Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1068 Former Enemies

Su Yuan teleported all the way on the sea, but he was thinking about what happened before.

Earlier, the Red Emperor actually beat himself up a little.

You can choose not to do things.

But since you have a responsibility, you must do it well.

This time the enemy from another world is ahead, the war is about to begin, and the situation is changing rapidly.

Because of his personal cultivation, he missed the actions within the company.

The throne has always taken good care of him, and he did not call him for fear of affecting his cultivation.

But the Red Emperor was not polite, the rules were the rules, so he was slightly shocked.

"This time, I was indeed a little careless..."

Su Yuan shook his head secretly, not dissatisfied with the Red Emperor.

The Sky Survey Department deals with critical and urgent matters. If there is a lack of manpower at a critical moment, or someone delays the opportunity, the consequences may be very serious.

Fortunately, things seem to be going well so far...

In fact, if there was a one-year-old formation every day when refining the Huanglong Fruit, it would not take so much time.

But now, at the critical moment when Ashelia is about to break through, in order to help her break through to the king level as soon as possible, the Day and Night One-Year-Old Formation is left to her to use alone.

It was just the first time for Su Yuan to use the law treasure. He didn't expect that he would be so deeply immersed in the law of fire when absorbing the Huanglong Fruit...

Su Yuan gathered his thoughts and looked in the direction of the gray world.

"With the Red Emperor watching, at least we won't be afraid that a powerful King-level person will suddenly appear without warning, but high-level King-level ones are not within the Red Emperor's observation range.

I don’t know how the throne and the others are doing now..."

Su Yuan was thinking as he quickly flew forward.

After a long time, I finally entered the gray world again.

"After so many days, there are still some residual star power fluctuations around. It seems to be some of the battles that took place when everyone in the company came in.

Su Yuan continued to teleport forward, and there were more and more traces of battle on the ground.

From time to time, some remaining star beasts could still be seen, and Su Yuan easily eliminated them with a few air bullets.

After a long time, Su Yuan came to a desert with howling wind and sand.

According to the information obtained so far, to the east is the huge Gila Desert in the Gray Realm, and this is just the tip of its edge.

As long as you cross this edge, you will not be far from the high-ranking royal court that Si Nei wants to destroy.

And if you can capture that high-level royal court, even if you cannot occupy it for a long time, you can use it as a center to radiate many surrounding royal courts in the short term!

Although with the help of artifacts, the Gray World was able to transform the Gray World land here as quickly as possible through positive and negative transformations.

But it also has disadvantages. The gray world is too huge, and Dayan and Qiguang can definitely find some breakthroughs...

Su Yuan moved forward quickly when he suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look into the desert far away in the east.

"There seems to be some movement over there?"

Su Yuan opened his clairvoyance, and although he was blocked by the large wind and sand, he could still vaguely see something.

"You didn't meet your colleagues, but you met your former enemies?"

Su Yuan's eyes flashed with surprise. After thinking for a moment, he immediately turned around and hurried over...

Amidst the wind and sand rising all over the sky, a man and a woman were flying rapidly.

Both of them are second-level kings, and they are both wearing the white uniforms of the temple. They are both king-level masters of Qiguang!

But at this moment, the two of them were more or less injured, as if they had experienced some kind of battle, and they were running away in a very embarrassed manner.

Looking carefully, behind the two enlightened people, there is a white-faced young man wearing black clothing, chasing after the two people as if chasing prey!

"No, he caught up so quickly!" Melissa looked a little ugly.

Gasser covered the injury on his chest and glanced back, his already slightly pale complexion became even more gloomy.

The two of them were originally responsible for cutting off some peripheral low-level kings, but they didn't expect that they had just solved a second-level king based on intelligence, and immediately met the young man in black behind them!

According to the strength of the previous second-level demon king, even if it is a third-level demon king, the two of them can handle it together.

But after just a brief confrontation, the two realized that they were wrong.

This third-level young man in black is much stronger than expected!

And because he misjudged his strength, Gasser was quickly seriously injured by the opponent.

A large amount of liquid-like gray energy remains on the wound, making the body weak and functional, and must be suppressed with star power.

In this case, the two quickly chose to escape when they saw that they were outmatched.

And, according to the information from Dayan...

Gasser and Melissa realized that the other party was probably from the five major armies of the Baizhan Royal Court!

"Finally caught up~"

The young man in black behind him grinned, put his hands together and then pulled them apart toward the sides. A gray energy spear flowing like mercury appeared in his hands and was thrown forward!

"Watch out!"

The sound of breaking through the air came, and both Gasser and Melissa were frightened. They reminded each other to move to both sides, narrowly avoiding the spear.

But at this moment, the young man behind him raised the corner of his mouth and held his right hand empty: "Explode!"

The spear exploded in front of the two of them with a "bang" sound, turning into countless liquid-like gray auras that scattered in all directions!

"No, flash!"

The expressions of both Gasser and Melissa changed. Their star power swayed in front of them and they quickly moved away to both sides.


Corrosive sounds rang out from the scattered bodies of Gasser and Melissa. The auras spread by the two of them could not stop the gray star power splashing like liquid.

When these star powers fell on the body, they easily broke through the body's protective star powers and penetrated into the subcutaneous tissue, forming large leaf-like white spots in the blink of an eye.

Gasser and Melissa's faces turned pale, their bodies became weaker and weaker, their steps were sluggish, and their movements suddenly became much slower!

At this time, the young man in black behind him licked the corner of his mouth, and the light in his hand was strong, and another gray spear slowly condensed.

"We can't run away like this!" Gasser said solemnly.

Melissa looked at Yi Ning and turned around decisively, forming a seal with her hands and pointing in the void in front of her:

"Crown of Thorns!"

Large thorns shot out from the void in front of themselves, layer upon layer forming a shield of thorns like a huge crown.

In the blink of an eye, the spear hit the center of the crown of thorns and exploded again into a large area of ​​gray star power flowing out, eroding the reddish-brown thorns at high speed.

But soon, thorns rushed out from the void to resist.

This is a magical power comparable to a fourth-grade skill, and it cannot be broken by the opponent with just one shot...

But suddenly, the young man in black flew towards the Shield of Thorns and pressed it with a burst of gray light in his palm.

Accompanied by strong law fluctuations, astonishing gray energy swept out of his hands, eroding the reddish-brown thorns that were constantly being repaired.

In a few breaths, the Crown of Thorns Shield was completely reduced to ashes!

Melissa's pupils suddenly widened, and the young man in black stepped forward and pressed her with a palm.


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