Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1065 Refining Treasures

Su Yuan put away many treasures and Jingyan's body, took out the sky patrol black card and checked it briefly, then teleported towards the interior.

Somewhere in the northwest of the Eastern Continent was originally a station on the north side of the Usa Kingdom.

Now it has been given up in advance as a stronghold of Dayan.

Su Yuan and others went first, while some of the king's masters such as Zhuqueyu He Zheng and Baili Xu also rushed over one after another and used this place as an outpost.


Within the stronghold, there was a flash of silver light, and Su Yuan appeared.

"Su Yuan?" Fang Qingxiao, who was looking into the distance, was greatly surprised, "I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

It is normal to sneak into the gray world, encounter danger, and then withdraw.

But coupled with the time saved by teleportation, teleportation, etc., Su Yuan was indeed a little faster, and he was the first to come out among the many royal envoys sent.

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Although I quit in a hurry, I gained a little from this trip."


Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out a corpse, a token and four fifth-level fire materials.

"The Red-Toothed Guard who attacked the imperial court was suspected of extracting the power of the law, as well as the treasures that the Red-Toothed Guard carried with him."

Fang Qingxiao couldn't help but his eyes moved slightly when he saw all this, and he immediately understood what Su Yuan meant.

First of all, the fact that there are a large number of law treasures in the gray world has been verified, and it is even more exaggerated than imagined!

And this corpse could still be used, so Fang Qingxiao immediately summoned it.

After a while, a black light flew past and landed on the field from a high altitude in the distance.

It was none other than Bai Huyu’s Gu Xunyou.

"Master Fang." Gu Xunyou bowed slightly and saluted.

Fang Qingxiao said: "Envoy of the Valley King, then you will have a lot of work."

"Master Fang's words are serious. This is my duty and it should be done."

Gu Xunyou responded, then lowered his head and looked at Jingyan lying on the ground.

After looking at it for a while, Gu Xunyou nodded slightly to Su Yuan next to him, then leaned down and slapped Jing Yan with his palm.

Accompanied by a wave of law, a miserable green light spread out from under his palm towards the surroundings, and large runes rose up from Jingyan's body like burning flames!

After a while, Gu Xunyou put back his hands and stood up, with tiny runes flashing in his eyes as if there were countless messages.

When the brilliance in Gu Xunyou's eyes faded, Fang Qingxiao asked, "Envoy Gu Wang, how are you?"

"Although I don't have a soul, I still got a lot of information... Mr. Fang, please allow me to sort it out for a moment."

As Gu Xunyou turned his hands, a page of black paper floated in front of him, and he quickly started writing with a finger pen and spirit as ink.

After a while, Gu Xunyou stopped, pressed his palm on the black paper, and then pulled it horizontally, and several pages of copies appeared.

Two of the pages flew directly to Su Yuan and Fang Qingxiao, while the rest flew into the air and were passed to other thrones.

Su Yuan caught the black paper and scanned it with his mind, and countless information suddenly appeared in his mind.

The Red Tooth Guard is one of the five king's armies that directly attack the imperial court. These five armies are all powerful.

The token is called the Underworld Token, and it is exactly what is needed to extract the law.

In addition, the Gray World has indeed contained a large amount of level five materials for countless years.

Not only these, but also some basic structures, dangerous areas, and general terrain of the gray world...

However, this information is basically the most superficial memory. After all, the physical memory is very superficial and far inferior to the information collected from the soul.

"Prince Gu, these methods are really powerful..." Su Yuan couldn't help but admired this technique again.

When the two countries are at war, the most important thing is intelligence.

Originally, the gray world and the attack on the imperial court were almost completely dark to Dayan, but now it became much clearer just through a corpse.

Gu Xunyou shook his head slightly: "If King Su didn't bring back this man's body, I wouldn't be able to do anything."

Gu Xunyou's voice was always calm, but his words were relatively polite to Su Yuan, and he did not look down on him because he was a sixth-level king's envoy.

Fang Qingxiao pondered for a while and said: "I want to discuss it with the thrones immediately. Su Yuan, you don't need to move anymore since you are back, just rest here and wait."

Su Yuan nodded slightly: "Okay."

Fang Qingxiao put away the Jingyan corpse and the Underworld Token, and then flew up into the sky with Gu Xunyou.

And the silver light flowing around Su Yuan's body directly entered the Green Underworld.

Su Yuan gained a lot from this trip, just in time to wait for the demon sword to evolve and refine the Huanglong Fruit at the same time!

"Master!" Seeing Su Yuan, Ruanruan immediately came over.

Ashley was in the square and had entered a state of cultivation again.

Encountering king-level enemies one after another gave Ashley, who had not yet broken through, a sense of urgency in her heart.

As for Mo Fei and others, they have already returned to Yuantong Island.

Seeing that Ruanruan's face was still a little pale, Su Yuan immediately asked: "Ruanruan, how do you feel?"

Ruanruan chuckled and said: "It's okay now, Master, look!"

Ruanruan immediately patted her chest hard to prove that there was no problem.

And as the soft palm fell, I saw the ups and downs of the mountains and the rippling waves...

Su Yuan looked away and said in a solemn voice: "Thanks to you, Ruanruan."

Facing the sudden and decisive blow from the powerful demon king, Ruanruan stood up in front of him without thinking, as if instinctively.

With such a fast and powerful attack, if he moves any slower, Ruanruan will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

Hearing this, Ruanruan suddenly opened her eyes wide and threw herself into Su Yuan's arms excitedly.


"That's great, that's great..."

Ruanruan raised her head and looked at Su Yuan, her eyes shining brightly, but also vaguely moist.

"Finally... I can help the master again, Ruanruan is very happy!!"

Su Yuan hesitated slightly when he heard this, then hugged Ruanruan and rubbed her head.

"I've always been helpful..." Su Yuan smiled.

Ruanruan buried her head tightly in Su Yuan's arms: "Yeah!"

After a while, with some even breathing, Ruanruan actually fell asleep in Su Yuan's arms...

"Did it consume too much energy by swallowing the wind element?"

Su Yuan lowered his head and looked at the smile that still remained after he fell asleep. He came to Qingming Peak in a flash of silver light.

Gently placing Ruanruan not far away, Su Yuan turned his hand and took out the Huanglong Fruit.

"The Brilliant Dragon Fruit can have up to nine lines according to the strength of its internal fire laws. This Brilliant Dragon Fruit has four lines, which is pretty good."

Su Yuan sat cross-legged, and with a thought, the Brilliant Dragon Fruit flew up from his palm and fell into his mouth, until it fell into the source of the sea of ​​stars that was neither real nor imaginary!

Su Yuan closed his eyes, and with the help of the source, he quickly felt the amazing power of law in the Huanglong Fruit.

The law of fire that originally existed everywhere in the world but was difficult to reach is now concentrated like the sun on the Huanglong Fruit in the sea of ​​​​stars, as if it is within reach!

Su Yuan immediately concentrated and immersed himself in it.

For a moment, Su Yuan seemed to be immersed in a scorching fiery cave purgatory somewhere. He had experienced thousands of years of lava eruptions, and had seen hundreds of fire dragons being born, growing, and dying...

Scorching heat, high temperature, explosions... countless mysterious laws of fire surged into my mind.

Su Yuan sucked it in with great pleasure, and soon became immersed in it...

No update tomorrow

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