Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1063 Red Teeth Guard

"Red Teeth Guard?"

Su Yuan thought thoughtfully, this sounds like some military organization in the gray world. There is currently no information about this in the Eastern Continent.

Su Yuan turned his hand, and the glazed azure fell into his hand as the green flowers surged. Strong vitality spread, and the injury on his arm was repaired in a short time.

Jingyan's eyes fell on the glazed azure in Su Yuan's hand: "It's another good star weapon. The big world is the big world, and there are endless treasures at the first king level..."

As he spoke, the flames gathered at Jingyan's fingertips and pointed to the sky: "Jinghuo Pendant."

Suddenly a spark lit up high in the sky, and then countless fire elements swarmed towards it.

Following a frightening fluctuation, the sparks suddenly turned into a huge pillar of fire falling from the sky and falling from Su Yuan's head!


The shocking pillar of fire immediately created a huge crater in the ground, and boundless flames swept away. The terrifying aftermath of the flames crushed the surrounding ground and caused rubble to fly everywhere!

Jingyan's gaze fell on the pillar of fire, only to see a hint of darkness emerging from the firelight.


The next moment, the flames that originally exploded and spread suddenly retracted, and were gradually swallowed up by the darkness inside!

Su Yuan stood on the spot, unscathed.

Beside Su Yuan, the soft long blue hair opened the swallowing black hole and sucked in the last trace of flames.

"Is there another person?" Jingyan looked at Ruanruan and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, "No... they are the same kind."

"Master, are you okay!" Ruanruan put away the swallowing black hole, and looked at the Jingyan in front of him with vigilance.


Su Yuan turned his hand and raised the Canghai Dou. The Dou Dou's saliva surged and was aimed at the shocking flames in front of him.

Although Jingyan had just arrived, he had not yet seen the power of Canghai Yidou.

But just now, I felt the astonishing fluctuations in this treasure and rushed over immediately.

A warning sign arose in his heart, flames flickered under Jingyan's feet, his speed surged and he instantly moved away from the direction of the bucket mouth.

Moreover, Jingyan's feet kept moving, like a phantom that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, changing direction at high speed while constantly approaching Su Yuan, and was about to rush to Su Yuan in the blink of an eye!

But at this time, Su Yuan's eyes were filled with a bright silver light.

"Infinite moment!"

The silver field suddenly expanded, and Jingyan, who was about to rush forward, suddenly stopped in place.

A third-level king might be stronger than Su Yuan in terms of physical body, star power, mental power, etc., but his strength is limited.

And without spiritual secrets, it would be difficult to escape the limitless moment!

Su Yuan held Liuli Tianqing, and the sword intent on his sword surged, and he struck Jingyan's body with his sword.

But just as the long sword approached, red flames exploded from Jingyan's body!

Su Yuan was immediately pushed out by the bursting fire, and suffered large burns on his right arm.

A large amount of blood spattered, and a long scar appeared on Jingyan's body.

At this moment, he was hit hard, the fire in Jing Yan's eyes was beating violently, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he was faintly about to wake up.

Seeing this, Su Yuan did not insist on killing the opponent with his own strength, but decisively continued to urge Canghai Yidou.

A bucket of water in the sea shines and then withdraws, and Jing Yan is also involved in the fight!

Soon, Jing Yan regained consciousness from the immeasurable moment.

"It is indeed a sacred weapon!"

When he realized that he had fallen into the holy weapon, Jingyan's expression suddenly sank!

The next moment, the sea shook violently, like a meteorite exploding in the sea, the flames were bright, and the infinite violent flames burst out from the sea!

The water of the sea evaporates violently like it collapses. This speed is much more terrifying than the ice of Gena!

"Fifth level skills!"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, this was at least a fifth-level skill.

This Red-Tooth Guard monster can use fifth-level skills. As far as monsters are concerned, this level is really not low.

The sea of ​​​​fire in the vast sea is raging into the sky, drying up tens of thousands of hectares of sea water, rising to a height of thousands of feet, as if it may break through the mouth of the bucket at any time.

Su Yuan concentrated his mind and used all his strength to control the battle in the sea. The boundless sea water emerged from the battle and rushed onto the churning sea of ​​fire, extinguishing the fire and eliminating the flames!

At the same time, Su Yuan was not in a relaxed mood and ordered Ruanruan to be alert to the surroundings.

Although Canghai Yidou mainly focuses on defending against enemies within the fight, the fluctuations are also not small.

This is the gray world. Even if it is some distance away from the Desert Wolf King's Court, Su Yuan does not want to stay here any longer.

This is why Su Yuan used Canghai Yidou against these two opponents from the beginning!

In fact, to be sure, Su Yuan has left a Qing Ming mark on the outside.

And it has not exceeded the distance until now and can still be used.

However, Su Yuan tried his best to activate Canghai Yidou at this moment, but he could not find the strength to activate the Qingming Teleportation Technique again.

But Su Yuan didn't think much about it, because now he could only suppress the Jingyan with all his strength, and then transfer it until he had enough strength left.

Time gradually passed, and at this moment, a silver light flashed beside Su Yuan, and Ashley appeared.

"Boss, someone is coming!" Ashelia looked solemn.

Su Yuan's eyes swept across the distance, and there was a bit of solemnity in his eyes, but he did not stop holding his hands.

After a while, the soft little face next to him suddenly condensed, and he could already detect two auras approaching quickly!

At this moment, Su Yuan stopped sealing the seal in his hand, turned over his hand to put away the cangyuan bucket, and at the same time formed a seal with both hands, and a vortex of silver light suddenly unfolded on its own.

But the hurricane roared in the sky, the air roared, and a wind-killing spear more than ten feet long was fired!

"Master, be careful!"

Ruanruan was startled and stood in front of Su Yuan without hesitation.

The twisted black hole suddenly opened up, and the fierce wind-killing spear poked at the black hole. After just a slight stalemate, the black hole quickly sunk in, approaching Ruanruan's body as if it was going to penetrate the entire black hole!

Just at this moment, a large area of ​​silver light swirled and rippled.

The next moment, Su Yuan, Ah Xilia, Ruan Ruan and Cang Hai Yi Dou who trapped Jing Yan disappeared from the field together.


The wind-killing spear was no longer hindered and penetrated thousands of meters into the ground in an instant, followed by strong winds echoing in the field.

The next moment, a thin and capable middle-aged man, also wearing a red suit, suddenly appeared in the field.

His aura was astonishing, he was a fifth-level Red Tooth Guard!

"Space teleportation?"

The middle-aged man looked at where Su Yuan and others disappeared, slightly narrowing his cold eyes.

Looking down, he saw some blood on the ground.

Then on the other side, the cold wind was biting, and soon another figure appeared, it was Gunn!

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Gen's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said respectfully: "Master Xiu Bing!"

The middle-aged man named Xiu Bing didn't speak, he just pointed somewhere on the ground.

Gunn looked down and his eyes suddenly widened.

It was clearly a corpse torn apart by sword energy, and it looked very familiar...

"Little brother!!"

Countless bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared in Gunn's eyes, and an astonishing cold air spread. In just a few breaths, the wasteland was frozen for thousands of miles!

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