Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 855 Tarot Conference

The Temple of Truth, in a dark hall.

Beyond a long table, there are 22 seats, and each seat has a rather grotesque pattern on the back of the big chair.

There are the sun, the stars, the moon, the pope, the priest, the god of death...

At this moment, as the intense holy light on the top of the hall was lit up, bursts of cross holy light suddenly appeared above the many seats.

The patterns behind the big chairs gradually overflowed with colorful light, and then, one after another, figures sat on the seats one after another.

After a while, many people sat beside the long table.

However, no one appeared on two of the seats - it was the "priestess" and the "chariot".

"It seems that Fina and Augusto won't show up." At this moment, the black-haired young man sitting at the top of the long table said slowly, "This is the first time that the Tarot meeting is absent."

The black-haired young man is not tall, and his appearance is even more ordinary. He belongs to the kind that will not attract the attention of others in the crowd.

But in the Tarot meeting, among other members full of aura and characteristics, the black-haired young man stands out because he is too ordinary.

The pattern on the chair behind the black-haired youth is "The Fool", who is the decision maker of the Secret Society of Truth introduced by Constantine.

Hearing what the black-haired young man from "The Fool" said, a handsome man with gorgeous blond hair and an elegant demeanor spoke on the seat of the "Wheel of Fortune" on the left:

"If I'm not mistaken, they should have fallen."

"Huh?" The tall young man sitting in the "Power" seat was quite surprised, "With those zombie sacrifices from Fina, is there any opponent that Augusto can't handle?"

The black-haired youth asked, "Tissa, can you 'see' who it is?"

The elegant man pondered for a moment, then said, "Tian Xun Si."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked slightly condensed.

Since the establishment of the Secret Society of Truth, everyone knows that the biggest opponent of oneself and others is the Great Yan Xuntiansi!

The "devil" on the right side of the long table sneered: "Those two idiots must be fighting on their own! It's really stupid to think that accepting the blessing will make you invincible. That's how the Zodiac envoys were defeated!"

Several of them couldn't help frowning upon hearing this, because the word "devil" scolded many people.

Of course, there are also those who are uncomfortable because of their vulgar tone, such as the elegant man sitting on the "Wheel of Fortune" seat who spoke just now.

The black-haired youth said: "Anyone who goes to the central region or even goes deep into the south should be careful.

Even Master Constantine said, don't underestimate the people in the Sky Survey Division.

You must know that many people here are not as good as the elites of the Sky Survey Division before receiving the blessing.

And even if they were selected and received the blessings of the gods, they might not necessarily win the top three seats in the Sky Survey Division. "

Hearing this, everyone looked different.

Some people looked disdainful, some looked dignified, and some were even more curious about the elite of the Sky Survey Division.

The black-haired young man continued: "Especially those four True Monarchs... Oh no, now, there seem to be five of them."

Today, the Dayan Sky Survey Division has added a fifth imperial unicorn, and Qiguang soon got the news.

It is said that Qilin Yu is a contemporary master of the sect left by Dayan since the founding of the country.

In Qiguang, there is no such thing as a sect, so everyone in the field is not familiar with it.

However, to be able to rank fifth with the other four royals, it is definitely not weak in strength.

After some exchanges among the people, the black-haired young man turned his head and asked, "Damia, Kira, how is the assassination situation on your side?"

"The Hermit" Damia's lips curled up, and he said, "Recently, we have killed seven or eight generals from the Great Yan and Heixue Kingdoms, as well as a few master envoys who cooperated in the Heixue Kingdom."

"Reaper" Kira's voice was a little dry: "Baihu Yu's second seat... Lin Hao, is dead."

"Oh?" The dark-haired young man's eyes lit up, and the rest of them looked over in surprise.

Immediately, the black-haired young man nodded and said with a smile: "Very good, Kira, I think Lord Constantine will be very happy to hear the news."

Damia, who was sitting just opposite Kira, narrowed her eyes slightly.

He had killed a lot of scorching suns and caused chaos in the army of Heixue Country, and everyone's reaction was flat.

But Kira only killed one person, but he immediately attracted everyone's attention!


Damia said again: "In addition to the people I killed earlier, I have also discovered the location of Qilin Yu's second seat."

"Qi Lin Yu's second seat... Let me think about it, oh, it's called 'Wen Ren Feng', right?"

"That's right." The corners of Damia's mouth curled up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Soon, I'll be able to finish him off."

When the black-haired youth heard the words, he tapped on the table slowly.

After pondering for a while, the black-haired young man looked at "Xing Xing" and said, "Stella, this time, you are with him."

This is a girl with blue curly hair who looks only fourteen or fifteen years old and wears a star hairpin.

Upon hearing this, Stella nodded quietly: "Yes."

Seeing this, Damia couldn't help frowning and said, "Aimile, I can go alone."

It is also killing a second seat, if another person is needed to assist, then even if he kills, he will appear to be inferior to the god of death!

The black-haired young man said slowly: "In Dayan's top 100 list, this Wen Renfeng is ranked second.

Although the list is controlled by Xun Tiansi, it may be induced, but it is definitely not bad to be ranked in the top ten.

Stella will be with you and act according to the situation. If you can solve her alone, you will not move. "

Damia still felt something was wrong, raised her eyebrows and was about to say something else.

But when he raised his head, he met the plain eyes of the black-haired young man.

Damia suddenly thought of something, her lips paused, but she didn't say anything more.


In the northwest of the Black Snow Country, somewhere in the Snow Burial Mountains.

Here, it is the tiger vein that Su Yuan won by drawing his salary from the bottom of the pot before, and it is also the A-12 pioneer base of Dayan today!

Fence walls mixed with a large amount of Class 4 materials;

The most sensitive star energy detector;

A star cannon capable of threatening the Scorching Sun class;

Grandmaster-level formation...

With all these blessings, this place is already a steel fortress standing in the ice and snow!

Now, with the earth's energy surging again, the Dayan Supervising Army Division quickly went north to reinforce its troops.

Now in this A-12 base, there are one general, two lieutenant generals and four major generals from the military, a total of seven scorching suns.

Coupled with the fortifications of the base itself, even in the face of the attack of a dozen or twenty scorching suns, it can withstand the attack for several days, until the support of the Black Snow Country or the Five Regions!

At this moment, in a certain room of the base, Wen Renfeng, who was sent to the front line and walked between various A-level bases, was practicing with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some movement outside the door.

But a school official hurried to the door and said something to the young envoy who followed Wen Renfeng outside.

The young envoy was also surprised, knocked on the door quickly, and walked in with the school officer.

The young envoy said: "Second seat, Lieutenant General Zhao is injured!"

The school official said anxiously: "Wenren Yushi, General Zhao was seriously injured and unconscious. The situation is very serious. Admiral Cheng asked me to come over and ask you to go and have a look!"

Wen Renfeng opened his eyes and nodded calmly: "Let's go."

The school officer secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although the master of Qilin Yu was quite cold-tempered and kept away from strangers, his healing skills were really superb!

During the time since the other party came over, as long as he was not missing an arm or a leg, no matter how serious the injury was, it seemed that he could easily save him.

Soon, the school officer led Wen Renfeng into the military tent.

As soon as he entered, he saw Zhao Zhongjiang lying unconscious on the bed with a pale and dark complexion.

A huge bloody wound on its abdomen almost cut him off in the middle, and even tore some internal organs, which seemed to be the claws of a powerful star beast.

If it weren't for the fact that the physique of the scorching sun master is already inhuman, I'm afraid he would have died before he could survive.

At this moment, only Admiral Cheng Pu and Lieutenant General He Hua were in the room, both of them were quite anxious, and their eyes lit up when they heard that Renfeng had arrived.

"Wenren Royal Envoy, you've come!" He Hua said anxiously.

Wen Renfeng glanced at Lieutenant General Zhao, and asked, "General Cheng, General He, what's going on with Lieutenant General Zhao?"

General He said: "It's like this, Lao Zhao went to the north of the mountain range for inspection as usual, but he didn't come back for a long time.

After we rushed to check, we found that Lao Zhao was seriously injured and lying on the ground. With the paw prints, it is estimated that he was attacked by the extreme shadow ice wolf deep in the mountains. "

"Then why didn't the Jiying Ice Wolf eat him?" Wen Renfeng asked.

"This..." He Zhongjiang frowned.

In fact, it was impolite for Wen Renfeng to ask this question, but it was indeed a rather strange thing.

Cheng Pu said: "When we arrived, there was still an extremely strong aura of the Ji Ying Ice Wolf in the field. With the Ji Ying Ice Wolf's keen perception, it may have noticed that we were approaching and walked away."

Wen Renfeng heard the words, nodded slightly and didn't say any more about this matter.

What Cheng Pu said was a rather forced but reasonable explanation.

Wen Renfeng looked at Lieutenant General Zhao who was lying down, and said, "Then let the two generals go down first."

Wen Renfeng has excellent healing skills, but he never likes the presence of other people during the treatment.

Lieutenant General He Hua still hesitated: "This... how about I watch from the side and promise not to disturb you?"

Forget about others, Lieutenant General Zhao is an important member of the military and He Hua's friend...

He Hua was a little worried when he wasn't there to watch.

Wen Renfeng didn't speak, nor expressed.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu patted He Hua on the shoulder and walked out: "Let's go, old He, we stay here to make trouble for Wenren Yushi."

He Hua sighed, and then bowed solemnly to Wen Renfeng: "Wen Renfeng envoy, then Lao Zhao will definitely entrust you!"

Wen Renfeng nodded and said, "I will do my best."

Watching Cheng and Pu leave, Wen Renfeng came to the lying Lieutenant General Zhao.

After looking at it for a while, Wen Renfeng raised his hand, and white plum blossoms emerged from his palm to start the treatment.

The white plum blossoms covered the wound, and then penetrated into the skin like snow water.

But in a short while, ice patterns appeared on the wound, gradually healed and scarred...

After a while, Lieutenant General Zhao slowly opened his eyes.

"I heard... the envoy?"

Wen Renfeng asked, "Lieutenant General Zhao, how do you feel?"

Lieutenant General Zhao quickly woke up, looking at the healed wound on his body, he couldn't help but look happy.

"It seems to be all right, thank you Wenren Yushi!"

Wen Renfeng nodded: "The injury has basically been healed, but there is still some lack of vitality. It should be fine after a three-day rest."

"Okay, thank you, if it wasn't for the surprise attack by the Extreme Shadow Ice Wolf, I..."

Lieutenant General Zhao hadn't finished speaking when he heard that Renfeng had gone to the side to wash his hands.

That's right, Wen Renfeng has a cleanliness habit.

As long as after the battle, after the treatment, regardless of whether there is filth or not, whenever you touch the body of others, you must wash your hands, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.

Looking at Wen Renfeng's back, Zhongjiang Zhao suddenly had a strange look in his eyes.

Slowly opened his right hand, and invisibly, Lieutenant General Zhao seemed to be holding something thin and long.

Then his right hand shook, there was no sound of airflow or breaking through the air, and the invisible object flew towards the back of Wen Renfeng who was washing his hands!

Just at this moment, there happened to be a white plum blossom blocking the thing.


The white plum blossom trembled slightly, making a sound like metal clashing.


Lieutenant General Zhao's eyes were slightly condensed, and he immediately raised his hand to form a seal, and a layer of dark spiritual light swayed towards the west.

The whole space shook slightly, and then, it seemed like nothing happened.

And "Dangdang!" twice, something fell to the ground.

Wen Renfeng leaned over to pick it up, but it was a black needle with dark patterns about one foot long.

"The bone-eroding poison contained in this injection is likely to seriously injure one's vitality if one gets hit by the scorching sun.

In addition, hiding your own whereabouts and sneaking in here, changing into someone else..."

Wen Renfeng crushed the black needle with a flash of white light, and looked up at Lieutenant General Zhao:

"If you guessed right...the Secret Society of Enlightenment Truth, the Hermit?"

"It's really smart..."

Lieutenant Zhao curled his lips, dark light flowed from his body, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a thin young man in a white cloak.

"That's right, it's me." The thin young man's lips curled up, "Secret Society of Truth, Hermit, Damia."

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