Ultimate Star Card Master

Chapter 927 Zhan Yue

At this moment, Su Yuan was holding the Sword Technique in his hand, and on the remaining three swords of Demon Sword, Tianqing, and Yangliu, the aura of the Shangqing Seal suddenly became strong.

Yu Jian Huitian is not only a defense, it is also a starting position. If there is no need to resist the attack, it can also consume the upper pure seal to greatly enhance the power and speed of the four swords in a short period of time, and launch the next attack——

"Driving Sword·Flowing Light!" Su Yuan raised his hand and pointed, and the three swords outside him suddenly turned into flowing light and flashed out!

Wood could hardly catch the trajectory of the three streams of light. He clasped his hands together in shock, and a lot of lava rushed up to wrap himself up.

However, three streams of light flashed crazily around Wood, cutting through the lava defense at high speeds like sawing wood. In just two breaths, his defense was completely broken!

"not good……!"

Wood's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could finish saying the word "good", the sound of "chichichichichichi..." filled the place.

In the blink of an eye, the three demonic swords flew back from a distance, and together with the Yinliu Sword, they turned into four swords and scattered outside Su Yuan's body.

And ahead, there was a bloody storm, and pieces of meat were flying everywhere. Wood had turned into a puddle of meat and sprinkled from mid-air!

After a while, the entire space shook slightly and began to fluctuate more intensely.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, because this was not a disappearance... but a transformation!

In the blink of an eye, the space changed like a rendering, and in a blink of an eye, we came to an endless sea.

But on the water in front, "Wood", who had just died, was standing here intact.

Seeing this, Su Yuan thought about the situation when Wood's true form was liberated, and he roughly understood it.

"First it was fire, now it's water... earth, water, fire, wind, thunder and ice, six elements, so are there six spaces?"

Su Yuan looked at Wood standing on the water. There was no doubt that the previous Wood was not his complete body.

It may be a clone, or it may be a controlled puppet...

What they are is not that important, as long as they are solved one by one!

However, in the lava space previously, the intensity of the fire skill of the clone was greatly increased.

Does the current change in the environment mean that the water skills of the clone here will also be greatly enhanced?

"Welcome to the Sea Burial Prison. No one has been here for a long time." Wood grinned and looked at the four swords outside Su Yuan's body. "What an amazing swordsmanship. I admire you."

"Burial at sea prison..."

Su Yuan's eyes were filled with silver light, and he carefully looked at the vast ocean below. After taking a closer look, his eyes could not help but condense slightly.

The density of this seawater is extremely exaggerated and has reached the level of heavy water, and such a large area of ​​heavy water...

If you can be mobilized by him at will, it will be much more difficult than magma!

At this time, the movement in the distance also stopped.

In a flash of white light, He Xianyin came to Su Yuan. He had several wounds on his body and looked a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, he was not seriously injured. He must have dodged the huge blow earlier.

"It seems like it's not easy?" Su Yuan asked.

He Xianyin said: "She can see through invisible gods and ghosts, her swordsmanship is superb and her offensive power is extremely strong. I really can't get the upper hand in such a head-on confrontation."

He Xianyin is good at flexible attacks and killings, but against Christine who has unleashed her true form, is invulnerable and can see through invisibility, she will naturally be restrained.

"So what are your plans for He Cixian?" Su Yuan asked.

He Xianyin pondered for a moment and said in a concentrated voice: "Can Su Sanxi contain the two of them? I want to 'deep dive' and wait for an opportunity to prepare for a fatal blow!"

Su Yuan looked in front of Wood, who was already raising his hand to perform a spell, and Christine, who was wielding her sword and gathering momentum, and nodded slightly.


Seeing Su Yuan agree, He Xianyin held two daggers, and the runes on his body turned and disappeared in an instant.

"It's really amazing..."

Su Yuan's eyes moved slightly. He only vaguely felt He Xianyin gradually leaving, and then he could no longer feel the slightest presence of the other party.

You know, even though I have turned on Xin Wuchen, I still find it difficult to capture his figure.

Before Su Yuan could think about it, the ferocious shark transformed from the boundless heavy water and several cold needles flowing with bright moonlight had already killed them together!

"Heavy water shark!"

"Han Yue Thorn!"

Su Yuan raised his right hand, his eyes filled with silver light: "Infinite!"

Infinite power lay in front of him, and the sea shark and the cold needle stopped outside him.

The giant sea shark transformed from heavy water has an astonishing impact, and the cold needle blessed by moonlight has an astonishing penetrating power.

However, all of a sudden, whether it was the sea shark or the cold needle, they all stopped outside!

The principle of Infinite Barrier is different from ordinary defense skills. It is neither afraid of impact nor penetration.

Unless it can directly overwhelm the infinite rules, or use rules to fight rules!

And the next moment, as beautiful as the moonlight, the tall and beautiful Christine had already flown over with a sword.

The moon rose between his eyebrows, the coldness on the sword surged, and he struck out with an extremely condensed sword against the boundless barrier.

"The waning moon!"

It was a sword that condensed a large amount of "incomplete" power. As the long sword slashed down, the infinite barrier was gradually torn apart.

Su Yuan's eyes condensed slightly: "Very lethal..."

Before Christine could cut through the infinite barrier, Su Yuan thought and struck out with four swords outside him!

Christine also knew that it was these four swords that destroyed the lava clone in the world, so she was not careless at this moment and immediately pulled away and swung her sword to attack.

However, after this contact, I discovered that these four flying swords were more flexible than I imagined.

The four swords flashed in succession and combined with each other to kill Christine, causing her to retreat step by step.

Although Christine is strong offensively, it does not mean that she is also strong defensively.

And as the four swords came out to entangle with Christine, the sea surface rolled, and the waves on both sides rolled up to a height of a hundred feet and were about to submerge Su Yuan.

Su Yuan immediately raised his hand and blocked his head with immeasurable force.

"The sea is boundless, you can't stop it!"

Wood let out a low shout, and the star power surged around his body, and more and more sea water swept up and rushed towards Su Yuan below.

Burial at sea means burying the enemy with boundless heavy water!

The sea water covers the sky, and in just a moment, it is about to crush the infinite barrier.

At this moment, the four swords are still on the outside, but the furnace-level Shangqing Sword Controlling True Art has the ability to "sword return".

But at this moment, Su Yuan did not use the sword to return.

Instead, he focused on two tasks, while continuing to suppress Christine with his four swords. At the same time, the silver light in his palm lit up, and the surging immeasurable power quickly condensed to form a ball of light.

Looking at the immeasurable barrier above his head that was about to be crushed, Su Yuan waved his hand, and the ball of light in his hand immediately flew up.


In an instant, the terrifying power of space exploded, the silver light roared, the space screamed, and all the seawater above the head instantly disintegrated and dissipated.

Air cannon!

The Sky God Jade that was used against Sanying before was extremely powerful and had a huge range of attack, but similarly, its energy storage and consumption were obvious shortcomings.

Su Yuan made optimization and improvements based on this, and mastered the mid-range "Air God Cannon" and the linear "Air God Bomb".

The Sky God Cannon was successful in one strike, and the remaining space power made it difficult for the sea water to close up for a while.

Su Yuan had immeasurable power flowing outside his body. With one step, he suddenly reached a place above the nine heavens, even much higher than Wood!

"Is this breaking through the sea water and coming out?" Wood's face darkened, and he formed a seal with his hands, "Gluttonous Sea Python!"

The blasted sea water was shaken slightly and turned into giant pythons one after another, soaring up into the sky to bite Su Yuan.

Su Yuan's expression remained as usual, and he held the sword formula in his hand: "Sword Return."

The runes on the four demon swords in the distance flashed, and suddenly they all escaped into the void and returned to Su Yuan's side.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the four swords struck out again, strangling the numerous sea pythons rushing up below like swords and grinding wheels.

The sword light flashed past, almost forcing it into the sea!

Losing the control of the four swords, Christine flew close to her again from a distance, and at the same time, the cold light on her sword flashed and she was already charging up her sword moves.

Seeing that the Gluttonous Sea Python was suppressed, Wood connected his hands with seals, and a majestic wave of star power spread out from himself, as if he was about to launch some tyrannical skill.

At this time, Su Yuan took a step forward and suddenly appeared between Wood and Christine who was flying close.


When the two Woods saw this, they were not surprised but delighted, and they launched attacks together to kill Su Yuan.

At this time, Su Yuan raised his eyes slightly, and the silver light in his eyes was extremely bright!

"This is?!"

Both Wood and Christine's hearts skipped a beat, and they felt an extremely bad feeling at the same time.

But it was too late to take action at this time.

The reason why Su Yuan shrunk to a very high altitude just now was not only to stay away from the water and avoid the attacks of Wood and the other two, but also to prevent his potential from being discovered prematurely by the two of them.

"Infinite moment!"

As Su Yuan spoke, the solid silver field suddenly unfolded, and the two of them stagnated and stopped suddenly!

Su Yuan raised his left hand and pointed it at Wood, his fingertips shone with silver light, and after a moment of accumulation, he suddenly unleashed extremely compressed immeasurable power.

"Air God Bullet."

The silver light the size of a marble flashed away.


There was a muffled sound, brains splattered everywhere, and Wood's head exploded!

At the same time, with a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the four swords outside his body moved towards Kristine to kill her.

At this moment, the mark of the waning moon between Christine's eyebrows lit up, and a beam of moonlight fell from the sky and enveloped it. For a moment, even four swords could not break through it.

When Su Yuan saw this, as soon as he thought, the four swords suddenly swayed with terrifying sword intent!

"Sword Controlling Divine Duan!"

The light of the Divine Broken Sword flashed out, and the four swords instantly cut through the moonlight and cut through each other!

Severe pain hit her, and Christine suddenly woke up, her golden eyes reflecting incredible shock and panic.

Then, four lines of blood shot out from his body, and his entire tall and luxurious body was cut into several pieces on the spot and fell into the sea...

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