Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 410 Advanced Phoenix Vessels

On this day, on the top of a mountain somewhere in the New Dust Realm.

On the back of the dark, ferocious and astonishingly large unicorn sat a silver-eyed young man in a black robe.

And in front of the silver-eyed youth, there was a small slime.

It was Su Yuan, Ruan Ruan and the newly recruited Mo Qilin Mo Fei.

At this moment, under Ruan Ruan's care and treatment, Mur Fei finally recovered completely.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi (this side)! Pu Chi Pu Chi (over there)!"

It was Ruan Ruan's first time as the eldest sister, and excitedly directed Murphy to run around.

"Ho Ho!~" Mo Fei obeyed his orders and ran back and forth on the hill, without any impatience.

200 years old may not even be an adult for Mo Qilin.

Although his wisdom has greatly increased after being promoted to Yaoxing, Mo Fei's mind is quite clean in the environment of Xinchenjie.

It was because of Ruan Ruan's unremitting treatment and care these days that Mur Fei was able to fully recover.

In addition, Ruan Ruan's strength in the previous fight was also quite good, which has been recognized by Murphy, so now Mur Fei is still relatively close to Ruan Ruan.

Su Yuan smiled and pinched Mo Fei, and followed her to direct Mo Fei, knowing that she was just trying to find something new.

At this moment, a red light suddenly flashed towards Su Yuan and the others at high speed in the distance.

Dressed in a red robe, with the same face as Su Yuan, it is a demon soul.

"Those people are all killed, a total of three officials." Yaopo said with a smile.

"Okay." Su Yuan nodded, not too surprised.

After all, Dacheng breathing + various skills added to the transformation environment, compared to the time against Sagittarius, the strength of the demon incarnation has also improved a lot.

I don't know if he can beat the Star Envoy, but it's not a problem to deal with a few officials.

"These are the harvested things." Yaopo handed the rings of several people to Su Yuan, and then took out a blue crystal with a faint yellow gas inside, "In addition... there is this!"

"Oh?" Su Yuan showed joy, "It's just in time!"

Seeing that Su Yuan was so happy, Yaopo was quite puzzled and said, "I already have a wolf vein, do I still need a star vein now?"

"Need." With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan synchronized the changes in the Qingming Realm to Yaopo.

"Phoenix pulse? Is that so..." Yaopo nodded, and Lu Yi thought about it, "If that's the case, then I'll continue to look for it."

"Okay." Su Yuan took out the two empty crystals of Mi Lu and Mark from the ring just now and handed them to Yaopo, "Thank you."

The corner of Yaopo's mouth curled up: "You and I are one, so why do you need to say these things?"

Saying that, Yaopo was about to leave again.

Su Yuan thought for a while, and said: "Yaopo, change your face."

Yaopo and Su Yuan were connected with each other, and immediately understood what Su Yuan meant.

It is better not to expose things like extracting star veins as much as possible, even if it is in the New Dust Realm.

Moreover, Su Yuan, as the special envoy of the Sky Survey Division, should try his best to fight for the star veins for Dayan at this time.

Yaopo nodded, the red light on his body flashed slightly, and then he turned into a fair-complexioned and ruddy boy in a blood robe.

This is exactly the appearance of the master of the previous demon sword that Su Yuan saw in Yushen Yaodao.

Since the demon sword has been sealed in the land of sword remnants since modern times, it seems that this blood-robed boy himself was also a figure before ancient times.

Yaopo said: "By the way, the ring just now contains Chiliu Huojing. I'm considering building another fire-type star device."

"No problem," Su Yuan nodded, "If there are suitable materials, I will pay attention to them."

"Okay." Yaopo cupped his hands, and then left straight away.

"It seems that it is necessary to set up an enchantment that can be teleported or communicated in the Qingming Realm..." Su Yuan looked at the goblin and thought secretly.

If the distance is too far, even the communication talisman cannot transmit the message.

And I can only sense the general position of the monster, and send out the "recall" command.

"But next, we can upgrade the Qingming Realm first..."

Su Yuan withdrew his thoughts, the black light on his body flowed, and he led Ruan Ruan and Mo Fei directly into the Qingming Realm.

Raising his hand to activate the wolf pulse in his hand, Su Yuan shouted: "Qing Ming!"


Heifeng, who was half a person tall, rushed down from the sky, took the blue crystal in his mouth, and then swallowed it directly!

In an instant, the surface of Heifeng's body undulated violently, as if there were many air currents constantly rushing around in his body. After all, it was a whole star vein!

However, although the wolf-level star veins in the blue crystal are higher than the current phoenix veins, this is the Qingming world after all!

In the home battle, the black phoenix spread its wings, and jets of jet-black space power gathered from all directions, completely enveloping the phoenix veins.

After a long time, a black phoenix two or three times bigger than before rushed out of it, circling Su Yuan several times excitedly.

Wolf class!

As the phoenix pulse reached wolf level, the whole space trembled slightly.

Su Yuan could feel that the power of the Throne of Heaven was rapidly becoming stronger!

The entire space is filled with star power several times higher than before. After all, this is enough star power to support many Huiyue-level cultivations!

As far as the eye can see, the entire Qingming Realm is constantly expanding. Forests, sandy land, ice fields... With the evolution of the ten constant elements, various terrains have appeared in the Qingming Realm one after another.

Moreover, it can also use the power of the soul to change.

Besides, Su Yuan had a faint feeling...

If the phoenix vein is upgraded to the level of the tiger-level star vein, I...maybe will usher in another evolution!

"Clang clang!"

The black phoenix roared loudly, and finally vibrated its wings and rushed to the sky.

"Do you live in the sky..."

Su Yuan looked at Heifeng who disappeared in the sky.

Although I have never seen a star vein above the tiger level, the phoenix vein is different from the general dog and wolf veins, but it exists in the sky.

And Mo Qilin at the side was even more shocked after seeing all the mysterious changes in the Qingming Realm.

Mo Qilin found that even if he didn't leave the New Dust Realm, he could break through to the Huiyue level as long as he stayed in this space!

This completely relieved Mo Qilin, who was still somewhat aggrieved, and became even more devoted to Su Yuan, and had a faint respect from the bottom of his heart.

What's wrong with such a person who creates his own world as his own master?

After leaving the Qingming Realm, Su Yuan started to move on a unicorn.

Give the spare blue crystal from Dominic to Ruan Ruan, let her and Murphy sense the star veins, and look for materials of thunder and fire.

As for Su Yuan himself, he took out the "Tian Ce Yi Zhen Tu" on Qilin's back and took the time to study it quietly...

However, although the New Dust Realm is large, it is not so easy to meet the wolf veins that were born.

Several days passed, and Su Yuan did not find any wolf veins.

It seems that the time has come and gone, but Su Yuan has received a message from Yan Changming and Bailige, and both of them have successfully extracted the star veins!

Su Yuan took out the locator and saw that these two people were not far away from him.

Su Yuan put away the "Tiance Game Array", and ordered: "Let's go, Mo Fei, go here."


With a kick of four hooves, Mo Fei turned into a black phantom and rushed towards the direction of Yan Changming and the two of them...

"Su Yuan, this is...?" Bailige stared at the black unicorn that Su Yuan was sitting on.

That's all for being soft, Bailige and Yan Changming have both seen it, but they didn't expect Su Yuan to come here on a unicorn today.

Yan Changming recognized it at a glance, and said in a concentrated voice: "It's actually the ancient extinct ink unicorn!"

Su Yuan smiled, and then asked, "Have you both completed your tasks?"

Yan Changming nodded: "Well, it went well."

Bailige grinned and said: "Although I met some people from other forces, I didn't meet people from the Zodiac again, so it's a lot easier."

Yan Changming said: "So we plan to send the pulse-pulling beads back first, Su Yuan, do you want to stay here?"

Su Yuan nodded and said, "That's right."

Whether it's the star veins needed for the phoenix veins, or the materials needed for arranging the Wulei Tiangang formation, they must be found here.

I don't know what came to mind, Baili Ge thought for a while and said: "How about Yan Changming sending the pulse pumping beads back alone, and I will stay with you?"

"Oh?" Su Yuan looked at Bailige in surprise, "So nasty?"

Ah this!

Bailige's face froze, but Yan Changming on the side took the conversation.

Yan Changming said solemnly: "Because you have traveled far alone, there may be one thing that has not been notified to you."

As Yan Changming opened his mouth, Bailige's expression became serious, even a little ugly.

Su Yuan realized that there seemed to be something bad, and asked, "What is it?"

Yan Changming was silent for a moment, then said:

"Xingjun Yuheng... is dead!"

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