Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 436 Recall

After leaving the Qigong Division, Su Yuan went to the Sutra Palace first, and sure enough, the authority of the secret volume of the Grandmaster Formation Dao has been released.

However, what is different from the expectation is that the secret scrolls above the master level can only be read inside the scripture hall, and cannot be borrowed.

This is the only way to read it later, at least not now.

With the end of the star king selection, many special envoys were scattered to various places to get busy again.

And Xingjun will naturally not be idle.

Su Yuan didn't need to apply, he had already received the order from above, and he was about to re-enter the New Dust Realm to sit in charge and prepare for the upcoming tiger vein!

Three days later, on the top of a flat mountain in the main space of the Qingming Realm.

Besides Ruan Ruan and Murphy, there was also a white-haired gentleman.

"This is a space system star card I found." Antonis handed a purple star card to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan checked it out, the space system star card is called [Empty Flow Blade], and the effect is similar to the enhanced version of the air cut.

It's just that Su Yuan already has the authority of the third floor of the star treasury room, and there are more choices on the star card. There is no need to choose this standard star card.

However, the items on the third floor are indeed more expensive. After Su Yuan replaced the Wulei Tiangang formation and Yuanshen Zhaoying enchantment, his combat achievements are a bit stretched at the moment, so he can only go and see after accumulating some combat achievements.

Su Yuan looked away from [Empty Flow Blade], and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Antonis was still staring at this card, and there was still a bit of reluctance in his eyes.

Su Yuan thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "This card has limited improvement for me, so you can keep it for yourself."

Antonis' soul power already has some attributes of "cutting space", and it fits very well with this star card.

Antonis hesitated: "This..."

If he hadn't wanted to work for Su Yuan, Antonis would have already inlaid this card himself, so how could he give it to others.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, he threw the star card to him directly, and said, "As for the contract, you don't have to worry about it. You can also deduct 500,000 centimeter stones. Now you still owe me 150,000."

Antonis quickly grabbed [Empty Blade], shook his head and said with a smile: "Then... I will really keep this card. As for the debt, it should be 2 million!"

"As you please."

"Thank you very much," Antonis added sternly.

"It's just a trivial matter." Su Yuan responded casually, and then changed his words, "I called you back this time because there are other things."

Antonis put away the star card, his eyes moved, and asked, "Is it about that small world?"

"Oh? You know it too."

Antonis said: "Well, in addition to Dayan Territory, Xunyang Domain and other places also have small world entrances. It is said that there is a newborn small world inside, where rare and exotic beasts abound.

But if you want to go in through their entrance, you have to pay a lot of money. "

Su Yuan nodded: "I'm looking for you this time to take you to the small world."

"No problem." Antonis agreed, and then said, "In addition, according to my sources of information in the north, many people have gone to the Temple Zodiac.

And... Capricornus seems to have fallen there too! "

Su Yuan was quite surprised by Antonis' source of information. This person is really capable, and he can still get the confidential information from the north even in the south.

"Really." Su Yuan asked, "So is there a new Capricorn?"

"Not yet." Antonis shook his head, "Even with the divine blessing, it is not easy to produce a star envoy. When the divine blessing first appeared, it consumed a large amount of talent reserves. star envoy.

Now unless the scale is expanded, star envoys are not so easy to create.

At present, only Virgo has added one. "

"Virgo?" Su Yuan couldn't help but think of the Huiyue Fusion Beast that was blown up by him. Wasn't the other party taken away by the fellow Pisces in the end?

Antonis said: "It is said that Virgo was defeated in a certain mission. After returning, he was executed by the master of the temple and replaced by a newcomer."

"Is that so..." Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and only then did he realize that Virgo had been replaced.

Antonis looked at Su Yuan: "By the way, your white star robe seems to be different from ordinary angel patrollers?"

Ruan Ruan on the side said: "Of course, the master is Xing Jun now, Xing Jun!"

"Mr. Xing!"

Antonis' pupils shrank slightly, obviously knowing the weight of Xingjun.

Su Yuan didn't say much, but greeted several people: "Come with me."

Su Yuan brought Antonis and others to an enchantment arranged on the top of the mountain, which was the Primordial Spirit Zhaoying enchantment!

Antonis, Ruanruan and Murphy all followed Su Yuan into the barrier.

Su Yuan pinched the seal to activate the barrier, and the brilliance flowed on the barrier, and then engraved the imprints of several people's star power on the barrier.

"This is the Primordial Soul Shadow Enchantment. Through this enchantment in the future, as long as the distance is not too far, you can use your mental power to project your consciousness to communicate."

"So powerful?" Antonis's expression moved slightly, "Could it be that woman arranged this formation?"

Antonis was talking about Yang Aoshan, of course.

Su Yuan shook his head: "No, I arranged it."


Antonis was taken aback, then his eyes widened suddenly.

Unlike others in the Sky Survey Department, Antonis knew very well that Su Yuan had just started to study the introductory books on formations and barriers!

How long has it been?

In less than a year, such an enchantment can be arranged!

This can no longer be described by talent, this is simply... just cheating!

What a monster...

After a while, Antonis came back to his senses.

"Antonis, you rest here first, and I will let you out after I enter the New Dust Realm."

"no problem."

A black light flashed on Su Yuan's body, and he left the Qingming world alone and returned to room 777 in Zhuyuan.

Flipping his hands and taking out the black card, Su Yuan checked it.

"Have they all arrived..."

Su Yuan immediately got up and went out, leaving Yanting all the way to the outskirts of the imperial capital.

And here, there are already several people waiting quietly.

It was Yan Changming, Bailige, Fu Dongliu, and Li Daoxun who is now number one on the list of military exploits!

"Su Xingjun." Seeing Su Yuan approaching, the four saluted in unison.

Su Yuan nodded: "Since everyone is ready, follow me to Xinchen Realm."


Su Yuan opened his hands, and with the silver light flashing, a door of space was condensed and opened in front of him!

"This is?" Both Fu Dongliu and Song Xingyun were greatly surprised.

Although Su Yuan also displayed some space skills such as "teleportation" and "black lotus opening" when he was in the Star King's Choice, he never expected that Su Yuan would have such miraculous means!

Bailige grinned and said, "Hey, this is Su...Su Xingjun's space gate!"

Yan Changming also nodded. The two had seen Su Yuan use it before, but they didn't know how effective it was.

"Let's go."

Su Yuan greeted and stepped in first.

Yan Changming and others followed closely behind and stepped into the gate of space.

And the gate of space quickly closed as it circulated, and finally turned into a little silver light and dissipated...

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