Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1016 Soul Summoning

The blue light surged, and a large amount of green light poured down from the glazed azure, covering Ba Shu's body and continuously seeping into the body.

Along with the strong vitality, Bashu's injuries from being blasted by the Sky God Jade all over her body, as well as the chest that was penetrated by the Sky God Bullet, are recovering at an alarming speed.

After a while, Ba Shu slowly stood up in the dim green light.

The originally closed eyes opened again, with azure brilliance glowing inside them, and they had transformed into an azure refined form under the effect of glazed azure!

However, this is not over yet.

Su Yuan swung Liuli Tianqing and stabbed Ba Shu's chest: "Liu Li, summon the soul!"

Large glazed jade branches rushed out from the sword and criss-crossed behind Ba Shu to form a dark blue glazed gate.

The many dark black runes on the gate light up slightly like breathing, emitting a strong soul wave.

Su Yuan held onto the glazed azure tightly, his eyes gleaming with brilliance, and turbulent spiritual power poured into the sword.

In an instant, the glazed door illuminated Ba Shu, and the black light inside circulated more and more violently like a vortex!

Just when Su Yuan had exhausted most of his strong mental energy, a shadow of his soul seemed to fly out and hit Bashu in the surging black light.

Ba Shu, who was refining the azure form, was shaken all over, and all the infinite azure light on her body converged on the chest where the azure sword fell, and the aura flickered to form a dark mark.

The glazed sky is green, regenerating the soul and refining the form!

At this moment, Ba Shu's pupils trembled, and she suddenly regained her vitality from the sluggish state of Tian Qing Lian Xing.

"Haha...!" Ba Shu covered her chest, which had been pierced by the Kongshen bullet, and took a few big breaths.

"You're awake." Su Yuan glanced at her and said slowly.

At the same time, Bashu looked at Su Yuan in front of her in surprise: "This is...?!"

"Don't be surprised." Su Yuan put the glazed azure in front of him, "I used this sword to 'resurrect' you."

Ba Shu's eyes fell on the glazed azure, and her pupils shrank after a careful look: "This is... the No. 02 sacred tree of the towering imperial court? The sacred tree that represents the avenue of life, it is said that it was lost...

I see, no wonder I felt a bit familiar before, and this thing actually fell into your hands! "

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "That's right, but it didn't really resurrect you. It just assembled your 'soul' and the 'puppet body' driven by vitality."

The spiritual weapons of the gray world are not pure star weapons, so some of their abilities are also affected by the level of [Weapon Handling].

The exquisite glazed azure brought the ability of remote recall.

And after reaching the peak, a new effect also appeared... that was "Soul Summoning".

As the No. 02 sacred tree of the Gray Realm Imperial Court, the glazed azure contains the law of life.

The soul avenue is also part of the law of life.

Although Liuli Tianqing's ability is more focused on the aspect of "vitality", after reaching the magical power of [Weapon Palm], it also involves some souls.

Recalling the soul of the deceased, combining it with the original vitality-motivated refining, and "assembling" the two together to become a "conscious puppet", this is "refining the soul".

Although the original refining possessed the abilities he had during his lifetime, he was able to accept Su Yuan's control and rely on instinct to fight independently.

However, he lacks consciousness and thinking, is a little stiff in battle, and his strength is slightly inferior to what he was in life.

Then with the revived soul...it is no less impressive!

Even because Glazed Azure can continuously repair the refining body, it is not afraid of death and is even stronger!

Su Yuan had never used this effect before.

Firstly, Su Yuan didn't need Tianqing Lianxing to have any thoughts, as long as he could execute basic orders and fight.

Secondly, Su Yuan himself is very powerful and does not rely much on Tianqing's form refining. He only needs to be able to eliminate other harassment for himself when dealing with powerful enemies.

In addition, there are some negative effects.

But again, there are disadvantages to this.

Originally he was not afraid of soul attacks, but now it will be more serious if he is attacked by souls.

It was originally just a ruthless killing machine, but now, apart from being essentially dead...it is not much different from what it was in life.

Although it can be forcibly controlled through Glazed Azure, after all, it is not purely a tool like before...

"So that's it~"

Bashu carefully felt the soul mark on her chest and already understood her situation.

Su Yuan said: "This is just a choice for you. If you don't want to be controlled, I will directly remove this technique."

Hearing this, Ba Shu pondered for a while.

Then with a thought in his mind, numerous spatial silver threads rushed out from his side, destroying gold, breaking jade, cutting space, and were extremely sharp!

"Hehehe..." Seeing this, Ba Shu raised the corners of her lips and chuckled, "Why don't you want to? Apart from not being considered a living person, there is no difference from before~"

Ba Shu withdrew the power of space with satisfaction and said to Su Yuan: "I don't know what kind of cat or dog I will become when I re-enter the reincarnation. Now, I can still enjoy life and enjoy life under Mr. Su Yuan."

"Food and drink..." Su Yuan shook his head, "It's never been peaceful around me."

Ba Shu smiled and said: "That would be better, but it is not very peaceful, which is more interesting~"

"Okay." Seeing Bashu's reaction, Su Yuan nodded slightly.

There are three reasons why Bashu was resurrected.

First, Bashu is powerful, especially the domineering golden thread that runs through the sky, and the spiritual weapon of the space system.

The second is that the other party has indeed helped him, but he will be killed because of his different camps. Otherwise, he can be regarded as an unknown friend without fighting.

Third, the opponent is a rare pure space monster with extremely high talent...

Su Yuan said: "But... I just don't know if you can still rise to the king level. Even if you can, dragon veins are not something you just want."

Once you advance to the king level, the azure refining skills of these kings will be completely useless.

But Su Yuan didn't care. Even if Ba Shu couldn't be promoted to the king level, it would be a waste of a position.

"Boss, maybe I can make a prediction for you." At this moment, Ashley came over.

Bashu turned her head and looked at Ashley curiously.

Su Yuan was slightly surprised: "The prayer coins have been bound so soon?"

Ashley smiled and nodded: "It seems to be very cooperative."

As she spoke, Ashelia raised her hand, and in a flash of golden light, the coin of God appeared in her palm:

"Really?" Su Yuan smiled, "Then you try it."

Ashelia responded, flipped up the coin and closed it.

The golden track of fate was turning in his red eyes, as if he had foreseen the outcome.

"The coin of God, the oracle strengthens...anti."

The coin unfolded, and it turned out to be the reverse side.

Ashley's eyes lit up, and with the blessing of the God's Coin, she closed her eyes and unfolded the oracle's prophecy.

Along with an extremely strong wave of fate, the phantom of the god rose up from behind Ashley. His face was much clearer than before, and it was strikingly similar to Ashley herself.

Not long after, Ashelia opened her eyes again, and her eyes fell on the glazed sky.

"Boss, if this sword is promoted to a true holy weapon, there will be a way to use its origin to improve the strength of Azure's refining." Ashelia said with a pale face.

"Oh? Really..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. According to Ashley, the Azure Sword can actually control the king-level origin?

In this case, in addition to recovering the new refined forms later, the current refined forms with potential can also be continued to be used in the future.

"Not only can it be an oracle, but this prophecy is already very detailed." Su Yuan nodded in approval.

Ashley was also very happy: "Thanks to the prayer coins given by the boss."

Previously, because she only had the strength of the Chuyang Realm, Ashley was reluctant to make high-level and high-energy prophecies.

But now that she has obtained the God's Coin, Ashelia can directly predict things at the level of holy weapons and kings!

Moreover, compared to the way the Fool uses the omniscient ability feedback to judge the pros and cons when using the God's Coin, Ashelia's prophecy is more direct.

Bashu next to her was also very happy when she heard what Ashelia said. She laughed and said, "In this way, I will really be hugging Mr. Su Yuan's thigh."

Su Yuan shook his head and smiled, then held Tian Qing Lian Xing again: "In that case..."

The glazed jade branches unfolded, and Hua Tiandu's figure also appeared in front of him.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the three-flower mark between his eyebrows lit up slightly to replenish his mental strength, and then pierced Hua Tiandu's body with a sword:

"Summon the soul!"

After a while, at the long table.

Ashley held two cups of coffee and placed them in front of Bashu and Hua Tiandu.

Bashu picked up the coffee, looked at it briefly, and then took two sips without ceremony.

"This stuff tastes good."

Hua Tiandu, on the other hand, sat at the table with a solemn expression. He only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

"So, is it equivalent to resurrection now?" Hua Tiandu asked.

Su Yuan said: "Simply controlling the body with the soul is not the ability to cross the boundary between life and death and achieve resurrection."

Hua Tiandu heard this and looked thoughtful.

Su Yuan looked at him and said, "I said just now, if you don't want to, I will help you escape."

Hua Tiandu met Su Yuan's gaze, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Not only because of the resurrection from death, but more importantly, with the resurrection, a large amount of memories were returned from Tianqing's refining body.

On the Eastern Continent, there were many battles with the Knight of Truth, and the final battle with the Fool and others in the Heavenly Palace...

Many battles are wonderful.

And the strength Su Yuan showed was even more amazing!

"Aren't you going to take me to see the bigger world?" Hua Tiandu said in a deep voice.

When Su Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay."

After exchanging information with the two refining forms, Su Yuan said: "Then you can do what you want, this is my world, just don't make it too messy."

After a series of battles in the secret realm of Tiangong, and after returning, he spent his energy to create two Azure Refined Forms, Su Yuan also felt quite tired.

At this moment, Su Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, then got up and went to rest first.

Hua Tiandu and Bashu were left, and they looked at each other.

Ba Shu smiled and said: "Then... let's see what you are capable of?"

Hua Tiandu sneered, and the flames around him suddenly rushed up: "Come on!"

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