In case of fire, use mines, and in case of water, use earth mines, which can always restrain the opponent and gain an advantage.

Just as Chen Chunhua said, the Wulei Tiangang formation is an imitation of the Chaos God Thunder in terms of formation, and it naturally inherits the superior characteristics of the Chaos God Thunder.

As for the consumption... there is a whole wolf-level phoenix vein to provide energy for the thunder formation, so why use his own star power?

At this moment in the arena, Su Yuan's forceful defeat of Song Xingyun seemed to have slightly shocked the crowd, and no one came on stage for a while.

"The ones who will come up later should be the top-ranked masters." Su Yuan thought about it, and then turned his head to look at another ring next to him, "Oh? Is Yan Changming facing Xia Xuan?"

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, it was Yan Changming who was fighting Xia Xuan at this moment!

On the east side of the arena, Yan Changming's thunder armor roared with silver lightning, and he turned into a silver light, flashing in mid-air at high speed like a silver flower!

Even if Xia Xuan used the string manipulation technique to control the red lotus arrow to turn continuously, she still couldn't catch up with him.

Epic movement, rushing to thunder and flashes!

"This movement technique is really powerful~" Xia Xuan gave a secret praise, she simply gave up the red lotus arrow, and bent her bow again, "However, you can't escape just like this..."

With a flash of red light, a red fire arrow shaped like a flying falcon landed on the bowstring.

"Flying Birds Blinking Falcon!"

Xia Xuan let go of the bowstring, but seeing a flash of red light, the red fire arrow hit Yan Changming in the blink of an eye, and there was no way to dodge it!


The blood flame exploded, and Yan Changming's figure was immediately enveloped by the bursting flames.

But in an instant, Yan Changming's body in the flames turned into a thunder energy body and gradually dissipated.

"Thunder phantom?"

Xia Xuan frowned, and quickly spread out her senses to detect her surroundings.

Suddenly, Xia Xuan seemed to notice something, and turned her head to block the Suzaku big bow behind her.

However, he saw traces of electric lights that were hard to detect with the naked eye rising from the moisture in the air behind him, quickly converging into Yan Changming's figure, and suddenly punched Xia Xuan.


At the critical moment, Suzaku's big bow barely blocked Yan Changming's fist!


Under the hasty attack, Xia Xuan was also thrown out by Beng Fei, and let out a soft snort.

With one attack, Yan Changming will take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Countless electric currents around him surged and neighed, all gathered on Yan Changming's right hand, roaring like a wild lion!

"It's amazing power..." Xia Xuan's expression was slightly condensed, and she directly pulled back to open the distance, and picked up the longbow, and the fire condensed arrows were about to charge up to attack.

But at this moment, a silver electric mark the size of a fingernail suddenly appeared on the Suzaku bow in Xia Xuan's hand.

In the distance, Yan Changming's body flashed with lightning, and he came to Xia Xuan in the blink of an eye!

"Thunder Lion Cannon!"

In Xia Xuan's astonished eyes, Yan Changming punched it down!

However, the next moment, Xia Xuan raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

The flames surged under the feet, and the karmic fire lotus platform appeared, and the crimson karmic fire suddenly rushed up like a red lotus blooming!


The thunder lion cannon hit the bloody flames blooming on the Yehuo lotus platform.

In an instant, thunder roared, blood flames spread to the sky, and the whole sky turned half silver and half red!

With such momentum, it's not even under Su Yuan's five thunder and heavenly gang array!

Baili Ge secretly smacked his lips as he watched the bloody fire and silver lightning that were constantly turmoil and confrontation.

"So she noticed it and was prepared? This Xia Xuan not only has a keen sense, but also has a quick response in battle. She actually blocked Yan Changming's surprise attack of Chasing Thunder Seal!

Moreover, it seems that she is using the divine fire skill, such power is really tyrannical..."

Yan Changming's move is called "Chasing Thunder and Liantu" with the help of the surprise and teleportation technique of the Yindian imprint.

When hitting the target, you can use the star power to leave a "thunder chasing mark" on the opponent at the same time.

Then Yan Changming can teleport to the target position marked by the Thunder Chasing Seal by consuming the mark to launch a surprise attack, and leave the Thunder Chasing Seal again for the next raid.

Going back and forth like this can form a violent and domineering offensive like a thunderbolt!

But Xia Xuan directly noticed Yan Changming's thunder mark on Suzaku's big bow, and planned to block it with the Karma Fire Lotus Platform.

In just a few moments, the confrontation between blood fire and silver electricity shifted.

Although the Thunder Lion Cannon's explosive power was extremely powerful, its aura was quickly worn away under the erosion of the Karmic Fire Lotus Platform, and its power was greatly reduced.

Yan Changming also realized this, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he wanted to dodge and retreat.

And Xia Xuan chuckled, how could the other party retreat so easily.

With a thought, the karmic fire on the lotus platform suddenly surged, violently surged out, broke through the silver voltage and landed on Yan Changming!


Xia Xuan spoke in a low voice, and then the blood fire of the lotus platform that was originally used for defense suddenly fluctuated violently!

Yan Changming's complexion changed, and he did not hesitate to fully stimulate the power of the thunder armor...


The blood fire exploded suddenly, and the terrifying power blasted the space slightly into agitation, and Yan Changming was directly blasted out, falling to the ground and falling down!

"Good guy, don't have an accident!"

Aoki hurriedly stepped forward to check.

But Yan Changming's flesh and blood were scorched red, his breath was low, and he was blown unconscious.

"It's okay, it's okay." Aoki secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly released a green leaf to wrap around Yan Changming.

The battle between the stars and kings is not a child's play. Naturally, there will be accidents in this kind of battle.

Fortunately, Xia Xuan's control of Honglian Yehuo is handy. Although it made Yan Changming lose his combat power, he didn't really seriously hurt him.

Otherwise, at such a short distance, the power of the explosion of the red lotus karma fire, not to mention Yan Changming's shocking lightning armor, is only a great achievement, even if it is perfect, it will be difficult to completely catch it!

This is "explosion flame"!

For the fire attack issued by itself, it can cause a second super high explosion.

In addition, even skills such as defense and control can be transformed into explosive attacks in an instant from defense to offense!

As long as the energy is strong enough, it can be completely transformed into attack power without any waste!

At this moment, Xia Xuan was standing on the lotus platform of Yehuo, she turned her head and looked aside.

But he found that Su Yuan was surrounded by lightning, and he seemed to have stood firm in the ring.

"Oh? Has no one challenged him yet?" Xia Xuan was quite surprised.

Just now, Xia Xuan also faintly noticed the movement of the ring in the west, but because the battle with Yan Changming was quite fierce, she couldn't distract herself from checking.

"It seems that the Su Yuan that Xiaoyue likes really has some strength." Xia Xuan thought this way, but couldn't help but feel a little complicated in her heart, and finally sighed secretly.

The arenas on both sides were over, and everyone in the school martial arts field glanced back and forth between Su Yuan and Xia Xuan, as if they were weighing who to challenge.

On Su Yuan's side, he defeated Song Xingyun, who was ranked seventh;

On Xia Xuan's side, although it was Yan Changming who defeated, the power of Honglian Yehuo and Shenhuo skills made everyone have to weigh it up.

One side thunder formation, one side divine fire...

In fact, people outside the top ten have basically realized the strength gap with the two on stage, and have no intention of going on stage anymore.

Like Bailige, he wanted to go up and compete, but after seeing Yan Changming's tragic situation, he gave up this idea...

However, this situation did not last long, and soon, two people stepped out again in no particular order, stepping into the east and west rings respectively.

The one who went to Xia Xuan's side was none other than Liu Hao, who was fourth on the merit list!

But the one who came to Su Yuan was another new star who was as famous as Xia Xuan—Lin Chongyun's senior brother, Fu Dongliu!

"Senior Brother Fu is here, I don't know who is stronger with Su Yuan..." Lin Chongyun stared closely at the ring.

Fu Dongliu was three or four years older than Lin Chongyun. As the chief of Zichen Mountain Yaoxing, he was already very famous before he joined the Sky Survey Division.

Although he is a newcomer in the Sky Survey Division, his strength and combat experience are not "new" at all.

Lin Chongyun still admired his senior brother's strength, but facing Su Yuan made Lin Chongyun feel uncertain.

Lin Chongyun had seen Su Yuan attack with all his strength, so it was clear that what Su Yuan was really good at was not thunder and lightning!

This means that Su Yuan has not used his full strength until now!

When Bailige saw Fu Dongliu, who defeated him last time, facing Su Yuan, he also looked over intently: "Is Fu Dongliu going to fight Su Yuan? I think I can see his strength clearly this time..."

Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, and it's nothing to be defeated, but Bailige always felt that Fu Dongliu didn't use all his strength, so he always felt a little nervous.

"Bai Huyu, Fu Dongliu." Fu Dongliu closed his folding fan, clasped his fists and saluted.

"Su Yuan." Su Yuan also bowed back, and then looked at the other party.

According to Baili Ge, the other party is also a water star card master.

Song Xingyun, who was ranked seventh, had just been defeated. Now that the opponent came up, he might be sure to deal with the previous Wutu Minglei.

Su Yuan said: "If Special Envoy Fu is ready, I will launch an attack."

Fu Dongliu restrained his smile, and looked a little more solemn: "Get ready, let's start!"

Su Yuan nodded, and there was nothing special to do. He still waved his hand, and thunder roared in the sky, and a Wutu Minglei blasted down towards Fu Dongliu below!

One force down ten will!

If it can't be lowered, then just respond immediately.

However, unexpectedly, when the Wutu Minglei landed a few meters above Fu Dongliu's head, it slowed down sharply as if encountering some obstacle.

By the time it landed half a meter above Fu Dongliu's head, it had already become as fast as a turtle.

A bit of surprise flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and in a flash of his mind, several Wutu Minglei blasted down from the sky, but it had the same effect.

With a calm expression, Fu Dongliu strolled past the many thunderbolts, and at this moment, the thunderbolts landed on the ground behind him!


Several Wutu Minglei exploded one after another, but Fu Dongliu walked out of the smoke and dust, but he was unscathed and there was not even a speck of dust on his body.

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and with a wave of his hand, Kongzhisuo shot out from the surrounding void and quickly entangled Fu Dongliu who was approaching.

However, just like Wutu Thunderbolt, these empty locks slow down visibly when they get close to its body.

Fu Dongliu walked easily between the many flying chains, but it was like a stroll in the courtyard!

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