Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 149 Star Core Acquired!

Su Yuan thought secretly, if it was directly the [Phase Shift] star card, he would never be able to get one, and the price would probably be higher than the Lunar Saber just now.

Although in terms of strength alone, the improvement brought by the moon wheel knife to the star card master is definitely greater than the phase shift.

But stellar artifacts are replaceable and can be rebuilt, while unique skills like phase shifting that cannot be found are hard to replace.

The price of an ordinary gold-level master star core may be around two to three hundred percent, but it is hard to estimate how much the price of this dream elf dragon star core will overflow.

"After deducting the extra 200 centimeters of star stones I needed to buy the Phoenix Nirvana Stone for Geng Qiuyi just now, I still have 2356 centimeters, and it should be enough to buy a star core.

However, with such a star core, the Big Dipper Consortium didn't extract it by itself, and it's not that they can't afford to lose, and once the [Phase Shift] is extracted, the value may increase several times! "

Just when Su Yuan felt a little confused, Chen Junyan on the stage spoke again.

"However, it should be noted that after identification, besides the previous three skills, this faerie dragon has six other green skills..."

With the improvement of level and quality, some skills of star beasts will be "advanced". Even gold-level master star beasts usually have no more than six skills.

And the dream fairy dragon can be said to be quite special. As it grows, there are more new skills.

This is of course a good thing for the Dream Fairy Dragon itself, but it is not very friendly for those who want to extract some kind of blue star card.

After all, with so many skills, it is undoubtedly more difficult to extract the phase shift.

So when these words came out, many people in the audience frowned slightly.

"Are there still six skills, so there are nine skills in total?"

"I just said why don't you extract this star core yourself, so there are so many skills!"

"Forget it, forget it, even if you get this star core, it will be for nothing."

"Yeah, just one, the probability of using space skills is too low!"


Everyone sighed unceasingly. At first, some masters were still eager to try, but now when they heard it, they immediately gave up their thoughts.

Chen Junyan sighed secretly, if possible, she didn't want to mention this point, because it would definitely affect the bidding price.

But a few thousand centimeter stones are just a drop in the bucket for the huge Beidou consortium, so of course it can't ruin the reputation.

Geng Qiuyi saw that Su Yuan next to him was about to move, so he couldn't help asking: "The probability of extraction is too low, do you want to shoot this?"

"Of course." Su Yuan smiled, but he was secretly happy.

There are nine skills in this star core, which is bad news for others, but good news for me, so there will definitely be fewer people bidding later!

According to previous experiments, even if the star core is not obtained by killing it by oneself, the star dust system can still extract it, but it will consume a lot of star dust.

But as long as the "Phase Shift" skill can be guaranteed, this is not a problem!

Chen Junyan announced: "Then this star core with space skills will now be auctioned. The base price is 300 centimeters of star stones, and the price increase must not be less than 20 centimeters each time!"





The base price and increase price of the star core of the Dream Fairy Dragon are the same as the opening Golden Phoenix Pecking Jade Knife, and they are all lower than the Moon Knife just now.

Apparently, the Beidou Consortium also believed that the value of this item was far inferior to that of the Lunar Saber.

The reason why it is placed at the finale is also to increase the value of this item in a disguised form.

After a while, although it was much slower than the Moon Wheel Knife and the Golden Phoenix Pecking Jade Knife, the price of the Elven Dragon Star Core finally broke through 1000%.

After all, in addition to the phase transfer, the other two blue skills will not lose too much, and it is worth a fight.

But after breaking through 1000 centimeters, the speed slowed down quickly, and after a while, it slowly increased to 1200 centimeters.

And Su Yuan also made a move at the right time.


Su Yuan quoted a moderate price.





There are three or four people who are gradually increasing the price.

"1400%!" Su Yuan quoted again.

After this price increase, the few people who made the move before hesitated for a while, but stopped at the same time.

If the dream fairy dragon's star core only has five or six skills, then the price may be around 1800%.

But if there are nine skills, it is probably worth about 1200~1300%, and the 1400% quoted by Su Yuan is already considered a high price.

For a while, there was no one making an offer at the venue.

Seeing this, Su Yuan couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Although this star core is as difficult to sell as expected, but until the end, it is hard to say that someone is willing to compete at a high price.

After all, for the really rich, as long as it can be bought with money, it’s not a problem, and it’s nothing to spend a few thousand cents to draw a prize, as long as the thing is rare enough!

Chen Junyan waited for a while, but no one made an offer for a long time, so she could only open her mouth and said, "Guest No. 244 bid 1400%, is there anyone going to increase the price? This is an extremely rare space-type skill."

While talking, Chen Junyan looked at several boxes, especially box 2.

Chen Junyan thought, with the financial resources shown in the No. 2 box, the star core that has the opportunity to open the space system skills will probably think more about it, right?

"You really took us for a fool..."

In the No. 2 box, Violet couldn't help but chuckled when she noticed Chen Junyan's gaze, and she didn't intend to make a move at all.

The reason why the Golden Phoenix Pecking Jade Knife and the Moon Wheel Long Knife were photographed earlier was not only to see Dayan's refining level, but also because these two items were of extremely high value.

As for this star core with nine skills, no matter how much the host brags, more than a thousand centimeters is its limit.

Having money does not mean spending money indiscriminately, let alone "gambling".

Opening up a big family requires rapid and courageous progress, and sometimes even requires a series of decisions that can be called gambles.

But to inherit a big family, it is more stable.

"1400 centimeters for the first time..."

"The second time at 1400 centimeters..."

"1400% for the third time!"

"Deal! Congratulations to guest No. 244, who obtained this dream elf dragon star core with space skills!" Chen Junyan felt regretful in her heart, but on the surface she still put on a gesture of warm congratulations.

Seeing that the dust had settled, Su Yuan felt relieved. He was not so nervous when he was photographing the Phoenix Nirvana Stone just now.

"But it's finally won!" Su Yuan cheered up.

Spatial skills, phase transfer!

I originally planned to try to find space skills after silver, but I didn't expect that just now, I have already obtained a star core with space skills at the auction!

"The price of this star core, which has a high probability of being given for free, is close to that of the Phoenix Nirvana..."

Geng Qiuyi smacked his lips, then said with a smile:

"However, congratulations! Although the probability is pitifully low, I wouldn't be too surprised even if you prescribe the 'Phase Shift' for someone like you who gets the Five Leaf Essence."

Su Yuan smiled, took out the star stone and paid for it, and put away the star core of the fairy dragon.

Not far away, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Ji Xuan, who had been paying attention to this scene.

"He can actually take out so many star stones!"

Ji Xuan couldn't help but look at Su Yuan again. Even he had only accumulated 1200 centimeters of star stones since the beginning of school, and this person actually had a little more than himself!

"Ji Xuan, what are you looking at, do you know that person?"

Yang Xu who was next to him also followed Ji Xuan's gaze, but he saw Geng Qiuyi, who was next to Su Yuan who had photographed the Phoenix Nirvana Stone, and couldn't help frowning.

Ji Xuan shook his head: "I don't know him, but he is also a freshman."

"Freshman?" Yang Xu stared, "A freshman can take out so many star stones, are you sure?"

Because of his breathlessness, Yang Xu couldn't see Su Yuan's realm clearly, and thought that Su Yuan, like Geng Qiuyi, was a sophomore.

"Sure, because he's only a bronze intermediate."

Yang Xu was startled, and couldn't help but look at Su Yuan.

A master... or a rich second generation?


"Next, please come to our finale treasure!"

Chen Junyan took a blue star card presented by the waitress next to her.

"T1 blue strengthened star card, black devil's protection!

This card comes from Qiguang, and it is a body-specific strengthening star card.

After use, it can perform two stages of transformation, and each stage of transformation can greatly improve strength, agility, star power resistance and recovery ability. "

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, the improvement in the four directions, although it did not increase the star power, was still very good.

Chen Junyan continued: "Of course, although this card is powerful, it also has two shortcomings.

First, this card has high requirements on physical fitness. Without other buff bonuses, it generally needs more than 55 physical strength qualifications to be embedded and used.

Moreover, the consumption of physical strength during use is relatively high, and people with higher physical strength can maintain the strengthening for a longer time.

Second, although it has high resistance to star power after strengthening, it will receive nearly half of the extra damage when attacked by the light system. "

Su Yuan looked thoughtful, compared to the powerful improvement of this card, these two shortcomings are not difficult to accept.

This card is originally a star card that is biased towards strengthening the physical body, and the physical aptitude of the person to be inlaid should not be too low.

As for the second point of light system attacks... In Dayan, there are very few light system star card masters or light system star beasts.

"Then, this T1-level flesh-body-specific enhancement star card from Yuanyuan Qiguang - the protection of the black devil, is now up for auction. The base price is 1,000 centimeters of star stones, and the price increase must not be less than 20 centimeters each time!"





The appearance of [Dark Devil's Asylum] immediately made the auction house fierce again, and it was not inferior to the previous Moon Blade.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Su Yuan, after all, Su Yuan already has the Great Sun Burning Technique in his body.

After the fierce bidding, in the end, this card fell into the hands of a gold-level master sitting in the front row at a price of 4200%.

At this point, the auction is completely over.

Su Yuan and Geng Qiuyi also harvested the Phoenix Nirvana Stone and the Dream Elf Dragon Star Core with space skills. In this way, the blue star and space skills are available at once!

This auction was simply a complete success.

"Let's go directly to the airport?" Geng Qiuyi asked when the two came out of the auction.

"Well, go back directly."

Su Yuan nodded, he was not familiar with the place in the magic capital, so it was fine.

Now that the Phoenix Nirvana Stone is in hand, it is better to give it to Situ Qingyin together with Qiyao Yinzhi earlier.

It will take some time to refine the blue star vessel, from design, material extraction and mixing, to forging, to molding... It will probably take a few weeks.

The sooner you send it over, the sooner you can start refining!

With that said, the two walked to the side of the road and prepared to take a taxi to the airport.

But at this time, someone called Su Yuan and the two from behind.

"Two students, wait a minute!"

Su Yuan and Geng Qiuyi turned their heads and saw that it was Yang Xu who had participated in the auction before and Ji Xuan next to him.

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