Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 456: The Great War Begins

While the two of Su Yuan were talking, seeing the star veins being drawn continuously, people from all over the world around the iceberg were already ready to move!

But hearing the roaring sound, more than a dozen huge meteors and flints shot out from the direction of Huoluo Kingdom, heading straight for the people of the Zodiac in front of the iceberg.

"Hey, can't you bear it anymore!"

Behind Luna, a tall officer wearing a military cap grinned, and the blue light on his body suddenly turned into a blue lightning and flew out, swinging the glorious saber in his hand, and slashed at the many flying meteors and flints!

"Bang bang bang bang!..."

More than ten meteors and flints were cut open by the military cap officer before they even got close!

And the military cap walked out of the flames from the corner of the officer's mouth, and there were only a few insignificant burns all over his body.

The officer in the military cap touched the brim of his hat and shouted loudly: "This power is not enough!"

Yu Chiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, before the second round started, the people from Heixue Country had already followed suit!

The Black Snow Country with a large population is more powerful than Huo Luo!

But seeing the frost and snow on the entire area soaring into the sky, it turned into densely packed ferocious snow dragons in just a moment. Counting carefully, there were as many as forty or fifty snow dragons.


With dragon chants, dozens of snow dragons rush out quickly, and with the blessing of the geographical location, the power of these snow dragons is stronger than the previous Meteor Flint!

The officer in military cap who was smiling just now was also slightly stagnant in the face of such power, but at this moment, another elegant young officer came from behind.

"Doron, back off."

While talking elegantly, Congguan moved a little forward, and suddenly a huge oil painting stretched out in front of him.

Forty or fifty dense snow dragon bullets hit the oil painting, but they only caused a little ripple on the oil painting and then disappeared.

But soon, snow dragon patterns appeared one after another on the oil painting.

"What is this?!" Seeing such a strange scene, everyone was shocked.

And Yaya smiled lightly from the official: "Absorb the counterattack, colorful oil painting!"

The many snow dragon patterns that had just appeared on the oil painting lit up again, and then the aura flashed, and they flew upside down from the oil painting and flew towards the people of the Black Snow Country. The power was exactly the same as before!

"not good!"

Hei Xueguo and the others were shocked, they didn't expect that all the Xuelong bullets would fly back.

Du Jianqing, who was next to Mu Baiying, raised his hand and pointed, a large expanse of snow surged in front of him, turned into countless snow swords and shot back from the ground, piercing all the snow dragon bombs!

"Oh?" The elegant young man looked at Du Jianqing who was controlling the snow sword, "The special guard master of the Black Snow Country seems to have some strength."

"Don't be careless, Ruisi," Qiongying said with a smile, "there are many masters in the Eastern Continent. Even in these small and medium-sized countries, there may be masters stronger than us."

"Yes, Star Envoy." Reith turned around and responded respectfully.

Seeing the pride and disdain in his eyes, Qiongying obviously didn't listen to these words.

But Qiongying didn't say much, but suddenly remembered the one person back then, the person who beheaded several of her teammates alone on the Xiqu River.

Even now that she has accepted the sacred blessing of the temple, Qiongying is not absolutely sure that she can defeat the opponent, let alone the former Cancer servants she has taken over.

So, masters are everywhere.

It’s fine if you don’t meet, but if you are still so crazy, you will die easily...

In the Black Snow Country, Du Jianqing frowned: "It's actually a defensive and counterattack tool-type soul power, which can block dozens of snow dragon bullet attacks at once.

Does the twelve palaces of the temple have such strength just as an official? It's tricky...

But this kind of thing, in the face of melee combat or siege from all directions, let me see how you can play it! "

Du Jianqing snorted coldly, turned his hand and took out the long ice crystal sword: "Follow me!"

With an order, everyone in Heixue Country, including Mu Baiying, flew up to start a scuffle.

Not only the Heishue Country, Huo Luo, even people from Usa and Rhine Country all flew into the air together.

Luna asked in a cold voice without the slightest emotion: "Usa and Rhineland, are you sure you want to be our enemy?"

Rhine's knight commander Sean replied: "There is no reason for tiger-level star veins to give in. There is nothing wrong with us fighting head-on, right?"

"There is indeed nothing wrong..." Luna's eyes flashed coldly, "If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with me killing you all, right?"

"Huh?" Sean's expression froze, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

But at this time, looking at the crowds of people swarming up from all directions, Luna raised her hand and pointed to the sky.

In a moment, one after another dazzling platinum cross stars suddenly appeared one after another in the sky above everyone's heads.

These platinum cross stars seem to be a little fuzzy, but when you look closely, it is because the space is slightly distorted because of the extremely compressed star power!

Luna swept across the crowd indifferently, then put down her raised right hand.

"Angel Judgment!"

Sean's complexion changed immediately, and he shouted loudly: "Get out!..."


Numerous terrifying bright holy lights burst down from the cross star, so fast that it was impossible to dodge.

In a blink of an eye, the bright white light flooded the whole world, as if it was a divine punishment, and everyone who was hit by the white light was instantly pulverized by the extremely intense and terrifying holy light!

After the holy light dissipated, in just one round, fifty or sixty people from the four countries died tragically on the spot!

All of a sudden, Mu Baiying, Yu Chiyang, Sean and Philip...all of them were stunned.

At this time, Luna raised her hand again with a sneer, and in the blink of an eye, more platinum crosses continued to condense rapidly in the sky!

This time, the complexions of all the people in the Quartet changed drastically!


No need to remind, everyone started to defend in horror and fled towards the surroundings quickly!

Dozens of platinum stars flourished, and then fell mercilessly.


Roaring sounds came and went, except for some David-level masters, most people's defensive skills were like mantising arms to block cars under the impact of this terrifying holy light!

In just a moment, dozens of people died tragically.

Thirty percent of the hundreds of elite experts from the four countries have evaporated after two rounds of holy light bombardment!

Such a scene is simply terrifying.

"Damn it, how could it be so strong!!"

The faces of the masters from all over the world changed drastically, and they hurriedly led their subordinates to retreat for thousands of meters!

"Baiying, what do you say?!" Du Jianqing almost gritted his teeth.

The Black Snow Country has the most people, and the people who die the most are also the Black Snow Country people!

Mu Baiying's complexion was also extremely heavy, she took a deep breath, and said: "To deal with opponents of this level, ordinary hands can hardly play any role except for consuming star power."

The former Su Yuan gave Mu Baiying this feeling, and the current envoy is even more so.

Although they are all shining stars, as long as the star power is not endless, they can be piled up to death if they really want to use human sea tactics.

But that price...was too great!

With Luna Shengguang's terrifying lethality, even if he exhausted all the people from the Black Snow Country, he might not be able to do it!

Du Jianqing's face was cloudy and cloudy. After pondering for a moment, he ordered: "Except for the ferret David and the military captain, everyone retreats to two kilometers away!"




Some ferret central defenders wanted to try to meet the enemy together, but they gritted their teeth and retreated when they heard the order.

Not only Black Snow Country, Huo Luo and other countries have all made similar decisions.

In just a short moment, the entire scene added up to only a few dozen people.

Luna looked at the hellish scene of the remaining holy light, and whispered to herself: "This way, the eyes will be much cleaner..."

On the other side, no one noticed that in Qiongying's eyes, a pair of green pupils were full of black and purple energy.

"Despair and fear are almost filling this space..."

The corners of Qiongying's mouth curled up slightly, and her body was like a whirlpool absorbing the black and purple energy that continuously gathered from all directions.

And the breath on his body is also getting stronger bit by bit...

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