Qixia Mountain turns out to be a dangerous place with the Burning Sun Demon.

But now, all monsters are dead and retreat.

There is no other reason, it is precisely because of the emergence of dragon veins.

The ground air in front of Qixia Mountain spurted thinly, turning into a dragon-shaped air flow that alternated between virtual and real, soaring straight into the sky.

The majestic star power surging like waves was like a substance, sweeping over the mountains in all directions and turning them into a sea of ​​fog.

This star power concentration is several times higher than that of the core areas of the ten major sects. Just one sip of it can make you feel your cultivation has improved even if you reach the third level.

The star mist is like a sea, and the rays of rays of light shine down on it, like a fairyland.

However, everywhere in Qixia Mountain, there are already undercurrents...

At this moment, the peaks on the east side of Qixia Mountain are crowded together, and disciples of Taishangmen can be seen everywhere.

The leader is none other than the cold-faced Emei Ye Shuying, one of the ten heroes of the Taoist sect.

Not only her, but also other top masters who came to the door were easily picked up.

Law Order Vajra Nie Wu;

Binding the Dragon Immortal Suo Li Bridge;

The sword enters the realm of transformation, Hao Lingyun;

Zhuge Xin, the master of array formation;

There are too many experts and capable people coming to our door!

Although Nie Wu and others were not listed among the Ten Heroes of the Taoist Sect, they were famous in the spiritual world and everyone knew about them.

And now, most of the masters of the Supreme Sect have gathered among the mountains on the east side of Qixia Mountain for the dragon vein that is about to be formed ahead!

On a certain peak, a female cultivator with celestial appearance and cold beauty was practicing alone on the top of the mountain with her eyes closed.

Although he is only in the Chuyang realm, his aura is mysterious and erratic.

This woman is none other than Mu Kexian.

At this time, a tall and handsome young man with tiger-like eyes and dragon-browed eyebrows flew down from the edge and landed on the peak.

"Priest sister." Nie Wu called in a low voice.

However, Mu Kexian seemed not to have heard of it and still closed his eyes and immersed himself in meditation practice.

Nie Wu didn't mind when he saw this. He chuckled and walked to the bluestone aside to wait quietly.

The movement was quite smooth and skillful, as if it had been done many times.

Nie Wu sat on the bluestone, but his eyes stayed on Mu Kexian for a long time.

With skin like gelatin, green hair like a waterfall, purple air surrounding her body, and morning light shining down from her head, she looks like a fairy in a painting.

His extraordinary talent, astonishing understanding, coupled with his unique and independent demeanor, it is really hard not to be moved by him.

"Look over there, Elder Nie is looking for the pastor uncle again."

Various places on the peak and even below the peak, many disciples of Hui Yue and Yao Xing also saw Nie Wu waiting on the peak.

"In the past five days, Elder Nie has come four times, right?" A female disciple of Huiyue said with a smile.

A person next to him said: "That's right, the only day I didn't come was when I went with Uncle Ye to set up the formation."

"I really envy Uncle Pastor. Even top experts like Elder Nie are attracted by him. It's a pity that I'm not Uncle Pastor, otherwise there would be no need to choose..."

"Uncle Pastor seems to be practicing the Art of Forgetting Love, so it's no wonder he doesn't have any thoughts about Elder Nie."

"It is said that the Supreme Forgetting Art also has a stage of falling in love... Maybe Elder Nie wants to be the one who makes him fall in love?"

"You two, stop talking." At this time, a male cultivator next to them interrupted the two of them, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, if the elders and uncles hear it, you will not be able to live with it."

Hearing this, the two quickly looked up resentfully.

Fortunately, Mu Kexian was still practicing with his eyes closed tightly, while Nie Wu's mind was entirely on Mu Kexian.

The two secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and slightly stared at the male cultivator.

Nie Wu waited for two hours.

At this time, the purple energy gathered outside Mu Kexian's body, converging towards the body in circles, completing a circle of work.

"Senior Brother Nie, why are you looking for me?" Mu Kexian opened his eyes and raised his head to ask.

Nie Wu came back to his senses, his eyes were obsessed, and he still had something to say.

Coughing dryly, Nie Wu stood up and said, "Sister Pastor, Senior Sister Ye and the others are already discussing the distribution of positions to guard the dragon's veins."

Mu Kexian said: "There is no need to discuss with me, just let me know when the time comes."

"Well, I will tell my senior sister to try to choose a safer location for you."

"No need." Mu Kexian said softly, "Master gave me the time leak, not to save my life, but to kill evil spirits."

Following Mu Kexian's words, a small fingernail-sized delicate hourglass on his wrist slowly glowed with golden brilliance.

Looking closely, there seem to be tens of thousands of gravel in this small hourglass.

Nie Wu looked at the little hourglass, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of envy in his eyes.

In the battle of dragon veins, although the kings of the big factions will not end directly, their strong background can still help those who have experienced calamities in an indirect way.

For example... fake holy weapons, sealed holy weapons!

As for the time leak, it is the sacred weapon held by the Taishangmen Emei Lingzun himself.

It is a sacred weapon refined from the sacred soil of Xuyu and ancient metals, and it has unimaginable magical effects.

Even after being sealed, it is still infinitely useful for the Scorching Sun class.

"Senior Brother Nie, is there anything else?" Mu Kexian asked.

Nie Wu laughed and said: "It's gone for the time being. I just came over to inform my junior sister. After all, the dragon vein is about to be completed, and we will all defend the formation together."

Mu Kexian was expressionless: "If there is nothing else, then..."

Before he finished speaking, a dazzling golden light from the sky came from a distance and fell into the crowd of Taishangmen in an instant.

"It's Senior Brother Dongfang!" Nie Wu exclaimed, his expression condensed, "There seems to be something wrong."

Mu Kexian's eyes moved slightly, although it was only for a moment, but it was not difficult to detect that Brother Dongfang's aura seemed to be quite unstable.

And soon, the communication talismans on the two of them lit up.

"Brother called..."

Mu Kexian's figure flickered and flew down.

Seeing this, Nie Wu hurriedly followed.

In the middle camp, as soon as Mu Kexian and Nie Wu came in, they saw Dongfang Yi sitting in front of them.

At this moment, Dongfang Yi still had a golden color in his left eye, while in his right eye, apart from the golden color, there was also a dark green flame intertwined with blue water light, emitting a fierce and sinister wave.

In addition, Dongfang Yi's aura seemed to have slipped a lot compared to usual.

"Senior brother, who are you?!" Hao Lingyun, who followed Mu Kexian in, said in surprise.

Dongfang Yi just waved his hand, and waited until all the scorching sun masters in the door had arrived before opening his mouth slowly.

"Junior Sister Ye, how is the dragon vein?"

Ye Shuying said: "Based on the current standard, the minimum is seven or eight days, and the maximum is ten days."

"Seven or eight days..."

Dongfang Yi heard the words, his expression darkened slightly.

The golden light in the right eye of his eyes became more and more bright, but not long after, the two forces of water and fire that also filled his eyes also surged violently.

Soon, Dongfang Yi snorted and closed his right eye tightly.

"Brother?!" Hao Lingyun, Nie Wu and others all exclaimed.

And Ye Shuying next to her was also concentrating.

Dongfang Yi raised his hand: "No problem."

Hao Lingyun asked in a cold voice: "Brother, what's going on, why are you injured!"

Dongfang Yi's expression was gloomy: "I was attacked by two evildoers on the road and suffered some injuries."

Li Qiao frowned: "What evildoer, dare to attack you, brother?"

Ye Shuying said: "Such ferocious and cold water, fire power, and such strength... It seems that they are Xiangliu and Jiuying among the culprits?"

Dongfang Yi nodded slightly: "That's right."

Upon hearing these two names, everyone in the field looked shocked.

Now the big monsters in various parts of the mainland are recovering, most of them are not weak, and some of them are extremely powerful and cause harm to one side, they are called "big evil".

Both Xiangliu and Jiuying are culprits. Since the Beast Tribulation, many sect masters have died at the hands of these two culprits.

Dongfang Yi sneered, "However, these two big nine-headed snakes can't make up a complete head now!"

As he spoke, Dongfang Yi raised his hand and threw out several snake heads, some in dark blue and some in dark green.

Although these snake heads were dead, they were still ferocious and terrifying, exuding an extremely cold aura, which made the two scorching suns nearby retreat a few steps in shock.

"There are four here, and six heads were blown... Ji Chang."

A tall and sunny Chuyang male cultivator stepped forward: "Senior brother!"

"Use your spirit material technique to cook these snake heads for me, and send them to me later to mend them."


Chuyang Nanxiu looked at the snake head on the ground, and immediately took out a star vessel cauldron and put it in first.

Li Qiao asked in a condensed voice: "Brother, the dragon vein is about to form, and your injury is now..."

When everyone heard this, they were a little worried.

"The sect has an agreement with Wanjian Shenzong, Wufangguan, etc., and they will not take action on this first dragon vein.

As long as Dugu Jiu of Jianzong is not around, then the rest...even if they are injured, I can still handle it. "

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were also settled.

The reason why Taishangmen is bound to win this dragon vein is precisely because Wanjian Shenzong and other Taoist sects will not fight for it.

In today's chaotic situation where evil spirits are rampant and evil is rampant, it is necessary for the Taoist sect to obtain a dragon vein to inspire people's hearts.

Therefore, after making some concessions, Taishangmen got the condition that Shenzong, Wufangguan and others would not fight for it.

Ye Shuying said: "Don't worry, I'm still here."

Dongfang Yi asked again: "Junior Sister, how is the arrangement of the formation?"

"It's ready, as long as the dragon veins are fully formed, it can radiate over."


The few people discussed for a while, and then they stood guard again.

As time passed, figures with powerful or dark auras fell far away on Qixia Mountain.

And on a certain mountain in the north, a young man with an ordinary face also walked over, looking at the dragon veins full of air in the sky from a distance.

"Is this the dragon vein that is about to form..." A look of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes.

This young man is naturally Su Yuan who put on a slight disguise.

In his early years in the Southern Continent, and among the ancient fragments, Su Yuan had some dealings with the ten major sects.

Before coming here this time, Fang Qingxiao gave Su Yuan a "false face" to change his face and breath.

Right now all factions are gathering in Qixia Mountain, Su Yuan didn't want to attract attention, so he put it on first, and activated the black wood piece given by Ye Huang to be on the safe side.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Apart from Qixia Mountain, there are three other dragon veins that are already evolving.

Su Yuan came to Qixia Mountain in a hurry this time, and didn't think about how to "drink the soup".

Instead, he intends to act in a low-key manner and complete the task of observing the dragon veins assigned by the company first.

By the way, let's take a look at the current situation of various forces in the Southern Continent, and who are the top experts.

As for the others, the camera moves.

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