Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 988 Support

After Wendy thought for a moment, she made a seal with her hand and pointed towards Phoenix.

"Light of Replication!"

In an instant, Phoenix had a flash of inspiration from head to toe, and two more illusions exactly like Phoenix appeared from the left and right, both holding holy swords in their hands.

Wendy's copying light can copy targets without resistance.

This move is not that powerful when used on rules-based teammates, because rule-based abilities are often difficult to control.

But if it is used on teammates with extremely strong "hard power" like Phoenix... then most of their strength can be exerted!


Flames surged above the holy sword, and powerful auras rose into the sky from the two phantoms, about to fly over to attack Tong Xueer and Wen Renfeng.

"Let's just leave this trick here!" Fang Yuan's body was filled with murderous intent, and he grasped the handle of the knife tightly and unfolded the drawing gesture, "White Tiger Draws the Knife Technique, Shocking Stop!"


Fang Yuan swung three swords in an instant, the sword light reached the sky, tearing open the cracks, and instantly slashed through Phoenix and the two cloned illusions!

Except for Phoenix, who was holding a sword in both hands and was knocked back several steps, the other two cloned phantoms were split in half from head to toe, and exploded with two "bang bang" sounds!

"Is this True Lord White Tiger..." Wendy frowned. She didn't expect Fang Yuan to be so sharp and destroy his own duplicated illusion with two swords.

Fang Yuan sneered: "What's the use of summoning illusions? In a battle at this level, a slight difference can make a huge difference!"

After saying this, Fang Yuan looked at Phoenix again, and with a flash of his body, he jumped to kill him.

The two of them fought fiercely again in an instant, and for a while there was only the roar of the sword light and the holy flame...

"Earth Marrow Demonic Body!"

Tong Xueer directly launched the True Form Liberation, and a large area of ​​fair skin turned into black crystals visibly to the naked eye, and then activated the remaining five Hunyuan Pearls to fly up and hit Wendy and others!

Hunyuan Pearl, coupled with Tong Xueer's gravity transformation, the huge power of each Hunyuan Pearl is unimaginable!

Wendy looked solemn and was about to take action again.

At this time, the Fool beside him had already flown up and rushed towards several Hunyuan Pearls without dodging.

"What is this for?"

Tong Xueer raised her eyebrows. She didn't know what the Fool was going to do, but he was seeking his own death.

However, when the Fool was crushed by the first Hunyuan Pearl, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared not far away.

"He seems to have a special way to avoid attacks!" Wen Renfeng, who was not far away, reminded.

Tong Xueer's eyes moved slightly, she pinched a seal in her hand, and continued to control the remaining Hunyuan Pearl to blast towards the Fool.

With a flash of inspiration, the Fool came to Tong Xue'er strangely after being shattered again and again by the remaining Hunyuan Pearl. He raised the sword at his waist and glanced at Tong Xue'er.

"Do you want to hurt me with such crude and cumbersome methods?"

Tong Xueer's expression froze, but the Fool had already slashed down with his sword...


The imaginary explosion of blood and light did not appear, but a burst of intense black light suddenly appeared on Tong Xueer's body, and suddenly turned into an extremely dark, violently shaking Hunyuan Pearl.

"Huh?" A look of surprise appeared on the Fool's face.

In the distance, one of the Hunyuan Pearls flashed with light, and Tong Xueer's figure reappeared.

Tong Xueer squeezed the seal with her hand and said coldly: "Hunyuan collapses!"


The Hunyuan Pearl trembled violently, and the terrifying black light that caused the space to collapse suddenly exploded and enveloped the Fool!

Tong Xueer looked closely at the large space in front of her that was shattered and trembling in the black light. She didn't know whether the Hunyuan collapse's blow could hurt the opponent.

But before the spiritual light dispersed, the next moment, Wen Renfeng, who was not far away, shrank her pupils and shouted: "Be careful behind you!"

A strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in Tong Xueer's heart.

"not good!"

This thought just appeared in my mind. The next moment, severe pain came and blood splashed!

Tong Xueer's eyes widened and she looked back with trembling eyes, only to see the Fool holding a sword and slashing at her black crystal-covered back.

You must know that the Earth Marrow Demonic Body, in addition to enhancing weight conversion, has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

However, at this moment, a deep wound with bone visible was cut out.

A wave rippled on the sword, and the wound continued to tear!

"Are you trying to plot against me?" The Fool looked at Tong Xue'er indifferently, with a teasing smile in his eyes, "Then, pay the price for your shallowness!"


Tong Xueer was severely injured with one blow. As the wound tore open and blood surged, she felt a sense of fatigue and fell directly downwards.

The Fool raised his hand to finish the attack, but here, thousands of black plums roared towards him, so he immediately got out of the way.

The next moment, Wen Renfeng flew over and directly caught the falling Tong Xueer.

Wen Renfeng opened her five fingers, with plum blossoms flowing on her fingertips, and was about to cast a healing spell.

But as soon as he exerted his strength, his star power became chaotic, and the black plums in his palm fell apart.


Wen Renfeng frowned, although with the help of Yi Ming Xuanzhi, he was completely separated from the black plum state and his strength was greatly increased.

But because of this, Black Plum's current state has no healing ability!

"famous person……"

Tong Xueer's eyes dimmed slightly and she raised her eyes to look at Wen Renfeng.

If it turned out that the enemy was ahead, Wen Renfeng would never care about the life or death of others.

However, since going down the mountain to join the Tianxuan Division, Wen Renfeng's original monotonous life and withdrawn emotions have subtly changed a lot.

At this moment, Wen Renfeng looked at Tong Xueer, who was losing her breath and feeling exhausted, and felt hesitant for a moment.

If saved, the black plum state will be ended and the seriously injured Tong Xueer can be healed, but it will be more difficult to deal with the enemy.

Without rescuing her, Tong Xueer's current state would range from severe injuries to coma, to severe blood loss, shock, or even death on the spot.

Although the Fool's Sword is not a sealed holy weapon, it is also a pseudo-holy weapon.

There aren't many other functions, just "sharpness", "tearing", "bleeding" and "recovery reduction".

Just when Wen Renfeng was thinking about it, the Fool above him had already crossed the plum blossoms and killed him.

Wen Renfeng's expression darkened, and she immediately hugged Tong Xue'er with one hand and waved a black branch to resist.

Through what John said, the Fool also knew Wen Renfeng's ability. At this moment, he just wanted to kill Tong Xue'er in his arms first.

Wen Renfeng has never had to fight with someone in his arms so far. Even though Tong Xueer was petite, her performance was limited because of this and she was quickly suppressed.

Although plum blossoms can be used to protect Tong Xueer, these millions of plum blossoms may not be able to block powerful enemies with strange abilities!


With an explosion, Wen Renfeng was directly knocked into the ground by the Fool's sword and hit the ground heavily.

Wen Renfeng snorted. Of course, this kind of injury would not be casually reversed.

Seeing that John was about to be killed, Wen Renfeng thought in her heart, and the surging plum blossoms gathered from all around to block her head.

But John didn't dodge, and was instantly overwhelmed by the plum blossoms.

But the next moment, he strangely broke through the plum blossom blockade and rushed down.

"Let go of... me."

Tong Xueer pushed Wen Renfeng away with a pale face, staggering and about to sit down on the ground.

Even if he is seriously injured, he is still a real king, and Tong Xueer does not want to be a burden to others.

But Wen Renfeng opened the five fingers of her left hand, and a large number of plum blossoms turned into a rope and pulled her back and tied her to her body.


Tong Xueer's expression changed, and before she could say anything, Wen Renfeng waved her mysterious branch and flew towards the Fool above her head.

However, at this moment, Wen Renfeng felt the ground beneath his feet shake slightly.

The next moment, a huge tree surrounded by several people burst out of the ground beside the two of them, soared into the sky and directly hit the Fool!

However, a flash of inspiration came from the Fool, and he suddenly dodged from the top of the rising giant tree to a short distance to the side.

Wen Renfeng turned around and saw an old man with a sallow face and a black robe of a green dragon flying over!

It was Xia Hou who came out of Ziwei's inner palace!

The Fool wanted to continue flying down to kill Tong Xueer, but Xiahou seemed to know that he could avoid this sudden attack. He kept sealing in his hands, the ground shook violently, and dozens of giant trees were heard one after another. They soared into the sky, but the moment the Fool appeared in a flash, they all attacked again!

The Fool used his abilities to dodge one after another, but tens of thousands of branches grew on dozens of giant trees, crisscrossing each other, but they forced the Fool back layer by layer from the inside out!

The Fool looked at the huge sea of ​​trees below that had formed within a few breaths, but couldn't help but frown.

Xia Hou's green light flashed, and he escaped into the trees and came to Wen Renfeng and the others.

"Xia Zhenjun." Wen Renfeng said.

Xia Hou nodded, looked at Tong Xueer's injuries, raised his hand to form a seal and slapped her on the body:

"Azure Dragon Transformation!"

Many mysterious green light runes unfolded from Tong Xueer's back, and the rich power of life suddenly rushed into her body.

The bloody sword wound on Tong Xueer's back recovered quickly, and even the pale complexion that had lost too much blood quickly turned rosy.

Soon, Tong Xueer regained her balance.

Tearing off the black plum bolt attached to her body, Tong Xueer said: "Thank you, Zhenjun Xiahou, and thank you, Wenren, for the second seat."

Tong Xueer's eyes fell on Wen Ren next to her, her expression slightly strange.

Wen Renfeng nodded slightly: "You're welcome."

Xiahou looked at the Fool above his head and quickly said to the two of them: "Fool, he can predict the attack and avoid it one step ahead..."

Xia Hou briefly informed Wen Renfeng and Tong Xueer of the information obtained from Huang Xiang.

Both Wen Renfeng and Wen Renfeng were top experts, and they immediately understood how the Fool had avoided his attack before.

But suddenly, the two people's expressions became serious.

The ability to predict the future and dodge is really difficult to deal with.

"It seems that there is a traitor in the temple..."

In mid-air, the Fool raised his head and looked forward, only to see a young man with a yellowish complexion flying over in the distance following Xia Hou.

"Oh? You're actually a minion..." The Fool looked at Huang Xiang, a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, you are the first substitute under the Three Yangs of the Secret Society of Truth, Tian Yu?"


Huang Xiang shook his head, raised his hand and rubbed his face slightly.

In the blink of an eye, an equally ordinary but younger face appeared.

"Great Yan Kingdom, Huang Xiang!" (End of this chapter)

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