Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 408 Boiling the Sea


Seeing Mi Lu's rotten corpse falling from mid-air, Mark's complexion changed drastically and he exclaimed.

Hannah not far away also looked extremely dignified.

The two never expected that Mi Lu would be killed so directly!

That red-eyed young man is not Xingjun, and he and others are three-on-one, wouldn't he win casually?

But in the blink of an eye, Mi Lu was already dead!

While the two were astonished, the black flames on Xu Xie's body surged, and all the injuries that had been torn by black and purple tentacles and sharp claws recovered in a blink of an eye.


"This... is really a monster!" Both Mark and Hannah frowned tightly.

Although when dealing with Virgo's fusion star beast and Sagittarius, Xu Xie manifested his saints without that crushing feeling.

But for the ordinary Yaoxing, the divine fire skill that has reached perfection is absolutely invincible, not to mention that it has been promoted to the realm of transformation now!

At this moment, Yao Poxu held the long knife and slashed continuously, Xuxie Xiansheng waved the black flame blade to cut off all the black and purple tentacles wrapped around his body.

All the tentacles that were cut off, but the black immortal fire appeared on the cut surface, and burned away along the tentacles to the distance!

After transforming into a realm, the Black Flame Blade, which manifests the holiness of the false and evil, has also been upgraded.

It used to be just a collection of energy bodies, but now...

Under the flowing black flames, there is a dark and deep blade with a sun wheel imprint and golden secret runes on it. It is already a solid long blade!

Epic stellar device - Heitianzhao!

Once it hits the target, it will be attached with endlessly burning undead evil fire until it completely burns the target!

Seeing the black fire burning with the black-purple tentacles, Hannah's mind moved, and purple phantom energy rushed out from the pores inside the tentacles, trying to destroy the undead evil fire.

However, how can these ghost energies stop the spread of the divine fire? It's just a waste of star power!

In just a short moment, the undead evil fire had burned most of the hundreds of feet long black-purple tentacles!

Hannah frowned: "This magic fire is really tricky!"

The energy resistance of my own ghost tentacles is extremely high, and it is enough to disperse ordinary skills directly with the tentacles. How has it ever been restrained like this?

"That should be the undead evil fire," Mark reminded not far behind, "It's hard to extinguish, don't hesitate!"

"Is it the undead evil fire?"

Hannah didn't know much about Shenhuo, but just hearing the name seemed difficult to deal with.

Seeing that the black fire was about to burn to the front in a short while, Hannah frowned, and when he raised his hand, many black and purple tentacles were disconnected from the front, blocking the continuous spread of the undead evil fire.

The broken part fell from the air and hit the ground, but was completely burned in a short while.

Hannah raised his hand in the mudra and shouted, "High-speed regeneration!"

The purple light flowed out from the dark space behind him and covered the many tentacles. In an instant, the granulation surged, and the many tentacles continued to grow from the disconnection, and they recovered in a few seconds.

However, Hannah's complexion was slightly pale, obviously repairing the ghost tentacles was exhausted.

But at this time, Xu Xie manifested his sage with his legs slightly bent, and he unfolded the posture of drawing his sword.

"not good!"

Hannah's heart jumped, and when he raised his hand, many black and purple tentacles exuded a faint purple brilliance layered in front of him, forming a wall of purple tentacles.

Yaopo's eyes are slightly cold: "Xuxie flashes!"

Xu Xie manifested his sage and jumped out, turning into a black light and slashing out at a super fast speed that was completely disproportionate to his body size!

But the target is not Hannah... but Mark who is further behind!

"Oops!" Hannah's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head to look.

Mark put his fingers together on his left hand and clenched his right hand into a fist. He had launched the Ultimate Fire Knife and Flame Hammer at the same time, and he was on full alert when Mi Lu was killed.

But at this moment, seeing Xu Xie Xiansheng passing Hannah at an astonishing speed and suddenly heading straight for him, Mark was still shocked, and quickly manipulated the fire knife and fire hammer to resist together.

However, Xu Xie Xian Sheng was overbearing and domineering. He directly smashed the fire knife and fire hammer with his body and rushed in front of Mark!

The light of Hei Yan's knife disappeared in a flash, and Mark's body was cut off from the abdomen by Hei Tianzhao, and he died tragically on the spot!

Hei Tianzhao could have used Hei Tianzhao's characteristics to burn his body as well, but after all there are spoils of war, Yaopo did not do so.

Xu Xie Xiansheng turned around to look at Hanna, with black flames flowing around his body, and the injuries caused by the fire knife and fire hammer recovered in an instant.

"You're the only one left..." The corners of Yaopo's mouth curled up, and a bloodthirsty excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Damn it!"

Hannah couldn't help feeling a little panic that he only had when he fought against Lord Black.

The confrontation of soul power is ultimately a collision of star power.

As long as the star power is strong enough, it can even destroy regular soul power head-on, let alone a directly aggressive soul power like his own "ghost sea monster"!

The opponent's magic fire skill is too perverted. In a frontal battle, there are probably few people who can stop it from their senses!

Seeing Xu Xie manifesting his saber-drawing posture again, Hannah knew that he could not let the opponent perform the move just now, otherwise it would be impossible for these ghost tentacles to block it.

With his eyes fixed, Hannah burst out with all his strength!

"Ghost Sea!"

With a low shout, a black-purple field suddenly opened from under Hannah's feet, covering it with evil and evil!

Yaopo only felt that the scenery in front of him had changed, from the bright and hot volcanic lava area to the dark and cold pitch-black sea.

Moreover, from time to time there were deep sounds of unknown sea monsters from the water below.

Yaopo's eyes froze slightly, but his hands didn't stop.

Although I don't know what the skills in this field are useful for, but I won't stay put because of this.

Take the initiative to attack to force the opponent to act, goodbye tricks!

"A flash of evil!"

Xu Xie manifested his sanctity and turned into a black light and rushed towards Hannah.

And Hannah's expression at the moment is obviously much more relaxed, just watching Xu Xie showing his sage rushing.

At this moment, the sea below shook violently, and suddenly twenty or thirty huge tentacles rushed up from it to block the front.

A few are okay, but the tentacles are densely clustered, but they blocked a flash, and then entangled to Xuxie to show their holiness!

Xu Xie Xiansheng quickly waved Hei Tianzhao to slash at these tentacles, but there were too many tentacles, almost endless.

Even if there are tentacles that were cut off, after the undead evil fire is dissipated by itself, it can regenerate in a few seconds!

"Ghost Sea Territory, no matter how many tentacles you can cut off, it's useless!"

Hannah couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the evil spirit in front of him was being dragged by the tentacles, and then his eyes turned cold again.

The power of the soul is full of strange things, and Hannah's soul power is the accompanying ghost sea monster and this ghost sea area.

In the sea of ​​ghosts, not only are there more and stronger tentacles, but they can be regenerated almost infinitely, and no longer consume their own star power.

It is also by virtue of the sea of ​​ghosts that Hannah became the head of the five major officials under Capricornus!

Not long after, Xuxie Manifestation was entangled by one of the tentacles amidst the siege of many tentacles.

After one, there will be a second, a third soon after...

In just a short while, the huge false and evil manifestation was entangled all over his body by many huge black and purple tentacles!

Although Xuxie Manifestation is not afraid of blunt blows, these tentacles are difficult to crush Xuxie Manifestation.

But with so many tentacles, the sum of their strength is quite astonishing. After a moment of stalemate, they dragged Xuxie Manifestation into the dark sea water!

In the deep sea, it can only be seen that there seem to be two huge and bright dark purple fluorites in the depths of the seabed.

But Yaopo took a closer look, only to find that these are not gemstones, but the eyes of a huge sea monster!

The upper body of this sea monster is human-shaped, with tentacles growing on the chin, and the chest and abdomen are split on both sides. It is as deep as a black hole, and there are many tentacles growing all over its body.

It turns out that all the previous tentacles did not appear out of thin air, but all came from it!

And perhaps because it is too large, the sea monster seems to be difficult to move.

"Come on, be imprisoned in the endless deep-sea reincarnation!" Hannah's eyes lit up with excitement.

The strongest thing about the ghost sea monster is not the direct tentacle attack, but the deep sea confinement of the sea monster's chest and abdomen.

Once the enemy is pulled in, it can go round and round and consume the energy of the target for a while, and finally kill the opponent completely.

With this move, Hannah has already killed more than 20 Yaoxing, including several envoys of Great Yan.

Not to mention Yaoxing, even Huiyue, as long as they are pulled in, they may not be able to come out!

Of course, the premise is to be able to pull in.

At this moment, after seeing the sea monster clearly, Yaopo condensed an undead evil fire, burned through the tentacles, shot out and hit the ghost sea monster's head, directly blasting a hole in its head, and Continue to spread out towards the head.

"It's useless." Hannah snorted coldly, seemingly not worried.


The sea monster seemed to let out a low cry, a small piece of its huge head fell off automatically, and the undead evil fire on it was also separated and blocked.

Then in the sea water, traces of purple energy gathered on the sea monster, and in a blink of an eye, the sea monster re-grew the part that fell off from its head.

This kind of energy change was keenly noticed by the monster who was also in the sea, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"High-speed regeneration? So this sea water is its energy source? From this point of view, most of the previous tentacles also rely on this energy to continuously regenerate!"

But at this moment, because the sea monster injured by the divine fire seemed to have become a little more angry, under the roar, more tentacles rushed out and wrapped around Xuxie Xiansheng's body, pulling it into the bottomless deep sea confinement on the chest. go.

Now that you understand it, there are naturally ways to deal with it.

Seeing that the black hole in the chest and abdomen of the sea monster was getting closer and closer, there was no panic on Yaopo's face.

"Are you trying to swallow the flames with sea water? That depends on whether you are qualified or not!"

With a thought in the Yaopo's mind, the false and evil manifestations outside his body suddenly turned into black flames and dissipated in the flash of black flames.

And without the protection of the Xuxie Manifestation, the large dark purple tentacles wrapped around the Xuxie Manifestation also squeezed densely towards the monster in an instant.

"The ugly sea monster hiding in the bottom of the sea, dare to face the true sun?" Yao Po closed and opened his eyes, and the blue flames burning on his body suddenly turned into gold, "Then destroy you and the sea water together!"

"Boil it dry, undead evil fire!"

Accompanied by a palpitating aura, the vast undead evil fire burst out from the monster's body like a flood!

With the golden flame burning his body and the star power being greatly enhanced, the power of the undead evil fire was also greatly enhanced.

As soon as the densely squeezed tentacles touched the divine fire, they were burnt to ashes within a second!

And the divine fire spewed out like an endless stream, sweeping towards the sea area in all directions.

Wherever it passes, the sea collapses!

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