Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 992 Blood Curse

"What a powerful healing technique!"

Everyone turned to look, only to see the holy light entangled on John's body not far away, transformed into a holy white robe, and a trace of the majesty of the Pope suddenly exuded.

Before, [King], [Star], [Queen] and others all died violently in front of John, leaving no chance for John to perform.

But just imagine, even the dead John can resurrect him, let alone a serious injury?

John, I have been suppressing it for a long time!

"Sure enough, this [Pope] is not that simple!" Tong Xueer frowned.

Wen Renfeng's eyes also condensed. This man's ability was very restrained for him.

If he cannot be dealt with, then facing Phoenix, who has extraordinary strength, perfect condition, and meticulous attack control, his own reversal of cause and effect will not be able to have any effect!

Xia Hou also thought of this.

Unless he could kill his opponent instantly, not only Wen Renfeng, but also himself and others would be unable to pose any threat to the two people in front...except Fang Yuan.

Xia Hou and Wen Renfeng looked at each other. They were both super masters. Now that they had made a decision, there would be no delay for a moment.

"Blue Emperor Dragon!"

Xiahou shouted in a deep voice and immediately launched his true form of liberation.

Star power as deep as the sea surged out, Xiahou formed seals with his hands, the ground shook wildly, and countless huge green trees crazily transformed into dragon shapes and rose into the sky, heading towards Phoenix in layers.

Phoenix was just about recovered from his injuries. When he saw what was happening, he immediately flew out of God's Salvation and swung his holy sword to split the dragon green wood.

Xiahou has been in the Three Yang Realm for hundreds of years, and his star power is unparalleled. Although Phoenix can cut down dozens of dragon-shaped green trees with one sword, there are still hundreds of tough giant trees that keep rising up!

"Qinglong Zhenjun Xiahou is so powerful!"

Phoenix looked solemn, while slashing Aoki with his sword, he increased his speed and tried to sway out of the Aoki ocean.

However, high in the sky, the endless black plum blossoms covered the sky and sun, and suddenly pressed down like a canopy covering the sky, directly blocking all the exits between Aoki and completely pushing Phoenix back.


Xia Hou's eyes lit up, he made a seal with his hands, and suddenly closed his hands, his dry black hair blowing in the wind.

"The Qing Emperor is imprisoned in the heaven!"

The thousand-layer tree cage closed in an instant, and then sealed Phoenix inside.

This is clearly the same sealing technique as the previous Azure Emperor Wheel, but the cost of this technique... is nearly ten times greater!

Even Xia Hou, after using this technique, his star power was somewhat sluggish and sluggish due to the sudden excessive consumption, and it was difficult to turn around for a while!

However, Xiahou didn't stop for a moment. He raised his star power, and with his hand raised, dragons and green trees rose up from the ground to kill John.

"Focus on me!"

John's heart was slightly frightened, knowing that Xia Hou and others had regarded him as a target, and he immediately turned into a ball of holy light and flashed rapidly in the field.

Because of the liberation of his true form, his light ability has greatly improved, and he can actually dodge the attack of the transformed blue dragon several times in a row.

But there is more than just Xiahou here.

The turbulent black plum blossoms roared in. Wen Renfeng's eyes were filled with brilliant light. With a high-speed calculation, all the black plum blossoms turned into dozens of plum blossom waves and chased and intercepted the high-speed moving holy light. It took only a moment to surround John. !


Dozens of plum blossom waves collided together, and many black plum blossoms stirred and floated.

However, the illusion flashed in mid-air, and Wendy grabbed John, but it flashed high into the sky at the critical moment!

"Avoid it." Wen Renfeng raised an eyebrow.

John let out a long sigh of relief: "Wendy, thank you very much."

"It's okay..." Wendy just agreed, but her expression suddenly changed, "Be careful!"

Behind John, a figure suddenly turned into reality, and with a shake of his hand, a white snake-like aura suddenly shot out!

Wendy only had time to pull away from John a little.

The next moment, blood burst out, and John's chest was pierced by the lightning-fast white snake dagger.

Wendy looked up and saw a young man with a slightly gloomy expression.

"White Tiger's second seat is He Xianyin!"

Wendy's expression was slightly condensed. According to the intelligence, it was this person who killed [World] and [Moon] together with Suzaku Yu Suyuan.

Yes, it was He Xianyin who came over.

Wendy grabbed John, and with another flash of inspiration, she led John away again.

And John raised his left hand to seal on his body, a strong holy light lit up, and along with a burst of flying black smoke, the injury as big as the mouth of a bowl immediately recovered, and even the toxins in it were purified away!

"What a powerful purifying power."

He Xianyin frowned slightly, knowing that his latent blow had been neutralized. There is really no simple knight of truth.

When He Xianyin raised his hand, the dagger shot out like a white snake again.

However, Wendy snorted coldly, and with a thought, she was truly liberated.

In an instant, the aura flourished, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of illusions suddenly appeared in all directions. Wendy jumped between the illusions one after another, leading John out of the way.

"Puff puff……!"

The white snake dagger instantly shattered illusions one after another, but could not catch Wendy.

However, Xiahou and Wenrenfeng also controlled Qingmu and Heimei to pursue them.

Wendy and John were dodging around in the field, but no matter how flexible they were, they would never be able to avoid the pursuit of the three masters.

Especially Wen Renfeng's Black Plum, which is extremely fast and very organized!

None of the illusions created by Wendy could match the speed at which Wen Renfeng and the others defeated them. In a short while, they would be overtaken by the three masters.

"Hiding like this is not an option." John's heart shuddered slightly.

But Wendy's eyes moved slightly and she turned to look into the distance: "No, that's enough!"

Seeing that Heimei was about to catch up with the two, at this moment, a terrifying and extremely hot wave suddenly came from the side!

Xia Hou and Wen Renfeng both had their eyes condensed and turned to look.

I saw thousands of green trees burning and cracking, and the sea of ​​trees that the Qing Emperor imprisoned in the heaven was instantly burned into a sea of ​​fire!

But the sea of ​​​​fire is not eye-catching, because in the sea of ​​​​fire, there is an existence as dazzling as the sun.

Phoenix is ​​holding the holy sword, and the eight blazing wings on his back are burning like cleansing holy flames. His aura is terrifying, and he has suddenly launched his true form of liberation!

"He actually smashed the Qing Emperor Prisoner's Heaven Realm into pieces!"

There was a burst of surprise in Xia Hou's eyes, and then his expression suddenly became much more solemn.

Qing Emperor's Prison in Heaven is not as mysterious as Qing Emperor's Wheel, but it is simpler and more crude.

Because this move is almost impossible to break apart from the huge consumption and continuous supply of star power!

Thousands of dragon-shaped green trees are endlessly growing. Even if they are broken into pieces, they can quickly recover and grow with the terrifying power of life.

Therefore...unless the opponent's explosive power can kill a thousand dragons Aoki at once!

Xiahou used this move to trap Phoenix, not only to deal with John, the auxiliary, but also to separate Phoenix so that he could surround and kill the Fool first.

But now, Phoenix came out so quickly!

"Phoenix is ​​indeed the 'knight among knights'..."

Even if Nasir can burn everything, there must be an impeccably powerful knight who can wield it!

At this moment, looking at everyone in the field, Phoenix, who was like a seraph, raised the holy sword Nasir high.

Seeing this starting gesture, Wendy's eyes froze, and with a thought, she led John directly to the Fool.

The wall of angelic chants unfolded outside the Fool, having already forced Fang Yuan and Tong Xueer back in advance, and at this moment, as if he had expected it, he grabbed Wendy in front of him.

And Wendy had a flash of inspiration, leaving an afterimage, and the three of them disappeared on the spot.

"not good!"

Fang Yuan, Tong Xueer and others had also noticed something was wrong, and they all looked at Phoenix, who was holding the holy sword high in the air and his whole body was wrapped in golden flames.

There is no sun in the secret realm, but Phoenix at this moment is like a real sun!

Dazzling... and fiery!

"The flame of purification!"

Felix's eyes were filled with golden flames, and he slashed them with his sword.

In an instant, like the sun exploding, dazzling golden light suddenly erupted with Phoenix as the center and filled the entire world!

The rock wall of the secret realm collapsed and the ground turned into scorched earth.

Everything, under the shining of the holy flame as bright as the sun, was turned into ashes... not even a blade of grass could grow!

[Sun] Phoenix, his ability... is to explode in excess!

The operation and release of star power are restricted by the star sea and star veins, and the body must also bear pressure. Therefore, there is an upper limit to the star power that a star card master can mobilize instantly.

But Phoenix is ​​able to ignore this pressure, compress and explode all the mobilizable star power at will, and turn it into the most extreme attack!

"Ha..." Phoenix breathed slightly, his face turned a little pale.

This blow has consumed 80% of his star power, and the star power in his body has almost bottomed out!

However, combined with the liberation of the true form and the strengthening of the holy sword, this attack has completely surpassed the limit of Sanyang and is directly catching up with the king level!

But within a few breaths, the afterimage flashed in the field, and the Fool and others appeared in the field again.

John looked at the world that seemed to have been purified and was so clean that nothing could be seen. He was greatly shocked. He asked in shock:

"Are they...all dead?"

The Fool, however, narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced downward: "I'm afraid, not yet."

"Huh?" Phoenix suddenly noticed something, "Be careful!"

The next moment, a white light flashed behind the four people, and suddenly four Fang Yuan jumped towards them and slashed them down with their swords at the same time!

Phoenix immediately swung his holy sword to attack, but was knocked back several steps.

But the fool's body had a flash of inspiration, and it was still intact.

As for Wendy and John, they were chopped on the spot and sent flying!

However, there was no splash of blood or two cuts, but the blood surged where the body was struck, turning into a scarlet blood mark that emerged.

"The killing blood curse!"

Wendy and John were both frightened when they looked at the bloody mark, feeling an aura of approaching death from it!

Everyone looked up and saw Fang Yuan flying up and standing in the air.

His skin was a little burnt, his eyes were as red as black, and the blood vessels all over his body were now covered in blood like runes.

The whole person exudes a frightening and dangerous aura!

True form liberation, killer blood curse!

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