Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1001 Fierce Battle with the Fool

"As long as I guess...then I will win!"

This is the confidence of a fool.

Not only does he have the power of omniscience to predict the future, but he also has an exclusive sacred weapon that only he can exert its full power!

Although Tisza is indeed very strong and has perfect and self-consistent abilities, he lacks initiative.

As for the Fool, both in terms of initiative and upper limit of strength, it is still far above Tisza.

Such an opponent is truly worthy of being the leader of the Secret Society of Truth created by the divine blessing of sacrificing many Burning Suns and tens of thousands of Star Card Masters!

At this moment, the Fool caught the falling coin again.

"Exactly...accelerating tenfold."

The Fool's omniscient eyes were filled with golden light, and he smiled and opened his hands, revealing the face of an angel.

The divine light came upon him, and the Fool instantly disappeared from the spot.

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he immediately stepped sideways.


The next moment, there was a wound on Su Yuan's waist, and strands of blood flowed out of it. Under the influence of the Fool's Pseudo-Saint Sword, the wound tore open and continued to bleed.

And just when the Fool was about to turn around and strike out with his second sword, a golden divine wind flowed around Su Yuan.

"Return to the ruins."

The divine wind of Guixu was added to his body, and Su Yuan raised the demon sword.

There was a "clang" sound, and the two swords clashed. The two looked at each other at close range, and then the sword light moved again, making a "clang clang" sound.

The Fool held the sword in one hand and fought with Su Yuan at high speed, and at the same time moved the coin in his left hand.

"Power!" The Fool shouted secretly.


Blood flowed down, and Su Yuan was immediately thrown away.

"This power is so powerful..."

Su Yuan held down Liuli Tianqing with his left hand, and as soon as the green light circulated, the injury was restored to its original state.

Seeing this, the fool couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Suzaku Yu Su Yuan is really tricky..."

Not only is the opponent extremely powerful, but even his star weapon is not simple.

Even if it's not as good as my own God's Coin, it won't be much worse...

John also had a heavy look on his face. He looked at the silver-haired young man in front of him and felt an increasingly strong sense of something bad.

While the Fool was thinking, Su Yuan slightly bent his legs, clasped the sword on the left, and already took a sword-drawing stance.

"Zi la!"

There is thunder on the sword, and the purple sky thunder rises around me!

Su Yuan lowered his figure: "Thunder Flash."

The fool's expression changed slightly.

The next moment, thunder roared past the Fool's body. The terrifying speed of Guixu Divine Wind + Thunder Flash could be said to be hundreds of miles in an instant, and there was no time to react!

However...the Fool does not rely on reactions to avoid harm, but relies on omniscience!

But seeing a flash of inspiration in the fool, nothing else happened.

Not to mention the injuries, even the Thunder Sword Seal was missing.

Su Yuan paused, then turned around and struck back with lightning flash.

The lightning flashed several times, and the sword flashed at extremely fast speeds in the blink of an eye. Others might have been killed long ago.

But the aura on the fool's body kept flashing, and he couldn't hit him at all.

The Fool said: "Just by doing this, don't even think about hitting me..."

The lightning flashed and suddenly stopped in front of the Fool.

Su Yuan's black robe was surging, his sword was entangled with thunder, and he stood in front of the Fool with a long sword in his hand.

"Indeed, it seems that Zhenjun Xiahou was right." Su Yuan said slowly.

Seeing Su Yuan suddenly appear in front of the Fool, Tong Xueer and others below were shocked.

"Su Zhenjun, so close!"

The two of them are so close to each other that they can kill each other with their swords!

It stands to reason that in combat, the more powerful an enemy you face, the more you need to keep a sufficient distance so that you have more time to react.

The Fool has omniscient defense and is not afraid of surprise attacks from others, but Su Yuan certainly does not.

Su Yuan's silver eyes stared at the Fool: "Your Excellency's ability can no longer be solved 'quickly'."

Su Yuan's rapid offensive had three purposes.

The first is to suppress the Fool's offensive. When the Fool uses omniscient defense, it seems that he is unable to carry out effective attacks.

The second is to confirm the consumption of the Fool. The consumption of soul power is reduced + the support of the vast light system star power of the possessed John, I am afraid there will be no shortage of star power in a short time.

The third and most important thing is to confirm the information that Zhenjun Xiahou just detected.

At the moment, even the lightning flashes of the sword can be avoided continuously, which shows that the information about the Fool is true.

"Infinite possibilities can be developed in an instant, and disasters can be avoided..."

"That's right." The Fool looked at Su Yuan in front of him and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Su Yuan chuckled lightly and took out a roll of yellowed ancient formation diagram.

"Then just step up the offensive!"

Su Yuan activated the formation diagram, and the formation diagram suddenly disappeared from his hand as the spiritual light circulated.

The entire area was immediately enveloped by the formation, and a fierce and murderous aura from ancient times filled the field!

"This is……!"

The Fool immediately felt a strong crisis, his eyes froze, and he immediately swung his sword towards Su Yuan in front of him.

"Attack enhancement!"

As he raised his hand, a golden sword light burst out of the crack.

And with a flash of silver light on Su Yuan's body, he teleported to high altitude, holding the sword formula in his hand, and the four azure swords outside him all disappeared into the formation.

"Red lights are everywhere in the Trap Immortal, kill!"

Red light flashed everywhere, murderous secrets were spread, and a large sword light split from the four Azure Swords jumped out from the formation!

"Swiss, swish, swish...!"

The Fool looked solemn, and kept flashing through the formation with the speed enhanced by the God's Coin.

The first killing formation in ancient times, even if it is only a remnant of the formation, every ray of red light has terrifying power comparable to the limit of the three Yangs. Once caught up, they will be killed by the infinite red light in the blink of an eye!

Even if the Fool was in this formation, he was suppressed and could only dodge constantly.

If you really want to use your ability to withstand the offensive of the Infinite Trap Sword Light, you will have to use personal consumption to fight against the consumption of the formation, which is really unwise.

If the Fool really wanted to dodge blindly, the super speed blessed by the coin, coupled with the powerful omniscient defense, would not only be unscathed, but the consumption would really not be greater than that of Su Yuan.

However, Su Yuan not only had the Phoenix Veins of the Blue Underworld to continuously restore his star power, but his movements also did not stop at this moment.

The ten fingers flicked together, silver light intertwined, and a silver cage transformed by immeasurable power quickly formed in the hand.

Su Yuan looked at the fool in the field and put his hands together: "Infinite·Silver Cage."

The silver cage suddenly disappeared from Su Yuan's hand, and from all directions, countless silver threads descended from the sky and turned into a giant silver cage that could not be avoided, and slowly shrank towards the center!

The reason why the Fool was able to dodge calmly in the Zhuxian remnant formation was also because the range of movement was extremely large.

At this moment, as the silver cage carrying countless immeasurable power shrinks, the space for the Fool to hide becomes smaller and smaller... Until finally, surrounded by the sword array, even if he has omniscience, he has nowhere to escape!

The Fool, who was dodging at high speed, frowned: "This move..."

Su Yuan stood high in the sky, looked down and said, "It seems that because the attack took too long to arrive, you really didn't 'see' it."

Whether it was Wen Renfeng's reversal of the past or the Fool's ability to predict the future, such terrifying abilities almost exceeded the strength of the Zhuoyang level.

But after all, it is not a real law and has its drawbacks.

The biggest disadvantage is the "time" limit.

The past that Wen Renfeng can reverse is limited, and the future that a fool can predict is limited.

The silver cage that is slowly shrinking at this moment will not pose a threat to the Fool for a while.


As time goes by, the silver cage continues to shrink, and the space for the Fool to move is getting smaller and smaller. Facing the sword light of the Trap Immortal that is sweeping up and down from all directions, there is nowhere to hide!

"Su Zhenjun's formation and skill combination are really amazing."

Below, Tong Xueer looked at the cooperation between the Silver Cage and the Zhuxian Sword Formation, with a look of admiration and solemnity on her face.

Jiang Lan, Huang Xiang and others were even more impressed.

He Xianyin said: "I am afraid that only Su Zhenjun, who has his own realm, and Xiahou Zhenjun, who has profound star power, can support two such majestic skills at the same time. If others are like this, I am afraid that the star power will be stagnant for a while due to overload. "

Speaking of this, Huang Xiang stepped forward and said to Xia Hou apologetically: "Xia Zhenjun, that wooden dragon ball..."

"No problem." Xia Hou interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Protect Tong Zhenjun and Wenren Cixi, you used it at the right time."

Fang Yuan, who had been staring at the sky, said coldly: "The Fool has to change his tactics, otherwise with Su Zhenjun's terrifying killing formation, he will die without even having to completely close it in!"

As if to confirm Fang Yuan's words, another change suddenly occurred within the formation.

The Fool suddenly stopped, his spiritual light flashing continuously, and he simply relied on his omniscient defense to resist the sword light coming from all around.

At the same time, his hands formed seals at high speed. In a moment, a large area of ​​divine light shone down, and a majestic angel holding a red cross holy sword and covered in armor flew up from outside the Fool.

The majestic angel raised the holy sword with both hands, and the infinite red light continued to gather over it. In just two or three breaths, it emitted frightening and terrifying fluctuations!

At this time, the Fool flipped the coin again.

"The coin of God is... Michael's righteous judgment, super enhanced!"

In an instant, a large area of ​​space outside the red cross holy sword was suddenly annihilated, and the already terrifying magical sword reached a level comparable to that of a king!

The next moment, the archangel swung his sword and stabbed, and the holy light turned into a golden beam of light and shot out to shatter the silver cage!

With Su Yuan's current strength, even the legendary skills may not be able to break through hundreds of silver cages with the ground as a prison in one fell swoop.

But this blow... definitely works!

However, Fang Yuan could predict the Fool's change of tactics, and Su Yuan, who was in the middle of the battle, was naturally prepared.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, sword lights shot out from all directions, and the infinite red light from the remaining formation of the Immortal Killing Formation gathered together, frantically cutting and strangling the pillar of holy light that was extremely bright and could destroy heaven and earth!

The layers of surging red sword light continued to shatter one after another, but Michael's king-level pillar of holy light was also constantly being destroyed...

The holy light flashed, the array sword collapsed, the air waves roared, and the void shook violently!

Until the end, all the red sword light in the Zhuxian remnant formation was completely annihilated, and even the bodies of the four swords of Demon Sword, Tianqing, Yangliu, and Yinliu were blown away.

But the Pillar of Holy Light also dimmed a lot, and most of its power was wiped out by the sword formation in one fell swoop!

Before the pillar of holy light continued to blast towards the silver cage, with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan suddenly teleported and appeared.

The divine brilliance of the gifts all over his body shimmered, and the shining silver jade in his palm was extremely bright...

"Gift, Infinite, Sky God Jade!"

Su Yuan waved his hand and threw out the Sky God Jade with the flashing runes in his hand, and hit it against the Pillar of Holy Light...

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