Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 492: Waxy River

Mo Fei had successfully refined the blood of the true spirit, and Su Yuan also came out of the Qingming Realm.

Looking forward, above a black river with no end in sight, black air curled up, filled with an inexplicable fluctuation.

"Ashelia, is this direction?" Su Yuan asked in a low voice.

Ashlia behind nodded: "That's right, boss."

These days, Su Yuan has crossed Hidden Dragon Mountain and came all the way west to here, the process is quite smooth.

Although he also met two or three times people who didn't have long eyes on the way, they were all directly received by Su Yuan from the Qingming Realm as the firewood for the Suoyang Pond to hatch the Yanlong.

"Okay." Su Yuan raised his hand to take back Ashlia, and with a flick of his figure, he arrived in front of Heihe in a few steps.

With silver light floating in his eyes, Su Yuan directly unfolded the omniscient vision.

However, the field of vision was blocked by the rising black air, and with the perspective ability of the omniscient horizon, he couldn't see very far.

As for the Black River, it is like a piece of stagnant water, not only calm, but also impossible to see through!

Su Yuan frowned slightly: "This Heihe is really weird."

The map Xiong Tiezhu gave was only around Yu Country, which was useless at the moment.

Su Yuan went all the way according to Ashilia's guidance, and the direction was not wrong, but lacking a map, it was inevitable that he would encounter such restricted areas.

Su Yuan thought for a while, then opened his eyesight to scan around, and soon, he saw a gold-ranked black-eyed falcon hovering not far away.

With a flash of silver light on his body, Su Yuan had already appeared in front of the black-eyed falcon, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

The black-eyed falcon was startled, but didn't react at all.

The next moment, Su Yuan flashed back to the river, and with a little effort, he threw the black-eyed falcon towards the river.


The black-eyed falcon suddenly let out a strong cry of panic, and flapped its wings with all its strength, wanting to come back.

However, in just a second, the body of the black-eyed falcon was wrapped by the curling black smoke rising from the black river.

The black-eyed falcon trembled all over, flapped its wings a few more times, and then stopped moving. It plummeted straight to the water, and disappeared into the dark river with a "plop", without causing any waves.

"Even gold-level star beasts have no resistance..." Su Yuan's eyes froze slightly.

The softness on the shoulders is eager to try: "Pu Chi Pu Chi (Master, I will try)!"

Ruan Ruan is a water-type star beast, and has the law of devouring, so it shouldn't be a big problem to try it with a clone.

Su Yuan thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, let's go."

Ruan Ruan jumped down from his shoulders, twisting his body, turning into two slimes.

One of them turned into a golden-winged Lei Peng, jumped up and rushed out.

Like the black-eyed falcon, the surrounding black air immediately surrounded Ruan Ruan.

The golden-winged Lei Peng, transformed by Ruan Ruan, devoured the black light flowing outside his body, but swallowed all the black energy and continued to move forward.

But as it got deeper, the black air above the Heihe became more and more intense, and gradually, even the Law of Devouring began to struggle.

Ruan Ruan gritted his teeth, his body was full of thunder, and the sound of "Zi La" continued, and finally launched a sprint to try to see how wide the Heihe was.

However, it didn't take long before he was invaded by the swarming black air and fell obliquely into the black river...


On the shore, Ruan Ruan let out a muffled snort, and his spherical body suddenly collapsed to the ground, and his breath plummeted, apparently from the backlash.

Su Yuan hugged it in his arms.

"How is it, Ruanrou?"

"It's nothing..." Ruan Ruan sat firmly in Su Yuan's arms, took a moment to relax, and said slowly, "Master, the black energy in the depths is more intense, and my devouring power can't keep up... Besides, I didn't look at it." to the other side of the river."

"Yeah." Su Yuan nodded, and rubbed Ruan Ruan's head for a while, "Thank you for your hard work, let's go recover first."

"Puff Chi Chi!"

Su Yuan put Ruan Ruan into the mental space, and then looked at Heihe in front of him with thoughtful eyes.

Is it really necessary to detour?

Su Yuan looked towards the distance along the river, there was a city there.

"Go and see, since it is a city by the river, there should be a way to cross the river."

With a flash of Su Yuan's figure, he flew towards the city...

This city is neither big nor small, but it is still quite lively, and there are basically star card masters coming and going.

As soon as he entered this city, Su Yuan felt the tyrannical aura of many Yaoxing stars.

The perception is fully open, and there is even a faint aura far stronger than Yaoxing in certain directions...Huiyue!

As soon as Su Yuan came in, he noticed that countless people's eyes were on him.

Su Yuan looked up, but there were several bronze-ranked teenagers on the edge of the city looking at him from a distance.

However, as Su Yuan looked up, several teenagers seemed to be shocked by Su Yuan's bright silver pupils, and they turned their heads away one after another.

But soon, one of the young men with a scorched complexion raised his head again, after a little hesitation, he ran towards Su Yuan in a few steps.

The young man said somewhat anxiously: "Hello, big brother! My name is Qin Song, and I was born and raised in Nuocheng.

You seem to be a new face, I wonder if I can be your tour guide...

Me, I'm very cheap, as long as 15... no, 10 centimeters will do. "

The 10 centimeter star stone is almost equivalent to the price of one or two bronze-grade star cores, and it is indeed not expensive.

"Why, are you afraid of me?" Su Yuan asked curiously.

Qin Song lowered his head and replied, "It's just a feeling that you...your eyes are very powerful."

Is it very powerful?

Su Yuan smiled, didn't say any more, raised his hand and took out a 5% star stone and handed it to him: "I'll give you 5% first, and I'll give you the rest after the end."

"Okay...Okay!" The boy was overjoyed, and took the star stone carefully.

Su Yuan asked: "Let's go for a walk first, and tell me about the situation here, especially the Black River outside."

"Yes!" Qin Song quickly explained while leading Su Yuan forward.

It turns out that the name of the Heihe River outside is "Nuohe River", which is said to flow from the extreme south.

Once surrounded by the black air on the river, the whole body will be weak and weak, and the star power will be difficult to mobilize like a quagmire until it falls into the river.

The closer to the middle of the river, the greater the concentration of black air, even the Huiyue class cannot pass through.

However, if the water in the Nuo River is taken out, it is no different from ordinary river water, which is very strange.

If you want to cross the Nuohe River smoothly, only a boat made of black waxy trees grown along the Nuohe River and nourished by the Nuohe River can pass smoothly.

And crossing the Nuohe River means entering the south from the southeast frontier.

Therefore, in order to save time, many people crossed the river from Nuocheng, and Nuocheng gradually became a big city in this area.

Now the city lord and even the deputy city lord of Nuo City are all Huiyue-level masters.

Qin Song said: "Brother, if you want to take the black waxy boat, you have to go to the Nuocheng ferry in the west of the city."

Su Yuan nodded: "Then take me there directly."


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