few young men suddenly changed their faces, this time it was really scary, full of fear, crazy withdrawal!

They have never seen such a terrible flame, and they have never seen a move, there will be such a big momentum!


However, a few people just smashed the stick and escaped a few meters. The black fire on the mysterious ruler suddenly accompanied the invisible air waves, and suddenly swept out!

In an instant, the black fire covered the sky, covering the sky, just like the end of the day, directly engulf the figures of those people!


A scream of screams, from the black sea of ​​fire, resounded in all directions!


Below the mountain forest, Mo Mingyuan and others just fell to the vicinity of the bloody, heard the screams from the sky, could not help but see.

Dozens of people immediately looked up at the sky, and then their faces suddenly became white and stunned!

"How can it be?"

"What happened? How are they..."


At this moment, in the black sea of ​​fire, a blazing lightning flashed across, forming a long chain of lightning, coming out!

In the blink of an eye, a figure appeared in front of them, the lips were red and white, the face was like a crown jade, and the face was full of smiles.


Xu lacked the opening, in the eyes of everyone's sluggish eyes, his hands were heavy and heavy, pointing to dozens of people in front of him, jokingly laughing: "Now it is the time of the bombing of the day, all the heads of me, the **** I want it!"



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