Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 453 See Also

In the Aurora Forest.

"Heh... heh..."

Antonis was bathed in the dragon's blood and panting heavily, and the body of the golden winged dragon was leaning behind him.

There are many cut marks on the golden dragon's body, and a large amount of blood flows out from it continuously, dripping all over the ground.

Not far away, Ruan Ruan pulled out the pitch-black cross sword from the black dragon's head, and untied the rushing armament and the three Siren's Touch behind him.

Under the flow of blue light, Ruanruan's scratched parts by the black dragon quickly recovered as before, which is the [High-speed Regeneration] among Ruanruan's five major skills.

Even so, Ruan Ruan's complexion was pale.

Although there is still more than half of the star power left under the huge amount of star power, the physical consumption is even greater for Ruan Ruan.

"Finally I won!"

In addition to being weak, Ruan Ruan was very happy in his heart. Looking at the silver Taixu Gold floating in the air in front of him, he immediately flew up.

"Silver Taixu Gold, Ruanruan mission completed!"

Ruan Ruan was very excited, and raised his hand to grab Taixu Zhijin with eyes full of joy.

But at this moment, Antonis, who was looking at this scene with a smile on the ground, suddenly noticed something, and there was a faint red light on the side of the viewing angle.

"Ruan be careful!"

Antonis' complexion changed, and he swung the silver knife and slashed forward at high speed without thinking about standing up.

The next moment, a crimson flash suddenly cut through the night and shot out from the valley!

The silver thread that Antonis hastily cut out did not even hold on for a moment, but was rushed away by the bloody red flash, and shot directly at Ruanrou who had just grabbed the silver Taixu gold!

Ruan Ruan's pupils shrank, he gritted his teeth and grasped the Taixu Gold, and unleashed the devouring power with all his strength...


The crimson light directly flew the soft blow hundreds of meters away!


With a muffled groan, he fell limply to the ground, and all the devouring power on his body was blown away.

The hastily deployed defenses could hardly withstand this devastating dragon flash. Many places on his body were eroded by scarlet energy, and his small face showed bursts of pain.

But even though he was exhausted, Ruan Ruan still firmly grasped the silver Taixu Gold in his right hand.


Ruan Ruan struggled to open one eye and looked, a black and red ferocious dragon came out from the depths of the valley in the distance.

The breath on his body is even more terrifying than the previous Golden Winged Dragon and Calamity Dragon...

Year 800, the Bloody Moon Demon Dragon!


With a roar, the scarlet dragon stepped out suddenly, leaped into the air, jumped to the top of Lian Ruan's head, and stepped on it!

Ruan Ruan's complexion changed, and he quickly jumped back regardless of the injuries on his body.


The Scarlet Demon Dragon stomped down heavily, and suddenly the landslides and the ground cracked, and the Ruan Ruan that was avoiding it was directly shaken into the air.

Seeing Ruanrou flying in mid-air, a scarlet light flashed in the eyes of the magic dragon, and he waved his left hand and slapped it!

Ruan Ruan quickly deployed the water-stopping weapon, and at the same time manipulated three blue-black tentacles to block in front of him.


With a muffled sound, the remaining three Siren's Touches were also shattered.

Ruan Ruan flew upside down and hit the mountain wall back, a mouthful of blood spewed out and then slowly slid down, even the Taixu Gold came out of his hand.

A ferocious look flashed in the scarlet dragon's eyes, and as soon as its wings fluttered, it rushed to Ruan Ruan again in an instant.

Raising his right hand high, the sharp claws of the Scarlet Demon Dragon were overflowing with viscous crimson power, exuding a breath of death!

Scarlet Demon Claw!

"Damn it!"

A tangle flashed in Antonis' eyes, and a delicate rune suddenly lit up on the silver knife in his hand, as if it was about to change.

Seeing that the sharp claws were about to grab it, Ruan Ruan's face turned pale, and he urged the water-shaped shield and the water-stopping arm with all his strength.

But at this moment, the air was slightly cold, and a little ice mist suddenly appeared in the field.

In the next moment, Bing Hua seemed to have a figure appearing in front of Ruan Ruan in a flash...


The crimson dragon grabbed it with a terrifying palm, and the air wave exploded immediately, and the terrifying power shook the mountain wall behind, causing broken stones to splatter everywhere!

However, this claw did not grab it.

I saw a petite figure with short white hair standing in front of Ruan Ruan, with a pair of slender ice bone wings growing behind it, and the ice and snow blade held in the right hand was firmly supporting the huge claws of the scarlet dragon!

Ruan Ruan looked at this familiar figure from behind, and remembered it the next moment.

Petite, with white hair and blue pupils, it was Luo Bingtong who hadn't appeared in a long time!


Ruan Ruan was taken aback, and then his eyes were full of surprises!

But before Ruan Ruan could say anything, the Scarlet Demon Dragon roared again.


Seeing that someone dared to block him, the Scarlet Demon Dragon suddenly became furious and opened its huge mouth. The crimson flash that distorted the air condensed in the mouth at a high speed in an instant, aiming directly at Luo Bingtong and Ruan Ruan in front of him. .

Such a short distance, once hit, the consequences would be unimaginable!

"not good!"

Not far away, Antonis' complexion changed drastically, and he was about to make a move.

At this moment, Luo Bingtong's jewel-like blue pupils brightened to the extreme in an instant.


The two words of tranquility spit out from Luo Bingtong's mouth, and in an instant, a deep blue light like substance suddenly expanded from the girl's body, covering all directions!

In the next moment, the scarlet dragon that was about to spew dragon flashes, the frightened Ruan Ruan, and Antonis who was rushing over with all his strength...

Everything within the range of the Blu-ray stopped in place as if the picture was frozen!

Not only that, even the air flow, light, sound, etc... all stagnated in an instant!

And the only one who can act in this blue field... is Luo Bingtong herself.

Luo Bingtong slightly bent her knees and unfolded her sword drawing posture, frost and snow danced on the sword, a piece of pure white!

"Ice God Knife Moon Cut..."

With one slash, the bright and cold light of the knife swept across the dragon's neck in an instant like a pure white moon!

Afterwards, the brilliance in Luo Bingtong's eyes flowed, the blue field converged, and the flow of the whole world resumed.


Ruanrou and Antonis were horrified when they saw the bloody red flash that was about to burst out.

But the next moment, the crimson flash exploded in the air like a squib, and the crimson dragon itself made a painful but hoarse sound.

Just when the two were in doubt, they saw the huge head of the scarlet dragon fell off its neck!

The cut surface is smooth and smooth, and there is an icy airflow, it is completely frozen and not even a drop of blood flows out!

Bloody Moon Demon Dragon, die!

"How is this going?!"

Ruan Ruan and Antonis looked horrified, why did the scenery in front of them suddenly change in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying crimson dragon just died in front of them!

The two of them coincidentally set their gazes on Luo Bingtong in front of him. There was still cold air lingering on the opponent's snow-white long knife. It was obvious that the dragon was beheaded by her.

Antonis was horrified, but thought quickly in his heart.

"This kind of change, it's like a lot of things happened in an instant... Or, it's like a period of time was taken away."

In the blink of an eye, Antonis had deduced something based on the changes on the scene.

"Could it be, could it be..."

"Time pause?!"

Antonis's pupils shrank suddenly, and when he looked at the cold girl with silver hair and blue pupils, the horror in his heart couldn't be overstated!


But at this time, after seeing clearly that it was Luo Bingtong, Ruan Ruan didn't think too much about it, and excitedly turned into a slime and jumped towards Luo Bingtong.

Luo Bingtong quickly embraced it with both hands, and squeezed it lightly: "Soft...soft."

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

Antonis suppressed the shock in his heart, and hurried forward: "Ruan Ruan, this is...?"

Bingbing is so cool and comfortable~ Ruan Ruan rubbed against Luo Bingtong's arms with all his might, then reluctantly jumped up again and transformed into a human form.

"This is Bingtong, the master's... um... the master's good friend!" Ruan Ruan introduced Antonis, with a strange expression on his face.

"Is that so..."

Antonis saw Ruanruan's appearance, and then looked at the unbelievably delicate white-haired girl in front of him...

With Antonis's intelligence, he already understood seven or eighty-eight.

"Sure enough, the boss is perverted, this... well, it's the same perverted." Antonis was secretly speechless.

Even the 800-year-old Scarlet Moon Demon Dragon was instantly killed by him, how could it not be terrifying!

And... still has such a skill that can be called against the sky!

And Luo Bingtong also curiously looked at the softness after the transformation, and couldn't help but paused when his eyes fell on the opponent's chest, then looked down at himself... suddenly fell silent for a while...

Ruan Ruan happily asked: "Bingtong Bingtong, why are you here?"

"Come in...to collect the dragon blood and materials." Luo Bingtong said slowly.

Ruan Ruan asked, "Then did you find it?"

Luo Bingtong nodded: "Mmm..."

In fact, Luo Bingtong came into the Forest of Aurora earlier than Ruan Ruan and Ruan Ruan, and she had already got what she wanted and was about to leave.

It's just that just now, I just felt a familiar breath, so I hurried over.

Although she has never seen Ruan Ruan after she was softened, but combined with this aura, Luo Bingtong still recognized Ruan Ruan at a glance.

At this moment, Luo Bingtong suddenly looked at Ruan Ruan expectantly, and the blue pupils shone slightly.

Seeing her expression like this, Ruan Ruan couldn't help giggling: "Do you want to ask, where is the master?"


Ruan Ruan said: "The master is Xing Jun now, very powerful! He is busy with Qi Guangguo to snatch the Xingmai, he should still be in Dayan's stronghold!"


Luo Bingtong nodded slightly.

"We are here to help the master collect a material for making star artifacts... By the way, the gold of Taixu!"

Speaking of this, Ruan Ruan suddenly remembered, the gold of silver Taixu!

Antonis also recovered from the shock brought by Luo Bingtong.

The two looked up, and saw that the Taixu Gold that had just been released was still floating in the starry sky not far away.

Ruan Ruan immediately flew up and took the silver Taixu Gold.

"Great, now the star device built by the master has been found, and the task of Ruan Ruan has been successfully completed!"

Luo Bingtong followed, looked at the Taixu Gold in Ruan Ruan's hands, and asked, "Ruan Ruan, does he...need this?"

Ruan Ruan nodded, and explained to Luo Bingtong: "Well, the master needs this material to refine a space star device.

It is said that this material has three qualities: bronze, silver, and gold. It took us a lot of time to find this silver color!

But this is all right, when the matter in the New Dust Realm is over, I can repair the epic star tool that the master wants after I go back! "

Bronze, silver, and... gold?

Luo Bingtong looked at the silver Taixu gold in Ruanruan's hands, her eyes flickered slightly, and she glanced into the deepest part of the Aurora Forest.

Ruan Ruan excitedly said: "Bingtong, we are leaving, come with us to find the master!"

Luo Bingtong's eyes suddenly showed a bit of joy, but after pondering for a while, she shook her head again.

"I still... stay here."

"Didn't you already find the material?"


Although Ruan Ruan was a little puzzled, she still asked, "Do you need our help?"

"No need..." Luo Bingtong shook her head slightly, "I...can do it myself."

"Is that so..." Ruan Ruan felt a little regretful, and then said, "Okay then, let's go first."

If Ruan Ruan hadn't rushed back because he knew that the critical moment was coming to the master, he would have stayed here with Luo Bingtong.

Ruanruan looked at Luo Bingtong, smiled and said: "Then you must come to find the master later!"

Luo Bingtong's eyes shone slightly, and she nodded her head: "Yeah!"


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