Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1004 Group Battle


The expressions of everyone in the Secret Society of Truth froze for a moment, and then they came back to their senses. They distanced themselves in shock and dispersed, wary of Su Yuan in front of them!

"how come?!"

Stella’s little face turned pale with fright, and Karen next to her also looked shocked.

Although it was Parker who died, it would have been difficult for the two of them to react to this sword attack!

The lucky and invincible Tisa, the powerful Phoenix, and even Wendy, who can flicker with illusions, are more or less able to resist.

However, everyone looked ugly at this moment.

No one in the Secret Society of Truth expected that Su Yuan would actually kill Parker with one sword between himself and others!

Originally, everyone was resurrected in a strong way, and they were sure to win in one fell swoop.

However, the reality is that facing Su Yuan who is alone in front of him is like besieging the BOSS!

At this time, Su Yuan made another move.

"Generally speaking, I like to solve everything with my own hands." Su Yuan spoke slowly and pulled out the glazed azure from his waist, "But if the enemy strikes too hard with too many blows, I won't be polite..."

Su Yuan held the glazed sky green upside down and inserted it into the void in front of him: "Just in time, let you meet your former colleagues!"

Dazzling cyan brilliance spread from the long sword and scattered in five places around Su Yuan like branches of glazed branches.

When the light dissipated, figures with astonishing auras emerged.

The first person to bear the brunt was Hua Tiandu, who was holding the True Yang Broken Sword and had a scorched and skinny face.

And apart from that...the remaining four people are all wearing white cloaks of truth!

[Moon] Christine, [Justice] Pula, [Tower] Herman, and [Magician] Karen!

"Christine, Pula...! Why are they?!"

Everyone in the Secret Society of Truth looked at Karen and others in front of them, their pupils shaking.

"How could he actually summon so many dead puppets?"

"Sure enough... Karen was also killed by him!"


Tissa and others were not as shocked as everyone else in the Tianxian Division before!

Even if these dead puppets are not as powerful as the living beings, they are still terrifying enough!

"6 versus 6, now the numbers are even..."

Su Yuan glanced at the solemn-looking people in the Secret Society of Truth in front of him and chuckled.

"Then... come on."


Su Yuan gave an order, and several terrifying auras suddenly intertwined and exploded from behind!

Red flame, ice moon, steel...

Hua Tiandu and other five refining forms launched the true form liberation!

Faced with such terrifying energy fluctuations, everyone in Tissa who had just been resurrected behind the Fool also launched their true liberation.

Starlight Cross Gun, Lucky Light Wheel, Afterimage of All Things, Excessive Explosion, Secret Seal...

With so many real-form liberation confrontations, the terrifying star power pressure alone can instantly tear a star card master under the scorching sun into pieces!

The fire surged, and Hua Tiandu waved his bare feet and stepped out, taking the lead to kill [Sun] Phoenix in front!

The war is about to break out!

Hermann flew up, and hundreds of indestructible blue steel rushed towards Tisza, surrounding him.

Kristine swung her sword to continuously cut out large ice moons, suppressing the rain of sniper bullets from the star cross behind Stella!

But the magic in Karen's eyes changed, and he opened the cloak of truth and instantly appeared in front of Christine, whose illusion was flickering...

The men and horses from both sides collided in an instant, auras surged, spells appeared frequently, and the entire field suddenly fell into chaos!

The center of the battlefield was left to Su Yuan and the Fool.

"Are you ready?" Su Yuan looked at the Fool, opened his left hand, and a woven silver cage appeared in his palm.

Su Yuan didn't just wait around before.

One is waiting for the sword formation, and the other is already preparing the silver cage!

At this moment, Su Yuan threw out the silver cage, which suddenly appeared in the surroundings and slowly shrank toward the center.

The two have already fought each other, and there is no need for more testing at this moment.

Su Yuan came up to the Wuliang Silver Cage. Last time, he surrounded and killed the Fool in the silver cage. Now, it was up to him to see how he could break it!

But the Fool stood where he was, looking at the slowly shrinking silver cage, and seemed to have no intention of breaking it open.

"In that case, let's decide the outcome directly!"

Golden light surged in the Fool's eyes, and countless "Future Fools" like golden light and shadow rushed towards Su Yuan.

Instead of thinking about how to break the silver cage, the Fool's choice... is to decide the outcome of this battle before the silver cage closes in!

Different from when we first met, now that we know Su Yuan's many methods, the Fool's omniscient attack can predict more and further than before!

A large number of golden lights and shadows evolve various possible futures.

After a while, the golden "Fool" swung his sword and struck Su Yuan at close range.

But this was not enough, because in the future, Su Yuan used glazed azure to treat the injury in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, another golden fool's charged sword light hit Su Yuan, but he was still cured by Liuli Tianqing...

The heavy golden lights and shadows kept changing, hitting Su Yuan from time to time, but these injuries were quite limited...


After a while, a tenfold holy light shot from his fingertips finally hit Su Yuan's waist.

Such an injury cannot be cured in a matter of seconds even with the healing effect of Glaze Azure!

The Fool's eyes lit up, and as soon as his mind moved, more golden lights and shadows were about to separate and rush out from this light and shadow, trying to use this as a node to concentrate his power on prediction.

But at this moment, the front suddenly became dark again... This was caused by the lack of omniscience.

Using omniscience to attack is inherently more difficult than defending.

What's more, it's an opponent with as many tricks as Su Yuan.

However... The Fool had already tossed the god's coin in his hand.

"Omniscient enhancement!"

In an instant, the dark and unknown omniscient vision lit up again, and hundreds of golden lights and shadows rushed out crazily from the golden lights and shadows that had hurt Su Yuan before!

The holy light surges, the sword energy bursts out, and countless battles continue to explode in the fool's heart!

That is to say, the power of omniscience is not a clone battle in the true sense. It does not require so much mental control, otherwise it will be difficult for the Fool to control it.

All predictions happen in the blink of an eye.

The Fool suddenly opened his eyes, and there must be a golden light in his eyes!

Just at this moment, there was a flash of silver light in front of him, and Su Yuan had already come forward with his sword and slashed it down!

The Fool had already "seen" it, and with a flash of inspiration, he had all the knowledge to avoid the sword.


With the blessing of the coin, the Fool slashed out with a backhand sword.

But Su Yuan pulled out the glazed azure with his left hand and blocked the sword accurately.


There was a muffled sound, and with 10 times the force, Su Yuan was knocked out on the spot, with some blood seeping out of his left arm.

However, as the glazed azure light circulated and vitality surged, these injuries were recovered in the blink of an eye.

And the holy light shot out from the front, and the Fool with enhanced speed followed closely and came closer...

The two of them were going back and forth, whether it was close combat or casual auras, they all had unimaginable power, which was simply unmatched by the ordinary Burning Sun!

Being imprisoned by the immeasurable silver cage, the space to dodge is getting smaller and smaller... This is undoubtedly disadvantageous for the Fool.

Su Yuan looked at the Fool, who still had an expression on his face, as if he had a plan.

“Either, it is possible to avoid the combination of silver cage and sword array or divine thunder skills;

Or, you can only kill me first before encountering the siege..."

Thinking of the information Xia Hou said, Su Yuan had already made a guess.

"Have you 'predicted' my death?" Su Yuan narrowed his eyes.

After several exchanges of blows, the dark sword energy shot past.

"Chi!" There was a sound, blood splashed, and Su Yuan suddenly cut a dripping wound on the Fool's chest!

At the same time, dazzling holy light burst out from the Fool's fingertips, directly blasting a blood hole the size of a fist on Su Yuan's waist!

With the blessing of coins, even the deity's hegemonic body is extremely difficult to defend against.

"Oh? In exchange for injury?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly.

The Fool surprisingly gave up using omniscient dodge, and instead traded injuries with himself.

You know, for Su Yuan who has glazed azure, this is definitely not a loss.

And being so radical also shows that the Fool is really going to take action!

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