Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 900 Fighting Three Sects Alone

Xiang Liu suddenly appeared and defeated Zhu Yan, surprising everyone.

Although Xiang Liu was strong, he was not to the point where he would shock the masters of the three sects just by showing up.

The key is that Xiang Liu was one of the most dangerous people who died in Qixia Mountain in the First Dragon Vein of Earth Tribulation, and everyone knew it!

But now, Xiang Liu, who was originally dead, suddenly appeared here!

And soon, someone else noticed another short figure among the four figures outside Su Yuan, who was almost completely covered by a robe.

"Not just Xiang Liu, but also Jiu Ying!"

"Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying who died in Qixia Mountain are both here!"

"Weren't they cut into pieces by the unknown sword cultivator?"

Everyone was surprised.

Xu He looked at the four azure refining forms, and then back to Su Yuan in the middle.

Silver hair, controlling puppets...

Xu He's pupils shrank, and he suddenly thought of something!

"You are the unknown swordsman in Qixia Mountain who helped Fu Chaosheng ascend to the throne!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the masters of the three sects, including Hua Tiandu, changed again!

How could everyone not know about the first dragon vein in the Earth Tribulation, the battle at Qixia Mountain?

Taoists and demons fight, ferocious beasts attack, and finally Fu Chaosheng ascends to the throne.

But the most crucial person in this battle was not Fu Chaosheng, who later ascended to the throne.

But it was the nameless sword cultivator who only had the Chongyang realm, but suddenly took action, killing three evil cultivators with his sword and killing the evil cultivator!

"What, the unknown swordsman who killed the three murderers is actually him!"

"It's true, that swordsman seems to know space magic and can control the dead!"

"It seems that those two are dead puppets who can truly be liberated!"


Not to mention everyone from the three sects, even Bai Ze, Luo Jin and others who were hidden between the light and dark formations and were wrapped in the watery light of the formations were all astonished!

"Bai Ze, you actually found that unknown swordsman from Qixia Mountain!" Sang Lao said in shock.

Wang Hu also widened his eyes: "It turns out to be him. No wonder Mr. Hu was crushed to death the two times I sparred with him!"

Bai Ze's eyes were full of thought, and he now fully understood.

"No wonder, he came down from the Ten Thousand Swords Divine Sect that day... It seems that the sword master that day must have been Fu Chaosheng."

Luo Jin, who had been severely injured before, had managed to recover a little under the power of the formation, and now he said in a solemn voice:

"At Qixia Mountain, people from the Taishangmen and the three major demon sects were restrained, and the Wuming sword cultivator was able to kill the three murderers one after another.

Even if Su Yuan is really that unknown swordsman, not only will his opponents be stronger and more numerous now, but there will also be no one to restrain him..."

Mr. Sang pondered for a moment, his expression became solemn again, he nodded and said:

"It is said that when those ferocious beasts suddenly arrived and restrained Dongfang Yi in the later stages of the Taoist war between the Taishangmen and the three demon sects, the strength of both Taoist and demon sects was already greatly reduced.

But now the situation is different. Hua Tiandu, Nalan Ying and others have not lost much status, and the number of masters of the three sects is far greater than before... From this point of view, it is still difficult! "

When the demons behind heard this, their originally excited mood suddenly calmed down as if a handful of cold water had been poured on them.

The current situation is still not optimistic.

Originally, everyone wanted to consume the strength of a wave of three masters first.

In this way, not only can the victory be determined in one fell swoop in the second round, but it can also reduce some pressure on Su Yuan who is guarding the dark formation.

But they didn't expect that Hua Tiandu's sword was so terrifying that everyone had no choice but to hastily end the first round.

Although some vitality was consumed, except for Bai Ze, the others did not really injure the three sects too much.

Suddenly, Wang Hu glared and shouted: "What are you afraid of? Su Yuan has been promoted to Sanyang now, and his strength must be stronger than at Qixia Mountain!

Since it has been decided that he will guard the dark formation alone, I believe he can hold it. Let's prepare well for the second round of battle.

If he really delays the time of the hidden formation, and we still can't completely solve the opponent the second time we come on the scene, it will be great fun! "

Everyone looked at Wang Hu in surprise. They did not expect that Wang Hu, who was the first to attack Su Yuan, could say these words now.

Bi Fang said: "Wang Hu is right, don't worry, Su Yuan's strength is higher than we thought."

It turns out that it is only the Chongyang realm, so it is almost invincible among the three Yangs.

Now that he has entered Sanyang, Bi Fang is also very curious about how strong Su Yuan, the legendary genius of the Great Yan Kingdom, is!

Bai Ze nodded: "Not to mention suppressing all factions by one person, but just blocking a stick of incense... It is not difficult for Su Yuan to do it!"

Everyone looked thoughtful, and then Luo Jin nodded and said: "Okay, then trust him and prepare with all your strength!"

outside room.

Nalan Ying raised her hand and wiped the water on her chest to heal the blood marks on her chest. She looked at Su Yuan and said solemnly: "I have heard about your Excellency for a long time, but I didn't expect to see you today!"

Shi Li also looked at Su Yuan up and down, and then sneered: "You have supported Fu Chaosheng to ascend to the king's level, but now you want to protect another lineage, you are too arrogant!"

Su Yuan shook his head: "I'm just guarding them for a while. I don't necessarily want to kill you all."

"This guy...!" Shi Li's expression suddenly darkened.

Song Tianduo, who had been blocked by Su Yuan twice, was even more unhappy now and wanted to order Zhu Yan to take action again.

However, Hua Tiandu had already made the first move, and pointed his sword towards Su Yuan in the distance. A beam of red light that was a foot long immediately struck Su Yuan, it was Yanyang's intercepting finger.

Although this move is not loud, it is extremely concise, extremely fast and has strong penetrating power. It is also Hua Tiandu's specialty!

Su Yuan thought, and immeasurable force blocked the front, making it difficult for him to get close.

However, Hua Tiandu snorted coldly, and in an instant, a unique power suddenly appeared on the red beam.

Then, the flames on the red beam actually crossed the distance of the physical level and burned onto the invisible and immeasurable power, gradually burning through the immeasurable power.


Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly pulled out the demon sword.


The red beam of light flashed past, hit the demon sword, and was blocked.

"This perception and reaction is amazing!" Hua Tiandu said in a deep voice, then opened his hands, "But, this is it!"

Hua Tiandu's fingers turned red, and the fire on his body turned into a ball of fire and shot out countless flaming sun interception fingers around Su Yuan!

For a moment, it was like intense lasers being emitted from all directions, making it impossible for people to avoid it!

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the golden wind swayed around his body, and his whole body suddenly turned into a blurry phantom.


"Bang bang bang...!"

Some of the Yanyang interception fingers were directly chopped into pieces by Su Yuan, while others were avoided by Su Yuan and flew to various places behind him.

And each inch-long red beam can easily penetrate several mountains just by passing by!


After a moment, the flames flashed and Hua Tiandu returned to his original place.

Su Yuan also stopped the demon sword. Large pieces of shattered fire elements lingered outside him, but he was completely unscathed!

Hua Tiandu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Divine Wind!"

Beside them, the expressions of masters from various sects such as Shi Li and Nalan Ying became solemn.

"Even Hua Tiandu's attacks didn't hurt him..."

Hua Tiandu tried it with his own hands but returned without success, which is enough to show the strength of this person.

"Do it!"

Following Hua Tiandu's low shout, the people from the three sects all started to move.

Suddenly, like bright meteors of various colors, countless skills shot towards Su Yuan.

A cold light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and he turned to look at the Chongyang Realm female cultivator from the Five Directions Observation in front of him. A silver horse suddenly lit up under his feet.

"What's this?"

The female cultivator noticed the silver sword rising under her feet, and her expression changed and she wanted to resist.

But Su Yuan's current cultivation level in the Three Yang Realm, A+ star power level qualification, and perfect breathing...

Not to mention being unprepared, even if she was prepared, it would be impossible to stop her.

In an instant, they changed places, and the two people immediately exchanged places.

When Nalan Ying saw this scene, her pupils suddenly shrank: "Junior Sister Lin? Stop!"


Several True Yang Swords strangled past and instantly broke through the spiritual light that the female cultivator had hurriedly deployed.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of powerful spells fell together, directly blasting her into pieces!

"Junior sister Lin!"

"Be careful, he's here!"

The nearby Five Directions Masters were startled, and they all opened some distance and released their spells.

"Senior Brother Yao, attack with water, fire and sky!"

"The sacred tree is coming!"

In an instant, the combination of water and fire, and the dark and deep branches of the sacred tree, all pressed towards Su Yuan.

Su Yuan sneered: "The black lotus opens!"

The unparalleled Taixu Sword Qi transformed into a black lotus and spread out, tearing up large pieces of water and fire, and cutting off the giant branches of the sacred tree at its roots!

Taixu's sword energy was unparalleled in power, and its remaining power remained undiminished. In a flash, it continued to slash towards the Burning Sun cultivators all around!

"What a terrifying sword energy!"

Many Five Directions Temple disciples were shocked and used their magic techniques to resist.

However, Taixu's sword energy was so terrifying that the auras of everyone's bodies exploded and blood splashed. One person was killed and two others were injured on the spot!

After reaching the Three Yang Realm, Taixu Sword Qi also fully exerted its terrifying power as the supreme sword power.

Even with a casual sword, it would be difficult to block it without the legendary skills of Hearthfire level.

A true sword that defeats all evils!

Su Yuan held the demon sword and swayed before continuing to attack.

At this moment, a piece of colorful light suddenly rushed past him. Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly and he immediately teleported back.

The next moment, the ray of light circled around and stopped behind Su Yuan, trapping Su Yuan in it.

Su Yuan raised his hand and slashed at him with Taixu sword energy.

And the brilliance rising from the gorgeous seven-colored light weakened most of the power of Taixu Sword Qi, and then shattered it with a slight shock.

It is Nalanying’s colorful mysterious light!

Not far away, Nalan Ying put her hands together in a seal: "Purify your soul and return to dust!"

In an instant, the colorful mysterious light flourished and suddenly shrank towards Su Yuan in the middle.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, immeasurable fluctuations spread out in all directions, and the shrinking seven-colored mysterious light suddenly slowed down.

But it only slowed down, not completely stopped.

The seven-color runes on the seven-color mysterious light are bright and gorgeous, specializing in breaking magic and alien energy. It also has a considerable "dissolving" effect on the immeasurable power, constantly pressing against Su Yuan...

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