Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 966: Look at my baby!

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In an instant, Lu Zhouhe shot on the table with a palm of his hand, suddenly got up and screamed: "Let's go!"

The rest of the young men present at the scene were also glaring at each other.

"Hello, big courage!"

"There is no reason!"

"Don't dare to make two trips twice. I am not inferior to Miss Dong. What do you think of here?"

"If it is not forbidden to fight here, you will certainly not live!"

The people screamed coldly, and finally Lu Zhouhe also threatened Xu Xiao with a swearword.

Xu lacked the cloud and sat down in the air. He blinked a little and smiled. "What's wrong? Can't you just make a joke here? You are so serious, what kind of banquet is it, just engage in an academic Exploring the conference!"

Speaking of this, Xu’s lack of gaze fell to Lu Zhouhe, and his mouth was slightly raised: “Lu Gongzi, I just gave you a trip, and you will end up with a limit. Today, there must be blood and disaster!”

"Oh, okay, then I have to look at it, I will have any **** disaster!" Lu Zhouhe was sneer at the time, sitting directly back in his place, and his eyes were already murderous.

"You are a little bit safe!"

At this time, the voice of Miss Dong Jia was also sent behind the gauze to appease the emotions of everyone present.

"Wang Gongzi, if you come for the Wannian Hualu, I am afraid that the little woman can't help anything. This is extremely precious. Only the elders in the family can decide to give or sell. The little girl can't help!" Her voice is still However, the tone is obviously more than a little bit of a stranger, and the feeling of lack of Xu is greatly reduced.

After all, over the years, too many people have approached her and pleased her. In fact, it is for the Wannian flower, which makes her very disgusted.

If it were to look at Xu’s talentedness, I’m afraid she would have been shunned by Xu.

"Miss Dong, don't rush to reject me. The reason why I made this request is to come with sincerity."

Xu lacked a smile and stood up again: "Miss Dong, you can go out and inquire about it. I am a famous ethical noble, not stealing, not fair, fair and open, since I want your Wannian Flower dew, it must be replaced by remuneration!"

"Wang Gongzi, the little girl has already said that this little girl can't do the Lord. Today is just an ordinary banquet. If you want to talk about trading, you can go to my Dongjia Chamber of Commerce and talk to them!" A faint response, the tone is more and more indifferent.

Everyone in the room also looked at Xu Xiao, and they have already begun to gloat.

In their view, Xu Xiao is already completely out of play. Almost all of them have already won the prize, and the poetry and rhythm of the first hand have touched Miss Dong Jia and won a good impression.

It may be at this time, but it is too anxious to propose a thousand years of flower dew, and it will be abandoned in an instant.

How can it be a big deal?

However, Xu’s face lacked a trace of disappointment and panic. Instead, he was extremely indifferent. He said: “Miss Dong, as far as I know, the Wannian flower of your Dong family should not be sold. You asked me to talk to the business, isn't it just for me to run a sigh? Hey, I think my heart is broken, I don't believe you come over and listen, is there a broken voice!"

Xu lacked to say, but really took a few steps forward.

Everyone in the room suddenly burst into flames.

Mom sold the batch, I have never seen such a brazen person, actually want someone Miss Dong, to listen to your heartbreaking voice, your heart is broken!

"Wang Gongzi’s words are heavy, just the rules of the Dong family. The little girl can’t do the Lord. It’s really impossible to help!” Miss Dong Jia also faintly responded.

Xu lacked a smile immediately: "Miss Dong, don't rush to reject me! Otherwise, I will show you my baby first, maybe you will change your mind!"

After that, Xu lacked one hand and bowed to his knees.

Everyone in the room suddenly changed his face.


"Let's go, it's a big crowd, what do you want to do with your baby?"

"Don't be shameless?"

Many people swear by it.

However, Xu's lack of movement is very fast, between the wrists.

Awkwardly, a mini MP3 music player has been pulled out from under the arm.

"Miss Dong, I know that you like the temperament, so in this baby, I have collected all the melody tracks of my life. I have said that there are thousands of songs. You can listen to at least one year." Xu lacked MP3 and said with a smile.

Everyone in the whole place is a glimpse.


Collect thousands of songs?

How can this be?

A small thing in the district, can there be such a big use?

Behind the gauze, Miss Dong Jia was slightly wrong, and she was curious.


At this time, Xu lacked the small button on the MP3.

"The big girl grabbed a few, grabbed a few and grabbed a few, and grabbed a few seeds!"

"The young man showed the black hair, the black hair, the black wool pants..."

In an instant, a loud singing voice rang, and the thief was a few loud, and it was shocking to see everyone in the hall.

Everyone has a face.

In addition to shocking the magic of this MP3, they are even more shocked that there are such songs in this world!

What to catch a few melon seeds, what to reveal black pants, tacky, this special can also be collected?

"Cough, this is a folk song, rich in national colors, you may not be able to accept it, let me put some other types!" Xu lacked a dry cough, and quickly pressed the cut song button.

The next moment, a brisk and beautiful piano music sounded, it was one of Beethoven's famous works "Dedicated to Alice"!






In an instant, some people in the whole place immediately became shocked and horrified.

Even the Luzhou River suddenly smashed the eyes, and the pupils shrank sharply, which was unbelievable.

Because this song comes out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is not calm at first. This is a song that is comparable to all his previous works, and it is extremely difficult.

The sound of the song, with simplicity and kindness, seems to tell a character and story, and even in the mood, can bring changes.

From the beginning of the joy, layering, and then uncontrollable enthusiasm burned like a flame, deep and powerful.

Although this kind of work is not the style of his Luzhou River, the level is definitely from the hands of the masters, and it is the person who has real rumors in the temperament.

"My God, this... Is this song from the hands of a master? It's so wonderful!" Someone couldn't help but suddenly got up and asked in amazement.

When Xu lacked his mouth, he raised his chest and raised his chest. As a matter of course, he said: "Nature is the hand of self. This song was when I was four years old, and my heart was opened, dedicated to a beautiful girl, her The name is Alice."

"What?" The audience suddenly straightened their eyes.

Miss Dong Jia, including the back of the gauze, is also moving.

Four years old?

Did you make these songs when you were four?

How can it be?

"No, how could the four-year-old start to open?" Some people questioned.

Xu lacked sharp rebuttal: "Why can't I start the four-year-old when I was four years old? Isn't it a three-year-old child, do you really understand?"

Lying in the trough!

The man suddenly opened his mouth and could not refute.

"Wang Gongzi, the little girl has a question!" At this time, Miss Dong Jia spoke.

Xu lacked the hand: "Love, not, save my mother, have not heard of Amway, the following is delicious!"



[First! Tomorrow, the National Day, you can have a holiday, and I still have to continue to nest in the house code, hey, like me so handsome, the National Day does not go out, it is simply a loss to the society, so sad! 】

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