Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 968: Do you believe it or not?

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Miss Dong Jia said this sentence, the audience was silent.

Everyone straightened his eyes and opened his mouth.

Xu lacks music and breaks, squinting and smiling at Miss Dong.

Miss Dong Jia also reacted at this time, and she seemed to be pitted. This kid is clearly digging a hole to jump for himself.

First, the piano overlord, referred to as the steel tyrant, followed by the guitar overlord, referred to as Ji...

Oh, it’s a shameless person!


Miss Dong Jia put down her guitar directly, blushing her face, and hurriedly turned to look at her voice: "Put these instruments."

"Yes!" Several of them nodded, but smiled, not afraid to laugh out, and quickly stepped forward to help clean up.

In the clean-up room, they also secretly looked at the lack of Xu, very curious, because this is the first time they saw someone who dared to tease their family.

More critically, their young lady is still suffering.

"Wang Gongzi, thank you." At this time, Miss Dong Jia had already looked at Xu Xiao, whispered.

She is grateful to Xu for giving these instruments, but I can't wait to bite this guy.

Xu smiled and waved his hand: "Miss Dong is not polite, and the ceremony is still there!"

He licked the jade bottle in his hand and was ready to leave.

There are at least ten thousand years of flower dew in this jade bottle, which is enough to refine several broken characters. As for the more Wannian dew of the Dong family, Xu deficiency is not too interested.

On this Taijin continent, the Wannian flower dew was so precious because the production was too small, and the cultivation of the people on the mainland was helpful.

However, in the Xiuxian world, Wannianhualu is not difficult to find. On the preciousness, it is far from being so exaggerated.

With Xu’s lack of Lingshi’s family, you can buy several pools in the Xiuxian world.

If it is not to fall to this place now, even if there are more thousands of years of flower dew, it will not enter the eyes of Xu.

"Miss Dong, since the cooperation has been reached, then I will leave now!"

Xu missed the arch and smiled, ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, a voice rang.

Luzhouhe stood up, cold eyes gazing at Xu, Shen Shen said: "The banquet is just beginning, the dishes are still not on, you are going now, don't you give Miss Dong a face?"

"Hey!" Xu suddenly sneered out loudly: "Face? I am a person who blows up the sky, never need to give people face, not to mention, Miss Dong, such a reasonable person, presumably will not care about these ridiculous rules? ”

Said, Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Miss Dong.

Miss Dong nodded slightly: "Yes, Wang Gongzi, since you have something in your body, you can leave first."

"Is there a glimpse? Didn't you see it? Xiaolu, you really learn and study with Miss Dong, otherwise, you really can't live today!" Xu lacked a sly look at the Luzhou River.

Lu Zhouhe's entire face was gloomy and tempered. He wanted to keep Xu's lack, naturally not for Miss Dong.

After all, in his capacity, there is no need for this small thing, and it is clear that Miss Dong Jia does not care about this.

But the key is that he came to the banquet this time. In addition to the beauty of Miss Dong, the bigger part is to see the Dong family's heritage, and the inexhaustible Wannianhualu!

But now it seems that this hope has mostly failed.

Miss Dong also personally handed a bottle of precious Wannian Hualu to Xu Xiao. In addition to his Luzhou River, most people were in the heart and heart.

Therefore, Lu Zhouhe only found an excuse. In order to retain Xu deficiency, he even angered him, led him to take the shot, and committed the jealousy here, so that they had the opportunity to seek the Wannian flower dew in the hands of Xu.

But he did not expect that Xu's mouth was so powerful, and in a few words, he was irritated.

"Oh, I am afraid that the person who is studying is you? There is no gift at all, even if there is talent, how can it be?" Immediately, Lu Zhouhe snorted and sarcastically.

Xu Xiaoxiao blinked and shook his head: "Lu Zhouhe, you seem to be deliberately irritating me? But you can't even irritate people, it is really disappointing."

"I am irritating what you do? I am just reminding you that you must be polite!" Lu Zhouhe said.

"Rite you paralyzed!" Xu lack of mouth is a swearword, four or two dials, thieves a few directly!

"You..." Lu Zhouhe suddenly widened his eyes, apparently did not expect Xu to swear.

"What are you, you look at yourself, you are better than me, and you can't compare it with my handsome face. Can you not feel embarrassed at all? Don't you feel inferior? Don't think Is it boring to live?" Xu lacked a face and screamed.

Everyone in the room heard a big mouth and amazed.

Even Miss Dong, it is a bit dumbfounded.

They know that Xu lacks shame, but he did not expect that it would be so shameless. Actually, while at the same time, he could boast his own handsomeness!

How can there be such a shameless person in the world?


At the same time, Lu Zhouhe's entire face has reached a black point, and the hands hidden under the sleeves are tightly held and the blue veins appear.

If it is not forbidden to fight in this place, if he does not keep his last reason, I am afraid I can't help but shoot.

"Hey, full of words, talking to you, really lost identity!" In the end, Lu Zhouhe snorted, turned his face and walked back to his place.

He knew that he couldn't irritate such a person, and even talked about it. I am afraid that he will be mad and will not let the last trace of reason.

"Hey, don't go! I have let you go?" Suddenly, Xu suddenly sneered.

Lu Zhouhe suddenly stumbled and his eyes narrowed. When he turned around, he joked and asked: "How? What advice does Wang Gongzi have?"

"Instruction? No, no, you are not qualified to let me advice! I just want to ask you, still remember the life I just gave you!" Xu shook his head.

Lu Zhouhe could not help but see.

Just counted the life?

Lonely in life? Live today?

"Oh, it's ridiculous! Wang Gongzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your so-called divination fortune telling, don't take it out!" Immediately, Lu Zhouhe sneered out.

"Oh, you didn't believe it! Really, I said that you can live today, but you really live today, or do you want to gamble?" Xu said, the five fingers have already become fists, like laughing and laughing. Looking at Lu Zhouhe.

Lu Zhouhe suddenly had a happy heart.

He knows that the opportunity to force Xu to miss the shot comes. As long as Xu lacks his hand, he will violate this taboo. At that time, they will not use them at all. Naturally, the strong family of Dong will come out and kill him.

The prestige that Dong’s family has set up for so many years is definitely not something that anyone can despise and commit.

"Oh, since Wang Gongzi has this Yaxing want to gamble, then I naturally accompany it to the end." Immediately, Lu Zhouhe sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Everyone in the room also saw the clues, and his face was strange, but no one came out to stop it.

Only Miss Dong Jia hesitated a little, snorted and said: "If the two sons are gambling on Yaxing, it is natural! But the little girl reminds the two, the Dong family bans any fight, the offender will be Kill the town!"

When this is the case, Lu Zhouhe’s face is hard to look at.

Because everyone can see that Miss Dong is clearly reminding Xu that she is impulsive.

However, Xu did not pay attention to it. He looked straight at Lu Zhouhe and smiled and said: "I said that I really appreciate the courage of Lu Gongzi. If I want to count it again, you can’t live without it. Do you believe it or not?"

Not alive?

Lu Zhouhe suddenly smiled and smiled very naively: "Oh, I don't believe it!"



【Happy National Day! It seems that many people do not agree with the women's make-up, so don't do it, hahahaha! Recently, I am a little amnesia. I don’t know what to say, just look for a wave of monthly tickets! 】

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