Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1012 Killing Spider

"Maojiu, Lyu!"

Ba Shu's heart trembled. She didn't expect Mao Jiu and the others to be defeated right now.

Looking up, Wen Renfeng and Tong Xueer stood up in mid-air, ready to come to support them. In addition, there were Su Yuan and others in the distance.

Originally, Bashu thought the most difficult person to deal with was Su Yuan.

But whether it is the Fool from the Secret Society of Truth or Fang Yuan and others, the strength of the Star Card Master in this world is stronger than expected.

This world is indeed a big world, much more difficult than the world that the Holy World attacked before!

It doesn’t mean that there are no powerful masters in other worlds.

But generally speaking, the bigger the world is, the bigger the base of star card masters is, and the stronger the top players who stand out after the competition are!

"It's really, really bad...!"

Ba Shu narrowed her eyes slightly, already thinking about retreating in her heart.

Although Ba Shu is quite confident in her own strength, she can clearly see the gap.

It didn't matter that the number of people was similar before, but now the overall strength is very different. If we continue to fight, we are looking for death!

And ahead, Sim, who was fighting fiercely with Xia Hou, also noticed this situation, and his expression became darker.

"Xu Shi Bai Tu!"

Sim let go of the black thorn spear, and the black light outside twisted and surged, forming a huge wheel of nothingness.

In an instant, the shadows of hundreds of gigantic black thorn spears turned into huge discs outside the body, and bunches of dark cyan void spear shadows shot out from them, shattering large pieces of green wood and forcing Xiahou back.

Sim and Bashu looked at each other...


Without hesitation, the two immediately decided to retreat!

With a thought in Sim's mind, the Wheel of Nothingness was overloaded and expanded two or three times again, and his own dragon wings spread out and turned into a wisp of light of nothingness.

But before he flew very far, he saw a sea of ​​plum blossoms gathering from all directions in front of him, blocking the way!

The black light of nothingness wiped out countless plum blossoms in succession, but the plum blossoms continued to grow as if endlessly, but in the end, they were blocked!

Wen Renfeng stood on the plum tide and looked at Sim: "Since you are here, please stay."

Elsewhere, after Ba Shu used the ring of restraint to block Fang Yuan, she ran at high speed and teleported. Even Fang Yuan who was under a blood curse had difficulty catching up.

This is the mobility of the space system!

Seeing that Ba Shu was about to fly away in a few breaths, at this moment, countless silver lines fell from the sky, trapping her inside like a birdcage.

"Huh? What a powerful force of space!"

Bashu looked back and saw Su Yuan's silver light flowing around him in the distance, looking over here.

Although Su Yuan was waiting where he was, he was not unprepared.

The silver cage was already ready, just waiting to be left behind when Ba Shu wanted to escape.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to leave!"

Ba Shu's heart sank, and she immediately swung her bright silver knife and slashed at the lines of the silver cage in front of her!

Ba Shu's space power cut off everything, and with one sword shot, the space power of eight arms shot out at the same time and struck the silver cage.

But in the blink of an eye, a silver line in front was actually cut open!

But there are hundreds of immeasurable silver cords. If you want to break through, you have to cut off nearly ten silver cords in one direction in front of you, and greatly reduce the immeasurable power of this piece to get out.

But before Bashu could make any more moves, with a flash of silver light, Su Yuan had already teleported forward with his sword in hand!

Although Ba Shu was frightened, he was immune to sharp strikes and could withstand Su Yuan's attacks and then counterattack the opponent!

However, Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he struck down with a sword.

But what fell on Bashu was not the blade... but the sword surfaces on both sides!


There was a muffled sound.

Ba Shu groaned and was immediately thrown away!

Quickly stabilizing her body, Ba Shu suppressed the blood boiling in her chest, immediately raised her long knife and pointed it at Su Yuan and fired.

But Su Yuan was at ease, and the silver light flashed directly from the sword light that shot thousands of meters to Ba Shu's side, and struck with the side blade again... and captured it!

Ba Shu didn't dare to bear it this time and immediately used her strength to block it with her sword.


The swords clashed, and Ba Shu blocked the sword.

But Su Yuan raised his left hand, and there was a ball of silver light flowing in his palm...

Ba Shu's pupils shrank: "Not good..."


The next moment, the Sky God Cannon exploded, the silver light exploded, and Bashu was blown away on the spot.


Bashu covered her injured chest and looked at Su Yuan standing in front of him with a sword.

"Ha, Your Excellency Su Yuan still remembers the little girl's situation very clearly..." Ba Shu twitched her lips and smiled, but her eyes were extremely heavy.

Being from the space department, Su Yuan was certainly impressed by Bashu, not to mention that Su Yuan had never seen true liberation before.

Therefore, among the various abilities revealed by the liberation of Ba Shu's true form during the battle in the Gray Realm, there was "sharp attack immunity".

Su Yuan did not answer, but looked at the space domain transformed by the restraint ring, with Ba Shu as the center.

"This spiritual weapon of yours is quite peculiar."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, he was surrounded by immortal evil fire, Guixu Divine Wind and Zixiao Divine Thunder, but most of their power was restricted!

This is still a divine creature of heaven and earth. As for the simple star power of fire, wind, and thunder, it is even difficult to break out of the body!

Ba Shu licked the corner of her mouth and said: "But the terrible thing is that this little girl has little impact on you..."

The ring of restraint has absolute hegemony over the power of space within its coverage. Except for the power of space, almost all other energies must be restrained and suppressed!

Therefore, it was difficult for Fang Yuancai to use the blood clone that was separated from his body again.

But for Su Yuan, who is also from the space system, the impact of the restraint ring is minimized.

In the past, Su Yuan relied heavily on other means, but now, the power of space alone is enough!

"Then... come!"

Su Yuan raised the demon sword and swung his body towards Ba Shu to kill him.

"A duel between space star card masters is really rare..." Fang Yuan stood outside the constraint area, watching this scene with interest and did not step forward.

In the field, Ba Shu's silver sword kept firing vertically, but it was unable to have any effect in the face of Su Yuan's teleportation without limit or cooling.

All the eight arms hidden outside Bashu's body appear and unfold, allowing a wider range of movement.

Streams of silver light shot out in all directions, tearing open gaps and cutting off everything, making it difficult for Su Yuan to get close!

Su Yuan was not in a hurry. A ball of silver light in his hand continued to gather the power of space. After a while, it emitted more and more terrifying energy fluctuations... It was the Sky God Jade!

Coupled with the shrinking silver cage, Ba Shu will definitely be difficult to bear!

And Ba Shu also understands this truth and knows that he must repel Su Yuan...

Even if most of the strength is expended, there is still a good chance of escaping.

Otherwise, if you continue like this, you will be waiting for death!

Thinking like this, Bashu closed her eyes, and the spider pupils between her eyebrows once again lit up with dazzling golden light!

In an instant, Su Yuan felt like he was locked by something, and he couldn't get rid of it even with high-speed teleportation.

"Is this the pupil technique that Ba Shu failed to use before?" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Not only did Fang Yuan seem to want to use it just now, but also when he and Ba Shu met for the first time, the other party also planned to use this trick.

The next moment, in the sky far away in Su Yuan's field of vision, a huge Tyrant spider suddenly appeared, with its single eye shining with golden light staring at him!

Su Yuan suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of crisis, as if something was about to penetrate him, and an infinite barrier suddenly spread out in front of him when he raised his hand.

At the same time, the Azure Four Swords immediately flew back to the side and launched the Sword Return to Heaven.

But under the suppression of the Ring of Restraint, the marks of the Supreme Purity on the Azure Four Swords turned out to be extremely dim!

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the surging immortal evil fire forcibly rushed out of the body and turned into incomplete evil!

At this time, the golden light in the eyes of the Far Sky Tyrant Spider was also intense to the extreme.

"There is nowhere to escape in the sky and on the earth...a thin line to the sky!"

The next moment, a dazzling golden thread flashed through the void!

In just an instant, the immeasurable barrier was penetrated.

Then "Clang, clang, clang... clang!", four crisp sounds in a row, and the golden thread swung away all the four Azure Swords!

After that, the golden thread suddenly dimmed a lot, but it still did not dissipate, and shot rapidly into the incomplete Xuxie.

When he broke through the incomplete Xuxie defense and came to Su Yuan, he finally ran out of energy and was blocked by Su Yuan's domineering aura.


Ba Shu opened her eyes wide and looked at Juetian Xianxian who suddenly collapsed in Su Yuan's chest, and her heart was filled with shock!

This blow didn't kill Su Yuan? !

Juekongxian used his soul power to cut through everything to the extreme, and combined with the restraining ring, he was absolutely able to cut through all defenses, but he was still blocked by Su Yuan!

Su Yuan was also quite surprised. He had deployed infinite barriers, returned to heaven with his sword, manifested himself as a saint, and descended from the gods, and he was able to block this blow!

Although there are three peanut magic that can rebirth, there is no doubt that Ba Shu's attack has threatened him!

"This move, combined with her pseudo-sacred weapon... is really powerful."

Su Yuan secretly praised, then waved his hand and threw out the Sky God Jade in his hand.

At this moment, the silver cage has shrunk to a considerable extent, making it impossible to escape.

Ba Shu felt the shocking spatial fluctuations from the Sky God Jade, and was shocked, but her face was not completely panicked.

At the critical moment, Ba Shu raised her long knife and pointed it at the flying Sky God Jade, and the star power on her body that had been sluggish due to the use of Jue Tianxian was once again strengthened.


The silver light shot vertically and instantly cut into the Sky God Jade.


With a loud noise, the Sky God Jade exploded on the spot, and the bright power of space instantly roared throughout the silver cage, annihilating everything for a long time!

But when the silver light dissipated, Ba Shu was panting again and again, her whole body was covered in blood, and a lot of blood was dripping down.

High attack, strong mobility, and defensive capabilities...are obviously not what Ba Shu is good at!

Although he had made the most correct choice and greatly weakened the power of the Sky God Jade by cutting it open, he was still seriously injured by the explosion.

In a flash of silver light, Su Yuan appeared in front of Bashu.

"It's really amazing...Ah, Your Excellency Su Yuan..."

Bashu raised her head and looked at Su Yuan in front of her, her lips parted, and she gasped for air.

Su Yuan's fingertips flickered with silver light and touched Bashu's chest: "It's over, Bashu."

Looking at Bashu in front of him, Su Yuan also felt a little emotional.

Although it was because he was defeated by him before, Ba Shu also fulfilled his promise and took him to catch up with Liu Dongming who had defected, and then helped him several times.

However, the gray world invades and the forces are hostile. The opponent and many star beasts want Huangque to fight for the dragon veins with himself and others. Of course, it is impossible to show mercy...

"Heh... Sir Su Yuan, are you taking pity on me?

I was defeated by Your Excellency twice... It’s not bad to die in Your Excellency’s hands~”

Saying that, Ba Shu smiled, raised the long knife in her right hand and slowly pointed it at Su Yuan.

Seeing this, Su Yuan no longer hesitated, and shot the bullet directly through his chest with a flick of his fingertips.

Ba Shu trembled and stared at Su Yuan closely, the light in her eyes quickly dimmed, and within a moment she completely lost her breath...

Looking at Bashu's body, Su Yuan pondered for a while, then his eyes fell on the glazed azure around his waist.

"Then it's up to you to choose."

Looking at Bashu again, Su Yuan sighed secretly, waved his hand and temporarily put his body into the Qingming Realm.

Then, Su Yuan's body flashed with silver light and he came to Fang Yuan who was waiting on the sidelines.

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