Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 488: Murphy's Trial

The scenery in front of him changed, and in the blink of an eye, Su Yuan had already appeared in a grotto.

The venue is not big, but the surrounding stone walls are carved with all kinds of lifelike star beasts.

"Inheritance secret realm." Su Yuan slightly nodded after looking at it for a while.

This kind of secret realm Su Yuan has also seen a lot, the requiem monument of the Yaodu College, the sleeping place of ten thousand monsters in the Antarctic College... are all inheritance secret realms.

The purpose of inheritance-type secret realms is to cultivate future generations, and to reward the testers after setting up some trials.

At this moment, with a beam of sunlight hanging down, a lot of information entered Su Yuan's mind, and Su Yuan probably understood the function of this small secret realm.

Su Yuan was stunned: "Is the blood traceable? No wonder Mo Fei has such a strong sense, but Ruan Ruan doesn't even feel it at all."

Qilin, Phoenix, Dragon, etc., the older the blood, the purer and the greater the potential, and it can even be traced back to mythology!

And a slime like Ruanruan has no blood potential at all, so it is naturally not attractive to it...

Su Yuan looked forward, according to the information given by the secret realm, the beast master can send a beast to accept the trial, and there is only one chance.

Su Yuan raised his hand and let Mo Fei out: "Mo Fei, it's up to you next."

"Yes, Master!"

Mo Fei spoke in a muffled voice, quite excited in his words.

As Murphy stepped forward to enter the arena, rays of light appeared, and in a blink of an eye, a star-studded bull demon appeared.

This bull demon is just a master-quality star beast, how can it be Mo Fei's opponent, Mo Fei shot out violently, and smashed it directly into shards of light with one punch!

And soon, there was a surge of brilliance in the field, and a total of five master star beasts with dazzling stars appeared at the same time, rushing towards Mur Fei together.

Mo Fei's expression remained unchanged, and he clenched his fists and instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed into the five-headed star beast.

"Bang bang bang..."

Fist-to-flesh blows sounded one after another, and in a short while, star beasts were sent flying one after another, turning into large white lights and scattered.

In less than two minutes, Mo Fei had already eliminated all his opponents, without even taking a breath, so easy!

Su Yuan's eyes showed some thought: "The first two levels are too simple, so I can't see anything. But from the third level, there is a chance to get low-grade true spirit blood, which seems to be a watershed..."

Just as Su Yuan was thinking, there was a strong surge of brilliance in the field, and a four-legged star beast surrounded by flames came out.

"Fire Qilin?"

Su Yuan was quite surprised that he belonged to the Qilin clan like Mo Fei, and it was the epic star beast Fire Qilin!


The fire unicorn roared, and raging flames billowed out of its body, riding on the fire and walking straight towards Mur Fei!

As the strongest ink unicorn, how could Murphy retreat? With a cold snort, the black air around him surged and turned back into Mo Qilin's body in a blink of an eye, and rushed forward with one step.


With a loud muffled sound, the two unicorns bumped into each other.

Black air and raging flames intertwined, and Mo Fei directly bumped into Huo Qilin's feet and staggered back two or three steps!

Taking advantage of the victory, Mo Fei stepped forward again, pressing down on Huo Qilin, and it was a storm-like melee attack!

Although the fire unicorn is not weak, it is still inferior to the obsidian-like Murphy, and its speed and defense are even worse.

Step by step, step by step, since the first collision, the situation has begun to tilt towards Murphy!

If Fire Qilin wanted to change this disadvantage, he had to use stronger moves.

Huo Qilin was also aware of this, the red flames in his right palm surged, and he slapped the ground suddenly.

The flames exploded, the fire element roared wildly, and the Qilin flame claws tore through the ground and went straight to Murphy who was chasing after him!

Naturally, Mo Fei wouldn't let it come back easily, and with a cold look on his face, he raised his front paws and clenched his palms into fists.

At the same time, Mo Fei also had a gigantic magical unicorn arm transforming from above his head, smashing out waves of space ripples and punching the unicorn flame claw.

Unicorn Arm·Bombing Sky Fist!

The dark energy collided with the flames, and the turbulent spiritual light swayed, and the figure of the fire unicorn couldn't help being pushed back a few steps.

And at this moment, between the bursting and roaring dark red two-color star power, a black phantom pierced through it and rushed over!

Although the unicorn scales on his body were damaged a lot by the exploding star power, Mo Fei's actions really exceeded Huo Qilin's expectations.

Huo Qilin didn't expect Mo Fei to come over against the impact of spiritual power, and was knocked to the ground directly.

Mo Fei stepped on the fire unicorn, black air was overwhelming, and he output a meal to it!

"Ho Ho!"

All the star power in the fire unicorn erupted, and the raging flames rushed up to a height of 100 meters, sweeping in all directions and directly submerging Mo Fei.

However, not only is Mo Fei protected by black energy, but his body's resistance to star power is also astonishing. Against the burning flames, he wants to directly kill the fire unicorn!

But after a while, the raging flames quickly wilted down.

Until the end, a large white light exploded from in front of Mo Fei.

The fire unicorn has already been bombarded by Mo Fei!

"Pu Chi Pu Chi! Pu Chi Pu Chi (Little Mo, Xiao Mo! Awesome!)" Seeing this scene, the softness on Su Yuan's shoulders excitedly transformed into two little hands to act as cheerleaders for Mo Fei.

Mo Fei took a few breaths, and many of the scales on his body were scorched.

Even among the many epic star beasts, the Fire Qilin can be considered quite tyrannical. Its physical body and star power are both superior, and it is not easy to deal with.

Fortunately, the injuries were basically traumatic and not serious. Coupled with the strong resilience brought by Murphy's own top physique, the wounds on his body also recovered visibly with the naked eye.

The third level has passed, and this time the rest time will be longer.

When Murphy's injuries were fully recovered, two tall and burly bull-shaped star beasts appeared on the field.

The one on the left has a golden horn and holds a golden axe;

There is a silver horn at the right end, holding a silver stick.

"Golden Horn Divine Bull and Silver Horn Divine Bull?"

Su Yuan looked at the two bull-shaped star beasts in the field. These two star beasts are not simple.

The Golden Horn Divine Bull and the Silver Horn Divine Bull are both extremely powerful and invulnerable, even if they are taken out individually, they are not necessarily weaker than the Fire Qilin.

Moreover, these two star beasts usually come and go in pairs, and they are very good at cooperating.

Playing together is enough to deal with three or four other brilliant star epic beasts!

But Murphy was not afraid at all, and rushed out directly.

Both the Golden Horn Divine Bull and the Silver Horn Divine Bull are good at close combat, and one uses a golden ax for sharp strikes, and the other uses a silver stick for blunt strikes!

There is no skill or strategy in the battle between the two sides, it is the purest close collision!


Sounds like metal collisions kept ringing in the field.

It didn't take long for Murphy to smash a lot of cuts on the two divine cows, their skins were ripped open and blood flowed horizontally.

And the scales on Mo Fei's body also cracked a lot, and a lot of blood continued to seep from under the scales.

"Puff Chi Chi..." Seeing such a tragic physical collision, the two limp hands couldn't help but cover their eyes.

Fortunately, even though it was tragic, but still the same sentence: In close combat, Mo Qilin is the top!

Tear the sky claw, shake the sky palm, blast the sky fist!

Using the three unicorn arms in turn, Murphy's extreme physical strength gradually couldn't hold back even the gold and silver bulls with astonishing defensive power!

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions sounded at the same time, but it was Mo Fei who stretched out both arms, and the Qilin Arm · Bangtian Fist directly smashed the two divine cows together!

"Heh! Heh..."

Murphy was panting, sweat and blood dripping down together...

Su Yuan looked at Mo Fei, his eyes slightly condensed.

"Is the fourth level so difficult? I don't know what the fifth level is..."

According to this difficulty, the fourth level is probably the limit of Murphy.

In fact, if it is the beast master Tianzong or other beast masters, in the blood cave, it is possible to apply various buffs and healing techniques to the beast master.

But Su Yuan couldn't, and because the bloodline cave was a challenge from a single star beast, Ruan Ruan couldn't intervene to treat Mo Fei with the sea soul protection.

As a result, Murphy was at a disadvantage.


Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly, he took out a black object and threw it out.

Mo Fei caught it quickly with quick eyesight, but it was a slender black branch.

It is the epic-quality dark system star device previously used by Gemini Heluna - Black Moon God Branch.

Murphy asked in surprise, "Master, this...?"

Su Yuan said: "Take it and use it first."

Mo Fei was startled, and then his eyes showed surprise, and he suppressed his excitement and said, "Thank you, master!"

As he said that, a black light flashed on Murphy's body, and he turned into a human again and held the branch tightly.

Although for the star beast, it must be the most comfortable body shape, which can fully exert its own strength.

But the bonus of the epic star device is not a little bit, with the black moon god branch, even if it is a human form, its strength will definitely exceed the main body beast form!

Mo Fei clenched the Black Moon God Branch tightly, and under the infusion of star power, many tiny magic patterns appeared on it, and all kinds of mysteries immediately appeared in Mo Fei's mind.

The light and dark two star artifacts obtained from Gemini.

The golden branch is called the Golden Sun Branch, and it is a staff that can speed up the casting and charging of light-type skills.

The black branch is called the Black Moon God Branch. It is a weapon. It is not only hard and sharp, but also has a spell-breaking effect that can defeat spells!

"Good!" Mo Fei was overjoyed.

But at this moment, the brilliance in the field flashed continuously, and in the blink of an eye, four star beasts with strong aura appeared in succession!

Seeing these four star beasts, Su Yuan couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"This fifth level, is it actually a four spirit beast?"

Standing in front of Mo Fei, there are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, four spirit beasts!

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