Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 972: Promise my two horrible conditions!

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"Oh, you kill me? Are you kidding?"

Suddenly, Dong Yue liked to hear a big joke, laughing on the spot, while the arm was lightly lifted, ready to shoot again.

Xu lacked immediate stunned eyes, cold awns flashed, killing the machine.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from above the tower.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Followed by, only listening to the sound of breaking the air, the three figures from the top of the tower, is a combination of two men and one woman.

The two men are middle-aged, and they look similar to Dong Laosan. They look a little similar, and they are very flamboyant. They are also comparable to the Mahayana period. They should be the big masters of the Dong family.

But the woman, but the glamorous beauty, skin fat, temperament dust, mature and more attractive than Miss Dong.

"This son, must be the king's sledgehammer to blow up the sky?" At this time, the woman's eyes looked at Xu deficiency, and the tenderness of the water asked.

"Oh, the girl is really good eyesight, actually recognizes my handsome face at once! OK, since you are all down, then you don't need me to go up, I still have something to do, let me leave!" Xu When I was short, I arched my hand and turned and left.

This time, he was very anxious, really anxious, with a horror in his heart.

Because this woman's breath is even stronger than Dong Jiada's master, even the most powerful one he has ever encountered.

It is not difficult to judge that the strength of this woman must exceed the peak of the Mahayana period. The cliff is comparable to the existence of the immortal world. It is an old-fashioned demon who is rejuvenated.

For this kind of strength, Xu lacks it and feels a little uncomfortable.

Although he has the big killer of the genus Devil, this thing has killed the immortal.

It can be known that the first thing that the immortal people dealt with was the scorpion mosquito that swept across the entire Xuanzhen mainland.

There are only a few million in Xu’s body, and he is still not sure how much of this first-class city is comparable to the immortality.

If you are in a big trouble, you are likely to put in your millions of worms, and you will lose money when you get there.

So now, of course, it’s better to go first!

"Oh? I don't know what Wang Gongzi has to do. I might as well listen to it. I want to see if it is more important than what we want you to talk about!" At this time, the woman's voice came from behind, tone. With a touch of playfulness.

Xu did not return to the head, directly responded: "Great luck, eat chicken tonight!"

Eat chicken?

A few people in the room suddenly stunned and covered their faces.

Eating a chicken is also an important matter?

"Oh, if Wang Gongzi wants to eat chicken, I can always prepare people here. Why do Wang Gongzi specifically run out?" The woman suddenly laughed and screamed, and her body shape suddenly appeared in front of Xu.

Xu was unable to easily get rid of the woman, and she simply shook her head: "Let's say, what do you want to talk about? Let me say first, I am not selling art!"

When a few people heard it, they instantly narrowed their eyes.

Selling is not selling art?

Who wants your body?

The smile on the woman’s face is also heavy, and she is serious: “Wang Gongzi, you misunderstood...”

Xu lacked peace of mind and said indifferently: "Sorry, I just said something wrong at the moment, I mean that the show is not selling!"

The woman once again smiled and nodded: "Oh, that's exactly what we need, is the art of Wang Gongzi!"

"Hey! It turned out to be my art. I said it early. I thought you were licking my handsome face. It made my thief nervous!" Xu suddenly relieved and relieved. On the chest.

The woman immediately changed her face, then violently then withdrew, angered and said: "Let's let go, take your dirty hands!"

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I took the wrong chest, it was not intentional!" Xu lacked the murderous look of the three Dong’s heads, and took back his hand and smiled on his chest. Perform a full set.

However, these three Dong’s family were on the face, although they wanted to kill people’s expressions, but they were shocked in their eyes, and they didn’t even yell at them. They just stood by and said nothing.

This made Xu lack to determine one thing. This woman is not only powerful, but also a position, and she is definitely on the top of the three directors.

"Hey, I knew that you are not a good thing, and then dare to let go, this seat will cut off your hands and feet, throw it out and feed the dog!" The woman was full of anger.

Not only was he angry at Xu’s offense, but he was also angry at his own intentions.

After all, she did not expect that Xu was so daring, and the speed was so fast that she could attack her.


Not far away, the two dogs are wandering around, faintly heard the movement, suddenly stagnation, erected ears, looking around!

After the interest rate, it was full of anger and said: "Rely, I just heard someone say that I want to feed things to the dog? What about it? Mom, lie to the wolf? This **** is fighting with you!"

After that, the two dogs are raging in the direction of the tower, ready to find someone to speak.

At the same time, Xu lacked a smile and stood in the same place, facing the murderousness of the woman's majestic, no confusion at all.

Anyway, I can't go away, is that still a ghost?

I really want to fight it up. If you can't make a big deal, you will get rid of it, and you will get rid of the geniuses, and the blood loss will be harder than you.

However, even if Xu lacks preparations for the war, the woman will press back.

She stared coldly at Xu Xiao, Shen Sheng said: "Wang sledgehammer, this seat does not circle, and directly open the door to see you, I want you to replace my Dong family, enter the refining palace, take a box for my Dong family, After the event, you can become the dragon girl of my Dong family!"

"Refining the moon palace? Win the box?" Xu missed a moment.

This is the third time he heard the word "refinement palace", and even he still has a **** sputum that can condense five refining moon spoons!

I just didn't think that a woman who is comparable to a fairyland now needs him to enter the refining palace to help bring things?

At this time, the woman nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "Yes, it is the refining palace! You are certainly not the first-city city. When you appear here, you must also come to refine the palace, so..."

"Hey, stop! Who told you that I came to refine the palace? I tell you, I have no interest in your refining palace."

Xu lacked the woman’s words immediately.

The woman suddenly took a look, including three directors, and there were some mistakes.

"You are not coming for the refining of the moon palace? Then how can you risk it and come to the first field?" Dong Jia, the third oldest teacher, asked.

"Oh, you TM thought I wanted to come? Forget it, you don't understand it. You don't just want me to bring things for you. OK, no problem, but you have to satisfy my two horrible conditions first. "Xu deficiency said, erected two fingers.

Several people frowned slightly.

What are the conditions of terror?

The woman sank a little and nodded: "First talk about what conditions!"

Xu lacks face color and condenses ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reveals a villain-like smile: "The first condition, and the most important point, you have to praise me handsome!"

"Well?" A few people were present, and they were in the same place.

Boast you handsome?

I dare to spend a lot of time, are you just for this condition?

Is this what you call the horrible condition?

"Hey, Wang sledgehammer, are you sincerely teasing us? It is a fact that you are handsome. Why do you still use us to praise?" Dong Jiaji immediately shouted.

When Xu missed his eyes, he straightened his eyes and raised his thumb: "Fog grass, 666, 牛逼呀二家! You have praised the thief for a few levels. Wet, sleek, flexible, very gorgeous, but unfortunate It’s a little less simple, it doesn’t give me a new look!”

"What is simple? I am telling the truth!"

Xu shook his head and shook his head: "No, you are honest, it is not simple, you still need to exercise again, but I still hope to see you in the international arena, so I will give you YES!"

A few people in the moment were full of faces and circles, and they were confused.

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I am very happy!" Dong Erji nodded.

The woman looked at Xu Xiao with no expression, and said: "The first condition is very simple, you are very handsome! Can you say the second condition now?"

"Very good, the second condition is very simple!" Xu lacked a smile of evil spirits, staring at the woman, smiled and said: "The second condition is, I want you to give me a mouth..."


"I will tell you when I am a mouth, Demi! Hey!"




[Second more! I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, good health, good luck, family reunion, good luck, eat a few tonight... ! ! 】

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