Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 985 Counterattack

"The technique of surrogate death?"

Tisa narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the black-robed Wen Renfeng in front of her, but suddenly frowned.

"No...this aura seems to be much more dangerous than before!"

At this moment, Wen Renfeng had a perverse expression and fierce eyes. It was very different from the usually cold, calm but easy-going Wen Renfeng!

Raising his head to look at Tissa and Kallen in front of him, Wen Renfeng held the blackened Yi Ming Xuanzhi and sneered: "Reversal of cause and effect!"

Suddenly, the black plum blossoms were flying, golden light flashed, and a mysterious wave stronger than before swayed from Wen Renfeng's body!

Vaguely, Kallen seemed to feel something, her expression changed, and she was about to explode her star power to resist!

The next moment, purple light flowed around Kallen's body, runes flickered, and a dark purple Bagua pattern fell on her body out of thin air...

Astonishingly, it was the eight-door seal that Kallen used on Wen Renfeng before!

As the runes on the eight gates of Open, Rest, Life, Injury, Du, Scenery, Death, and Shock flashed violently, the aura on Kallen dimmed in an instant.

This power is even stronger than what Kallen herself used before!

At the same time, an injury that almost cut his body in half quickly emerged on Tisa next to him!


Tisa's pupils shrank suddenly and she immediately grasped the Holy Grail.

Under the pouring of a large amount of golden energy from the Holy Grail, the wheel of luck behind Tisza flourished, and it tried its best to erase the horrific injury that was about to cut the body in half.

Kallen's expression also changed drastically, her aura was sealed by a large block of light, and she quickly retreated in shock!

The next moment, Wen Renfeng appeared in front of Kallen with a flash of figure, swung the ink-dyed black branch and chopped it down!

"not good!"

Karen's heart trembled, and she immediately waved her sword to resist.

"Bang!" There was a sound, but Wen Renfeng's sword collapsed and flew out!

Seeing that Wen Renfeng was about to continue his pursuit, at the critical moment, a bright beam of holy light suddenly flew towards him.

"Photon blast!"

It was [Pope] John in the distance who came to help!

Wen Renfeng turned his head and glanced, raised his hand slightly, and thousands of ink-stained black plums rushed up from his side like a river flowing backwards.


The holy light collided violently with the sea of ​​plum blossoms, and the exploding large pieces of light elements were unable to break through the thin layer of countercurrent black plums.

It is obviously extremely light, but it is also unimaginably hard and heavy.

John's heart was slightly frightened, but he also prepared another tyrannical technique!

Now Tisza is still dealing with his injuries, so he must hold off his opponent for the time being.

"The gods listen, the Church of Purification!"

John shouted loudly, raised his staff and pointed it at Wen Renfeng.

A large piece of holy light hung down from Wen Renfeng's head, and instantly turned into a magnificent church of light, trapping her inside.

There are various lifelike statues around the church.

God lowered his eyes, angels sang, and crosses of holy light flew out and were inserted in all directions of Wen Renfeng, bursting out infinite holy light to seal it in.

But in the blink of an eye, the entire church was flooded by the majestic holy light!

Karen's eyes lit up when she saw John trapping Wen Renfeng with the Church of Purification.

At this moment, his hands are placed everywhere on the body. After a while, the eight seals can be unlocked using the unsealing method.

But at this moment, John's expression changed and he shouted: "Be careful!"

I saw an increasingly dense black color surging inside the Purification Church, and then the entire church with sharp edges and corners bulged like a rubber ball!


The next moment, the church collapsed, the holy light exploded, and millions of black plums swept out of the shattered church like a wave, overwhelming the sky!

"Huh?!" Kallen's pupils shrank.

Among the millions of black plums, Wen Renfeng pointed at Kallen with a cold face, and the infinite black plums immediately roared towards Kallen!

"not good!"

Kallen's expression changed drastically. She pulled back and immediately activated her dark purple star power to resist!

But the eight-door seal has not yet been lifted, and it is impossible to mobilize much star power.

As for flying back... No matter how fast you move, can you still be faster than the flying plum blossoms?

The tide of plum blossoms caught up with Kallen in an instant, and with just one rush, it shattered the aura in front of her.


Kallenmei's eyes widened, a burst of panic appeared in her eyes, and the next moment she was drowned by the roar of countless black plums!


In an instant, there was the sound of countless sharp blades cutting the body.

Then, a large amount of bright red blood seeped out from the layers of black plums...


John's eyes widened and his pupils trembled.

At this time, Wen Renfeng had turned around and looked up. As soon as he raised his hand, a large number of black plum blossoms were about to roar towards John.

"Spirit-possessed Holy Sword!"

Just at this moment, an extremely bright sword light suddenly struck through, but it cut off and blocked a large number of flying black plums.

Wen Renfeng turned around and saw that Tisa was wearing holy armor, holding a holy sword, and had already deployed the full armor of the possessing angel.

However, at this moment, there was a rather shocking sword wound on Tisa's chest!

Looking at Kallen, who had turned into a pool of blood in a matter of seconds, Tisa's eyes became even colder: "Qilin Yuwen Renfeng, I do underestimate you."

"Did I finally hurt you?" Wen Renfeng's eyes fell on the injury on Tisa's chest and sneered, "It seems that you are not absolutely invincible. Once the injury is too serious, you will not be able to completely Block it."

For Wen Renfeng, the ordinary state of white plum blossoms is just the normal state of treatment and life-saving.

Black plum is the state of killing!

However, in the past, Wen Renfeng, white plum and black plum could not be completely separated.

Now with the help of the Xuanzhi of Changing Life, using the art of "changing life", Heimei's body is directly separated and stored in the Xuanzhi as a second life!

Although the killing power of Baimei's state has been weakened, with its own ability and the strengthening of Xuanzhi, it is not much worse than before.

The black plum state is more pure, whether it is the plum blossom technique or the power of cause and effect... it can explode with stronger power!

The Plum Blossom Technique doubles the speed and lethality.

The power of cause and effect can not only increase the time of interference in the past, but also double the effect!

It was also because of this that the already fatal iron-cutting blow was returned to Tisa twice as much. Even if Tisa's wheel of fortune was running at full strength, it would be difficult to offset such a fatal injury in an instant, and that's why he was injured.

And if Wen Renfeng herself had caused injuries to Wen Renfeng...

That means doubling and doubling, one blow can consume four times the luck!

Moreover, Wen Renfeng's counter-injury was to reverse the existing result, not Tisza's absorption rebound.

Even if Tisza uses the Holy Armor of Spiritual Enchantment, the causal counterattack will not be weakened at all!

Wen Renfeng's eyes showed murderous intent, and he swung the Yiming Xuanzhi to kill Tisa!


The spirit-possessed holy sword and the Mo Ran Xuanzhi collided at high speed, the air hissed, the spiritual light exploded, and countless golden lights and black plums continued to stir and annihilate outside the two of them!

This is a duel between two super masters of destiny. Both of them have powerful abilities, comprehensive means, and have sealed sacred weapons!

"Judgment Angel, Domain of the Holy Sword!"

Just at this moment, along with a low shout, the infinite holy light lit up.

I saw countless complicated runes lighting up from under Tisza, and the extremely bright cross holy light shot out.

But in the blink of an eye, there were densely packed thousands of golden holy swords floating around, surrounding Wen Renfeng!

Tisza slashed out with his sword, and dozens of holy swords in the Holy Sword Domain lit up, and the terrifying sword light shot out even more intensely.

Wen Renfeng controlled the tide of plum blossoms to resist, but she couldn't resist it.

Wen Renfeng's body surged with star power, and the plum blossoms in his eyes rotated at high speed: "The plum blossoms are easy to count... millions!"

Infinite black light soared into the sky from Wen Renfeng's body. The plum blossoms, which already numbered in the millions, skyrocketed again. In just two breaths, they reached tens of millions. The surrounding sword lights that rushed in from all directions continued to collapse. , and there is still enough energy left to help kill Tisza!

"Boom boom boom...!"

The two of them obviously had anti-injury skills, but at this moment they didn't dare to let the other party attack them at will.

Tisa's lucky power can't withstand the consumption of four times the lucky power, and Wen Renfeng's reversal of cause and effect is difficult to use continuously!

The sword branches clashed, the holy light of the sword domain collided with the thousands of plum blossoms, and some injuries gradually appeared on the two of them.


Blood spattered and injuries appeared on both sides at the same time.

Tisa's eyes condensed, and he raised the spirit-enchanted holy sword high. In an instant, the thousands of cross holy swords suspended around the holy sword domain were all brilliant, and they all made a "click" sound, and actually collapsed on their own.

The shattered brilliance of countless cross holy swords all converged on the possessed holy sword in Tissa's hand.

The holy sword that was originally possessed by an angel was now surrounded by a large amount of divine radiance. Its power surged wildly, exuding a terrifying aura that annihilated everything!

Obviously, Tisa wanted to take advantage of this defeat of Wen Renfeng's defense to launch a powerful blow to completely defeat him!

"The Holy Realm is shattered, the Sword of the End!"

Wen Renfeng had already sensed the opponent's plan. He pressed his left hand on the mysterious branch, and thousands of black plums from all directions gathered at high speed towards the mysterious branch like a whirlpool.

But in the blink of an eye, Yi Mingxuanzhi completely turned into pitch black!

"One sword kills thousands of flowers, kill them!"

Wen Renfeng shouted lowly and slashed out with a branch instead of a blade!

In an instant, the divine, majestic and unparalleled light of the end collided with the slash of thousands of black plums.

The sword realm without the support of the lightsaber was instantly broken. The surging holy light and the black plum blossoms deeper than the night rose into the sky. Everything visible to the naked eye was shattered by the two-color spiritual light!

"Photon Leap!"

John outside was startled and immediately stepped away.

After a long while, the aura in the field slowly dissipated.

I saw many dripping wounds all over Wen Renfeng's body.

Because without the power of Bai Mei at this moment, there is no way he can heal himself at all.

As for Tisa, there were no injuries.

However, the golden Holy Grail in his hand was much dimmed at this moment!

"It seems that your energy source is about to be exhausted..." Wen Renfeng's face turned pale, but his eyes were extremely bright, with murderous intent surging!

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