Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 902 Burning

"He is going to kill Hua Tiandu!"

After seeing Su Yuan kill the two chiefs of Qi Yang and Jianyang, he then slashed at Hua Tiandu with his sword.

For a moment, Wang Hu, Sang Lao and others, who were already stunned and a little distracted, all concentrated and cheered up.

Is it really possible to kill Hua Tiandu, one of the ten heroes and unparalleled in strength, just like the many Zhuoyangs killed before?

Su Yuan had just swung his sword, but at this moment he noticed something, and with a thought, an infinite barrier moved towards his head.

The next moment, there was a flash of red light in the sky, and the True Yang Magic Sword that had previously flown into the sky again turned into red lightning and plummeted down!

It is just like the Japanese Yuanyang Divine Sword!

The strange energy fluctuations from before reappeared on the Yuanyang Divine Sword. The flames directly crossed the rules and burned the immeasurable power itself. The fire of the sun easily penetrated the immeasurable barrier and fell on Su Yuan's head in an instant!

Su Yuan's eyes flashed, unlike when Zhu Yan came to kill Song Tianduo, this was Hua Tiandu.

The opponent's back plan was unknown, so Su Yuan would not really let the sword fall on him. At the critical moment, he turned the sword's edge and slashed towards the True Yang Sword!

The two swords clashed, the terrifying sun fire and Taixu sword energy violently collided, tearing each other to pieces and steaming them dry!

"The sun is not yet full, and its power is not as powerful as before..."

Su Yuan immediately clearly felt the strength of the Riyuan Yang Divine Sword this time. Although it was still unparalleled, it was not as strong as the previous sword in the Ming Formation.

It seems that although this sword is powerful and can destroy heaven and earth, it also needs to draw massive amounts of solar fire from the sun, and it takes a long time to accumulate power.

That is to say, at this moment, Huatian was facing a life and death crisis, so he stopped accumulating power and fell early!

Su Yuan was about to use his strength to break the True Yang Sword, but under his omniscient vision, he saw that the silver light reflected in the eyes of Hua Tiandu next to him had disappeared, and he had already raised his right hand and pointed it at himself with four fingers together.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flash of silver light on his body, he teleported away from the remaining flames of the Japanese Yuanyang Divine Sword.


The next moment, the red flame was like a knife, tearing apart several mountains in an instant and slashing a hundred miles away, and almost struck Su Yuan who was fighting against the True Yang Sword.

Yanyang's interception finger·Sihe!

Su Yuan glanced at the burnt red ravine plowed by the scorching sun next to him, then raised his head and looked at Hua Tiandu who was the first to wake up.

"Wake up..."

"You actually...killed them!"

Hua Tiandu only glanced at it and found that more than ten people from the Zhenyang Sect had been killed...including Xu He and Yang Xiaodong!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Li, Nalan Ying and even the other masters of the three sects also woke up one after another.

"Huh? Junior Brother Song!!"

"In my Five Directions Observation, so many people died?!"

"Senior Brother Kou and Senior Sister Yu, they are all dead!"

Looking at the corpses of the three sects scattered on the ground below, the masters of the three sects were all shocked, angry, and inexplicably shocked. But after that, a feeling of fear and joy rose from the bottom of their hearts.

Under such a strong mental impact, everyone lost consciousness in a blink of an eye and was unable to think. At this moment, they woke up in the blink of an eye, but more than 20 people were killed by the people in front?

Fortunately, it was not me who died...

It is better to die as a fellow Taoist than to die as a poor Taoist. It is better for others to die than to die yourself!

Everyone looked at Su Yuan in front.

Although Su Yuan's face was slightly pale at the moment, if that kind of mental shock happened again... would he and others still survive by chance?

Thinking of this, the masters of the three sects couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts.

Whether it was Shi Li or Nalan Ying, Su Yuan killed so many of their fellow disciples under their noses, and their eyes were filled with murderous intent for a moment!

At this moment, Hua Tiandu raised his hand to hold the True Yang Sword, and an increasingly terrifying wave of scorching heat suddenly came from his body.

"I never expected that you would have such magical powers, it's really beyond our expectations...

Even my Riyuan Yang Divine Sword has never killed so many Burning Suns in a short period of time!

I agree that you are a strong opponent and worthy of my full strength..."

Hua Tiandu's black hair suddenly burned like a flame, and in the blink of an eye, his whole body was quickly ignited with crimson flames!

"Everything is ablaze...burning!"


Hua Tiandu shouted in a deep voice, and suddenly the sky and the earth brightened up, the temperature increased sharply, and the boundless red flames with Hua Tiandu as the center suddenly shot up to a height of thousands of feet, as if the entire sky was ignited!

"What a terrifying flame!"

Not to mention the people from the Five Directions Temple and the Beast Controlling Celestial Sect, even the masters within the Zhenyang Sect were shocked.

And everyone was still shocked, all the violent flames in the world suddenly disappeared like a dumb fire, the fire light disappeared, and the world became clear!

The flames dissipated, and Hua Tiandu reappeared in everyone's eyes.

His entire figure became a bit thinner and scorched, and the sleeves of his right arm and even the robe on his shoulders were all burned.

And in his hand, the True Yang Sword originally had sun patterns flowing like a divine weapon.

At this moment, it was covered in burn marks and charred black, as if it were burnt dry wood!


"what happened!"


Everyone around looked surprised and some were not sure.

"Huh? Is this... the liberation of the true form failed?" Deep in the Tianshui formation, Wang Hu couldn't help but wonder when he saw Hua Tiandu like this.

Luo Jin, Bi Fang and others also frowned, a little unsure.

"There is no failure..." Bai Ze looked solemn, "All the water between heaven and earth was evaporated in an instant. The reason why this happened... was because of that charred magic sword!"

In the field.

Su Yuan's silvery eyes couldn't help but fall on Hua Tiandu.

To be precise...it fell on the True Yang Sword held by Hua Tiandu.

"What an amazing fluctuation..."

Under omniscient vision, Su Yuan could roughly see that the charred long sword with dark red flames constantly appearing was filled with unimaginable and extremely compressed heat!

Even Su Yuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at this moment, not sure how powerful the other party's true form liberation was.

Glancing at the chariot next to him, Su Yuan's eyes narrowed and he ordered: "Go, chariot!"

The chariot bent its knees slightly and sank down. With one step, it shot out like an iron tank and headed straight for Huatian Capital!

Hua Tiandu looked at the chariot rushing towards him with overwhelming force, but he did not avoid it, but slightly raised the charred long sword in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the two collided.


In an instant, the red line flashed and the flames rose!

The chariot rushed past Hua Tiandu with unabated momentum,

But to be precise...it was cut in half and rushed from the left and right sides of Hua Tiandu!

Hua Tiandu stood on the spot holding a long charred sword, while the chariot that crushed everything and was unstoppable split into two halves and fell from the air after its inertia disappeared.

The incision was burnt red and smooth...as if there was no obstruction.


Su Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and everyone else was also shocked!

After all, the chariot had powerfully smashed Nalan Ying's colorful mysterious light before.

But at this moment, Hua Tiandu cut him in half with a sword and killed him on the spot!

The next moment, the fire at Hua Tiandu's feet flashed and suddenly disappeared.

"So fast!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze and he immediately teleported out of the way.

And at the same place, Hua Tiandu wielded a charred black sword and swung it, and a black corner of his clothes was cut off by it.

Su Yuan glanced down and saw that a section of his black robe had been cut off.

"Not even a spark?"

Su Yuan frowned slightly, and the incision was smooth, showing no signs of igniting the surroundings.

"Because everything that was struck by the slash was erased in an instant!" Hua Tiandu's voice suddenly sounded next to him, but in the blink of an eye he was slashing again with his sword.

Su Yuan immediately waved the demon sword and turned around to resist.


The Yin Hong Demonic Sword clashed with the charred long sword, and the demonic sword's blade was gradually burned away visibly to the naked eye. Unexpectedly, even the pseudo-holy level demonic sword could not withstand such terrifying heat? !

Combining what Hua Tiandu said, Su Yuan immediately understood Hua Tiandu's true form of liberation.

If we say that most fire star card masters release vast flames to achieve quite powerful attacks.

Then, Hua Tiandu's true liberation is to achieve the ultimate "convergence" through extreme control of flames.

All the heat is concentrated on his True Yang Sword, so the terrifying high temperature can instantly "erase" everything it comes into contact with!

Hua Tiandu's body became so dry and scorched because this true form liberation was too abnormal and even evaporated a lot of its own water.

Although the chariot was invincible from the front and could smash through everything, under Hua Tiandu's unparalleled sword, the true form liberation and the true liberation were still directly cut in half!

When two extremes collide, whoever is stronger will win!

What's more, Hua Tiandu still has the power to directly penetrate the essence of energy.

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