Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 996: I am going to charge

"They? Who are they?"

Xu lacked the voice of the old man and couldn't help but ask.

But the old man was so sullen and murderous that he seemed to be full of hatred towards the men and women.

At the same time, the dialogue in the channel continues.

"We have been trapped here for a hundred years. Have you really let go of this hundred years?"

"Sorry, I have already let go when I decided to be with your mother!"

"Good, very good, now the refining palace has been opened, I will leave immediately, go back to complete the big marriage with the Song family, and since then, you and I will meet again, it is the enemy!"

"Wait, I have a question to ask you before I leave!"

"You ask!"

"For so many years, the person you can't put down, is it me, or am I? If you marry the Song family, what should I do?"


When I talked about this, everyone outside the passage was almost completely messy.

Xu lacked Zhang's mouth and looked blank.

Nima's information is too big to be imagined!

Is there any such operation?

The hearse drifts?

What makes Xu Xuan even more surprised is that the realm of the men and women in the inside is not low. From the breath, at least it is close to the realm of the old man, at least it must be a semi-fairyland below the fairyland.

"Hey, it’s really a narrow road, you all fall back and hide, and the matter is personally solved!" At this moment, the old man snorted, his body slightly on the side, flashing to the side of the passage, seemingly ready to find an opportunity to ambush.

The elders did not hesitate, and immediately waved to the people of Ye Zong to withdraw their distance and move to the rear.

Jiang Hongyan also took Xu Feifei and stepped back. She did not intend to participate in this matter.

The two dogs... have long been hiding in the last side.

Only Xu’s eyes were turned, and the sneak sneaked to the old man’s side and comforted: “It’s already here, look at it!”

"Look at it? You actually let the old man look at it? This is to be replaced by you, can you see it?" The old man was full of anger.

Xu lacked a smile: "I definitely won't encounter this kind of situation. But as the saying goes, I want to live a little interesting, just bring some green on my head, but I didn't expect you to be so open, actually green yourself. Daughter, to be honest, this is really not appropriate."

"Do you have a little green on your head? Green my own daughter?" The old man heard a mist, always felt something was wrong, frowning: "War, what are you talking about? Where am my daughter?"

"Ah?" Xu lacked a sigh, pointing to the direction in the passage and asked: "The woman inside is not your daughter? Isn't that man a boyfriend?"

"Wang sledgehammer!" The old man suddenly looked annoyed, and he almost missed the slap in the face.

"Oh?" Xu lacked face and forced.

The old man said with anger: "What are you talking about, the things that are about men and women, have nothing to do with me. The great hatred that I am referring to is that they ambushed me in the refining palace a hundred years ago!"

"Ah! It turned out to be like this! Misunderstanding misunderstanding, purely misunderstanding!" Xu lacks this stunned, full of face and a polite smile.

It is no wonder that it will be misunderstood. The dialogue between men and women is simply enough to break the three views of many people.

At this time, the old man is full of murderous face, it is hard not to misunderstand!

I just didn't think that for a long time, the old man's murderousness was because the men and women inside were the ones who participated in ambushing her a hundred years ago. This is indeed a narrow road!

"Are you going to be on this ambush?" Xu asked.

Although I can feel that the two people inside are very powerful, but the old man is hiding in the side of the ambush, I am afraid there will be no substantial effect.

"What? Do you think there is anything wrong with it?" the old man wondered.

"Of course it is not appropriate, you can't do this ambush. At most, you can play more than one other. There is no bird at all!" Xu lacked his eyes.

The old man was a little embarrassed after listening to it.

After all, to their realm, ambush this tactic, the general situation is useless, only when the opponent does not pay attention to ambush shots, seize the opportunity, even if more opponents, it will affect the results.

At that time, she was shot because she was not paying attention, and she was confronted with several opponents at the same time.

If it wasn't for that one, she could cope with those people with her peak strength, but it was because the palm of her hand caused her trauma, she couldn't recover in a short time, and the vicious circle was finally hit.

So this time, she was ambushing here, just to pay for her teeth, and reported the hatred of the year, but I did not expect Xu to actually say that it was useless.

"The ambush is to pay attention to one blow, the opponent does not pay attention, one move has his life!" At this time, Xu lacked a serious explanation.

The old man suddenly rolled his eyes, and his opponent did not pay attention to a fatal one? What do you want to do daydreaming?

This is a battle between a semi-fairyland and a fairyland. Isn't it a matter that can be solved with a knife between a mortal and a mortal?

"Well? Are you listening, actually still look disdainful, tell you the truth, I was also a master of the ambush world, your ambush, it is a child's play!" Xu shook his head, his face was full Hate iron is not steel.

The old man sighed helplessly: "War, you still hide back, the battle between the semi-fairyland and the fairyland is not something you can understand!"

"What are you talking about? I am talking about ambushing with you now. It is not about the realm. Is ambush not knowing the realm?" Xu lacked his eyes.

The old man was annoyed and annoyed. He sneered: "The ambush does not divide the realm? Well, you ambush one to look at the old man."

"I am, you are stupid, white to work for you? But considering the current situation is special, the ambush is no problem for you, but like this one-on-one teaching, I have to charge!" With a smile, he finally revealed the fox tail.

In addition to getting black and white ashes, he is holding the idea of ​​being abducted, and he can get what he can get.

Whether it is Wannianhualu, or the treasure of this old man, how much is definitely how much, after all, the old man is the existence of a fairyland, maybe a few pieces of fairy from her body.

"Oh, if you can really ambush success, as you said, a fatal blow, the old body really has to pay to learn from you." The old man sneered, full of mocking.

It is not that she does not believe that Xu is lacking, but that the lack of Xu is simply absurd, and the fool will believe.

A teenager who is at the peak of the fit, actually wants to ambush the two semi-fairy strong, the key is to hit a fatal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How is this possible?

Even if she is a fairyland, she does not dare to make such a guarantee even if the injury is completely healed.

Therefore, if Xu is absent, it sounds like a joke in Laojiao.

However, Xu lacked his eyes and shone. He said: "Great, I like to work with you like this kind of person. The men and women will come out soon. We will talk about tuition fees first. You are planning to use it. Is meat reimbursement or material repayment? Is it still paid in one lump sum?"



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