Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1018 Invitation

In the blink of an eye, many days passed.

In the Qingming Realm, Su Yuan and the jet-black Dafeng both closed their eyes and stood in the void, and the world was silent.

At this moment, Feng Mai had not only become much larger in size, but the silver patterns on his body had also become more complicated and mysterious, almost covering his entire body, alternating between light and dark like breathing.

And suddenly, Su Yuan opened his eyes and his eyes condensed: "Here he comes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver lines all over Feng Mai's body suddenly flashed violently, and a large aura surrounded him.


With a loud cry, the sky suddenly darkened, and the whole world became pitch black. Only the extremely bright silver lines on Feng Mai's body could be seen.

The next moment, these silver lines suddenly flew up, stretching countless times as if they turned into the sky!

After a few breaths, the sky became bright again.

Su Yuan looked up, and what came into his eyes was a huge black phoenix covering the sky and the sun!

The black sky phoenix had silver light in its eyes, and after another loud cry, it completely merged into the void and disappeared.

Afterwards, extremely rich star power seeped out from everywhere in the void like a rolling Yellow River, surging in all directions...

"It's done!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up. After so much effort, Feng Pulse finally succeeded in devouring Dragon Vein and was promoted to Dragon level!

Looking at the extremely dense star power around him, Su Yuan just sensed it for a moment and found that the concentration of star power had increased by more than ten times.

"The star power has improved a lot, and the intensity of the soul power has also improved."

Su Yuan felt his own condition, then opened his hands, and in the blink of an eye, two air cannons were gathered in his hands and thrown out.

"Bang bang!"

Brilliant silver light exploded in front, and the power of space surged violently.

"The power is much higher than before. What's even more obvious is this terrifying star power recovery ability..."

Su Yuan's dark color condensed slightly, and after just one or two breaths, the star power consumed by the two air cannons was fully restored again!

This speed is even shorter than the time it takes to charge the Sky Cannon!

Su Yuan moved his five fingers together, silver light burst out like rain, and air bullets shot out like a machine gun.

Then Su Yuan tried the Sky God Jade again, and the charging speed and strike range were also much stronger than before!

But only after using the Sky God Jade, could Su Yuan's full star power slip slightly and obviously.

"In this case, you can use your skills indefinitely..." Even Su Yuan couldn't help but smacked his lips in shock.

Controlling a dragon vein can restore star power at a high speed even for kings.

Not to mention the burning sun?

It is almost equivalent to the mana tide of the entire process, which is indeed a bit excessive!

Su Yuan withdrew his hand. Even without deliberately refining, with the steady flow of star power pouring into his body, he could feel his cultivation level rising at a speed visible to the naked eye every moment.

The effect of dragon-level star veins is really too strong!

Su Yuan felt something in his heart. He seemed to have fulfilled one of the conditions for promoting the soul card to a myth.

In fact, Su Yuan can also use external dragon veins to break through to the king level. After improving his own strength, he can then find dragon veins to be swallowed by the phoenix veins and upgrade them to the dragon level.

But doing this is definitely not as good as directly raising your Phoenix Vein to the Dragon level and then relying on it to achieve a perfect breakthrough.

After looking around again, Su Yuan retreated from the Qingming Realm with a flash of silver light.



Ruanruan and Aixilia were watching a movie on the sofa. When they saw Su Yuan coming out, they quickly stood up to greet them.

Because of the swallowing dragon vein, Ruanruan and others all came out first.

As for Bashu and Hua Tiandu, they were admitted to Liuli Tianqing.

"Well, sit down."

Su Yuan had just completed the Phoenix Pulse promotion and was in a good mood. It was time to take a rest, so he also sat down.

After a quick glance, the two women were watching the thriller "Jaws".

Hmm... By the way, is this kind of movie really scary to them?

Not to mention the Great White Shark, the Great White Whale might not have all been punched to pieces by the two of them.

"Bingtong has left?" Su Yuan asked.

Ruanruan next to him said: "Yes, master! Someone from Demon City Prince Ming's Mansion came over and took Little Bingtong away. It seems that he is going back to the ancient forbidden area."

Su Yuan nodded. Before he went into seclusion, Bai Ze had already summoned him and told him the relevant matters.

Now that Bing Tong is already in the Three Yang Realm, the Ice Emperor has his own arrangements for the breakthrough, so Su Yuan does not need to consider Bing Tong's dragon vein.

Ashley stood up and said: "Boss, let me make you a cup of coffee."

Su Yuan nodded: "Okay."

"What do you want from Ruanruan?" Ashley asked.

Ruanruan smiled: "I want a jasmine latte, thank you, Xiao Ai!"

"You're welcome~"

Ashlia stepped forward, her feet wrapped in knee-length black stockings stepped on the wooden floor, and on top was an exquisite black dress with an off-shoulder look.

Beside Su Yuan, he was sitting softly on the sofa, wearing denim shorts and a lazy white T-shirt, with a pair of smooth and straight white legs exposed in the air.

The summer is slightly hot, and even the air seems to be filled with the faint body fragrance of a girl...

"Master, what's wrong?"

Sensing Su Yuan's gaze, Ruan Ruan asked.


Su Yuan smiled and shook his head, secretly thinking in his heart that the yin is rising and the yang is declining...

Ashley made coffee and the three of them watched TV. Su Yuan also asked the two women about his situation during the retreat.

There was nothing going on inside the company, but it was quite lively outside.

Dayan announced a great victory, and he also climbed to the top of the Burning Sun.

Su Yuan had no objection to this.

After the Battle of Tiangong, Qiguang and other countries in the north also had clear information on the top combat capabilities of the Tiantian Division. Dayan's announcement of the battle's results could also boost domestic confidence and morale.

And if you want to make an announcement, you can't go around yourself.

Although he couldn't keep a low profile, Su Yuan didn't mind it very much.

Ashley said: "Boss, in addition to these things, there was someone who came to visit me in person a few days ago. He is from Yaodu Academy, named He Yanan."

"Teacher Xiao He, are you here in person?" Su Yuan was quite surprised.

Ashley continued: "She said that if you are free, Dean Cai would like to invite you to go to Yaodu College on September 8th."

"September 8th, the opening ceremony?"

Su Yuan glanced at the time. It was now the beginning of September.

"If I remember correctly, September 1st to 7th is the time for freshmen to adjust to school..."

Su Yuan remembered that at this time more than ten years ago, he met Luo Bingtong, who was a road warrior, and later fought several times in the combat hall. He finally defeated Xiang Dingqian and cut off the opponent's ears to report his special move. When plotting his own revenge...

"Young and energetic..."

Thinking of the past, Su Yuan couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

The past is like smoke, which is really sad...

Ashley said: "I told her that you are in retreat and may not be able to go."

"Okay." Su Yuan nodded, thought for a moment, took out his cell phone, and sent a message to Dean Cai, "It's rare to have free time, so let's take a trip."

September 8th, Demon City Academy.

The freshmen have already spent seven days adapting. They have been assigned tutors and are familiar with Yaodu College.

Whether they are freshmen or old students, many are walking through the college.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, it is the annual opening ceremony.

"In the past two years, there seem to be more and more people in the college during the opening ceremony..." On the college road, a junior student who came back before the start of school sighed.

Another boy walking next to him said: "Old Xu, you don't know this. It doesn't seem to be the case, or there are more and more people."

"Oh? Lao Yang, your uncle is from the Ministry of Education of Demon City. Do you have any news?"

Lao Yang crossed his arms and said with a smile: "As far as I know, this is related to Senior Su Yuan!

Ever since Senior Su entered the Burning Sun Ranking, the Ministry of Education has approved a lot more resources for Yaodu College!

A few years ago, we only enrolled about 2,000 students a year. First, the appeal was limited, and second, the resources allocated by the Education Department were only enough to properly train 2,000 students.

But in the first two years, when we enrolled, there were already more than 3,000 freshmen, and this year..."

"It's even more unimaginable that Senior Su has reached the top of Zhuoyang this year!" Old Xu took over.

Lao Yang said: "Yes, but this is just one of them!

My uncle revealed that because Senior Su has made great contributions in the secret realm of Tiangong, the Department of Education has also benefited a lot.

Whether it is training resources or some permissions for special enrollment and selection, they are all open to our Yaodu Academy with priority.

Reputation, resources, plus policies...

I estimate that the number of new students in our Demon City College this year may exceed that of Imperial College and exceed the 4,000 mark! "

Old Xu smacked his lips: "It's really amazing. How many there are, we'll find out later...

But having said that, Senior Su Yuan is really awesome. He is in his thirties, ranks first in the Burning Sun, and has destroyed so many truth knights! "

Lao Yang said: "That's necessary! Just because of Senior Su, who is not allowed to look at me when leaving Demon City College now? Even the students of Imperial City have to step aside, which was unimaginable a few years ago!"

The two of them were excited and excited when they said this, with admiration on their faces.

But it's true. At this time, Su Yuan's name is really too loud.

Not just Yaodu Academy, it’s not an exaggeration to say he is a national idol!

"Hey...Old Xu, look over there!" Lao Yang's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at the man and woman walking in front of him.

Lao Yang looked up: "Well, what's wrong?"

"Look at that girl... she's so elegant! Is there such a beautiful girl in our college? She looks a bit like a northerner... Could she be a freshman this year?"

Lao Xu looked up. Although it was just a profile, the girl was indeed very beautiful.

"He doesn't look younger than us... he doesn't look like a new student. He may be a guest invited by the college to watch the ceremony."

The opening ceremony will invite some famous people to watch the ceremony, most of them are locals in Demon City.

In the past two years, there have been a lot more guests attending the ceremony, including many people from other places.

"Such a young guest..." Old Yang was saying, but he saw the girl who had already passed by turned back and glanced at him with a smile.

Lao Yang's heart skipped a beat...

My heart is pounding!

"Lao Xu, she smiled at me, right?" Lao Yang swallowed, "No, I have to go up and add my contact information..."

Lao Xu grabbed him and said, "Didn't you look, is there a boy next to someone else?"

"Well..." Lao Yang curled his lips and looked from the girl to the boy wearing sunglasses who was walking in front. After a brief look, his expression suddenly froze, "Old Xu, this back... looks like Su The senior looks a bit like him!"

"Hahaha, are you crazy?" Lao Xu patted him, "The back looks a bit similar, but Senior Su has silver hair."

Lao Yang stared closely at the black-haired figure in front of him and sighed: "It would be great if the college could invite Senior Su back."

Lao Xu said: "People like Senior Su are very busy. I haven't heard of Senior coming back in the past few years."

"That's true... I really want to see a real person. I can sacrifice ten years of my roommate's life."

"Holy crap, isn't that me? You are so wicked..."

"Boss, they are all talking about you..." Ashley turned around and smiled.

Su Yuan shook his head: "That's why I have to cover it up."

This man and woman were none other than Su Yuan and Ah Xilia who had come from the imperial capital.

It's just that Su Yuan changed his hair color and put on sunglasses.

Ashley also covered up her conspicuous white hair and temporarily turned it into black. However, her mysterious temperament, beautiful figure and face still attracted the attention of many students along the way.

Ashley looked around all the way: "Yaodu College, is this the college where the boss studied before..."

"Yes." Su Yuan nodded slightly, "Although it ranks among the top three, it is also the top college in Dayan."

"It's a top school that can train bosses." Ashley was convinced.

Su Yuan secretly shook his head. Only he knew that the platform provided by the college was important, but more importantly, the system...

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