Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1030 Lotus Body

From the dark abyss of the curse, Wen Yun's huge curse body wrapped in colorful pain roared out and crashed directly into Su Yuan.

Wen Yun relied on the soul power of the Five Poison Curse to understand the law of curse. This curse is a direct attack spell that strengthens one's body through the power of the curse, and its frontal combat power is not weak.

The "Five Poison Reflexive Curse" is a magical magical power mastered by Wen Yun!

The biggest feature of this kind of advanced spell that kills people in the air is that it is difficult to guard against and avoid.

At this moment, the magic came.

Su Yuan was unable to move. No matter the star power, the Heavenly God's Overlord Body or the three peanut gods' mental defenses were ineffective, he could only watch as the curse body collided with his body.


Su Yuan groaned, his body trembling under the violent decline.

But in the blink of an eye, his eyes were cloudy, his skin was dirty, his energy was decaying, his muscles were lacking... His vitality was visibly declining.

Before, Su Yuan almost died from this technique without causing much harm to the Curse King.

But now, after repeatedly inflicting heavy losses on the Curse King, the power of the Five Decline Reflexes can be said to have been brought to its fullest!

The poisonous spell was applied to his body, and his body was covered with abscesses and broken flesh. Even Su Yuan couldn't help but groan!

In the distance, white wind and green thunder roared together. After repeated violent collisions, Yang Yifeng had already suppressed Gou She.

But the wind is fierce and the ghost is full of resilience.

Gou She did not collide with Yang Yifeng head-on, but hid in the dark wind of crying ghosts, wandering up and down in all directions, blocking, restraining, and pulling, and occasionally attacking Yang Yifeng.

At this moment, Yang Yifeng also noticed the situation on Su Yuan's side.

"Su Yuan?!"

Yang Yifeng's expression changed, he turned around and was about to turn into a wisp of wind and thunder and head towards the distance.

When Gou She saw this, he was shocked that Su Yuan could actually hurt Wen Yun to such an extent, but he also started thinking quickly.

As long as Su Yuan is eliminated, the two of them can return to the southern continent. Why do they need to continue fighting with this powerful king?

Seeing that Yang Yifeng was about to use the power of wind and thunder to break through the obstacle of the whirling black wind, Gou She thought with lightning in his eyes and appeared immediately.

"The evil wind brings the gods, and hundreds of ghosts roam around!"

Gou She made a seal with her hand, and the black wind from all directions carried a large number of ghosts outside her body. She immediately turned around and chased after Yang Yifeng.

"Hakki... punch!"

Gou She clenched her palm into a fist, the dark wind flowing around her fist gathered the power of hundreds of ghosts, and punched Yang Yifeng behind him.

But at this moment, Yang Yifeng, who was trying his best to break through the black wind, suddenly stopped and turned around. The wind and thunder in his palm flashed violently, and a powerful wave of energy suddenly spread out!

Yang Yifeng grinned and slapped Gou She with his palm...

"No, I was fooled!"

Gou She's eyes flashed with shock, and she could only fight with her fists.

The fists and palms clashed instantly...


The wind and thunder stirred, the spiritual light exploded, the evil wind collapsed, and hundreds of ghosts cried and howled!

But this time, Baigui didn't pretend to cry, but really cried!

After Yang Yifeng's palm passed, the white wind and green thunder penetrated for thousands of meters, exorcising evil spirits and driving away hundreds of ghosts. Gou She was knocked out on the spot.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Gou She quickly stabilized her figure. The right hand that was facing the wind and thunder palm was bloody and hung weakly.

"Damn it!!" Gou She looked at Yang Yifeng in front of him with a mix of shock and anger, "You don't care about that kid over there? He was hit by the Curse King's Five Decay Reflexive Curse, and he will definitely die for a mere scorching sun! You are still here? Hate me!"

Yang Yifeng glanced at Su Yuan who was under a poison spell in the distance, withdrew his gaze and sneered: "I am a student who is much stronger than you think!"

Just now, Yang Yifeng didn't really intend to help Su Yuan, but took this opportunity to lure Gou She out.

Regarding Curse King Wen Yun and the Five Decline Reflexive Curse, Yang Yifeng later learned very clearly from Ruanruan and others!

Because, the reason why Su Yuan was chased by the Curse King in the first place was precisely because of the agreement with Bai Ze, in order to help Yang Yifeng replenish his origin.

Although Su Yuan didn't say anything, Yang Yifeng still learned from Ruanruan, Bai Ze and others that Su Yuan encountered a king-level person and narrowly escaped death. He almost died trying to save himself.

While I was happy and moved, I also felt deeply guilty.

Therefore, Yang Yifeng knew that Su Yuan wanted to kill the Curse King himself.

I also know... Su Yuan must have a way to deal with the spell that almost killed him!

And this method of coping, or means of saving life... In order to better deal with the two kings, Su Yuan has also informed himself in advance!

In the field, Wen Yun was making seals with his hands, staring at Su Yuan with a sinister expression and continuing to cast spells.

Just for a moment, the terrifying power of the Five Decline Reflexive Curse spread all over Su Yuan's body in an increasingly alarming manner.

Even if Su Yuan tried his best to maintain the body-protecting aura with his celestial hegemony and infinite star power of the Phoenix Vein, it would be difficult for him to withstand such an evil and terrifying curse due to the huge gap between him and the king level!

"Boy, do you think you have become stronger and dare to hurt me like this? Go to hell!!"

Wen Yun gave a cold shout with a ferocious smile on his face, and the power of the spell was so strong that Su Yuan's decaying body could no longer resist, and with a "pop" it turned into a sheet of pus and blood and exploded!

"This guy is dead!"

Wen Yun's eyes were filled with joy, and he was still a little surprised until a large amount of blood rained on the ground.

After a fight with the opponent, it felt a bit like facing a king!

"After all, it's just a blazing sun!"

Wen Yun calmed down and finally dealt with this guy. He couldn't help but sneered while feeling happy in his heart.

But at this moment, where Su Yuan exploded, a three-flower mark that alternated between virtual and real slowly lit up.

"Huh?" Wen Yun's expression changed and he recognized it immediately, "This is the mark on his eyebrows!"

The three-flower mark's brilliance flourished, and immediately, gold, silver, and lead lotus blossoms bloomed in situ.

Along with the turbulent spiritual light fluctuations, lotus roots were born in the lotus, and the physical body was rebuilt. In just two or three breaths, Su Yuan was reborn in the three-color lotus!

The divine light is radiant and the lotus fragrance is all over the body, but there is no trace of turbidity and filth!

"The power of rebirth?!"

Wen Yun's expression suddenly darkened. He didn't expect Su Yuan to have such a magical power of rebirth.

Even if it is me, I can regenerate at a high speed with the Gekko Curse, but it is two different things from being reborn.

This kind of technique is extremely rare even among kings!

If Su Yuan had such means before, he wouldn't have had to desperately resist his own reflexive spell.

"So, he actually learned a new magical power within ten years?!" Wen Yun was shocked.

And Su Yuan felt his own state carefully. Not only was he reborn, but all positive and negative states were completely eliminated.

The magical power of the lotus body of the Three Peanut Gods is to bind the soul in the three flowers of heaven, earth and man when the body dies, and then reshape the body and return the soul.

It may not be able to effectively resist soul attacks.

But in most cases, it can be reborn perfectly, and all effects on the body can be dispelled and purified!

Su Yuan felt his own condition. Everything was intact, but the mark of the three flowers between his eyebrows had withered, and all the spiritual bonuses brought by the three flowers of heaven, earth and man had disappeared.

Su Yuan held his sword and looked down: "Then... King of Curse, let's come again!"

Wen Yun's expression darkened to the extreme, but at this time, the snake curse pattern on his right arm lit up, and his energy had been restored.

When Wen Yun saw this, he immediately wanted to call for the centipede red beard, the giant scorpion's tail and the restored python arm to come out at once.

But at this moment, a strong burst of wind and thunder aura erupted in the distance, and then Gou She was seen being hacked away like a bloody man.

"Wen Yun, quickly deal with that Zhuoyang!"

Gou She exclaimed loudly, feeling horrified.

The person in front of him was obviously at the third level, but his strength was too overbearing.

Not only does he possess the divine wind and thunder, his fighting ability is even more terrifying, and his strength is comparable to that of a fourth-level king!

He had just been hit hard by a single blow and was completely suppressed. Until now, it was even difficult to contain him!

Wen Yun's eyes froze for a moment, then he looked at the reborn Su Yuan in front of him, and then his eyes fell on the still dim Toad Curse in his left hand.

"There is still one spell missing, but forget it, let's deal with this guy quickly!"

With a thought in Wen Yun's mind, except for the dim toad curse pattern, all the remaining curse patterns in the Five Poison Curses started to move!

The black scorpion on the back, the brown gecko on the chest, the green python on the right hand, and the red centipede under the ribs, the five poisons gathered together and finally formed a colorful curse ring behind him.

Wen Yun's figure seemed to have grown taller, and the aura on his body was even more terrifying.

"Five Poisons True Curse Body!"

This state is a state entered by Wen Yun combined with the Five Poison Curse to overload and explode all the curse power. It is usually a skill that is only used at critical moments.

But he didn't expect that he would be forced to use this move against a mere Burning Sun!

Wen Yun raised his hand to form a seal and shouted in a low voice: "Five Poison Plague Curse!"

The four colors on the curse ring lit up, and the five poisonous shadows flashed one by one, and then billowing plague gas rushed out in all directions!

Even though we are high in the sky at this moment, as the poisonous gas of the plague spreads, all the vegetation on Jianjia Island, which had just become more lush due to the convergence of dragon veins, withered and shed rot!

Again, for a master of the same level, a ranged attack might not be a big deal.

But for strong to suppress the weak, it is more terrifying than powerful attacks!

The poisonous gas in the sky was released through the enhancement of the five-color curse ring, roaring towards Su Yuan, and was about to be submerged in the blink of an eye.

But Su Yuan stood in the void and looked at the rushing poisonous gas, but he didn't panic at all.

Su Yuan tapped his chest with his left hand and whispered:

"Promise to return to the ruins!"

The bright golden wind suddenly surged up, and Su Yuan's cultivation level skyrocketed, reaching the three-yang pole or even higher in the blink of an eye!

Before the whistling plague gas could get close to Su Yuan, it was blocked by the swirling golden divine wind around him.

Accompanied by the unpredictable and mysterious fluctuations, the golden divine wind actually resolved large areas of the terrifying poisonous curse energy emitted by the king!

This effect is much more amazing than burning with undead evil fire... It is exactly the ability of Guixu's promise to last for a thousand years! (End of chapter)

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