Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1040 Digestion

Su Yuan smiled and said: "I already have a sword, so I chose this one."

Wen Zhong nodded and said: "So that's it. Well, this treasure will belong to King Su."

Legend has it that all sacred weapons are extremely precious. I hope this treasure can help the king to kill powerful enemies! "

"Thank you." Su Yuan said.

Wen Zhong nodded, then sat back and picked up the ancient book.

"If nothing happens, Ambassador Su can go on his own. Tianzhi, please send Ambassador Su off."

"Yes!" Duan Tianzhi responded before sending Su Yuan away.

Su Yuan stood on the spot, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke again:

"I wonder, Mr. Wen, if you can help me see a star weapon?"

Wen Zhong looked up when he heard the words: "Oh? Of course."

As Su Yuan turned his hand, a golden chain appeared in his hand and was placed in front of Wen Zhong.

"This is...Old Man Wei's Heavenly Lock? Has it been repaired?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "Yes, when I was Xingjun, I collected Taixu gold and asked Mr. Wei to repair this thing for me."

Wen Zhong looked astonished: "So that's it."

The level of the Tiger Vein War was too low, and Wen Zhong was not a combatant, so he did not know the specific circumstances of the Tiger Vein War.

Su Yuan asked: "Master Wen Zhong, I wonder if the Heaven's Lock can be re-refined to the Holy Artifact?"

The Lock of Heaven is the only space star system that Su Yuan has practiced so far. It is very convenient, but now, the quality is too low.

It's rare to see a master of weapon refining, so I took this opportunity to ask.

Wen Zhong injected star power to slightly activate the Heaven's Lock, took it in his hand and rubbed it carefully:

"It was reforged with gold-level Taixu gold...and the reforging method is also very clever. Old Man Wei has made progress again."

Duan Tianzhi, who was standing next to him, also leaned forward to observe the Heavenly Lock, and couldn't help but agree with him: "Such skill is worthy of Mr. Wei. It seems that he is indeed the most promising person in the department to become the third master of the art of weapons."

After Wen Zhong looked over and over carefully, he said: "Basically, the several star artifacts collected by Old Man Wei are all extraordinary.

As far as I know, this Heavenly Lock also has a mysterious origin and excellent foundation.

As for the gold-level Taixu Gold, and Old Man Wei's reforging skills... the last time it was repaired, it didn't have any negative impact on this treasure. On the contrary, it slightly improved its spirituality.

In my opinion...this treasure has a slight chance of being upgraded to a holy weapon! "

When Su Yuan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Wen Zhong put down the Taixu Gold and said to Su Yuan: "But if you want to forge it into a holy weapon, you need a higher level of Taixu Gold, which is the fifth-level material - Holy Xujin!

But level five materials are uncommon, and level five space materials are even rarer.

We in Dayan don’t have this thing now.

And after so many years, unless someone has stocks, it may be difficult to find Holy Void Gold in the wilds of the entire Eastern Continent. "

Su Yuan nodded. The original Taixu Gold was found in the New World.

But no matter what, at least there is still hope for the Heavenly Lock to be promoted to a holy weapon.

As for the Holy Void Gold, there is a long way to go. We can only wait and see whether it can be obtained from some secret realm in the future.

"I understand, thank you Wen Taidou." Su Yuan picked up the Heavenly Lock, rubbed it gently and put it away.

Wen Zhong waved his hand slightly: "It's a small matter."

Su Yuan cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave today."

"Okay, Ambassador Su, please walk slowly. Tianzhi, send the Ambassador off."


After leaving Qigong Division, Su Yuan went straight out of Yanting and went home.

During this trip, I not only got a method that could "accelerate my practice in disguise", but also got a holy weapon that "fairly suited" me.

Although it is not perfect, it is still very satisfying.

After Su Yuan returned home, he went directly back to the Qingming Realm to refine the Canghai Yidou.

The consumption of mobilizing this treasure is huge, and it is really not something that the king can afford.

Unfortunately, the power cannot be tested for a while, so Su Yuan can only put it away for the time being.

Sharpening his knife and chopping firewood, Su Yuan immediately began to study the formation diagram of the one-year-old formation day and night.

The basic principle of this formation is a two-dimensional formation.

With Su Yuan's current seventh-level formation cultivation level, even if the one-year-old diagram is quite complicated, it would take him a month or two to fully master it.

On this day, Su Yuan was sitting in a drawn formation on Qingming Peak.

Raising his hands to form a seal, a golden divine wind suddenly roared out and blew into the morning and evening formation eyes at the head and tail of the formation.

The power of time was injected into the formation, and the sky suddenly dimmed, changing day and night, and time passed at high speed between the two formation eyes.

"It's done!"

Su Yuan's eyes lit up and he immediately flew down to the formation.

But as Su Yuan entered, the originally flowing time seemed to bear an astonishing load and suddenly became stagnant.

"It used to be able to accelerate the time by almost 10 times, but now it is immediately compressed to about 3 times... This is still Guixu Shenfeng and Qingming Realm. No wonder the throne is really useless to others."

After Su Yuan thought for a while, he whispered: "Qing Ming!"


There was a phoenix cry, and the big black phoenix circled down from the sky.

At the same time, the earth's energy surged, the dragon ascended, and the attached dragon veins also responded.

The surging star power immediately gathered here, and the originally slightly sluggish formation began to flow at high speed again.

"It has reached more than 10 times again!"

Su Yuan just felt it briefly and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

It's not that the Guixu Kamikaze is just that, but the one-year-old formation of day and night, more than ten times is almost the limit.

But this is already quite impressive!

The Phoenix Vein continuously provides high-concentration star power to the morning and evening one-year-old array;

And the morning and evening one-year-old formation spontaneously activates the power of time of the Guixu Kamikaze.

There is absolutely no need to do this yourself.

"Guixu Kamikaze not only has amazing combat bonuses, but its supporting capabilities are also top-notch!"

Su Yuan realized for a moment that it had no impact on his understanding of the law, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Su Yuan stood up, waved his hand to wave away Feng Mai, and looked at Mo Fei and others who were practicing in seclusion in the square below.

"Murphy, Ruanruan, Antonis, you guys come here and try to practice."

Mo Fei and others had already noticed the movement on Su Yuan's side, and they were also curious. After hearing this, they immediately flew forward and stepped into the formation.

"This... the flow of time seems to have changed!" As soon as he came up, Murphy exclaimed.

Antonis was also shocked!

Everyone was a master of the Burning Sun level, but they noticed the difference between the inside and outside of the formation in a blink of an eye, and immediately understood what it meant.

Originally, under the high concentration of star power in the Green Underworld, the cultivation speed was several times higher than that of the Tiger Veins in the outside world.

If you continue to practice in this formation... can your speed increase by more than ten times?

In this way, the superposition of the two phases would result in an improvement of nearly a hundred times!

Thinking of this, Antonis swallowed: "Boss, you can actually arrange such a formation!"


Su Yuan smiled and said: "You should practice in this formation first and break through to the Three Yang Realm as soon as possible.

Ruanruan, if the time is right, break through to the king level as soon as possible, and use the following dragon vein to break through! "

Ruanruan returned to his human form, and patted his chest with bright eyes: "Okay master, I guarantee a breakthrough!"

Su Yuan nodded, and he was not in a hurry. He would help them break through in the morning and evening formation.

Especially Ruanruan, with the Devouring Law, star power is not a problem at all.

Now, with the help of the "Demon Emperor's Soul Split", he is already preparing for a breakthrough.

Su Yuan left the Qingming Realm, stayed with his parents for a few days, and then left for the Western Desert...

On Yuantong Island, the ground shook slightly and star power surged.

The first thing Su Yuan did after coming back was to use the phoenix vein to absorb the new dragon vein.

In just one year, the dragon veins have taken root deeply, and it is still a little difficult to extract.

As the second dragon vein was implanted into the Qing Ning World, the Qing Ning World expanded significantly. Mountains, hills, plains... various terrains evolved in the Qing Ning World.

At the same time, Su Yuan's star power was indeed increased by half again!

There was a slight "feeling of fullness" coming from the Green Underworld. It seemed that there was an upper limit to this kind of absorption.

Su Yuan nodded secretly, looked at Qing Ning Realm, raised his hand and separated the area where the second dragon vein was located, leaving it above Yuantong Island.

Su Yuan flew out of the Qingming Realm and came to the outside to look at the Qingming Mark in front of him.

"Use dragon veins to suppress a space and stay here permanently. In this way, the star power on Yuantong Island will still be full, and..."

Su Yuan closed his eyes and raised his hand to form a seal, and the dragon-shaped Qingming mark in front of him suddenly lit up;

At the same time, a Qing Ming mark also lit up at Su Yuan's residence in the Yanting Tianxian Division.

Su Yuan seemed to be able to teleport to any mark with just a thought!

"Each attached dragon vein can support a long-distance teleportation.

Even if the space where the dragon vein is located is placed anywhere in the outside, it will not affect Feng Mei's ability to mobilize the power of each affiliated dragon vein through the Qingming mark.

With this long-distance teleportation mark, it will be extremely convenient to travel between the West Desert and Yanting. If necessary, cross-continent teleportation is not a problem! "

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the Qing Ming Mark disappeared into the void again.

If the star power and fluctuations are concentrated, it will be extremely difficult for ordinary people to detect it.

this day.

In the sea on the west side of Yuantong Island, Su Yuan stood quietly on the sea.

Not far in front of him, a bucket of sea water was suspended in mid-air, with brilliance flowing on it. There seemed to be endless sea water swirling above the mouth of the bucket, emitting waves of frightening fluctuations.

At this moment, suddenly there were wisps of intertwined wind and thunder coming from the stone bucket.

In just a dozen breaths, the increasingly violent wind and thunder stirred up the wind and clouds, set off tsunamis, and turned into the eye of a thunderstorm on the sea!

Canghai Yidou was constantly trembling under such destructive wind and thunder energy.

Su Yuan's eyes slightly condensed, and he squeezed the seal with his hand. His majestic star power surged non-stop, and he mobilized more star power to mobilize the Canghai Yidou with all his strength.

However, this wind and thunder was too shocking. After a stalemate, Canghai Yidou still could not stabilize the violent shaking.

With a "buzz" sound, a figure surrounded by wind and thunder flew up from the mouth of Canghai Yidou and landed aside.

Yang Yifeng stopped the Blade Storm, his face turned pale, he was panting, his clothes were soaked and he looked like a drowned rat, looking extremely embarrassed.

Su Yuan raised his hand to recall Canghai Yidou, looked at Yang Yifeng and said with a smile, "Teacher, please test the power of this treasure for me."

"Good guy, I really don't want to go in there a second time!"

Yang Yifeng smacked his lips, and all the water stains on his body were blown away by the wind star power on his body.

"The sacred weapon is indeed a sacred weapon. This thing is really overbearing. Even I had to use all my strength to get it out.

If it were a little later and more strength would be worn away by the sea water inside, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get out even if I use Blade Storm again! "

Seeing what Yang Yifeng said, Su Yuan nodded secretly, and was very satisfied with Canghai Yidou's power!

You know, today Yang Yifeng has successfully broken through to the fourth level with the help of Tornado Wild Fireflies, and also uses the seventh-level skill Blade Storm.

Even Yang Yifeng had to work so hard to get out of the fight. If other low-level kings didn't have any powerful means... they might not be able to suppress them with just this treasure!

As for consumption... the consumption of this treasure is indeed amazing!

With two dragon veins, Su Yuan already has more than twice the star power of an ordinary king level.

But after just activating Canghai Yidou for a short while, Su Yuan felt an obvious consumption of star power.


With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the rich star power in the Green Underworld poured into the sea of ​​​​stars, and the star power that had been consumed was replenished at an alarming speed.

Consumption is not a big problem for Su Yuan. (End of chapter)

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