Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 989: Purity is not good


With a muffled sound, the ghost king of the two young masters, sitting heavily on the ground, full of panic, lips trembled, wet a large piece underneath.

"No...no, this..." He snorted, unbelievable.

Everyone on the scene was even more stunned and stunned, and it was equally difficult to believe in this scene.

Originally still vast and vast, the sea of ​​blood was completely exhausted at this moment. In the deep seabed, there was even a fireworks.

From the sea of ​​blood to the sea of ​​fire, everything is only a short time.

What caused all of this was actually a slap-sized fire lotus.

"Oh my God!"

"The fire lotus has such a terrible power!"

"Is this **** not dreaming?"

"Li Boda is really dead this time!"


"Ghost Wangfu is afraid that this is really over!"

Many people are screaming and shuddering.

They have lived for a lifetime and have seen countless strong people, but the most advanced is nothing more than the existence of these golden levels of the boss.

However, there is now a sudden emergence of a young man, seemingly gentle, gentle and polite, but in fact the means of hot, character and dissatisfaction.

But the most crucial thing is that his strength is so powerful that it is suffocating. It is so easy to kill an old gold powerhouse.

"Hey, I have to force me to prove my strength. What is the pain?" At this moment, Xu sighed and made a deep expression.

Immediately, his eyes swept to the second young man who sat on the ground, and smiled lightly: "You have already been pitted by you. Do you know if there are any ancestors or Sangu six-pod in your home? Oh, yes, you have Don't have a good-looking sister or sister?"

The voice fell, not waiting for the second young master to open, Xu Feifei on the other side of the **** sea shouted: "Xu deficiency, you bastard, what do you want to do? Red Yan sister, do you care?"

Jiang Hongyan smiled slightly and shook her head. Some helplessly said: "I can't manage it!"

She had long known that Xu lacked the goods in the five elements of the mountain, and even her friend Liu Yujing had an extraordinary relationship with this guy. It was already here, how could she manage it.

However, for Xu deficiency, she is still very relieved. This guy has always been a flower, but he has not seen any women who have been moved, even the women who have been with him before, have experienced with him. Little things.

In general, this guy is not as fancy as he seems. What's more, in the field of cultivation, the man's three wives and six sisters are also very common, not too much.

"Fifi, don't think about it, I am a polite greeting, nothing else!" At this time, the lack of Xu in the distance responded.


The next moment, the heavy weight of his hand swayed, suddenly fell on the top of the second young master, and shouted: "Say, do you have a sister in the end... Oh, no, give up the ashes of your ancestors, or I will kill you!" ”

"Ah... forgiveness, big brother is forgiving!" At this moment, the second young master just shook his face, crying in horror, and almost scared.

"The matter of forgiveness will be discussed later, first hand over the ashes!" Xu smiled and said.

The two young masters quickly reached out to the gate of the ghost palace, shouting: "Big brother, the ashes are placed in the underground hall, I will help you get it."

"The strong man, the strong man, the ashes we brought it for you!" At this moment, there was a lot of noise at the gate of the ghost king's house. Several escorts were run, and a can of ashes was holding in his hand.

The two young masters stunned and glared at the guards. They were not angry with them, but they were annoyed that these guards had seized the opportunity of his performance.

"Oh, the performance is good!" Xu suddenly smiled, reached for a wave, took over the ashes.

As soon as the lid was opened, there was a pile of white ash in the jar. The particles were distinct and illuminated by the sun, which was a little crystal clear.

Xu lacked the system immediately and asked: "System, judge, can you make a white ash that breaks the space!"

“Hey, after testing, this material belongs to white ashes, the purity is 50%, the success rate of making broken letters is low, it is not recommended!” The system immediately responded.

Xu lacked an instant and vomited blood.

What is the purity of the ashes? What is this special to play with me?

"It is recommended that the host look for ashes that are older in the year. Only after years of precipitation, the purity of the ashes will be higher!" The system reminded.

Xu shook his head and shook his head. Obviously, this cockroach ran away.

But fortunately, I have also gained a little experience value, and the forced value has earned nearly 30,000, not a blood loss.

More importantly, this ghost palace is so overbearing, it is not a good thing to distinguish it. Now that they have solved them, it can be regarded as helping the people and killing the people!

Xu lacks self-comfort in his heart and thinks that he has done a good thing.

But in fact, everyone in the scene is now looking at the lack of Xu, more fear than seeing Li boss, the crowd does not know when to start, has dispersed more than half.

"Big brother, the ashes have been given to you, you... Do you have any needs? Can you spare me a life, I will not dare to provoke you anymore in the future." At this time, the two young masters sat on the ground and asked with a look Road.


Xu lacked a cold cry and threw the urn back into the arms of the second young master. He looked awkward and said: "You don't have the purity of this ashes, I don't want it!"

"Ah?" The two young masters were forced in an instant.

Everyone in the room also turned his eyes and almost fainted.

Nima, ashes and purity? This **** is the first time I heard it!

"Don't, don't, big brother, it's really the ashes of our ancestors, please accept it!" The second young man immediately cried and pleaded.

Now he feels that Xu’s lack of roots is not an ashes. He simply wants to find an excuse to kill him.

"Rolling, you are sick, I want the ash of your family's ancestors? Really, I am the kind of wicked person?" Xu lacks a proper air.

"No, you are definitely not!" Two young masters immediately responded.

Xu was suddenly satisfied with a nod. "Okay, since you are all killed by you, then you apologize to the two beautiful little fairies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We apologize and we will leave. ”

"Yes!" The two young masters immediately rushed to the shore and glared at Jiang Hongyan and Xu Feifei. "I'm sorry, my two sisters, I have no eyes, I am a mouthful, I don't dare any more." ”

"Forget it, I am too lazy to care about you like this!" Xu Feifei snorted and waved.

After all, she was still good, and she did not want to kill the two young masters.

Jiang Hongyan looked at everything and didn't care about anything. If the two young masters were not good at Xu Feifei, if she found that he had white ashes, she could not chase it so far.

"Okay, I am going to talk to the fans to say, since you apologize, then I will spare you a life!" At this time, Xu said.

At the same time, the fingers condensed and suddenly swept forward.



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