Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 400 Explosion in situ

"not good!"

The thin young man's complexion changed, and as he retreated quickly, black light flowed around his body, and he was about to activate the soul power of the "black ghost" to leave.

However, the fine yellow sand scattered around Bailige had gathered at a high speed, rushed out quickly, tied it up and dragged it back.

Bailige turned around and opened his right hand, a sand spear flew out of his palm.


A blood hole appeared, and the sand spear directly penetrated the skinny young man's chest, killing him!

Not far away, another man in a green robe saw the right time and rushed to kill Bailige with a sword while the yellow sand used for defense was seduced by the skinny young man.

But Bailige is not the only one here.

But seeing the cold light burst out, a plain knife had already slashed from the side of the green robed man!

The face of the green-robed man changed, he thought that Tian Bule was going to protect the Twitching Pearl, but he didn't expect the other party to attack suddenly, and quickly swung his sword to block it.

However, when this plain knife came down, it was as heavy as a rock, and it directly smashed the long sword to the chest of the green-robed man, and even his chest was sunken!

The man in the green robe spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out with his sword upside down.

"Want to restrain my Yellow Dragon Art?" Bailige made seals with both hands, and pointed at the two salons in the distance.

But after hearing the dragon's chant, the two dragons that were originally restrained by the slow black nail rolled up into the yellow sand riot, and suddenly turned into two jagged rock dragons, which directly shattered the cursed black nail!

Then the two salon soldiers split into two groups, one rushed from the rear to the green-robed man who was sent flying by Tian Bule, and the other rushed straight to the black-robed middle-aged man who cast the cursed black nail!

In just a short moment, these two people were crushed into a bloody mud!

Being so fierce and domineering, immediately suppressed all the remaining people who were about to launch an offensive.

Bailige didn't have any hesitation, and the two rock dragons turned back into spiraling dragon scrolls and rushed towards the rest of the people, crushing and killing two people in a blink of an eye.

"No, run!"

Seeing that Sharon Juan charged again, someone rose into the sky and turned into a brilliance and rushed towards the distance.

If there is one, there are two. Facing the two domineering tornadoes, the rest of them just weighed their strength and rushed to escape one after another, for fear that they would be selected as the next target if they ran too slowly.

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts, only Bailige and Tian Bule were left in the field.

"David Wei, what should we say?" Yan Jin was slightly startled when he saw Bailige's strength.

Wei Zong was about to speak, but he heard Bailige's voice coming from the mid-air far away: "The master of Huo Luo Kingdom's Fire Eagle Guard, after watching for so long, do you also want to get a share?"

"I thought it was well hidden, but it seems that these two people have seen it clearly for a long time..." Wei Zong shook his head and sighed, and flew forward with everyone.

"Fire Eagle Wei Zong, I have seen the two special envoys of Great Yan." Wei Zong arched his hands, and then said, "Congratulations to you two for getting this wolf vein. If this is the case, then I will leave first."

With that said, Wei Zong was about to take people away.

However, Bailige raised his hand slightly, and the Sharon Scroll that had been put away earlier rushed out from both sides to stop Wei Zong and others.

"What are you doing!" Yan Jin exclaimed.

Miao Ping and the other two remaining male Fire Eagle Guards also pulled out their weapons nervously.

Just kidding, everyone has seen the power of this salon roll before.

If he was caught, he and others would probably turn into yellow sand and die on the spot.

Bailige folded his hands on his chest, and said with a half-smile: "Forget about other rubbish, Your Excellency waited for a few Huo Luo Huo Ying guards to watch in secret for so long, shouldn't you want to escort us?"

Hearing the sarcasm in Bailige's words, everyone couldn't help raising their eyebrows, and Yan Jin couldn't help but said: "You?!..."

Wei Zong raised his hand to signal everyone not to be impulsive. After a little thought, he took out two items from the ring.

"The fourth-level lake crystal and basalt crystal sand should be regarded as congratulations to the two special envoys for subduing this wolf vein."

Yan Jin anxiously said: "David Wei, we managed to collect these after we entered Xinchen Realm..."

Yan Jin didn't finish his sentence, but was pinched by Miao Ping behind him, motioning him to stop talking.

Miao Ping knew that if she wanted to compete openly, before Dayan and the others released the pulse pumping beads to extract the star veins, she and others should go up to the trick.

But since our side is hiding in secret, it would be a mistake if we waited for an opportunity to intercept the pulse pumping beads.

Now the strength of the two Xuntiansi is far beyond their own expectations. After the fall, it will not be so easy to go away without some blood.

David Wei Zong may be able to resist, but he and others may find it difficult to deal with these two domineering salon rolls...

"Oh? Xuanyan crystal sand..." Bailige's eyes lit up slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud of quicksand swept away two items from Wei Zong's hand, "Hey, since your Excellency is so generous, we will accept it with a smile."

Wei Zong sighed helplessly and nodded, "If that's the case, then I'll leave as well."

"Let's go, everyone!"

Bailige smiled, raised his hand to retract the salon roll, and watched them leave.

"Tian envoy, this is for you." Bailige handed the lake crystal sand he just got to Tian Bule, "The basalt crystal sand is useful to me, so I will accept it."

Tian Bule shook his head and said: "It was your help to subdue this wolf vein, the crystal in the lake and the basalt crystal sand are all yours."

"Hey, since we are working together, how can there be any reason to take the harvest alone? Besides, I will report the details for taking the credit for protecting the wolf veins for you." Bailige grinned, and directly threw the crystal in the lake to him.

Tian Bule caught Hu Zhongjing, but his perception of Bailige had changed dramatically.

I am alone, and I haven't acted with first-class envoys before, and I just know a thing or two about each first-class envoy.

Unexpectedly, although Bailigo seemed a little out of place at first, judging from this incident, he was much more reliable than expected.

"Okay, then thank you very much, and I will give it to you first if there is any gain in the future."


"David, did you really just leave like this?" Yan Jin was still a little unwilling.

Instead of getting the wolf pulse, he also lost the two fourth-level items collected in the past few days.

Wei Zongdao: "If we can deal with those two people, not only will we not have to spend money to eliminate disasters, but we can also win the star veins.

This is the case when skills are not as good as people. If you don't want similar things to happen again, then work hard to become stronger than others. "

Although Yan Jin is young, he is already a central defender, and he is also a young man that Wei Zong is quite optimistic about.

It's just that his temper still needs to be practiced, and this experience should not be a bad thing for him.

"Hey!" Yan Jin sighed, knowing that Wei Zong was right.

Several people went all the way, ready to continue searching.

At this moment, Miao Ping, who had been maintaining her mind detection all the time, suddenly said, "David, there seems to be someone coming up ahead."

"Someone"? Wei Zong frowned, but he didn't notice it at all.

Miao Ping said, "Yes, there are two...David, they came straight to us!"

As soon as Miao Ping finished speaking, two people quickly approached in everyone's field of view.

The two were wearing white uniforms, with some blue stars scattered on the uniforms.

And above the right shoulder, these stars also converged into a star map - Capricornus.

"Northern? I seem to have seen this uniform somewhere."

Wei Zong thought about it, raised his hand to signal everyone to be careful, and asked loudly from a distance: "I wonder what the two of you are doing to stop me?"

The two people on the opposite side also stopped, and one of them, a well-proportioned young man with brown curly hair, said, "I ask you, is there a wolf vein born in front?"

Looking for wolf veins?

Wei Zongmu thought about it, and based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, he said he didn't know.

After all, these two people seem to be hostile, and they are from the north... Wei Zong didn't want to tell each other the information.

"Are you looking for wolf veins?" Yan Jin next to him was the first to reply, "It is true that wolf veins were born, and you can see them if you go straight ahead."

"Is it right in front?" Another tall and thin man with long blond hair suddenly laughed, "Chad, it seems that we are really lucky, and we have to find two wolf veins."

The curly-haired youth nodded: "Not bad."

Yan Jin said: "But you two have to hurry up, because someone is already extracting the wolf vein..."

"Yan Jin!" Wei Zong turned his head and glared at Yan Jin. He didn't expect that the other party was quite talented, but he was so penny-pinching.

This is obviously to want the northerners in front of them to disturb the two angel patrollers just now to extract the star veins.

And no matter how much internal competition there is, Huo Luo is still in the southern camp.

Especially when it was found some time ago that there were still people in China who had connections with Qiguang, which made Wei Zong even more disgusted with the northerners.

Wei Zong turned his head and said to the two people in front of him: "Since this is the case, please help yourself."

After saying that, Wei Zong led everyone away from the side.

"Is someone extracting it? It is indeed time to hurry up..."

The curly-haired young man who asked the question earlier spoke coldly, and at the same time slightly raised his hand and pointed at everyone.

The space fluctuated slightly, as if something rushed out along the fingers.

Wei Zong's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and he shouted loudly: "Be careful, back off!"

Miao Ping and the others were startled. Although they didn't know what was going on, they still pulled back without thinking.

"David, what's the matter!" Yan Jin asked quickly.

The rest of the people were also in shock, watching the two people in the distance vigilantly.

Are you okay?

Wei Zong stared intently at the curly-haired young man in the distance. Could it be that his induction was wrong?

Shaking his head, Wei Zong said, "It's okay...huh?"

At this moment, Yan Jin's expression froze suddenly, and the next moment, his whole body inflated violently like an inflated balloon!

"Ah!! David... I'm so bloated!"

"Yan Jin?!" Seeing this, everyone exclaimed inexplicably in horror.

Wei Zong was startled and wanted to check it out, but in a blink of an eye, Yan Jin's body had swelled to the limit, turning into a horrifying big ball of human flesh!

Yan Jin's eyes were about to split open, showing a look of extreme horror.

"no no!"

Wei Zong shouted violently: "Get out of the way..."

"Bang!" With a loud sound, countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered in all directions, and Yan Jin's whole body exploded on the spot.

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