Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 961: How to choose?

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The banquet is still going on.

The proposal of the people made it difficult for Miss Dong’s daughter.

She sat behind the veil and smiled lightly: "Since all of you have asked, the little girl will once again throw a brick to attract jade, and play a "lost" for you. If there are any bad things, I hope you can give more advice!"

After that, she has already prepared a guzheng for her. The strings are gold and silver, and the wood is an extraordinary ancient wood. It is a precious thing at first glance.

Behind the gauze, everyone can clearly see that Miss Dong Jiaqian, lifted the jade arm and gently dialed the strings!


Suddenly, a light and melodious guzheng sounded through the entire building.

Everyone in the whole place held their breath and listened quietly, as if they suddenly pulled into a strange atmosphere.

The sound of the piano continues, although no one sings, but the sound of the piano is like telling a story, even the story of Miss Dong’s own daughter.

In her voice, there is a kind of loneliness, a kind of expectation, and a kind of helplessness.

Xu lacks one of his skills and is a four-star musician. Even if he doesn't move the temperament anymore, he can hear it at this time. The piano of Miss Dong Jiaqian is like a new one. life.

As if a person who stayed in the dark for a long time, he was very eager to see a bunch of sunshine, shining into her life, breaking the darkness and bringing her new changes.

To be honest, this is a small problem that a young lady has been used to since she was carefree. Generally speaking, it is good to play a meal!

It may not be suitable for hitting her at this time, and Xu can only choose another method.

"To deal with this Dong Jia Qian Jin, it seems that I have to start from the loneliness and loneliness!" Xu Xiaoxin smiled, now that he heard the other party's voice, it is equal to know what the other party wants, then Conducive to his loading.

Of course, there are not a few people who understand the rhythm. There is more than one person who hears the sound of the piano. Some people even have the temperament above Xu and hear more things.

After a while, when the sound of the piano was over and there was a quiet in the pavilion, some people were full of horror. It seemed to be immersed in the sound of the piano. Some people also smiled and confident.

"Miss Dong Jia, who is a good temperament, such a moving song, directly hitting me and waiting for the heart, is really the head of the talented woman in the first field! Admire!" A young man immediately stood up and admired.

Everyone around them also nodded and even reconsidered.

"Yeah, after listening to this song, I have forgotten the passage of time and it is difficult to extricate myself!"

"Miss Dong Jia, I really don't care about it. I have underestimated you before, so I will apologize to you for the sake of tea!" Someone finished, raised his head and drank a cup of tea.

Xu lacked to sit aside and wanted to open his mouth and praised it, but seeing everyone praised him, he couldn't help but hesitate, and then he shook his head and looked disgusted.

Everyone looked in the eyes, although they still did not pay attention to it, but there was obviously a kind of disgust and annoyance in the eyes.

After including the veils, there is also a squint of gaze, intentionally or unintentionally squinting.

When Xu was suddenly absent, he shook his head more vigorously, as if he really disliked the song.


Just kidding, the words of praise are all finished, what is this sacred sacred? Moreover, this is an extraordinary way to go to the holy, can you be the same as your glamorous goods?

"You are praised, the little woman is ugly, and I hope you will bear with me!" At this time, Miss Dong Jiaqian behind the gauze whispered.

She still ignored the lack of shaking her head and did not ask or mention it.

Everyone in the room also ignored Xu Xiao, and continued to praise Miss Dong Jia.

Xu lacks some and can't stand it anymore. On this occasion, he is the least used to it. It is a group of flattering goods. However, Miss Dong Jia is also surprisingly humble and modest. The group of people is more crazy and simply hypocritical. Extremely.

"You, since the little girl has already offered ugliness, then, it’s your turn!" At this time, Miss Dong Jiaqian once again spoke.

Xu lacked the opportunity to stand up immediately, but never imagined, actually slowed down.

A blue man in front of him had already been prepared for a long time, and suddenly he slammed the guqin on the front table. It was only the first piano sound, and immediately attracted the attention of all the people.

The blue man smiled indifferently: "You, just made a new song recently, and today I will present it for the first time. Please bear with me."


In an instant, many people in the audience took a breath.

Several young people, including Xu’s absence, also began to whisper.

"My God, Lu Zhouhe made a new song?"

"He is the first person in the city to make rumors, and even many rumors of temperament praise him, even self-deprecating."

"But according to the time, Lu Gongzi really should have a new song. I heard that he made the last song. It was five years ago. Now he is not only fast in the past five years, but he still has a new song!"

"This time, I can listen to it well. I must have been a song that is amazingly popular in the whole city."

Several people said this, their faces all look forward to look.

Xu deficiency is also slightly wrong, his face is slightly dignified.

The reason why he has confidence in himself is because his system can search for countless classic tracks on the earth.

However, I heard the arguments of those people just now, and combined with the quite good quality of the music that Miss Dong Jiaqian just had, Xu Xuan had to be serious.

After all, every place has a variety of cultures. In case this Luzhou River is really a genius genius, making a song that is not worse than any song on the earth, it can be a big pressure.


With the ten fingers of Luzhou River stroking the guqin, a clear and empty piano sound suddenly echoed in the pavilion.

With the first sound, Xu’s heart is mostly cold.

He can almost certainly determine that this song, if placed on the earth, is red all over the world.

Because of this sound, the heart is completely gone, and there is a kind of empty and far-reaching artistic conception, which contains a lot of sentiments.

For example, for life, the perception of all things in the heavens and the earth, people listen to a sense of heaven and human beings on the mountain.

Simply put, this is definitely a song on the tall, very extraordinary.

The audience also showed amazement and admiration.

Xu lacked eyelids through the gauze, and also saw the expression of Miss Dong Jia, with appreciation and admiration, but can see the depths, but there is a dull.

Even the exact saying ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be a disappointment.

"Hey?" Xu couldn't help but see.

Not scientific!

It stands to reason that the rhythm of Luzhou River is obviously far above Miss Dong.

And this song is so brilliant, it is much higher than Miss Dong’s "The Lost" just now. How can she still have this disappointment from the bottom of her heart?

If you want to make a comparison, Lu Zhouhe's song is comparable to the classical and elegant music on the earth. It is very level and artistic, very tall.

Miss Dong Jia’s "The Lost Way" has a little bit of pop music on the earth, and it is more in line with the public.

But in her capacity, wouldn’t it be the tall music of Lu Zhouhe?

Is it difficult to be this type of song, not what she wants?

Xu could not help but frown, and originally wanted to wait for Lu Zhouhe to finish, he personally shot, playing a song of Beethoven and other great gods.

But this time, he had to stop, and he habitually shook his head while thinking.

Since it is not for this kind of elegant music and pop music, what does this Miss Dong want?

Otherwise, first come to the first "the most dazzling national wind" to try?

If not, come to the first "eight consecutive kills"?

What if you can't do it?

Is it difficult to throw a big move directly, and release the "I am drunk" by this one?

Damn! What a shame!



[First more. I heard that the recent monthly ticket doubled, and one vote was equal to the last two, but when I think about the recent update, I am really embarrassed to ask you. After all, I am also a face-to-face person. You all know that I am very embarrassed, so forget it. I will continue to adjust my state and raise my spirit. After a while, I will make up for it. After all, controlling quality is king! 】

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