Ultimate Star Card Master

High fever, continue to ask for leave

39.2°, I can't stretch myself, I'm gasping for breath.

At first I thought it was a cold, but now I'm not sure.

I am a person who has never been a sheep, less than 0.1% in three years.

Is it true that I have been recruited? Recently, there seem to be a lot of people who have been recruited. My mother was also a sheep a few days ago...

Continue to ask for leave to sleep, so as not to be "identified as a post" next time.

Tomorrow, I will see if the temperature drops. If it gets better, I will change it. If there is no change, I will not ask for leave anymore. I will ask for it together today. Hey...

PS: Thank you for your concern. I can’t see the comments these days, but I can still see all the writers in the backstage/thank you

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