Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 866: The Arrival of the Demon Sect

"It's begun!" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed.

Not only is the dispute ahead about to arise, but today, the formation of Qixia Mountain's dragon veins represents the climax of the entire earthly calamity!

Jiang Lan stared at Dongfang Yi and the Taishangmen in the dragon vein from afar.

Su Yuan opened his omniscient vision and looked around.

Some of the experts who were still nearby have already taken action on their own.

Su Yuan chuckled: "It's rare to be able to watch such a grand event."

Jiang Lan also nodded and said: "Just in time, we can take a look at the level of the Burning Sun masters in the Southern Continent."

Before, no matter what incident Su Yuan was involved in, he had to do it himself.

Now, I and others are not qualified to compete for this dragon vein in Qixia Mountain, but for once they can paddle the water~

As for soup...

At least this dragon vein should have no chance to drink soup.

Thinking of Fu Chaosheng whom he met earlier, Su Yuan rubbed the space ring in his hand, and his mental power fell on one of the golden tokens, and he already had an idea in his mind.

At this moment, as soon as the eight-door golden lock formation was opened, Dongfang Yi escaped into the new dragon vein and began to use the dragon vein to improve his cultivation.

People around are ready to move.

Soon, on a mountaintop in the north, two powerful waves of scorching heat and coldness burst out, and someone had already taken the lead in taking action!

The ghostly ghost fire that loomed like a wave of skeletons, and the cold ice that resembled the glow of rays of light, shot from dozens of miles away and crashed towards one of the 100-foot golden gate guarded by the red-browed Taoist.

The sky is full of ghost fire, the ice is like clouds, and the momentum is huge!

Everyone in Qixia Mountain was secretly frightened, and immediately turned their heads to look at the place where the attack was launched.

However, they saw five people of different heights, short, fat, and thin standing in the distance, and the ones who attacked were the white-faced scholar and a fat middle-aged man among them.

"It's the Five Monsters of Dai Mountain! They are so far away from Qixia Mountain, have they all come here?"

Someone immediately recognized them, the Five Monsters of Daishan, the five Burning Sun cultivators from Daishan, a strange and dangerous place in the North.

The five of them are all in the Three Yang Realm, occupying a high-level secret realm between Daishan and Daishan, and no one from the surrounding sects is willing to touch their bad luck.

"It's about to hit!"

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two white-faced scholars hit the Baizhang Golden Gate!

However, the ghost fire exploded, Xia Bing shattered, and the two attacks were blocked like an egg striking a stone.

Not only did it not leave any traces on the Golden Gate, it actually collapsed on the spot!

Everyone was startled when they saw this.

However, the Five Monsters of Dai Mountain will be the first to take action among the many Burning Sun masters coming from Qixia Mountain, but this attack is not that simple.

The white-faced scholar and the fat middle-aged man expressed their love at the same time.

Not only did the will-o'-the-wisps and the splattering ice that exploded before the Golden Gate not dissipate, but they combined. The fire melted the ice, and in an instant they turned into a dozen drowning snakes as thick as buckets and climbed up the Golden Gate!


A large amount of golden smoke rose up wherever the drowning snake passed, and the aura on the golden door was slowly corroded by the drowning snake and became a bit darker.

"So corrosive!"

Everyone looked slightly shocked. The Five Monsters of Dai Mountain were really not simple. Could they really break open the Golden Gate like this?

"You are so small, do you want to break through the Eight-door Golden Lock Formation?"

The red-browed Taoist behind the Golden Gate sneered, raised his hand and squeezed the formation seal formula.

In an instant, the golden light of the runes on the Golden Gate suddenly lit up, and countless sharp golden beams penetrated and cut off all the drowning snakes in the blink of an eye!

"The combination of ice and fire drowning has been broken!"

The fat middle-aged man exclaimed, and the white-faced scholar and the other three monsters also looked slightly shocked.

It had some effect just now, but it was suddenly broken by the formation!

"This eight-door formation is such a strong defense. What kind of formation is this?"

"I don't know, but it looks like an ancient formation..."

"I have never seen Zhuge Xin arrange it before. It should be specially prepared by the Supreme Master for this Dragon Vein!"


Many monks in Qixia Mountain were also quite surprised by this, and they all speculated what kind of formation this was.

Inside the formation, the red-browed Taoist snorted: "Idiot, you still want to break the formation with such a level of attack? Now the eight-door golden lock formation has not even exerted one-third of its power!"

Many Hui Yue and Yao Xing disciples in the formation were greatly boosted in confidence when they saw the power of this formation.

However, this is just the beginning.

As the two of the Five Monsters of Dai Mountain launched their offensive, masters from all over the mountain launched long-range offensives.

"Rock-crushing cannon!"

"The mountain is overwhelming!"

"The magic rain is pouring into the sky!"


Huge boulders, wild sand, storms and lightning...all kinds of spells were blasted towards the eight gates.

But the Supreme Sect Master was sitting behind the Golden Gate. The eight Golden Gates towering over the sky were like copper and iron walls, invulnerable to all forces and remained motionless. The golden light continued to shoot out and shattered all the attacks!

Seeing this scene, Su Yuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, shook his head slightly: "This alone cannot break the seven-level eight-door golden lock array..."

The sixth-level formations and the seventh-level formations are both master-level formations, and most of the seventh-level formations are advanced versions of the sixth-level formations.

Through the improvement of array materials and the expansion of array principles, the power of the sixth-level array has been greatly improved again!

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the center of the formation - a dragon-tiger golden lock suspended in front of Ye Shuying.

If Su Yuan saw it correctly, the golden lock as the formation eye should be a pseudo-sacred weapon!

With the strength of the seven-level eight-door golden lock formation, coupled with the pseudo-sacred weapon-level formation eyes, and the many elites within the gate...

It is impossible for these scattered attacks to have any impact on the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation.

"There will definitely be masters who will break the formation next, otherwise, Tai Shangmen will be able to capture this dragon vein easily with just this formation. After all... this is only the initial form of this formation!"

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, he also accidentally saw some information about this formation when he was studying the formation in Yan Ting.

Based on my little understanding of the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation, this passive defense form is only the most basic form of the Six-Level Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation.

The seventh-level eight-door golden lock array has more changes!

Just as Su Yuan was thinking, the sky in the north turned dark, and a black cloud rolled over the city.

The black cloud looked slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, thousands of monks had appeared in front of them.

The leader was a tall, black-haired man with a rather wild look.

Beside him, there were several Burning Sun masters with unpredictable auras.

The black-haired man laughed: "I heard that Brother Dongfang wants to ascend the throne here, so I brought my disciples here from Cangming Island to congratulate Brother Dongfang!"

"Hong Zhong of the Demon Heaven Palace, the people from the Demon Sect are here!" Seeing this man, many monks in the mountain looked slightly shocked.

Some Hui Yue and Yao Xing who came to watch the excitement also distanced themselves a little further, for fear of being affected by Chi Yu.

Except for Ye Shuying, who always had a cold face among the Taishangmen in the Kinmen Formation, Nie Wu, Li Qiao and others also had serious expressions on their faces.

The person who came was none other than Hong Zhong from the Demonic Heaven Palace of the Six Demonic Demonic Heroes!

Ye Shuying looked at Hong Zhong and said in a cold voice: "Hong Zhong, why did you, the Devil's Temple, come here to wait for me if you don't go and look at the dragon veins on Kho'ao Island!"

"I'm afraid my Junior Brother Jin is watching over Ao Island, so I don't have to worry about it, Fellow Daoist Ye. There won't be any movement in a short time~

And Brother Dongfang wants to be the ‘first person to become the King of Earth Tribulation’. We have been old friends for hundreds of years, how could we not come over and witness it with our own eyes! "

Having said this, Hong Zhong looked at Dongfang Yi, who was looming in the earthly aura, but there was a hint of coldness in the corners of his mouth.

Ye Shuying's eyes flashed with cold light: "Sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Ye is serious!" Hong Zhong laughed loudly, then raised his head and looked into the distance, "And it's not just me, it seems that everyone is very concerned about Fellow Daoist Dongfang!"

Ye Shuying also noticed something and glanced to the side from the corner of his eye.

I saw the sun and the moon shining together, and a large group of monks came from a distance in the colorful clouds. They were members of the Wuji Demon Sect.

The first two are twin sisters, but one wears a sun ring on her left hand, and the other wears a moon pendant on her right hand.

Just as there are five of the Four Great Vajras, there are seven of the Six Demonic Heroes;

These two people are none other than Zuo Xiaodan and Zuo Xiaoqian of Wuji Demon Sect, one of the Six Demonic Demons!

On the west side, the blood sea is surging and the evil energy is rolling. Hou Hai, the top master of the blood energy lineage of the Blood Evil Sect, also comes with the masters of the sect.

All of a sudden, the three major demon sects in the southern continent, the Demonic Heaven Palace, the Wuji Demon Sect, and the Blood Evil Sect, all arrived!

"The three major demon sects are all here, and only two of the six demon evil masters are here, and there are so many Burning Sun masters... It seems that it may be a bit difficult for Tai to come here!"

When everyone saw the arrival of the three major demon sects, they all started talking. The three major demon sects had arrived, obviously they were well prepared.

"A lot of people from the Demon Sect!"

In the Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation, some disciples with bad character could not help but become a little nervous.

"Don't be afraid. They are just some people from the Demon Sect. There are eight golden lock formations, and Master Uncle Ye and Master Nie are in front of them. They are not afraid at all!"

Many disciples turned their heads and glanced at Ye Shumei behind them, as well as the many Zhuoyang Master Uncles in front of the Eight Sects, and secretly calmed down a little.

The three magic gates arrived together. Looking at the eight golden gates standing tall in front of them, they did not act rashly.

Hong Zhong asked: "Old Ghost, you are well-informed, can you recognize this formation?"

Next to Hong Zhong, an old man whose whole body was filled with black energy and whose face could not be seen clearly under a black robe slowly spoke:

"This is the Eight-Door Golden Lock Formation, an ancient formation that can concentrate the strength of the people in the formation for defense.

I have also seen it in ancient books. This is the first time I have seen this formation and I don’t understand it very well.

However, there are many of us, so we can try this formation first, and then try to break it with force. "

Hearing this, Hong Zhong glanced in the direction of Wuji Demon Sect and Blood Evil Sect in the distance, and nodded lightly:

"Then let's try it... All disciples obey the order, Demon Cloud Tianhai!"

"Ha ha!"

As Hong Zhong shouted low, many Demonic Temple monks behind him raised their hands to form seals, and more demonic energy rose up from their bodies.

This technique is called Moyun Tianhai, and it is a practical technique that most monks of Motian Temple know.

Not only can it travel quickly, but it can also gather sand into a sea and combine the efforts of everyone in one place.

In the blink of an eye, the demonic clouds above everyone in the Demonic Heaven Palace rolled and surged, and soon a large demonic cloud hand covering the sky and the sun emerged from it, and it swatted towards the northern Golden Gate where Taoist Red Eyebrow was located!

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