Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 471 The Twisted Garden

The flames disappeared and the air subsided.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes flickered, confirming the death of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is indeed not weak, and has a high comprehensive quality in all aspects.

Bow skills, sword skills, strengthening skills, movement skills, soul power... are both strong and comprehensive, and they can also be ranked in the top six among the twelve star envoys.

However, at the same level, if you have more or less, you are not afraid that the opponent will be stronger, but you are afraid that the opponent's methods will be weird.

Sagittarius is strong, but compared to Virgo, Scorpio, Leo, etc. who have strange vitality, he is not so difficult to kill.

Even if the attack, speed, defense, etc. are impeccable, once they are controlled by Void Shatter, and then faced with the extreme attack of Su Yuan and the other three, there is absolutely no reason to survive!

Su Yuan flew down and came to Luo Bingtong.

"Why did you come here?" Su Yuan asked.

"Come... to find you."

Su Yuan shook his head secretly, he really came to look for him, but he ran into this battle.

Fortunately, I had sent the order and came back soon, otherwise if something happened to this girl...

While secretly rejoicing, Su Yuan asked, "Are you okay?"

Luo Bingtong looked at Su Yuan, nodded her head: "Yes!"

Su Yuan carefully looked at Luo Bingtong in front of him.

The size and airport are still the same as before, and there is no secondary development.

But now not only the hair, but even the eyebrows and eyelashes have become a lustrous snow-white color.

In addition, there seemed to be some golden lines floating under the azure blue pupils. There was obviously no aura coming out, but there was an extremely tyrannical coercion faintly!

Su Yuan could feel that at this moment Luo Bingtong's petite body probably contained an extremely astonishing energy.

It seems that her promotion and evolution this time seem to be very successful.

"That's good." Su Yuan nodded.

Now that the battle situation is urgent, Su Yuan didn't greet Luo Bingtong any more.

Not far away, Xia Xuan looked at Luo Bingtong and Su Yuan, still a little bit unaware.

Originally, his trick was dodged and he was about to fall into a desperate situation. Unexpectedly, reinforcements arrived one after another and surrounded and killed Sagittarius in one fell swoop!

Quickly calming down, Xia Xuanfei leaned over and asked, "Su Xingjun, why did you rush back, where is the west side...?"

"There is a false vein to the west. We rushed over after we killed the two star envoys over there." Su Yuan explained the situation quickly, and then asked, "How is it going here now, where are Xu Xingjun and Li Xingjun?"

Killed two star envoys?

Came over quickly?


When Xia Xuan heard the news, she couldn't help shaking her heart.

In the last ambush operation, Su Yuan beheaded Virgo alone.

Although the other party said it lightly, it was not the first time Xia Xuan had seen the horror of the Star Envoy, and it was definitely not that simple.

And this time, he and Shen Xingjun killed two star envoys again? Come here so soon!

Even if there is a door of space, it can't be so fast, could it be...he has already practiced the auxiliary skills of the door of space to the transformation state?

"Xia Xingjun?" Seeing that Xia Xuan seemed to be in a daze, Su Yuan reminded in a low voice.

"Oh!..." Hearing Su Yuan's reminder, Xia Xuan quickly recovered, "Xu Xingjun was dragged to another space by Pisces and Aries, and Li Xingjun..."

Having said this, Xia Xuan's voice became uncontrollably heavy, but she didn't continue.

Su Yuan's heart sank, and combined with the fact that he hadn't seen Li Ba with the Omniscient Vision just before he came here, he already understood Xia Xuan's meaning in his heart.

Li Ba... died in battle!

Thinking of that straightforward young man who was straightforward and sunny, and even regarded himself as a good brother just now, Su Yuan couldn't help falling into silence.

After a while, Su Yuan took a deep breath and slightly suppressed his changing mood.

And Xia Xuan added: "However, Li Xingjun and Chen Xingjun solved Libra together, and counting Sagittarius who just died, now our enemies are only Aries and Pisces."

"Okay, I understand." Su Yuan nodded, his eyes glowed with silver light and he looked into the distance.

When he came here just now, Su Yuan had already seen the general situation with his omniscient vision. Now that he took a closer look, he quickly saw a piece of dark and distorted abnormal energy above the star veins that could not be caught by the naked eye. .

"Is that right there..."

Su Yuan's eyes froze, then his eyes moved down, and he saw the pulse pumping beads that were still drawing star veins in the distance.

"Such a strong star energy!"

Su Yuan's heart twitched slightly. At this moment, the energy of the star veins that has been drawn from the pulse pumping beads has far exceeded that of the false pulses in the west, at least twice as much!

From this point of view, nine out of ten, this is the real tiger veins!

Su Yuan's eyes froze, silver light surged between his hands, and he quickly opened a door of space.

Su Yuan looked at Luo Bingtong: "Bingtong, you wait here..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl with white hair and blue eyes followed closely behind Su Yuan like a little tail.

Knowing the danger, do you still want to go with him?

In other words, it was precisely because of the danger that they had to go together...

Looking at Luo Bingtong who had no expression on his face, Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, and he didn't say anything more after a little thought.

Not to mention Luo Bingtong's strength at the moment, even Su Yuan was a little confused.

And as long as he is still here, nothing will happen to this girl.

Xia Xuan's eyes fell on Luo Bingtong, and she also faintly noticed something, and when she thought of her sister, her heart was even more complicated.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Xia Xuan sighed secretly and leaned over.

Su Yuan said: "You are seriously injured, don't force yourself."

Xia Xuan twitched her lips and said with a smile: "Many envoys are still fighting, how can I rest as Xingjun?

At this time, as long as I have any strength, I have to use it. Don't worry, I can still draw the bow! "

"That's good." Su Yuan raised his hand and covered him with a baptism of holy light. Some basic injuries on Xia Xuan's body healed slightly, "Then let's go."

Su Yuan stepped out and took the lead to enter the gate of space.

In the sky above the star veins, where the two sides are fighting fiercely, a large area of ​​silver space power gathers.

"what is that!"

The strong spatial fluctuations quickly attracted the attention of everyone around, and both Dayan and Qiguang raised their vigilance.

And these silver lights turned into a gate in just a moment.

"The gate of space?" Bailige, Yan Changming and others only felt that the silver gate was very familiar, and they quickly remembered it, and they were suddenly shocked, "Could it be...!"

The next moment, Su Yuan and his entourage came out from the gate of space.

"It's really Su Xingjun?!"

Soon, everyone saw the three of Su Yuan who suddenly appeared in midair.

"How did Su Xingjun get here!"

"Where is the Sagittarius that Xia Xingjun is fighting against?"

"Since Xia Xingjun and Su Xingjun appeared here together, does that mean that Sagittarius is dead?!"


All of a sudden, everyone on Dayan's side was surprised and excited!

However, Qiguang's servants and knights all felt a little thumping in their hearts.

"Damn it, where is Master Athel!" A handsome golden officer looked at Xia Xuan in surprise, and took out a token with the pattern of a shooter.

However, at this moment, the pattern on the token has completely dimmed, causing Jun Lang's pupils to shrink immediately.

"Master Athel...is dead?!"

This handsome servant is named Yanuna, and he is the number one servant under Sagittarius Athel, and he is also a fanatical follower of Athel!

After a moment of absence, Yanuna raised his head and stared blankly at Su Yuan and the others in mid-air, with intense grief and anger in his eyes!

"It seems that you all despicably joined forces to kill Master Athel, you... all deserve to die!"

Flipping his hands and taking out two cross swords, a large pattern of golden osmanthus appeared on Yanuna's body, and his aura suddenly became sharp and deep.


With a yell, Yanuna swung two cross swords and turned them into a golden light, charged forward and went straight to kill Su Yuan and the others.

Before Su Yuan moved, Luo Bingtong who was behind him slightly clenched the snow-white long knife and shot it out in a white line.


The ice and snow and the golden light crossed, and immediately, Yanuna's pupils widened to the extreme.

Looking down at the abdomen, a snow-white knife light had cut off the body in half!

The extremely cold air permeated into Yanuna's body along his severed waist, freezing his whole body in one or two breaths, and then exploded with a "bang" into countless ice shards, scattered all over the sky and crystal clear!

"Yanuna, was killed in seconds?!"

This time, many servants and knights around were stunned. Yanuna's strength was at the forefront among all the servants, but he was killed by that white-haired girl in a single blow?

what is happening!

Why does Dayan still have such a master? It's not included in the information at all!

However, not only Qiguang's people, but also everyone in Dayan looked at the white-haired girl in mid-air in surprise, shocked by the opponent's tyrannical strength.

"Who is that girl? She killed an official in one fell swoop!"

"You don't care who she is, since she came here with Su Xingjun and Xia Xingjun, she must be one of us!"

"That's right!"


At this time, a flash of silver lightning came galloping, and within a few breaths, it landed in front of Su Yuan.

"Su Xingjun." Yan Changming saluted.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "Special Envoy Yan."

Yan Changming said quickly: "Su Xingjun, Xu Xingjun was taken away by Pisces and Aries earlier, it seems to be in another dimension."

There was a little eagerness in Yan Changming's words.

After all, when Li Ba and Chen Chunhua met Libra, they were both dead and disabled.

Now that Xu Fan is under siege by two star envoys, the situation is probably even more dire...

"I understand." Su Yuan nodded, and with a thought, a layer of dark ripples swayed away from his body.

Su Yuan intervened with the power of the Throne of Heaven, and soon, the surrounding space was distorted again, and a grotesque black garden emerged more and more clearly.

"Is it the power of 'distortion'?" Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly as he felt this extremely powerful distortion power.

The soul power of Pisces, the most extreme ability manifestation is "absolute avoidance", but from the fundamental nature of power, it seems to be the power of distortion.

And using distortion as a springboard, it also touched a little space.

This twisted garden is actually a use of space.

At this moment, Yan Changming and Xia Xuan were delighted to see that Su Yuan forced out the Twisted Garden again as soon as he raised his hand.

"See if you can break it open!" Yan Changming swung his right fist high, and the silver lightning crackled on the fist!

And Xia Xuan also bent her bow and nocked her arrows, and the moment the fire arrow exploded, she had already gathered momentum in a blink of an eye.

The next moment, the attacks of the two landed on the Twisted Garden.

However, some black ripples appeared on the garden, whether it was flames or lightning, they all disappeared as if submerged in the water.

"It's actually invalid!"

Both Xia Xuan and Yan Changming's eyes froze slightly, and they frowned slightly.

It's fine if you can't break through with one blow, it's nothing more than trying to increase the attack intensity to break through forcibly.

But now, the attack on the Twisted Garden has almost no effect at all!

Xia Xuan clenched her longbow tightly, and the green and red flames on the bow were intertwined, and she was about to launch a stronger offensive.

But Su Yuan raised his hand to stop her.

"Although it will be difficult to break through for a while, I can get in with the power of space."

"Oh?" Xia Xuan's eyes lit up.

Su Yuan thought for a while, and said: "I can go in alone, Xia Xingjun, please stay here and wipe out these enemies in the outer world."

Xia Xuan thought that Su Yuan felt that he was too seriously injured to participate in the war, so he wanted to say something else.

Su Yuan said in a low voice: "Xu Xingjun and I should be able to deal with the enemies inside.

You stay here and take care of Xingmai to avoid other accidents. If there is no accident, this one should be the true vein! "

Xia Xuan glanced at the pulse pumping beads that were still extracting the star veins below.

A high-level defensive barrier was set up around it, and Fu Dongliu, Liu Hao and several other elite experts accompanied the formation to guard it.

Indeed, the most important thing is the tiger veins!

Up to now, dozens of masters of the Sky Survey Division have died here. If something happens to Humai, these colleagues will die in vain!

"Okay!" Xia Xuan agreed.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the power of pitch-black space echoed around his body.

"Special Envoy Yan, assist Xia Xingjun and protect the Pulse Pulling Pearl." Su Yuan urged.

Yan Changming responded sternly: "You should do your best!"

Su Yuan nodded, and in a flash he was about to enter the twisted garden in front of him.

But at this time, Luo Bingtong stood close to Su Yuan and stood in the black light, and reached out to grab the corner of Su Yuan's clothes.

"This girl..."

Su Yuan shook his head secretly, and said no more, the two rushed into the Twisted Garden surrounded by black light.


In the twisted, dark garden without light.

Compared with the real Qingming Realm, this place is more like a space where illusion and reality are combined.

With a flash of black light, Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong appeared.

As soon as they entered, there was a tyrannical and twisted force that could crush steel and crushed Su Yuan and the two of them out of thin air!

Su Yuan snorted coldly, and the tide-like power of space surged from his body, directly shattering this distorted power.

Su Yuan looked up and saw the situation in the distance clearly, but he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.

I saw Xu Fan's five royal beasts, Thunder Spine Tyrannosaurus Rex, Qingluan, Angel, Soul Eater, and Fei Lian, and they have suffered heavy losses at this moment!

Thunder Ridge Tyrannosaurus Rex and Qingluan were seriously injured and were on the verge of death, and fell powerlessly aside.

Although Fei Lian didn't have any physical injuries, his hooves were tightly bound by the magic rope.

And the angel, who is good at healing and assisting, is also covered by a dark clown hat, unable to heal.

Now, only the Soul Eater, which swelled to the size of a bull, stood in front of Xu Fan!

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