Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 1148 Attacking the Formation

"I didn't expect that the one who could finally defend the sword platform was the Great Yan ally who came to help."

Looking at Su Yuan, the only one left on the Sword Platform, Xiang Yuntian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Lou Zhen said slowly: "The enemy has many people and we have few people. It is normal that it is difficult to defend the sword platform in a round-robin battle... However, this also shows that fellow Daoist Su's fighting ability is beyond the same level."

Many sword masters of the Divine Sect could not help but nod their heads, and they agreed with this.

Although there were not many intersections with Su Yuan, combined with some rumors that this person had left in the South Continent before, and combined with several battles today that crushed powerful enemies.

Whether it was before the king level or after the king level...this person was the best of the same level from beginning to end!

Even the genius of the Divine Sect, Dugu Jiu, was not necessarily his opponent.

Yuwen Wuji, who was next to him, looked at the people of the Divine Sect, his eyes flickered slightly, but he shook his head secretly.

Yuwen Wuji knew at a glance that although these Divine Sect sword masters had already overestimated Su Yuan, they still underestimated Su Yuan's strength!

You know, in the East Continent, Su Yuan proved his way by killing and achieved his current reputation by slaying all the heroes along the way.

In the previous raid on the Gray Realm, Su Yuan killed two sixth-level demon kings in the Sun and Moon Heavenly Array.

These mere third-level opponents alone could not force Su Yuan to show his full strength.

In fact, Su Yuan was not targeting these low-level demon kings...

Even when facing a mid-level demon king, Su Yuan could handle it on his own!

"Get ready." Lou Zhen looked at the rapidly collapsing Earth Sword Platform and ordered in a concentrated voice, "The real battle is probably about to start."

Upon hearing this, many Sword Masters solemnly responded: "Yes!"

After a while, the Earth Sword Platform completely collapsed, and two of the three sword platforms of the Heavenly Dragon Array were now gone!

With the sound of "humming" and waves, the power of the formation covering the entire Divine Sect seemed to have been reduced again.

"Another three-tenths."

In the dark clouds outside the mountain, Yin Ju's eyes flickered.

Hun Ling beside him asked, "Master Yin Ju, is it time?"

Yin Ju raised his lips: "Of course."

Turning around, Yin Ju looked at the monsters in the black cloud and said loudly:

"We attacked this sect half a month ago, but were blocked by the formation.

Now that two of the three sword platforms are gone, the power of this formation has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer enough to stop us...

Next, it is time to break through this sect and fight!"

"Roar, roar, roar...!"

The monsters were restless, their angry voices were shocking, and the sounds of bloodthirstiness and excitement swept the entire sky!

Most of the monsters in the gray world are very aggressive. Now that they have waited here for so long, they can finally kill them.

Yin Ju turned around and looked at the high-level demon kings such as Tong Kun and Sou in front of him, and said with a smile:

"You have been resting for a long time. Next, it is time to make contributions to the imperial court..."

Even though Tong Kun quickly sent Shi Badi up just now, he never thought that the other party would give up directly and did not even have the opportunity to make contributions.

At this moment, the faces of several people were quite ugly, but they could only bite the bullet and agree.

"Okay, Deputy Commander Yin, don't worry, we will definitely go all out!"

After Tong Kun and others agreed, they dispersed and dispersed into their own teams to prepare manpower.

On the sword stage of man, Su Yuan woke up from his perception.

He vaguely understood the sword meaning, but it seemed that something was missing...

Shaking his head, Su Yuan put down his thoughts and did not continue to dwell on the dead end.

For cultivation, dwelling on the dead end is useless. The more impatient you are, the less likely you are to get in.

At this moment, Su Yuan looked up and looked around, and saw that the other two sword platforms collapsed. When he looked at the movements of both sides, he knew that the war was coming!

It didn't take long before the black clouds that hovered in half of the sky outside the gate of the Shenzong Mountain began to surge. Looking closely, it was actually sweeping towards this side.

Above the Shenzong, the sword light rushed into the sky, and the colorful clouds were clear!

Led by Lou Zhen, Xiang Yuntian and other sword masters, tens of thousands of disciples of the Wanjian Shenzong flew up on their swords!

After a while, the black cloud of demonic energy approached the mountain gate, and a large number of various demonic beasts in human form or beast form rushed out in all directions.


"Kill all humans!"


The demonic energy was rolling and fierce, and the shouts of killing shook the earth!

Just as the demonic cloud rushed into the Shenzong, the wind rolled and the clouds surged, and the majestic and vast sword intent swept from the sky.

I saw a huge dragon poking its head out from the clouds, and roared at the countless demonic beasts that raised the black clouds!


The sound of the startled dragon was like thunder.

Then the void fluctuated, accompanied by the roars of dragons one after another, and a large number of dragons came as if breaking through the air, turning into sharp sword lights while swimming, killing the countless monsters pouring into the mountain gate!

"Swish, swish, swish...!"


Where the dragon sword light passed, the demonic energy collapsed and blood and flesh flew!

Facing the sword light condensed by the eighth-level formation, most of the monsters had no power to resist and were torn to pieces, turning into corpses falling from the air!

For a moment, a large gap was worn out in the black cloud of demonic energy.

However, the gray world has a strict hierarchy, and there are orders from above, so the monsters in the back can't retreat at all, and they all continue to rush forward fearlessly!

In the black cloud, looking at the monsters that were constantly killed by the sword light, Yin Ju's face did not fluctuate at all.

"Sure enough, this formation has weakened a lot!" Yin Ju nodded slightly.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters could keep approaching even under the killing sword formation.

And soon, some powerful monsters, or monsters in groups of three or five, joined forces to resist the sword light of the dragon.

Compared with the terrifying sword light of the gray world monsters that was dense and rainy and wantonly slaughtered when they first attacked the Shenzong, it was undoubtedly a level down!

"Full speed ahead!"

Yin Ju's voice spread throughout the monster army, and the monsters surged. The monster team led by Tong Kun, Sou and other major royal courts rushed towards the gate of the Shenzong at high speed.

As if sensing the crisis, the dragon transformed by the high-altitude formation had a strong spiritual light on its body, and it let out a long roar!

The spiritual light on the twelve peaks rose to the sky and sank into the void.

The space around the dragon shook, and after a while, twelve blue dragons with auras far exceeding the previous one appeared, and they turned into twelve blue dragon ancient swords with terrifying spiritual light while swimming!

"Here they come!"

Tong Kun and Chun Tongren both looked condensed.

The sword light condensed before the Cang Tian Zong Long formation was not bad, and the threat to the king level was limited.

What really frightened many demon kings were the twelve Cang Long ancient swords condensed by the dragon veins of the upper peak!

Previously, these twelve Cang Long ancient swords killed the demons in a mess. Except for some masters such as Yin Ju and Tong Kun, many low-level demon kings were injured or even killed by these swords!

And the other demons under the king were killed immediately after touching them, and they were not even a match at all!

Tong Kun flew up first, walked in the air, and swung his sandbag-sized fist at the Cang Long ancient sword in front of him.


With a loud bang, the skin on Tong Kun's finger bones broke, and there was an extra scar.

As for the Cang Long ancient sword, it was shaken away and burst out with some spiritual light.

"Hehe, it's not as good as before!" Tong Kun rubbed the wound on his finger bones and sneered.

Shi Badi, who was behind Tong Kun, followed closely. He gathered his strength in his hands and suddenly put them together: "Earth Element Breakthrough!"

A huge, yet plain stone pillar rose in front of Shi Badi and hit another Ancient Canglong Sword.

The dragon pattern on the Ancient Canglong Sword flashed, and it cut directly into the stone pillar, crushing it into countless pieces of stone.

However, the star power on Shi Badi's body surged, urging the Earth Element Stone Pillar to continue to lengthen, gradually consuming the power of the Ancient Canglong Sword, and finally knocked the Ancient Canglong Sword away!

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