Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1042 Hokuriku Collapse

Su Yuan used the Qingming mark to teleport back to Yanting, and immediately met with Fang Qingxiao to explain the matter.

After hearing this, Fang Qingxiao looked solemn and immediately sent a message to the Scarlet Emperor Pagoda.

Not long after, the two of them received a summons from the Red Emperor and went to the Four Elephants Hall to gather!

Yanting, Sixiang Hall.

The Red Emperor was already sitting on the main seat, still wearing a large black plain robe.

"Red Emperor." Su Yuan followed Fang Qingxiao and bowed.

The Red Emperor nodded slightly and waved his hand to signal the two of them to wait aside. His expression was solemn as usual, with no hint of happiness or anger.

After a while, Ling Xiao, Yuwen Wuji and Pang Heng also came to the hall one after another.

In addition, next to Yuwen Wuji, there was a man in black robe with a thin face and many skull bead chains on his body.

After everyone came in, they stood on both sides below.

The Red Emperor looked at Su Yuan and Fang Qingxiao: "Take out the body."

Su Yuan took two steps forward, waved his hand and placed the middle-aged man's body between the thrones.

"People from Hokuriku?"

Yuwen, Pang Heng and others were temporarily summoned by the Red Emperor, and they didn't know what was going on.

But when he saw the middle-aged man's body on the ground, his expression condensed, as if he had thought of something.

Su Yuan said: "Red Emperor, everyone, this is the Hokuriku King-class I previously discovered on a small island in the coastal area of ​​the Western Desert.

At that time, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and his origin was destroyed. After I woke him up, he only said that there seemed to be great changes in the northern continent..."

Su Yuan told everyone in the room what had happened before in a few words.

After hearing this, several royal officials looked thoughtful.

After a while, Fang Qingxiao said: "Gu Xunyou, let's take a look."


The man in black robe next to Yu Wen Wuji immediately stepped forward to the body, nodded to Su Yuan, then raised his hand to form a seal and placed his palm on the body.

The green flowers surged, and an unpredictable wave swayed from the palm of the black-robed man, while bursts of dim light circulated in his eyes, seemingly reflecting countless fragments of light and shadow.

"White Tiger Yu's pursuit of souls is impermanent, and the valley is full of darkness."

Su Yuan took two steps back slightly and carefully looked at the person performing the technique in front of him.

Since being promoted to the king level, Su Yuan's authority has increased and he has become familiar with many royal envoys in the department.

Gu Xunyou is a sixth-level king who is good at the soul law of Bai Huyu.

But now this person in the Northern Continent has been dead for a while, and his soul is not here. Can we get anything else out of him in this situation?

A full stick of incense passed before Gu Xunyou stopped.

After closing his eyes slightly and settling for a while, Gu Xunyou said in a deep voice:

"According to the memory fragments on the corpse, the Northern Continent... may have collapsed!"


All the royal officials had shocked expressions on their faces, and then their expressions became extremely serious.

Gu Xunyou said: "The gray world suddenly arrived, restrained Beilu with divine weapons, and combined with the resurrected star beast to subvert the entire continent in one fell swoop!"

Gu Xunyou slowly informed everyone present about what happened in Beilu.

It turns out that it is not that there is no movement in the gray world, but that the movement is not in the Eastern Continent!

There is more than one imperial court in the Gray Realm. The first one to arrive at Blue Sea Star and close to the Eastern Continent was the Shentian Imperial Court.

The Towering Imperial Palace has the function of breeding sacred trees. It is not the main battle royal palace, but is more like a logistics arsenal.

Dayan had already known this through the captured gray realm monsters.

The reason why there has been no movement in the gray world is that firstly, it is waiting for the world barrier to get closer, and secondly, it is waiting for other royal courts to conquer other realms!

The other imperial courts were already in the midst of a war against another world. After accidentally discovering the Blue Sea Star, they asked the logistics team to come over to investigate first.

Therefore, there has been no movement in the Shentian Imperial Court, just silently collecting information.

As early as a few years ago, the rest of the imperial court had accelerated their progress, and they hurriedly ended the battle and came to Blue Starfish without much finishing.

Because...this is a bigger world than ever before!

Coinciding with the battle for dragon veins and the resurgence of monsters, the northern continent was already in extreme chaos.

As soon as the Gray Realm Royal Court arrived, they directly used the Sky-Splitting Royal Court's artifact to restrain the Northern Continent and start a war!

As soon as it came up, it was an overturning battle.

In less than ten years, the eight major tribes fell apart. The dead died, surrendered, and fled. Countless creatures were destroyed. The entire northern continent was in ruins!

After everyone heard this, their expressions became more and more serious.

Could a continent really be destroyed like that?

Pang Heng asked: "Where are the emperor-level masters of the Eight Divisions?"

Gu Xunyou was silent for a moment, and then said in a solemn voice: "One died, one was imprisoned, two defected, and the rest broke into the void and fled to the sky, with no trace of their whereabouts."


As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath.

Even the emperor level has fallen!

Raid the blue sea, defeat the emperor, and occupy the Hokuriku...

This gray world is indeed a force that has invaded countless worlds. Such movements are really shocking!

"Using the Northern Continent as the foundation, establishing a foothold, and then looking forward to the entire Blue Sea Star..."

The Red Emperor slowly stood up and walked from his seat to the crowd. The temperature around him seemed to be rising at an alarming speed. A terrifying wave that made people numb their scalp swayed from the Red Emperor!

Su Yuan felt that his mouth was dry, as if he was about to melt, but there was no injury on his body.

"It has been silent for so long that I have almost forgotten what it's like to fight..."

The red emperor's eyes were filled with heat and murderous intent, and his sharp gaze swept over the people below.

“Blue Dragon and White Tiger, conduct an in-depth investigation of the situation in Hokuriku;

Suzaku Xuanwu, thoroughly investigate the space nodes within the territory!

The Tianxian Division...has entered a state of war again! "

"Yes, Red Emperor!" All the royal officials responded in unison.

After the Red Emperor gave the order, the four governors of the Patrol Division immediately took action.

The second imperial officer of Qinglong and White Tiger is responsible for investigating the situation in the north, while the second imperial officer of Suzaku Xuanwu is responsible for detecting and clearing out the many previous entrances to the gray world.

Immediately, the information was circulated to other departments such as the Military Supervision Department and the Education Department.

The gray world has arrived, this matter is extraordinary, and armies from various places have already taken action nearby!

Outside Dongji City, one of the largest spatial nodes between Dayan and the Gray Realm.

At this moment, General Zheng Hao, who received the emergency order, was on alert and mobilized city guards from Dongji City to guard here.

Suddenly, five generals gathered at this moment!

Everyone is on alert. Although a large number of soldiers at the school level and below do not know the specific situation, they also know that something has happened in the gray world.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the horizon, and within a moment it appeared in the middle of the army.

Zheng Hao stood up immediately. When he saw the ring on the hand of the visitor, he knew that it was a royal envoy from the Tianxun Division.

Although the person who came was very young, the face of a king-level powerhouse could no longer be regarded as old or young.

Because any one of them is a strong man who has lived for hundreds of years, except for the new king who came during the earthly calamity.

However, this man is not only young, he also seems very familiar...

"Wang Shi... Su Zhen, Su Wang Shi?!"

Seeing this person's appearance clearly, Zheng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then bursts of surprise appeared on his face.

When the surrounding soldiers saw the person coming, they were all surprised and frightened, and they all looked in reverence. Isn't this the True Lord Suzaku of the Earth Tribulation Technique?

"General Zheng Hao, the Ninth Army Corps of the Eastern Military Region, has met the envoy of King Su." Zheng Hao immediately saluted.

Everyone followed and said, "I've seen Ambassador Su!"

Su Yuan nodded slightly and asked directly: "General Zheng, how is the situation at this point?"

This space node here is one of the largest space nodes. There is a Wang Ting not far away after entering, so Su Yuan, who has space skills, was sent over quickly.

Zheng Hao said respectfully: "Mr. Su, according to the spirit detection barrier, the energy on the opposite side of the node is not much different from before. It should still be guarded by the Burning Sun-level monster beast army, so there is not much change."

Over the years, although the world barrier with the gray world has become weaker and weaker, it has become easier for Dayan to explore.

By exploring the spirit barrier, you can get a rough idea of ​​the general situation behind the node without risking going deep into it.

Su Yuan nodded slightly and opened a rift in space with his hand.

"Everyone, please guard this place, I'll go in and investigate."

After saying that, Su Yuan broke into the space node in a flash and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It was not until the ripples in space slowly closed that Zheng Hao and other officers slowly withdrew their gaze.

"Really, is it really Su Zhen... Ambassador Su?!"

Next to him, another big man with a black beard had his eyes shining, and his face was full of admiration.

"It's really the envoy of King Su!"

"NND, he was actually able to see the legendary person with his own eyes. He has been stationed here for half a year and it's not a loss at all!"


Many officers felt excited, and in the gray world, Su Yuan appeared in a flash of silver light.

The sky was dim and the desolate scene was no different from the gray world in my previous impression...


Seeing Su Yuan come out, the gray realm monster waiting inside immediately reacted.

Unaware of Su Yuan's strength, the leader, a big guy at the Burning Sun level, roared angrily and transformed into his true form as a bull demon. He stepped forward with a giant mallet and struck at Su Yuan.

Su Yuan stretched out his fingers to gently hold the bull demon's club, and raised his eyes to look at him.

However, he saw that there was a hint of darkness in the bull demon's wide, angry eyes, and there seemed to be some strange fluctuations filling them.

"Hoo, damn it!"

The bull demon roared, and the blood on its body surged and its strength increased dramatically.

But Su Yuan didn't want to play with it anymore. With a flick of his finger, the bull demon was shot out as if it was hit hard. With a "bang!", it hit the sand in the distance and fainted on the spot!


Thousands of monster beasts rushed over from all directions, as if they were not afraid of death.

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with silver light, and all the star beasts that rushed towards him were blocked by a force of space.

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan unfolded Yixin Wuchen, raised his head and looked around at the many star beasts, only to find that all of them had a faint light in their eyes.

"Spiritual bewitchment...abandonment?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he already understood the general idea. With a wave of his hand, the invisible space barrier suddenly opened.

"Puff puff……!"

The remaining limbs flew around, blood surged, and all the star beasts were helplessly smashed by the violently expanding space barrier in an instant!

Su Yuan didn't look much and immediately walked forward.

After walking forward for half an hour, Su Yuan suddenly stopped.

"In front of this, there should be a king-level territory, but now...has it turned into a stone wall?"

Looking at the blocked road ahead, Su Yuan raised his right hand and pressed it on the stone wall.

A burst of space power swayed from the palm of his hand, and the wall in front of him shook slightly and then collapsed, revealing a big hole!

The next moment, the black wind roared, the void shook, and countless spatial turbulence crashed onto Su Yuan.

However, the power of the space outside Su Yuan's body fluctuated slightly, easily blocking many turbulent flows.

Su Yuan looked forward, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because what is ahead is a vast expanse of pitch-black void!

Su Yuan raised his hand and issued an order, then swung forward and rushed into the void outside the sky.

A "suffocating feeling" came to my face, the air was far away from the earth's energy, there was no root, no feet, no star power at all.

It is extremely dangerous for practitioners, including kings.

Even if the king begins to practice the law, he still cannot leave the star power.

Being trapped in the void for a long time is like a dehydrated fish. Even king-level ones will one day run out of star power.

However, Su Yuan has reserves from the Qingming Realm, so he is not afraid in a short period of time.

Su Yuan's figure kept flickering, and the silver light in his eyes swept across the void with his "clairaudience".

After a long time, Su Yuan finally noticed it. He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a broken branch with dim light fell into his hand.

"The Spiritual Divine Tree..." Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked further away, "He's heading north. It seems that he is really going to turn Beilu into a base camp."

Su Yuan looked at the branch in his hand, thinking.

With the Gray Realm occupying the Northern Continent in this way, is it not afraid of the siege from the three continents?

I don't know if he is used to being arrogant or if he has such strength.

"The gray world..."

After Su Yuan pondered for a while, he started to transmit the order and returned to the broken stone wall. He immediately left this node and continued to the next place... (End of this chapter)

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