Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1034 The Earthly Tribulation Ends

North of Xunyang Domain.

Reinhard stood in the void, facing Ling Xiao and the others in front of him alone.

Ling Xiao's face was still a little eager to try, but another middle-aged envoy with broad shoulders and a calm expression next to her pulled her back.

The name of this middle-aged king is Xiang Yao. He is the top master of Qinglong Yu. He is also the person with the highest cultivation level besides Ling Xiao in the field at this moment, a seventh-level king!

At this time, Xiang Yao seemed to have received some message.

"Your Majesty, there are two kings from the southern continent coming across the sea to attack Su Yuan of Su Yuan!" Xiang Yao lowered his voice and quickly condensed his voice.


Ling Xiao's expression condensed. Unexpectedly, as Fang Qingxiao expected, in order to interfere with the sight of himself and others, Reinhardt left in person!

"What's the result? Did Su Yuan escape?"

If it were anyone else, facing the surprise attack from two kings, he would definitely die.

But after all, Su Yuan is a legendary figure who made the first contribution in the Earth Tribulation. He is not simple at all. He is also a space system star card master, so he may have some vitality.

But at this moment, Xiang Yao, who continued to look down, suddenly had his pupils trembled, and waves of shock appeared on his face: "No..."

"Didn't you escape?" Ling Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly. Could it be that Su Yuan, the Su Yuan... is dead? !

"No...!" Xiang Yao took a deep breath, with a strong look of fear in his eyes, "He didn't escape...instead he killed two kings!"

"Huh?" Ling Xiao hesitated slightly, and his voice suddenly became louder, "What did you say?!"

In a few words, Xiang Yao informed Ling Xiao of the news from Liang Cheng.

"This kid... is really amazing!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were slightly focused, and he quickly calmed down, but there was still a bit of shock in his eyes.

Looking up at Reinhard standing in front of him holding a holy sword, Ling Xiao suddenly grinned and sneered:

"Reinhardt, as a majestic swordsman of the Empire, you actually do these little tricks to attack the east and the west..."

Reinhard's eyes moved slightly. Without thinking too much, he already understood that Wen Yun had failed.

At this moment, facing Ling Xiao's disdain, Reinhard shook his head as usual.

"If I make a move, I can eliminate the future threat to the empire, of course I will be happy...

But I didn't expect that even the king level could not kill him... It seems that the threat level will be increased by one or two levels. "

Ling Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly. After all these years, Reinhard was still so calm and flawless.

Reinhard smiled slightly and said, "I'll treat this time as if I'm here to see you, an old friend. See you next time, Lingxiao Throne."

Ling Xiao was gearing up, his eyes burning: "You're already here, and you just want to leave like this?"

Reinhardt: "I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Xiao suddenly appeared in front of Reinhardt, raised his hand and punched out in an unpretentious manner.

Reinhard's eyes froze, and at the critical moment, he pulled out half of the holy sword to block the punch...


With a muffled sound, Reinhard took a step back, and the void behind him instantly collapsed into pitch black as if it was collapsing!

"Response very quickly~"

Ling Xiao grinned, clenched his left hand, and when he saw Long Zaitian, he punched out again!

Reinhard immediately raised his other hand, clenched it into a fist and collided with Ling Xiao.

The air wave exploded and the void trembled. After a brief stalemate, Reinhard turned into a white shadow and flew hundreds of meters backwards.

"The fist is still as powerful as before..." Reinhardt stabilized his body and looked at Ling Xiao in front of him with a fluttering ponytail and ferocious eyes, "But that's it for today."

But Ling Xiao... could never be stopped by just talking.

With a fierce light in his eyes, Ling Xiao took one step and flew to the top of Reinhard's head, punching him down again!

However, the moment Ling Xiao hit him, a large number of golden runes on Reinhardt flashed violently.

Then the golden light surged and shot out in all directions, instantly turning into an octagonal barrier and trapping Ling Xiao within it.

On each of the eight corners of the barrier, there is a sculpture of an angel holding a sword.

At this moment, the holy light rushed up within the barrier, and the eight sword-holding angels slowly came to life.

But Reinhard appeared outside the barrier, looked at Ling Xiao and said:

"Master Ling, in the midst of disasters, I don't have to worry about not having the chance to see you again.

Is it just a fight, or... I don't know what the future will be like. "

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows, and Reinhardt turned around, jumped up, and turned into a flash of light and flew towards the north unhurriedly.

"Don't even think about leaving!" Seeing that Ling Xiao was trapped, two or three Qinglong Yu's envoys shouted, trying to stop him first.

"Don't move." Ling Xiao shouted and stopped his men.

At the same time, there was already a sword-wielding angel behind Ling Xiao, wielding a cross sword and striking at him.

Ling Xiao punched his back without looking back, sending both the man and his sword flying away on the spot!

Then he turned around and punched all the angels holding swords to pieces one by one.

The eight sword-wielding angels, fully armed and shrouded in holy light like gods of war, were as equal as minions under Ling Xiao's fist!

With a "clang" sound, the golden light dissipated and the barrier exploded on its own.

Ling Xiao looked up and saw that Reinhard had disappeared into the horizon.

Several Qinglong Royal Envoys flew over immediately.

"Your Majesty, won't you stop him?" asked one of the kings who had just advanced to the fourth level this year.

Before Ling Xiao could speak, Xiang Yao had already shaken his head and said with a smile: "He is Reinhardt. He wants to leave... If the emperor doesn't take action, I'm afraid no one can stop him."

Ling Xiao glanced at the north again, then turned around and said: "Go back."

Faced with the attack of two king-level men coming across the sea, Su Yuan, the True Lord of Suzaku, killed one of them by himself!

Killing the king with the body of the burning sun, such an amazing feat, although it was not publicized, it was instantly spread throughout Yanting and outside!

For a moment, everyone was in shock.

After that, it was a quiet year.

Since the Dragon Veins of the West Desert, no dragon veins have emerged in the entire Eastern Continent.

With the help of the dragon vein that Su Yuan brought back and penetrated into Yuantong Island, many people in Qingming Palace have made significant progress.

In just one year, there was actually another Burning Sun... Yin Jiu Shang, who was the trigger before attacking the Vulcan Alliance.

And even Yang Aoshan, who is not very good at cultivation, actually has some signs of breaking through to the full moon realm.

Yang Yifeng stayed behind on Yuantong Island to refine the tornado and wild fireflies.

The two old subordinates, Murphy and Antonis, were first taken to the Tianxun Division by Su Yuan.

After making such great achievements and occupying so many dragon veins, the remaining dragon veins can naturally be used as much as possible!

Such a good opportunity is rare in thousands of years, and Su Yuan will not be polite!

One year later, both Murphy and Antonis reached the Double Ninth Realm.

And Ashelia, relying on another chance of dragon vein remnants, finally stepped into the Three Yang Realm!

There is another person... Huang Xiang.

Huang Xiang's performance in the Battle of Tiangong was also seen by Xia Hou and others.

In addition to his contribution to providing intelligence, after the Battle of Tiangong, he was recruited into the Qinglongyu, where only Zhenjun remained among the original four emperors.

Now Huang Xiang has already broken through to the Three Yang Realm. Over the years, he has shown quite amazing strength in many actions, and he is already a new generation of super star in the Sky Survey Division!

Yanting, in the Sixiang Hall of the Xuntian Division.

The five imperial thrones and many envoys are all gathered here.

The Red Emperor, wearing a black cloak with red embroidery, sat on a high throne.

"Based on the current trend of the earth's energy, Si Nei deduced that the next dragon vein may be at least a few decades, or at most a hundred years...

At this point, the eruption of earth energy has entered a stable period, and the battle for earth tribulation has come to an end.

The envoys in the department have made great contributions to this war and have captured many dragon veins, which are far superior to Qi Guang. They should be rewarded based on their merits. "

The Red Emperor spoke slowly, and when everyone below heard the words, their eyes lit up and their hearts were filled with joy.

Since the Earthly Tribulation, in the past ten or twenty years, there have been countless battles and countless deaths.

But now, with the end of the Dragon Vein War, the Earth Tribulation has finally come to an end.

The Red Emperor's gaze passed over the thrones and landed on Su Yuan and others behind them.

"Xia Hou, Fang Yuan, Su Yuan, Tong Xue'er, Wen Renfeng."

Su Yuan and others all stepped forward and saluted: "Red Emperor!"

"As a true king, you fought to the end and made great contributions... Now you can also break through on your own, using the new veins obtained in the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace."


Everyone responded loudly.

Even though he was as calm as Xia Hou, his expression was slightly excited at this moment.

As a Burning Sun-level person, he has survived for eight hundred years and accumulated a lot of experience. Finally... he will be able to break through to the King level!

After some discussion and summary, everyone left the Sixiang Hall one after another.

"Su Yuan, next time we meet you will be at the king level, right?" Fang Qingxiao looked at Su Yuan with emotion, and finally patted Su Yuan on the shoulder, "Break through as soon as possible, I will wait for you here!"

Su Yuan smiled and bowed: "Thank you for your kind words!"

After returning to his residence, Su Yuan directly entered the Qingming Realm.

Ruanruan, Aixilia, and even Murphy and Antonis are all there.

Su Yuan said: "This time I will break through to the king level. You should absorb the remaining essence and strive to get closer to the cultivation level."

"Yes, boss (master)!"

Su Yuan nodded, and with a flash of silver light, he appeared on Qingming Peak.

After glancing at a few people again, Su Yuan withdrew his gaze, closing and opening his eyes to capture all his thoughts.

"Qing Ming!" Su Yuan called.


With a phoenix cry, the sky suddenly darkened, and the big black phoenix that covered the sky and sun flew down and surrounded Su Yuan with its wings waving.

If the new dragon vein is completely exposed, it will be more conducive to breakthrough than the inherited dragon vein.

Then Fengmai, who originally belonged to Su Yuan and served Su Yuan with all his strength... would be even better!

As the phoenix pulse came close to his body, an energy from the source of the world immediately enveloped Su Yuan.

Soon, Su Yuan felt that the three Yangs in the star sea had reached their limit. Under this energy, it seemed as if they were gradually losing their bottlenecks and shackles.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately closed his eyes and urged Sanyang to absorb the star power.

In other words... it is the Phoenix Vein that is continuously pouring star power into Su Yuan's sea of ​​stars!

On the Qingming Peak, the huge star power of the entire Qingming Realm continued to gather one after another, and gradually formed a thick, sticky, and brilliant star power light cloud.

And under the continuous infusion of such infinite star power, the three yangs in Su Yuan's body became more and more brilliant, and continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye...

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