Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 964: Help the king sledgehammer in the next day!

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At the moment when the song rang, everyone in the room was stunned.

Everyone has widened his eyes and snarled.

"Miss Dong,

I am also a complicated animal.

The words on my mouth have been repeated, but they have been repeated..."

Behind the gauze, listening to the whisper of this whisper, Miss Dong Jia stunned.

She has never heard of this type of song, the quiet song, the quiet song, everything is very quiet.

But her heart, but like the sea, smashed, wrinkled!

Like a little girl, I heard a confession, so that her face could not help but hot!

"So those are not true,

Miss Dong.

You are not a female student without a story..."

At this time, Xu lacked a low-pitched, full-bodied voice, which suddenly increased and the sound of the song accelerated slightly.

"Fell in love with a wild horse,

But there is no grassland in my house.

This makes me feel desperate,

Miss Dong..."


In an instant, Miss Dong Jia at the back of the gauze, the body was slightly shocked, and the beautiful face was moved.

Fall in love with a wild horse, but there is no grassland in my house?

Such beautiful words can be sung like this!

She can even guess that the boy’s origin is not rich or even humble.

But what about this? In the first field of the city, can you count on her door to the door, and how many people?

"Well? Wait, it's not right. I... I just met him with him. How did I think that the door-to-door business had gone to it, yeah, shame..." Miss Dong Jia reacted from her thoughts and suddenly became flushed. Very hot.

In fact, when I heard Xu’s lack of singing on the spot, how many people could still stay awake?

Xu's lack of four-level musician skills, the reason is not that he can create songs like others, but can turn the temperament into an energy that attacks the soul, confuse the people, and pull them into the world of temperament.

When I was thinking about it, when he just mastered this skill, he pulled out the soul of the 18th generation of the Emperor of the Fire Kingdom and danced to the square dance.

Now, the status of the four-level musician, what makes it difficult for this group of young people to become sensational?

The most important thing is that these people have never heard of such folk songs.

They usually listen to the preference for pop music, or the classical music of the master class like Lu Zhouhe.

The song that first touched the folk songs was immediately attracted.

Even if someone is not interested in the folk hurricane, they are all dragged by Xu’s identity and skills, and slowly entered.

"So those are not true,

Miss Dong.

Who will tirelessly comfort the ignorant teenager,

I want to be like you,

Regardless of those,

Let me go~"

At this time, the guitar sound suddenly stagnate, Xu looked at the gauze with a deep gaze, and his mouth twitched slightly, sang the last one:

"Miss Dong!"


The silence of the whole scene was dead, everyone sat in the same place, the sound of the song was over, but their ears were still faintly reverberating, and they were still immersed in the melody pictures.

This is a poor boy who confessed to a rich lady.

But some people have heard the feelings, heard the memories, as if they also remembered their past years.

Among them, there are some people who are also born in poverty. They also liked women with better conditions in the past, but they did not have the ability to promise her.

Now they are all strong, but the Iraqis are no longer around.

So this song has a great resonance with them.

"Good! A good Miss Miss Dong!"

Finally, one person stood up, his eyes wet, and he applauded directly.

Obviously this is a young man with a story.

He broke the silence, and the rest of the people followed up and stood up and applauded directly.

But the applause at the scene was not as enthusiastic as the previous Luzhou River and others.

Although Xu lacked the skills of the musicians and brought everyone into the music world, there are still many people here who cannot resonate with this song.

It is difficult for people without stories to understand the stories in this kind of folk songs.

Now that the song is over, they have come out and are no longer affected.

Once again, I think about the kind of quiet and quiet songs. They think that is nothing at all, because the songs are too simple.

"Hey, this song doesn't seem to be anything?" One person once played the flute, and Xu was shook his head. At this moment, he snorted and his face was proud and disdainful.

"Yeah, the tunes are simple, the aria is more like reading, how can you praise this song?" Someone also raised a puzzle.

Lu Zhouhe is also sneer, he pretends to be extraordinary, and thinks that only his type of temperament is so majestic, like Xu deficiency, it is simply a small fight, not worth mentioning.

"Oh, you are wrong! You don't know anything about the temperament!" Suddenly, Xu lacked a smile and shook his head.

When this statement came out, Lu Zhouhe and others suddenly fell into a deep complexion.

You sang such a song, dare to say that we don't understand the temperament?

Obviously, music is such a thing that it is difficult to judge good or bad.

On the earth, the classic high-level music of Luzhou River is indeed very good.

The problem is that although it is atmospheric and expensive, it is not something that everyone appreciates.

After all, classical music is the same as folk songs and belongs to a small class.

However, most of them are people who have studied the temperament, so most of them judge the quality of a song with difficulty.

"Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone has different preferences. In fact, the little girl thinks that the son of the son is really good."

At this time, behind the gauze, Miss Dong’s crisp voice was heard.

Most of the people present, including Lu Zhouhe, were suddenly black.

Miss Dong Jia said, isn’t it the same as recognizing the kid?

Damn, why?

As for this arrogant person, you can also see the girl Dong Jia?

Isn't that saying that we are not as good as him?

Many people are very dissatisfied and unwilling.

Miss Dong Jia spoke again and whispered: "Maybe you all think that the song that the son had just played is very ordinary and very simple. But the little girl thinks that only the temperament that goes into the heart is a good temperament."

When the voice fell, everyone in the room couldn't help but see it.

Is it a good temperament to walk into the heart?

What is this called?

We didn't feel it coming into our hearts!

"Hey, it seems that Miss Dong knows me!" At this time, Xu lacked a pretense and laughed.

In fact, Miss Dong did not understand him, but he just saw the voice of the young lady.

Like this Miss Dong, she grew up in such a large family and has had too many high-pitched rhythms like Lu Zhouhe, so she is eager for a new change.

It’s just that Xu’s lack of this folk song, although not the most fascinating song, just happened to poke the change that she was craving.

Because she first listened to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ plus "Miss Dong" who sang many times in the lyrics, she was even more deeply touched.

At this moment, Miss Dong Jia has already fully recognized Xu's talent, and believes that his rumor is not simple.

Because the hardest things, as long as you work hard, you can always do it.

But to make things simple, it is not everyone's, it involves talent.

"Gongzi, you should post the last name written on the king, but presumably you are not the first-row city? Do you know if the little girl is lucky enough to know the real name of the son?" Miss Dong Jia opened her eyes and passed through the gauze. , falling on Xu deficiency.

The faces of everyone on the scene are already very ugly.

They all can see that Xu deficiency is likely to come across the domain, including invitations are stolen or stolen, which is a felony.

But now the Miss Dong Jia obviously has a lot of goodwill towards him. In her capacity, this kid is not a cross-domain thief. I am afraid that it will kill people and will be safe in the first field.

At this time, Xu lacked a smile, and said: "Miss Dong misunderstood, but it is not a stealing chicken and a dog, but also a bright light into the first field of the city."

"Oh?" Behind the gauze, Miss Dong Jia smiled a little, obviously not convinced that Xu was missing, but still asked: "Is the son a surname?"


Xu lacked the thoughts and did not want to nod, and at the same time reached out to the forehead of the bangs, the corner of the mouth, throwing the ground has a voice: "In the next day to help the king sledgehammer, Wang Teng Cong's king, a few big, hammer your chest hammer! Good at divination, touch 1 milk fortune telling, no money!"



[First! It’s been cold recently. Everyone has a boyfriend’s boyfriend, a girlfriend’s girlfriend, and I’m amazing, I’m not cold! ! ! 】

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